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新时期我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾,这将对体育产业发展提出更高的要求。现阶段,河南省体育产业现状还不能满足人民日益增长的健身需要。因此,我们应理清现阶段体育产业发展的主要矛盾并积极探索体育产业创新发展的路径,为缓解新时期社会主要矛盾而贡献体育智慧。 采用文献资料法、专家咨询法、实地调查法、逻辑推理等研究方法,深入探析现阶段河南省体育产业发展现状与人民日益增长的健身需要还存在的矛盾,并在充分认识河南省体育产业发展优势、理清体育产业发展的矛盾基础上,提出中原特色体育产业创新发展路径:积极推进中原特色“体育+旅游”融合发展模式,满足人民群众体育旅游需求;大力发展中原特色户外健身休闲产业,满足人民群众的休闲健身需求;以中原特色体育竞赛活动带动体育产业发展,满足群众观赏赛事需求;积极建设中原特色传统体育文化传承核心区,带动传统体育文化产业发展,满足人民群众的体育文化精神需求;合理开发公共体育服务场地资源,满足人民群众健身场地需求;积极培育社会性组织管理体系,缓解政府体育组织管理体系管理职能压力。  相似文献   
我国多数男生引体向上得"零"分,使上肢力量测评出现"地板效应"。采用量化研究和质性研究两种范式提高研究效度。量化研究对学生体质与健康调研数据和监测数据进行方差分析、多重比较和回归分析,结果表明:(1)每5~10年,男生的握力、体重、身高、BMI、引体向上均值差异显著;(2)年龄、握力、体重、身高、BMI分别显著预测引体向上成绩,体重和握力是影响我国男生引体向上成绩的主要影响因素。质性研究结果表明,引体向上"零"分主要有四个方面的原因:体重增长难挡,力量增长受限,个体认知偏差,社会支持薄弱。结论:我国男生引体向上"零"分的首要原因是体重增长较快,其次,主要肌群绝对力量和耐力增长不足,男生对引体向上的认知有偏差,学校、家长、社会支持较弱;借助政策控制体重、发展肌力、完善测评标准、促进男生积极练习引体向上十分重要。  相似文献   
自党的十七大提出积极探索用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮的有效途径以来,学术界对此给予了极大的关注,并围绕着提出的必要性、有效途径和制度保障三个部分进行了广泛的研究,取得了丰硕的成果。但还存在着如:基础研究薄弱、宣传解读性成果较多;不同理论观点缺乏碰撞与争鸣等,这些问题还有待于进一步深化和拓展。  相似文献   
This study found that mortality salience in TV news activated more hostile attitude toward the perpetrators and negative judgment on the immigration issue. Social group difference influenced news viewers’ immigration issue judgment, but did not affect their resultant hostility and perceived vulnerability. More negative attitudes emerged toward the immigration issue when immigrant perpetrators were portrayed negatively in the news. News viewers with exposure to mortality salience in TV news reported more negative toward immigrants. Exposure to mortality-related elements in TV news could lead to social conflicts that were viewed as a severe threat by U.S. government and policymakers.  相似文献   
摘要:成功申办2022年冬奥会以来,我国冰雪事业迎来重大发展契机,带动3亿人参与冰雪运动成为我国冬季运动发展的重要目标。采用文献资料法、历史分析法等研究方法,回顾欧洲早期滑雪运动发展的社会动因,是将滑雪运动置于整体社会发展环境中,对生产力、生产关系以及社会的需求等要素进行综合分析,其发展规律反映了生产力发展、精英引导、国家意志等因素的共同作用,体现了欧洲滑雪运动从贵族精英、健康观念形成向大众参与理念转变的发展历程。研究欧洲滑雪从少数人引领到大众参与的进程,将为我国滑雪运动大众化普及提供借鉴。分析认为:1)精英阶级对于滑雪运动的热情促成了滑雪俱乐部在欧洲的兴起,在满足休闲娱乐之余,有效地将滑雪运动与公民意识相结合,培养了社会大众对于资产阶级统治的认同感。2)军事滑雪运动的发展是滑雪运动实现精英阶级向大众推广的重要途径。一战前夕,各国滑雪部队建立,扩大了滑雪运动的参与范围,为国家军事滑雪人才奠定了基础。3)一战后,欧洲国家将滑雪运动引入学校课程体系。政府通过设置学校滑雪课程、降低滑雪价格、住宿、成本等方式鼓励青少年参与滑雪运动,打破了经济基础决定滑雪参与的局面,扩大了滑雪运动的参与群体。随着滑雪人数的增多,各国滑雪比赛逐渐增多推动了国际性滑雪组织建立,欧洲早期滑雪运动得以发展壮大。  相似文献   
摘要:采用文献资料等研究方法对我国少数民族地区体育公共服务供给困境及对策进行分析,旨在为我国少数民族地区体育公共服务的可持续发展提供思路。研究认为:我国少数民族地区体育公共服务供给的困境包括少数民族地区地域广阔,自然环境相对恶劣、少数民族地区经济相对落后,发展缓慢、少数民族地区政治环境相对复杂、少数民族地区地方政府民族特性浓厚、少数民族地区社会结构比较复杂、居民主体意识比较淡薄、少数民族地区呈现大杂居、小聚居的特点。面对这些困境,我们要转变政府职能,强化少数民族地区政府体育公共服务意识、提升少数民族地区体育公共服务供给能力、加大对少数民族地区的财政转移支付力度、加大民族传统体育的传承和开发、加大少数民族地区体育公共服务公民参与制度和渠道的力度、创新民族地区体育公共服务供给模式等。  相似文献   
研究运用文献资料法和数理统计法,分析我国退役奥运会冠军的社会流动情况,主要从代际流动和代内流动两方面探讨了导致我国退役奥运会冠军社会流动的原因,研究发现:我国退役奥运会冠军社会流动以向上流动为主。并且发现我国退役奥运会冠军社会流动受社会环境、家庭因素和其他个人自致因素的影响,其中,家庭因素对我国退役奥运会冠军的社会流动影响最大。  相似文献   
This article proposes that restorative justice practices (RJPs), as used in New Zealand schools, are better understood as an instrument of social development than a behaviour management practice. Concerns about the achievement of Māori students are relocated, from an individualised psychological and pedagogical problem to an interdisciplinary context of historical and social development. Social constructionist theory is suggested as a lens through which RJPs in schools may be seen as the intentional production of respectful social relationships, rather than as behaviour management. A restorative process has the productive capacity to restore healthy relational functioning, both for those who have been offended against and those who have offended. It is argued that the primary function of restorative justice in schools is not about resolving specific conflicts, but rather, about the production and maintenance of respectful relationship, which is the antithesis of colonised relationship. Such a position reflects accountability on a communal, rather than individualised basis, and accords with recent moves in the United Nations Development Programme to look at Human Development as building agentive capacity.  相似文献   
In 1993, the U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect recommended a neighborhood-based strategy to prevent child abuse and neglect. The Board further recommended the development of Prevention Zones to allow for testing of the effectiveness of community-wide child protection efforts in neighborhoods of differing population density, ethnic and cultural composition, and social and economic resources. Following the Board's recommendation, this article presents the results of a trial of the effectiveness of a neighborhood-based strategy in low- and high-resource communities. Using management, survey, and administrative data, the research showed that both community types experienced declines in founded cases of and injuries suggesting child maltreatment for children under age 5. Low-resource communities experienced greater levels of mobilization, as measured by community and institutional engagement, and a greater number of positive outcomes related to changes in the quality of life for families and community norms relative to child and family well-being. In particular, the low-resource communities experienced the largest increases in receiving help from neighbors, neighboring, perceived household safety for neighborhood children, and observed positive parenting. High-resource communities experienced greater increases in intermediate outcomes related to self-reported parenting practices. The findings suggest that, ultimately, community mobilization can occur and be an effective means of preventing child maltreatment across community types. It appears, however, that community mobilization may play a more significant role in low-resource communities.  相似文献   
现代社会知识已经渗透到社会生产和生活的各个方面,作为知识生产、传播和应用的高等教育,已经从社会边缘进入社会中心,使得高等教育的公共性、公益性与私益性发生了新的变化,这些变化反过来又影响高到等教育的发展:公共性的增强提升了高等教育的地位和影响力,挑战着大学的传统与精神;公益性的增强使得社会更为关注高等教育公平;而私益性的增强则使高等教育成本分担日趋复杂化。现代大学制度重构需要从高等教育社会产品的生产、分配与消费去思考大学制度的逻辑框架。  相似文献   
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