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目的:比较《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(儿童和青少年版)(international classification of functioning,disability and health:children and youth version,ICF-CY)框架指导下的以案例为基础学习(Case-based Learning,CBL)教学方法+以问题为基础学习(Problem-Based Learning,PBL)的教学方法与传统的讲授式教学方法(Lecture-Based Learning,LBL)在儿童康复科临床实习教学中的应用效果。方法:将实习同学随机分为实验组和对照组,分别按照计划进行教学,实习结束进行闭卷考试进行教学效果比较,同时结合问卷调查了解学生对新教学模式的适应性。结果:实验组理论成绩及操作成绩结果明显优于对照组,实验组对新教学模式呈现良好的适应性,有利于学生对儿童康复专科知识的掌握。结论:在儿童康复科临床实习中运用ICF-CY下CBL+PBL方法进行教学,有利于提高学生的主动意识及对理论知识和临床操作的掌握。  相似文献   
用"图书馆员工作和生活状况调查问卷"对国内251名高校图书馆员进行调查,了解馆员主观幸福感现状并探讨馆员工作倦怠和主观幸福感的关系,发现高校馆员主观幸福感水平偏低,主观幸福感在高层次的尊重需求和自我实现的需求上的满意感不足,工作倦怠体现在成就感低落上,其工作倦怠通过三个典型变量可以解释主观幸福感总变异量的14.44%,最后提出了3条提高高校馆员主观幸福感的措施。  相似文献   
This paper examines how personal investment influence the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) for securing online accounts. We draw from the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) that accounts for intrapersonal factors that increase one’s understanding of their threat and coping mechanisms and, subsequently, their motivation to protect such investments. We integrate size of investment – the amount of time, effort, and other personal resources that an individual has put into their online account. Based on PMT’s framework, we develop a research model that examines the influence of investment size as an information source that initiates and builds threat and coping appraisals. The model is tested with a survey of 263 responses, and the result shows that investment size influences threat and coping appraisals, which in turn increases MFA protection motivation and use. These results highlight the importance of eliciting individuals’ personal investments in order to improve their protective security behaviors.  相似文献   
对重庆市8-13岁少年儿童进行分层随机抽样调查,结果发现少年儿童的课外阅读存在读物获取困难、阅读时间少、阅读量少、阅读指导少等问题,并总结出了少年儿童课外阅读中在喜好、目的等6个方面反映出的特点;最后提出了搞好少儿课外阅读的建议。  相似文献   
采用精神症状自评量表(SCL-90)和大学生人格问卷(UPI),对重庆电子工程职业学院2007级学生进行了心理健康水平测评。结果表明,被测群体的心理健康状况基本和谐,不同性别学生的心理健康水平存在差异,男生心理素质略高于女生。  相似文献   
目的探讨通心络是否对颈动脉粥样硬化的发展有抑制作用。方法60例诊断"脑供血不足"的门诊病人,经Hpsonos5500型超声仪,证实颈动脉内膜有硬化改变或硬化斑块,随机进入通心络治疗或对照组。治疗组投给通心络胶囊4粒,3/d,对照组投给阿司匹林75mg/d、舒降之20mg/d,均连服180天。试验前后测定血清氧化低密度脂蛋白(OX-LDL)、单核细胞趋化因子(MCP-1)水平的变化,彩超检查颈动脉粥样硬化情况,观察内-中膜厚度(IMT)、内皮表面情况及硬化斑的变化。结果1.服药半年后两组血浆OX-LDL及MCP-1含量均显著下降(P<0.001)2.两组用药前血浆OX-LDL及MCP-1水平相当,无显著性差异(P>0.05)。治疗180天后,两组水平均明显下降,但对照组下降程度较试验组更明显,组间差异具有显著性(P<0.001)3.彩超示对照组血管IMT有所增加,试验组IMT有轻微增加,但无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论两组干预对颈动脉粥样硬化的发展均有一定影响,其作用程度相近。病人对通心络胶囊的耐受良好,有高度依从性。  相似文献   
非结构化补充数据业务USSD是一种基于GSM移动通信网络的新型交互会话业务。本文介绍了USSD的背景和特点,并与SMS相比较,论述了其在巴山水电站水情自动测报系统中的应用。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]网络环境下自媒体健康信息的扩散对公众的健康意识和行为具有极大影响。用户关系是自媒体信息扩散的路径基础,从社会网络的视角探究用户关系结构对自媒体健康信息扩散的作用,有助于剥离信息流动路径,对于提升公众健康教育效率与健康舆情控制水平都具有重要意义。[方法/过程]对自媒体关系网络映射以及信息扩散机理进行理论剖析,案例分析部分收集了某城市公立和民营医院官方微博运行的情况及关系数据,利用Ucinet6,采用指标分析及可视化的方式,观测网络整体及局部结构特征。[结果/结论]案例网络密度小,结构松散,阻碍了健康信息的有效流动;活跃节点的存在提示了网络中舆情控制的风险。在健康信息的扩散中,建议考虑以用户关系改变为手段优化网络结构,进而干预信息流动。  相似文献   
This article examines effective communication in the midst of multi-varied cultures at Ibis West Africa adopting a qualitative approach of the constructivist’s paradigm. Misinterpretations, misperceptions and misunderstandings of both verbal and non-verbal cues as well as differences in creating common meaning of messages encoded and decoded and the mindlessness of the communication environment characterised the interactions between the expatriate workers and the local staff of Ibis West Africa. The article recommended that Ibis West Africa could focus more on intercultural relationship and capacity building among their multicultural staff to enhance effective communication in this multinational organisation.  相似文献   
Biological aerated filters have many advantages such as small volume and high treatment efficiency. This research focused on sewage treatment performance of integrated biological aerated filter (IBAF) under different conditions such as aeration, hydraulic retention time and the height of fillers layer, to identify the turn of marked affecting factor of removal performance through orthogonal experiments, optimize the function parameter of IBAF, reveal the regularity of sewage treatment of IBAF under different conditions, and adopt suitable measures to guarantee excess water quality of IBAF.  相似文献   
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