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我国体育公共服务均等化问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会转型期我国体育公共服务发展呈明显的非均等状态,主要表现在资源总量不足,城乡差异、区域差异、阶层性差异明显及弱势群体的权利被相对剥夺。非均等化产生的主要原因有城乡分割的二元结构,经济发展水平的差异,政府财权、事权的不对称及体育公共服务的过度市场化取向等。只有改变城乡二元发展结构、完善政府财力分配机制、重点扶持弱势群体、建立多元参与模式、形成畅通的需求表达机制,才能实现体育公共服务均等化。体育公共服务均等化的实现有助于城乡、区域体育统筹发展;有利于促进社会稳定和谐,更好地实现可持续发展。  相似文献   
自新中国成立特别是改革开放以来,党中央和国务院、各级党委政府以及各级妇联组织,为促进男女平等进行了长期不懈的努力,我国妇女地位和作用日益彰显。但仍不同程度的存在着一些突出问题,导致两性地位不平等、社会角色不协调、进步发展不均衡、权利和机会被剥夺等不平等现象时有发生。今后,推进男女平等进程,需要落实基本国策、提高参政比例、解决妇女发展问题、建立健全相关机制、发挥妇联组织作用、营造平等社会文化环境。  相似文献   
The Special-Contracted Teacher Scheme, a supplement to the traditional mode of teacher supply, has been implemented for 17 years and the teaching quality of those teachers has gained a lot of attention. Using data of teachers and students from the sample counties in four central and western provincial-level administrative units, this paper studies how special-contracted teachers have affected students’ academic performance and non-cognitive ability according to the student development framework of the new human capital theory, and how those effects vary among different teacher groups. Results show that while special-contracted teachers have helped improve the academic performance of rural students, their role is limited in improving students’ non-cognitive ability. At the same time, female special-contracted teachers and those without a normal major play an obviously bigger role in raising students’ academic performance. The conclusion is that special-contracted teachers can to some extent help narrow the urban-rural gap in academic performance, but more research needs to be done to better understand their effects on students’ non-cognitive ability.  相似文献   
In this text, which was originally delivered as a speech, I discuss the massive critique of teachers in the public discourse on education in Sweden over the last decade. I speak in defence of teachers, and since I am a teacher I speak in defence of myself. The critique of teachers, schooling, and teacher education has been so overbearing that a purely rational response is simply not possible. Therefore, my response is rhetorical in tone. In highlighting the passion of teaching, I lift something central for teachers, which is seldom or never taught about teaching in teacher education. Neither is the passion of teaching present in the public discourse on education. Passion, I argue in the article, is that which adds excess or an overflow of meaning that cannot be contained within the order of discourse and which therefore puts this discourse out of balance. Finally, I discuss a new balance beyond this order in the context of a classroom. In a concluding section, I highlight the struggle over borders which define who can speak and think in “good” order and who cannot.  相似文献   
每一个人都渴望拥有出彩的人生,即创造和实现价值。如何才能拥有人生价值,也许需要每一个人去寻求去思考。只有在不断地追问中才能逐渐澄明。这或许根源于人生价值的内在矛盾性:既有平等性,又有差异性。每一个人作为人的体现和独一无二,不以各种外在的条件而有高低贵贱之分,都有同等的做人的权利,有同等的人格尊严,因此其存在的价值是平等的。另一方面,现实的人所具有的具体条件,使其与其他人存在种种差异,每一个人因其不同的作为而书写出不同的人生,从而具有不同的价值。肯定人的价值的平等性,人与人才能有一个交流、理解、合作和共处的基础。承认人的价值差异性,我们将意识到人生的责任,努力创造和提升自身价值,珍重自己独特的人生并尊重和容纳他人的人生。  相似文献   
和谐的师生关系是教师职业道德的集中体现,高尚的师德可以营造和谐的师生关系。营造和谐的师生关系必须做到:教师要公平待人;教师要律已宽人;教师要理解学生;师生之间以友好的态度相处;师生之间主动交往;师生之间积极互动,合作共事;还要把握交往的度。  相似文献   
人的权利并非神授、天赋,而是人对自身主体地位和本质力量的觉醒和确认,其本质内涵是自由和平等。近代以来,权利成为法的价值产生的根源,也是法的价值评价的基本尺度。只有在体现了法的价值的正义中,人们的创造力才能被充分地激发出来。  相似文献   
对现阶段我国高等教育公平问题的几点思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教育公平是近年来社会各界普遍关注的问题之一 ,是时代发展和高等教育本身发展的要求。但在现阶段我国高等教育的公平状况却不容乐观 ,首先 ,从入学机会来看 ,占人口多数的一般劳动者的子女在考试竞争中往往处于不利地位 ,真正能享有的高等教育资源并不多。其次 ,就受教育过程中的机会均等而言 ,来自不同社会阶层的学生在高等院校中所能得到的教育不同。且在高等教育规模的迅速扩展带来了师资质量滑坡以及教育资源紧缺等方面的问题 ,这无疑又对实质性的教育平等产生了消极的影响。究其原因主要是 :学生家庭差异、城乡差别、高等学校地区间分配不均  相似文献   
刘伟伟 《科教文汇》2012,(24):89-89,91
《幼儿园指导纲要(试行)》指出:家庭是幼儿园重要的合作伙伴,幼儿园教师应本着尊重、平等、合作的原则,争取家长的理解、支持和主动参与,帮助家长提高教育能力。总之,在儿童教育这个系统工程中,家长工作有着不可替代的地位和作用。  相似文献   
石继雄 《科教文汇》2012,(36):190-191
班主任将人际交往的技巧运用到工作中去,与学生建立亲密的师生关系,体现的是民主、平等的师生关系.管理班级会更加有效.  相似文献   
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