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In response to the ever-declining status of the teaching profession, and its adverse effects on the country's educational system, the Federal Ministry of Education in Ethiopia introduced a policy of the teachers’ career ladder in 1994. While reformers believe that the introduction of the policy has improved the condition of the teaching profession, the net gains of the policy remain deceptive and even, in part, reduce some of the benefits teachers used to enjoy in the single salary scheme in the past. Among other things, central to the claims of the policy's advocates stands an improved salary scale for teachers. While this was admittedly true by the time the policy was introduced, the gain in salary raise has gradually been lost to the bureaucratic hurdles and watchdog structures erected to screen teachers’ eligibility at each stage of the career ladder. After critically assessing the major aspects of the policy, along with the voices of Ethiopian teachers, the current study argues that the policy of the teachers’ career ladder in Ethiopia is another prototypical case of a failed experiment both in terms of improving the lives of teachers and maintaining their professional rights.  相似文献   
韩国高考改革的动向及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪80年代以来,韩国高等院校入学制度经过几次重要的变革:大学入学考试形式发生重大变化,试图推进个性化教育;入学考试将由大学自主并由大学负责人组成的“入学管理院”负责;新生录取方式采取不公布大学入学考试成绩等。韩国高考改革所采取的措施和遇到的问题值得我们借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
高校信息公开决定权的实质是在法律层面对高校自主权的进一步强化,其目的在于保障高校自治。高校信息公开决定权存在于高校工作的不同领域,但其行使应以学术自由为界限。为保障权力合法、有效行使,应对《高校信息公开办法》第十条第四项进行修正。  相似文献   
新时期党和国家对社会主义新农村建设事业提出了新的更高的要求,为农村社区的建设指明了方向。针对我国当代农村社区的发展现状和存在的主要问题,要使农村社区发展与管理去行政化,加大财政投入,重视社区教育,提高社区工作者的专业水平,激发村民参与社区治理的自治意识,以促进农村社区的健康发展。  相似文献   
Language competence is the ultimate goal of language learning.As the development of globalization,the task of improving learners’ English competence becomes even more urgent.Context Approach is first introduced,and learner autonomy is brought in as a context approach in the specified teaching environment concerned.On the basis of that,a small-scale survey is conducted to investigate the status of English learner autonomy among some students at postgraduate stage.  相似文献   
范莉 《海外英语》2011,(2):10-11
As an essential concept of language teaching, learner autonomy (LA) is very important in language learning. Looking back to the history of foreign language teaching, we can find that people’s different attitudes to learner autonomy have become a clue of modern foreign language teaching research.On the basis of foreign language teaching (FLT), this article aims to make clear three points: 1) what is learner autonomy? 2) What is the significance of cultivating students’ learning autonomy in English language teaching in China? 3) And what can we do to cultivate students’ learning autonomy? All the answers of these questions can be found in this article.  相似文献   
自主学习能力的提高已成为绝大多数学生的迫切需要,这个过程需要教师的积极参与。学生自主在很大程度上取决于教师自主,自主学习能力的培养首先要关注教师的自主性,具体体现在观念和实践两个层面。学习建构的主体在于学习者自身,所以自主学习能力的培养也要关注学生自身的自主性。而要真正提高学生的自主学习能力,从师生自主性的任一方面来施...  相似文献   
近年来,语料库应用于外语教学已经得到越来越多的关注,免费在线语料库软件Multi-Conc储存了丰富的语料库资源,综合运用了其他语料库软件的功能,实现了语境共现和自动生成词汇练习的统一,但是,国内目前尚缺乏对该软件应用的介绍和研究。两学年的教学实践证明,该软件在提高学生英语词汇自主学习能力方面,效果较为明显,值得进一步推广和深入研究。  相似文献   
学术权力是近年来我国高等教育理论界和实践界关注的焦点之一。中西方学者在进行学术权力的理论研究时,在概念内涵的界定、研究目的和学科视角三个方面存在明显的不同。在学术权力的实际运行中,中西方在学术权力所依存的组织性质、所处的制度环境和支撑学术权力运行的文化传统三个方面存在差别。这对我们的启示有三:要以大学自治与学术自由作为培育学术权力的基石;要注意运用多学科视角开展学术权力的理论研究;要从系统的观点出发进行大学的改革,从而彰显学术权力。  相似文献   
在落实高校办学自主权过程中,我国政府和高校对其权力边界认识模糊,导致权力失衡,使得我国高校办学自主权的落实陷入困境。把握权力边界,以法律手段明确办学自主权的边界,政府在其权力边界内行使行政权力,高校内部形成以学术权力为主导的权力结构,是落实办学自主权的出路所在。  相似文献   
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