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新建集团型企业转型升级亟待企业文化的提升。温州新建集团型企业文化有其自身的特点,存在整合难度大、体系尚未建立、文化个性不足、生态和谐内容缺失等问题。为此,必须坚持“贯穿人本理念,突出核心价值元素,体现传承性、前瞻性和个性,追求朴实而不浮华,反映时代特征而又蕴含优良传统,升华理论又切合企业实际”的基本原则,按照调研诊断、提炼升华和培育传播三个阶段进行逐步推进,才能使企业文化建设取得理想的效果。  相似文献   
中国县域文化与居民性格研究既是本土心理学的课题,也是跨文化心理学的课题,更是文化心理学、社会心理学的课题,在本土心理学和文化心理学尚未成熟的背景下,使用跨文化心理学概念框架是一个有益的选择。采用田野工作法、文献资料法、调查访谈法、经验总结法、逻辑推理法等方法,使用背景变量、过程变量、心理变量的实验心理学概念,区分生态学背景变量、社会政治背景变量;生物适应变量(包括包括生态影响、生物传递)、文化适应变量(文化传递、社会化和濡化);可见行为变量、推论行为变量的心理变量等概念。观察、分析、综合、抽象、概括了张掖甘州文化类型与居民性格特质及其关系,进而进行了县域文化与性格研究的展望。  相似文献   
对联是中国文学中最独特的样式,近年开始被文学史接纳。迟迟不被接纳并不能简单归因于"五·四"和"文革"。事实上它是整个社会文化观念之使然。这种观念不仅造成入史之日的"迟到",还影响到对联界的现状和未来。  相似文献   
An academic librarian, especially one who works primarily in a research consultation capacity, often encounters individuals who are seeking in-depth help with research projects that they struggle to explain. The number of concepts, interdependencies and assumptions involved in research projects today can make them difficult to define and discuss with other people. The multidisciplinary nature and globalization of many areas of research is forcing researchers to not only discuss, but to collaborate with many others from different academic backgrounds and disparate physical locations. Many researchers struggle with project paralysis at various points along the way as they attempt to manage both the myriad of details and the bigger picture relationships and implications of their project.A number of visual tools including concept mappers and mind mappers are well suited to help advanced students, faculty, researchers and librarians to organize the ideas and knowledge throughout the various stages of complex research, from envisioning an idea to the early stages of actively researching and documenting research findings. This paper will discuss the potential uses of visual mapping tools and review the current state of academic literature surrounding the topics of mind mapping and concept mapping.  相似文献   
概念是构成命题和推理的基本要素,因而是整个普通逻辑的基础,是进行逻辑研究的起点。概念论的研究方法是丰富多彩的,既有简洁、直观的图形化方法,也有精确、抽象的数学方法。回眸逻辑发展的历史可以发现,概念论的发展总是与整个逻辑的改革步伐相随,每一次概念理论方法的重大创新都会对逻辑学的发展产生深远的影响。  相似文献   
以科学发展观引领大学生就业指导工作,必须坚持以人为本的思想,确立以就业为中心的人的全面发展观;以“全面全程就业指导”促进大学生就业素质的全面提高,构建完善的就业指导服务工作体系;以服务推进大学生就业各个环节、各个方面相协调发展,培养大学生的创新能力、创业能力,保证大学生就业能力的可持续发展。  相似文献   
清代八旗蒙古汉文著作家是一个较为特殊的群体,在保留本民族诸多特质的同时,他们勇于接纳汉文化;在繁忙的政务之暇,用汉文著书立说,对政治、经济、文化和社会问题进行论述,表达自己的思想主张。其作品蕴涵着以民为本这一中国传统政治思想的精髓。不仅如此,他们还身体力行,在其从政的过程中,采取各种措施,努力践行这一治国理念。  相似文献   
把教学内容整理成内部语言,再发送为言语者的言语行为与结果,这个过程即是思维的“言语化”过程。显然,这是一种思维的外化过程。教师工作的职业特点决定了教学思维的独特品性。教学语言是一种个性人文的、个体经验的、动态变化着的,在心理学、教育学、教师学意义上的语言现象。以于漪、秋坪等知名教师的教学实践为例证,对教学思维中的三种基本形式及在转换时的两个特性作了一定的探析。认为:教师在“言语化”过程中,语言观念至关重要,若取向于变革性的开拓,则其他思维形式向语言思维的言语化转换,将会最大限度地趋向于对等实现。  相似文献   
Although researchers in higher education propose alternatives to traditional approaches to assessment, traditional methods are commonly used in college or university science courses. The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility and validity of Prospective Science Teachers’ (PSTs) concept maps as authentic assessment tools in a student-centred approach to describe the changes in the conceptual understanding of the PSTs in general chemistry laboratory investigations. After the PSTs (n = 47) decided on important issues, such as who would assess their concept maps and what scoring strategy and criteria would be used, they practiced assessing their own and peers’ concept maps during the first five laboratory investigations. They subsequently constructed and assessed pre- and post-laboratory concept maps in a student-centred approach consisting of self, peer, and instructor assessments for the five remaining laboratory investigations. The results of the study showed using pre- and post-laboratory concept maps as authentic assessment tools in a student-centred approach was valid and reliable for describing the conceptual understanding of the PSTs in a university general chemistry laboratory course. The results of individual interviews indicated most PSTs had positive views of their assessment practices in the laboratory course. This study also provides pedagogical implications for the training of science teachers.  相似文献   
张鹏清 《天津教育》2021,(9):164-166
语言,是人与人交流沟通的主要渠道之一,也是传递知识的主要工具之一。在新课改的背景下,作为数学教师,要时刻注意自身的言行举止,主动参与到培训深造中,来提高自身的语言技能。这样才能保障教学工作的有序开展,提高教学效率与质量。  相似文献   
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