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A multilevel meta-analysis can combine the results of several single-subject experimental design studies. However, the estimated effects are biased if the effect sizes are standardized and the number of measurement occasions is small. In this study, the authors investigated 4 approaches to correct for this bias. First, the standardized effect sizes are adjusted using Hedges’ small sample bias correction. Next, the within-subject standard deviation is estimated by a 2-level model per study or by using a regression model with the subjects identified using dummy predictor variables. The effect sizes are corrected using an iterative raw data parametric bootstrap procedure. The results indicate that the first and last approach succeed in reducing the bias of the fixed effects estimates. Given the difference in complexity, we recommend the first approach.  相似文献   
Within the emerging field of research on education for sustainability (EfS), case studies are an important if not the predominant research approach, although often criticised for its lack of internal and external validity and a tendency to draw conclusions with insufficient rigour. While, basic concerns have been expressed and discussed in an early issue of this journal, main assumption still hold true after more than 10 years of research in the field. Only a few approaches so far have tackled the challenge to provide cross-case comparison and the synthesis of case-study results still remains a research desideratum. In this paper, we argue that developments in the field of qualitative and quantitative meta-analysis in educational science offer a framework, which can be used to overcome that shortcoming. After describing the idea of research synthesis, different types of such a meta-analysis are identified and their potential is discussed for existing case studies in higher EfS. This paper concludes with recommendations for further case-study research in the field.  相似文献   
Two studies examined the discriminant and incremental validity of self-concept and academic self-efficacy. Study 1, which meta-analysed 64 studies comprising 74 independent samples (N?=?24,773), found a strong mean correlation of .43 between self-concept and academic self-efficacy. The domains of self-concept and self-efficacy, and the domain matching between them, moderate the strength of the correlation between self-concept and academic self-efficacy. Global self-concept was associated with weaker correlations than were academic and subject-specific self-concept. Academic self-efficacy had higher incremental validity than self-concept. Study 2, which examined data-sets from Programme for International Student Assessment 2000, 2003 and 2006, found that the mean correlation ranged from .31 to 54. Self-concept sometimes had higher incremental validity than academic self-efficacy. The higher incremental validity of self-concept may result from the wording and domain of self-concept measure as well as specificity matching between self-concept and academic achievement.  相似文献   
目的:评价我国运动干预类元分析研究的报告质量,并分析其影响因素。方法:应用PRISMA声明中"系统评价和元分析优先报告清单"作为评估指标,评估近十年CSSCI和CSCD收录的运动干预类元分析报告质量。结果:共纳入文献68篇,运动干预类研究数量呈现逐年上升趋势。纳入论文均有不同程度的报告缺陷,主要存在标题不规范、不符合结构式摘要的要求、前言部分未报告前人的研究成果、方法学部分未报告研究方案与注册信息、研究结果不完整等问题。高、中、低质量的论文分别占22.1%、45.5%、32.4%,CSCD论文的报告质量优于CSSCI论文(t=-0.498,P=0.02)。结论:运动干预类元分析报告规范性较差,报告质量中低水平较多。"运动干预方案和注册体系的不完善"以及"元分析报告范式的随意性"是制约元分析报告质量的重要因素。  相似文献   
背景:近年来有关太极拳治疗腰痛患者的实验研究不断增多,受限于实验条件的差异,不同的实验的总效果量难以衡量,不同类型的实验也难以横向比较。目的:本研究使用元分析从下背痛患者疼痛程度、腰椎功能两个方面,评价太极拳及其联合治疗对下背痛患者的干预效果。方法:检索了Web of Science、PubMed、中国知网、万方4个电子数据库,检索2020年1月13日前发表的所有研究。由两名研究人员独立完成研究检索、研究选择、数据提取以及质量评估。结果:共纳入16项随机对照试验进行meta分析。研究结果显示,对比其他康复治疗,太极拳及其联合治疗可显著减轻患者疼痛程度MD(95%CI)=-1.15[-1.61,-0.69],P<0.00001。提高腰椎功能(MD(95%CI)=-1.38[-1.70,-1.06],P<0.00001)。结论:1、太极拳及其联合治疗减轻患者疼痛程度的效果显著优于其他康复方案;亚组分析表明,太极拳治疗腰椎间盘突出的效应量大于腰肌劳损与非特异性下背痛。2、对比核心稳定性训练,太极拳提高下背痛患者功能的效果显著。  相似文献   
目的:运用元分析的方法检验复合式训练对青少年下肢爆发力影响的干预效果,检验并提出最优的运动干预方案。方法:运用STATA 15.1和Review Manager 5.3对纳入的10篇文献和301名被试者通过设置抗阻类型、抗阻强度、间歇时间、训练频率和训练周期等5个调节变量进行亚组分析,采用固定效应模型进行整体效应、异质性、发表偏倚性检验。结果:(1)复合式训练对跳跃类运动表现的影响效应量d0.36,对短跑类运动表现的影响效应量d-0.51,两者达到中等效应且具有统计学意义;(2)本研究纳入的10篇文献异质性较低,间歇时间、训练频率和训练周期的对跳跃类和短跑类运动表现影响的效应量有一定差别。结论:(1)复合式训练能够显著提升青少年跳跃类和短跑类运动表现;(2)抗阻训练选择等张收缩、强度70%1RM以下、小于3分钟的间歇时间、在4~8周内选择每周1-2次的复合式训练能够对青少年运动表现有较好的提升;(3)围绕青少年人群开展的复合式训练较为缺乏,后续研究应加强理论与实践研究。  相似文献   
目的:系统评价FIFA 11+练习对足球运动员膝关节生物力学特征和专项素质的作用,旨在厘清FIFA 11+练习的作用价值及方式。方法:检索国内、外数据库中关于FIFA 11+练习对膝关节生物力学特征及专项素质特征的实验研究,根据Cochrane系统评价手册进行文献质量评价,运用Stata15.1版本的结局指标进行Meta分析、敏感性分析、亚组分析和发表偏倚检验。结果:共纳入20篇中、外文献,712名被试者。Meta分析结果显示:FIFA 11+练习可显著提高足球运动员膝关节股四头肌等速肌力[SMD=0.48(0.26,0.71)]、腘绳肌等速肌力[SMD=0.61(0.33,0.90)]、膝关节稳定性[SMD=0.32(0.17,0.47)]动态平衡能力[SMD=0.48(0.33,0.63)]、敏捷性[-0.40(-0.75,-0.06)]和弹跳能力[SMD=0.33(0.19,0.48)],对短距冲刺能力无显著提高作用[SMD=-0.67(-1.43,0.09)]。结论:1)FIFA 11+练习可显著提高足球运动员膝关节肌力、动态平衡能力、弹跳能力和敏捷性;不同角速度、年龄分别是膝关节等速肌力、敏捷性异质性的来源;2)FIFA 11+练习对足球运动员短距冲刺能力无显著改善效果。  相似文献   
过去三十年,不少研究比较了网络家庭作业与传统家庭作业的学习效果,然而研究结果不一。有研究认为二者差异很大,也有研究认为没有什么差异。为了寻找结果不一致的可能原因,本研究对21篇原始文献进行元分析,涉及42个独立样本,样本总量为6894。元分析结果显示,网络家庭作业与传统家庭作业学习效果存在明显差异:以Hedges’s g为效应值指标,合并效应值为0.523,学生作业表现、期末考试成绩、学生自我感觉三方面的差异效应值分别为0.596、0.217、1.497。两种形式家庭作业之间的学习效果差异受区域、测量方法、科目、教师数量的影响。  相似文献   

Current evidence suggests that chronic inflammation contributes to the development of coronary artery disease (CAD). Interestingly, exercise may constitute a method of reducing inflammation in this patient population. As such, this systematic review and meta-analysis examined the evidence generated by randomised studies that investigated the effect of exercise on inflammatory biomarkers in CAD. Literature was sought from various sources. Outcomes were pooled in a random-effects model to calculate standardised mean differences (SMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Twenty-five studies were reviewed; post-intervention C-reactive protein (SMD: ?0.55 (95% CI: ?0.93, ?0.16), P = 0.005), fibrinogen (SMD: ?0.52 (95% CI: ?0.74, ?0.29, P = <0.00001)), and von Willebrand factor (SMD: ?1.57 (95% CI: ?2.23, ?0.92), P = <0.00001) values were significantly lower in exercise groups compared to controls. In addition, qualitative analyses identified evidence that supports a beneficial effect of exercise on these acute-phase reactants. However, the impact of exercise on anti–inflammatory cytokines, adhesion molecules, and chemokines is equivocal, which may be attributed to a paucity of research. Nevertheless, the findings of this review suggest that exercise induces an anti–inflammatory effect in CAD patients. Although, the quality of evidence needs to be improved by further randomised studies with high methodological qualities and large sample sizes.  相似文献   
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is often promoted as an inclusive teaching methodology for supporting all students within diverse contemporary classrooms. This is achieved by proactively planning to the edges of a classroom by thinking of all the potential needs of students. To examine its effectiveness, a meta-analysis was conducted on empirical research, containing pre- and post-testing, published in peer-reviewed journals between 2013 and 2016 (N?=?18). Results from this analysis suggest that UDL is an effective teaching methodology for improving the learning process for all students. The impact on educational outcomes has not been demonstrated. The implications of this study will be discussed.  相似文献   
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