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足底压力测量技术的发展现状与应用研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
伴随着新型传感器技术的压力测量仪器的发展与计算机技术的广泛应用,足底压力测量技术在运动生物力学步态研究,临床步态研究以及临床医疗中积极应用,其技术不断的发展、成熟.足底压力研究,揭示了人体在不同状态下的足底压力分布特征和模式,以及运动过程中足的动力性特征.同时,足底压力测量技术在临床步态研究和临床医疗中的不断应用与深入,已逐渐成为临床生物力学研究和诊断病足与足部康复评定的重要手段.通过足-鞋界压力的研究,也为指导人们健康穿鞋与科学制鞋带来了科学理论依据.  相似文献   
艺术体操练习对女大学生形体姿态变化的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对温州大学部分艺术体操选项课的女大学生进行为期一学年的艺术体操练习,探索艺术体操对女大学生体形和行走姿态的影响.在训练前后一周内对学生身体的三围和步态一些指标进行测试.实验结果显示:实验前大部分学生的三围比例不够合理,与理想的三围比,胸围、臀围较小,腹部脂肪堆积较多;行走时,步宽较大,身体重心左右偏移的幅度相对较大.通过练习,学生的三围较实验前更接近标准,身材更加健美;行走时步速加快,双支撑时间缩短,步宽和重心左右移动的距离都明显减小.说明艺术体操练习能够在塑造女性的优美身材、充分显示女性的曲线美的同时,提高学生的平衡能力.  相似文献   
青少年女性穿不同鞋行走时步态的动力学研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过SIMI-MOTION录像解析系统对青少年女性穿不同鞋行走时的步态进行运动学分析.结果表明:青少年女性裸足或穿球鞋行走时,步态特征表现为:步长长,步速快,步态周期短,重心起伏幅度小,单支撑时相占支撑时相比例高,踝关节、膝关节和髋关节灵活性好;青少年女性穿高跟鞋或松糕鞋行走时的步态特征表现为:步长短,步速慢,步态周期长,重心起伏幅度大,单支撑时相占支撑时相比例低,说明青少年女性穿高跟鞋和松糕鞋行走使下肢肌肉机能减弱.提示青少年女性穿高跟鞋或松糕鞋行走对青少年女性的生长发育有重大不利影响,建议青少年女性日常生活少穿或者不穿鞋跟较高的鞋.  相似文献   
We demonstrate the effect of sample and trial size on statistical outcomes for single-subject analyses (SSA) and group analyses (GA) for a frequently studied performance activity and common intervention. Fifty strides of walking data collected in two blocks of 25 trials for two shoe conditions were analyzed for samples of five, eight, 10, and 12 subjects and five, 10, 25, and 50 trials. SSA revealed a greater number of differences (p < .05) than GA for all sample and trial sizes. Increasing sample size resulted in consistent increases in the number of differences for GA; differences for SSA were independent of sample size. Increasing trial size from five to 50 resulted in increased differences for SSA; GA were independent of trial size. Detecting significant differences in group designs is more dependent on the number of subjects, while SSA are more dependent on the number of trials.  相似文献   
We evaluated the efficacy of an in-field gait retraining programme using mobile biofeedback to reduce cumulative and peak tibiofemoral loads during running. Thirty runners were randomised to either a retraining group or control group. Retrainers were asked to increase their step rate by 7.5% over preferred in response to real-time feedback provided by a wrist mounted running computer for 8 routine in-field runs. An inverse dynamics driven musculoskeletal model estimated total and medial tibiofemoral joint compartment contact forces. Peak and impulse per step total tibiofemoral contact forces were immediately reduced by 7.6% and 10.6%, respectively (P < 0.001). Similarly, medial tibiofemoral compartment peak and impulse per step tibiofemoral contact forces were reduced by 8.2% and 10.6%, respectively (P < 0.001). Interestingly, no changes were found in knee adduction moment measures. Post gait retraining, reductions in medial tibiofemoral compartment peak and impulse per step tibiofemoral contact force were still present (P < 0.01). At the 1-month post-retraining follow-up, these reductions remained (P < 0.05). With these per stance reductions in tibiofemoral contact forces in mind, cumulative tibiofemoral contact forces did not change due to the estimated increase in number of steps to run 1 km.  相似文献   
Gait recognition is the key question of functional electrical stimulation (FES) system control for paraplegic walking. A new risk-tendency-graph (RTG) method was proposed to recognize the stability information in FES-assisted walking gait. The main instrument was a specialized walker dynamometer system based on a multi-channel strain-gauge bridge network fixed on the walker frame. During walking process, this system collected the reaction forces between patient's upper extremities and walker and converted them into RTG morphologic curves of dynamic gait stability in temporal and spatial domains. To demonstrate the potential usefulness of RTG, preliminary clinical trials were done with paraplegic patients. The gait stability levels of two walking cases with 4- and 12-week FES training from one subject were quantified (0.43 and 0.19) from the results of temporal and spatial RTG. Relevant instable phases in gait cycle and dangerous inclinations of patient's body during walking process were also brought forward. In conclusion, the new RTG method is practical for distinguishing more useful gait stability information for FES system control.  相似文献   
lintroductionAtpresent,thefirst-stepsurfaceadhesionofmostwallclimbingrobotsdependsonsomeoutsideforce,whichisprovidedeitherbyhumanoperatorsorbysuchaspecialpurposemechanicaldeviceasamanipulator.ThisnotonlyrestrictsInanyspecialapplicationsofwall-climbingrobo…  相似文献   
随着身体发育情况的变化,幼儿在不同年龄阶段会呈现出不同的行走步态特征。为了指明正常幼儿步态发展的基本特征,为幼儿身体锻炼和患病幼儿的步态诊断以及治疗提供定量依据。通过运动解析方法获得幼儿不同年龄阶段步态特征变化的运动学数据,研究结果发现:3岁以前支撑期较长,单腿支撑时间比成人短,随着月龄增加单腿支撑时间呈增加趋势;2岁以前幼儿的双足支撑期远大于成人10%的水平,5岁左右双足支撑时间与成人接近;1岁半以前,髋、膝、踝关节没有明显的缓冲和蹬伸特征,幼儿的步态基本以全脚掌着地为主;2岁以后,步态开始稳健,髋、膝关节参与缓冲和蹬伸,3岁以后踝关节开始积极的参与缓冲和蹬伸。  相似文献   
综述近年来国内外学者对背包影响青少年平衡能力、身体姿势及步态的研究成果。研究认为,目前学者们对背包影响青少年平衡、身体姿势及步态的研究主要集中在背包不同载荷对其的影响,对不同负重位置及不同背包方式影响青少年平衡、身体姿势和步态的研究相对较少。而国内学者在背包对以上3方面的影响研究却是少之又少,提示学者们对此方向可进行深入研究与探讨,为人们合理背包和防治防止防止背包给人体带来的损伤提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
旨在通过对不同速度和不同坡度的控制,比较受试者在步态跑台上步态参数的异同。为使步态跑台更好地应用于健身、训练及康复提供参考和建议。采集并比较14名健康大学生以三种不同速度、三种不同坡度走时的时空和动力学参数。结果发现:步幅、步长与速度正相关,双支撑时长、单脚支撑时长、每步时长、步态周期与速度呈负相关。支撑力、触地受力时长、推动力随着速度增加而减小。在不同坡度的条件下行走,步长随着坡度的上升而增加,步态周期则相反。随着坡度的增加,触底受力时长、推动力、支撑力均变小。X轴方向平均力值与速度和坡度均呈正相关。  相似文献   
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