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21世纪以来,法国政府制定了一系列的改革措施,借助《科研规划法》等法律的制定,以制定高等教育战略与国家研究战略、出台有关学生培养的法律法规,以及加强数字化未来校园建设等措施,希望以此逐步提升法国在世界高等教育强国中的地位。法国的高等教育强国战略经验为我国高等教育强国的建设提供了借鉴意义,在顶层设计上可以通过制定高等教育战略,明确和强化高等教育强国的建设导向;在核心目标上应高度重视学生培养,规范和创新高校立德树人的培养过程;在资源战略上要加快教育信息化建设,提升和彰显中国大学的国际影响力。  相似文献   
根据对中国企业和法国企业创新战略,信息与技术获取等方面的调查研究,找出中国企业与法国企业创新的差距,以图找到弥补差距,增强中国企业创新能力的途径。  相似文献   
A very rich collection of archival material is used to compare two anticancer drugs commercialised by multinationals collaborating with public sector research, one in the USA and one in France. The framework of national innovation systems is used to compare the innovative environments for each development (different institutional structures, research programmes, financing, industry-academic-government relationships, environmental concern, and intellectual property regimes). The empirical work was able to bring out the nuances and subtleties of each environment, the way in which innovation took place in practice, and some striking differences from what stereotypical accounts of innovation in each country would have suggested.  相似文献   
文章通过对法国中小学教师供给政策中的职前成本及补偿、在职收益政策、在职成本补偿政策进行分析,运用微观经济学的成本-收益、偏好理论、效用理论对法国中小学教师供给政策进行解读,以期从中得到一些可资借鉴的农村教师供给政策理念。  相似文献   
四川赴法勘工俭学生人数居全国之冠,他们在留法勘工俭学实践中完成了由无政府主义向马克思主义的重大转变,为旅欧党团组织的建立奠定了组织和思想基础;他们还积极参加和领导旅欧党团组织旨在提高党团员政治理论素养的内部训练工作、与无政府主义的斗争以及反对帝国主义和封建军阀的斗争,为中国革命事业的发展立下了不朽功勋。  相似文献   
法国是世界上最早建立教育督导制度的国家,从法国教育督导制度的发展情况来看,法国将教育督导视为教育行政管理的重要支柱之一。法国重视和加强督导工作,设立专门的督导机构,明确督导的职责,严格选拔督导人员,采用灵活多样的督导方式,具有严密的督导程序,通过立法确立了完整系统的督导制度。  相似文献   
在法国,儿童托管教育是家庭和学校之外的教育空间里对儿童教育的补充,通过各种课外活动进行公民道德、合作精神和集体生活能力等方面的教育。法国政府高度重视儿童托管教育,对托管机构的性质、主管机构、监管渠道、托管机构管理者和工作人员等的角色职能、资质要求等进行了明确的制度化规定。我国可借鉴法国的经验,探索儿童托管的具体策略与途径,加强政府的投入和监管,推动我国儿童托管教育健康发展。  相似文献   
Despite the egalitarianism that informs French civic culture, the socio-economic marginalization of citizens of non-European origin, mostly from North African countries, provide empirical evidence that challenges the French Republican ideal of integration. Such marginalization needs to be reconciled especially within the cultural realm. In this article, we look at French newspapers’ coverage of the children of immigrants during a ten-year period (2003–2013). We analyse coverage in three major newspapers since French news coverage can be considered to follow a specific political/literary model, which has a profound influence on how news in France is both coded and decoded. The article examines the ways political allegiances affect the portrayals of the children of immigrants. Using the constant comparative method, an analysis of the discourse over time shows that the narratives of integration of the decedents of North African immigrants have been complicated by the 2005 riots, both as a romantic illusion, a reflection of reality, or a possible outcome of events. The three newspapers grapple with the ambiguous position of the children of immigrants in French society in different ways. Coverage of children of immigrants continues to be divided along partisan lines which are bounded by the political/literary model of journalism. What is also clear is that the changing portrayal of children of immigrants is intrinsically attached to evolving social, political, and economic dynamics both nationally and beyond state borders.  相似文献   
The passage that John of Joinville, faithful companion of Louis IX, devotes to the Mongols in his chronicle of the Seventh Crusade, known as “La Vie de Saint Louis”, cross-conceives two structures under the sign of hope: historical facts and legends on the one hand, and Christian sensibilities on the other, giving way to a set of “ethnological” observations about what are presented as “barbarian” customs. The text gives a faithful reflection on sentiments which agitated the Crusaders and their King: hope and disillusion. But Joinville's testimony goes far beyond that: it is first and foremost a testimony of love upon which history could be re-written.  相似文献   
法国的参考馆员制度已经有近40年的历史,是欧洲最早实行参考馆员制度的国家之一。对比中法两国图书馆参考馆员制度,法国的参考馆员制度在岗位设置、等级划分、社会地位和职业培训等方面对完善我国图书馆参考馆员制度具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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