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本文以天水市秦州区初中肥胖学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查法、数理统计法进行初中学生肥胖现状的调查与研究。主要从饮食习惯、生活习惯及体育锻炼等三个方面进行了问卷调查与分析。通过本文的调查与研究希望中学生的肥胖现状能够引起学校、家长及肥胖学生对肥胖的关注,并且正确引导学生如何通过体育锻炼和合理的饮食及合理的生活习惯来解决自身的肥胖问题。  相似文献   
The role of schools and physical education in promoting health, producing a ‘healthy nation’ and in tackling obesity has been increasingly recognised in recent years. In England this is evidenced by various policies, strategies and responses from government that have highlighted schools to be instrumental in addressing health broadly and obesity specifically. In addition, individual schools and teachers at the local level appear to be responding to the obesity issue in varied and different ways. However, we and other researchers feel that the discourse surrounding obesity and some of the reports, messages, policies and measures being taken to tackle it are misleading, misguided and could do more harm than good. At the same time, as physical educators committed to the health and development of young people, we feel unable to ignore the issue and compelled to act. We contend that ‘every child of every size matters’ and can benefit from regular engagement in physical education and physical activity and furthermore that, as a profession, we have a responsibility to provide all young people, of all sizes, with meaningful, relevant and positive physical education and physical activity experiences. Given this, we consider what role physical education can and should realistically, sensibly and safely play in addressing childhood overweight and obesity. Firstly, some of the key ‘facts’, issues and debates concerning obesity are explored and the way in which the issue appears to be being addressed in many schools is critiqued. We then briefly summarise some of the formal guidance and recommendations available to schools on obesity, before concluding with some practical recommendations to support physical education teachers in effectively engaging all children in physical activity both within and beyond physical education.  相似文献   
孕期营养对孕妇和胎儿的健康都十分重要,孕期合理营养是保障母婴健康的基础,期间营养状况直接关系着妊娠结局,对孕妇及胎儿的健康亦有重要影响。大量研究显示孕妇肥胖与围生期孕妇及胎儿的不良结局相关。  相似文献   
目的:研究有氧运动对不同程度肥胖青少年形态、机能、糖脂代谢及身体素质的影响,探索非医疗运动手段治疗青少年肥胖的可行性方法。方法:招募50名13~19岁肥胖青少年,依据BMI值分别纳入中度或重度肥胖组,每组25人。两组受试者进行6周有氧运动(5days/week,50min/day),在运动前、运动3周和6周后分别测试受试者的身体形态、基础生理机能、糖脂代谢和身体素质等指标,并对以上数据进行统计学分析。结果:3周和6周运动均显著降低两肥胖组的体重、BMI、腰围、臀围、脂肪量、体脂率、血脂、甘油三酷、血清胰岛素水平和胰岛素抵抗指数(P<0.05或P<0.01),下调重度肥胖组的低密度脂蛋白水平(P< 0.01),提高两组肺活量、肺活量指数和50 m跑、俯卧撑、坐位体前屈成绩(P< 0.05);6周运动还能进一步提高两组的1 000 m跑、平衡能力以及重度肥胖组的瘦体重和高密度脂蛋白水平(P<0.05或P<0.01),下调两组的基础代谢率(P<0.05)。结论:3周有氧运动就能有效改善肥胖青少年的体质健康,运动改善体质健康的效应呈时间依赖性增加的模式,并且重度肥胖者相比中度肥胖者对有氧运动更加敏感。  相似文献   
瘦素及其临床意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
瘦素是一种蛋白激素,对调节体重、新陈代谢、生育功能有重要影响,具有广泛的生物学意义.在临床上瘦素浓度还被发现和肥胖症、心血管疾病、Ⅱ型糖尿病、不育症、骨质疏松、肾脏病、骨关节炎、脂肪肝和乳腺癌等许多疾病有关联.  相似文献   
School physical education teachers promote fitness by offering children a variety of aerobic activities. Our interdisciplinary team developed a cultural dance active video game (AVG) and tested whether the AVG was equivalent to traditional face-to-face instructor lessons or hybrid instruction at dance mastery, increasing heart rates, and student satisfaction. The study participants (N = 404) were elementary children, Grades 1 to 5, at a Midwestern suburban school. We employed a quasi-experimental design to compare outcomes across groups of children exposed to different teaching approaches. Group 1 received AVG instruction. Group 2 received face-to-face lessons by a certified Irish dance teacher. Group 3 received AVG and face-to-face lessons. Group assignment was stratified by age, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status. During daily physical education class, students received five days of intervention exposure. AVG students achieved comparable levels of mastery, significantly elevated heart rates, and high levels of satisfaction.  相似文献   
肥胖已成为现代医学关注的焦点,通过对肥胖及减肥作出再认识,继而再次剖析,使人们能够结合自身实际自制减肥处方,用运动和饮食的合理搭配,轻松自然地完成减肥健身计划.  相似文献   
体重污名对超重和肥胖人群的心理和行为具有显著负面影响,损害了个体的心理健康和生活质量,诱发了个体饮食障碍、回避体育锻炼等异常行为。体重污名通过行为改变、心理应激效应、社会关系改变、歧视的结构效应和消极归因模式等作用机制对超重和肥胖人群产生影响。心理干预和媒体宣传对消除体重污名的效果不一,体育锻炼干预对消除体重污名具有稳定的显著作用。今后的研究需要从研究群体和方法上进一步改进,提高研究的科学性和实践指导价值。  相似文献   
为了了解近三年来武汉市洪山区高中生肥胖率变化,收集武汉市洪山区高中生2016-2018年体质健康数据库的数据作为研究对象。运用文献资料法、数理统计法和对比研究法,以国家学生体质健康标准(2014年修订)为评价标准对学生BMI数据进行分析。结果:2016-2018年武汉市洪山区高中生超重肥胖检出率呈上升趋势。武汉市洪山区高中生肥胖率随着年龄的增长呈下降趋势。武汉市洪山区高中学段中男生肥胖检出率要高于女生肥胖检出率。建议:加强学生健康意识培养,合理优化膳食结构,加强学生适量体育锻炼。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法和专家访谈法,分析了青少年单纯性肥胖的影响因素,主要包括遗传、生活行为方式、环境、神经内分泌和体内某些细菌等等,并根据这些因素对肥胖的不同影响,提出通过采取改善青少年膳食结构、增加运动量以及养成良好生活行为方式等预防与纠正措施,最终减少肥胖的发生。  相似文献   
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