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运用文献资料法、、逻辑分析、网络信息分析等研究方法对国际足联的治理体系和治理能力进行研究,认为国际足联治理体系存在先天的缺陷。  相似文献   
Background: Though musli m females exclusion from physical activities and sports has concerned scholars for years, they are still being theorized out of context and out of history and not as agents in their own lives. Within the prevailing context of the ‘War on Terror,’ muslim females are becoming more racialized in sports and are unnecessarily constructed as needing protection and void of any agency. In 2010, a crisis emerged out of the International Federation of Association Football's (FIFA) erratic interpretation of Law 4 which excluded muslim females players with a head/cover gear deemed unsafe on the field. This crisis highlighted the importance of understanding not only the targeted exclusion of muslim female players but also the importance of working with muslim female national football players and the possibilities of them resisting the racializing and gendering logics of a mega-sport institution such as FIFA.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand how five women football players on the Jordanian national team negotiated FIFA's ‘hijab ban’ of 2011. Particularly, it seeks the perspectives of the players themselves – whether they are wearing the head and/or neck cover or not and whether their muslimness is visible or not – and their stories of how they negotiated FIFA's ‘hijab ban’ (2011–2012).

Methodology: This paper is part of a larger critical qualitative study based on (1) dialogical interviews with five football players on the Jordanian national team, (2) material the players crafted and used to campaign against FIFA's ‘hijab ban,’ (3) players’ journals, (4) email correspondence and (5) web-based campaigning material. I deploy arab-muslim feminist scholars’ more complicated understanding of the hijab and theorize of how muslim women's bodies are regulated by two interconnected hijabophobias, the Islamist and Western-Islamophobic.

Findings: The findings are organized in the following themes: (1) experiencing humiliation and injustice, (2) exposing FIFA's Islamophobic standpoint and (3) resisting through solidarity and activism. The results suggest that the muslim female football players on the Jordanian national team exposed the FIFA's Islamophobic hijabophobia in its interpretation of Law 4. They acted with resilience and political savviness to regain the right to play while being muslim female under FIFA's laws. This suggests that muslim females are active agents in their own lives and on a global level. They are able to counter the racializing injustices produced by very powerful sport institutions. Non-muslim/Western policy-makers, researchers, teachers and trainers working among muslim women and youth need to consider this example as a frame to their participatory research, critical pedagogies, and physical education (PE) and sport curricula. They need to recognize that we are living a moment in history in which muslim women's bodies are sites of both the Islamist and the colonialist anxieties in their struggles for power. Thus, they need to urgently be engaged in the theories and pedagogical approaches that challenge both the Islamist and the Islamophobic hijabophobias in sport and PE.  相似文献   
摘要:运用文献资料调研、观察及数理统计等方法,对第14-20届世界杯足球赛1051个进球的方式、射门区域、及进攻形式等特征进行研究,以探讨现代足球比赛特征与规律。研究结果表明:7届世界杯场均进球数呈逐届下降趋势;比赛下半场比上半场进球率高,反映出现代足球在重视攻守平衡的同时更加注重进攻效率。罚球区2区内外区域是现代足球比赛射门进球最佳区域。前锋进球数最多,前锋和攻击型中场球员区分不再明确,全能型的队员位置职能已成为现代足球位置特征发展规律。现代足球比赛中脚射是最主要得分方式,立体高空头顶球技战术也已成形。随着传球次数的增加而进球明显减少的趋势,“直接打法”战术已成为现代足球进攻战术发展主流趋势。中路进攻、定位球进攻已成为现代足球进攻战术发展主要方向。前场及中前场已成为现代足球最佳有效地发动进攻进球区域。  相似文献   
摘要:主要介绍了国际足球管理机构——国际足联的管理体系,并重点介绍了足球纠纷处理体系。足球纠纷处理体系包括两个层面:一个是在足球协会内部的纠纷解决体系包括国际足联的纠纷解决委员会(DRC)和国家纠纷解决委员会(NDRC),另一个是处理上诉纠纷的外部仲裁包括国际体育仲裁庭(CAS)和国家层面独立于协会的仲裁庭。并结合足球协会适用该系统后的优点和不足,针对存在的问题需求、解决问题的方法提出自己见解。  相似文献   
运用录像观察、数理分析等方法,对第19届世界杯亚洲参赛球队与四强球队的概况、阵型、进攻与防守技战术等方面进行比较分析。结果显示亚洲参赛队在战术阵型、攻击能力和防守能力等方面存在明显的不足。借鉴世界强队以及亚洲球队发展的经验,我国应制定足球发展规划,优化职业联赛,加强青少年足球工作,提升技战术水平,培养一批核心球员。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法,对第18届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段比赛中裁判员、助理裁判员、第4官员的执法状况进行研究。结果发现,与第17届世界杯赛相比,第18届世界杯赛裁判员在奔跑能力、判罚距离、掌握有利、估计损失时间、处理伤员注重“人性化”等方面均有一定进步,但是判罚犯规和越位的准确性有所下降;判罚球点球的准确率仍维持在54%水平上,但漏判增多;使用红黄牌准确性大体相仿,但出现了使用不当和低级错误的个案。其原因与第18届世界杯赛裁判员选派办法不当、赛前片面注重体能准备、仓促使用耳麦、赛中取消裁判员集体总结有关。  相似文献   
雅典奥运会和日韩世界杯足球赛电视收视状况的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料、比较研究等方法,对雅典奥运会和日韩世界杯足球赛电视收视状况进行研究。结果显示:日韩世界杯足球赛收视规模稍高于雅典奥运会,但奥运会收视人群分布范围更广。世界杯足球赛和奥运会电视转播权价格相近,但奥运会电视转播权却是购销两旺而购买世界杯足球赛转播权的公司处境艰难,缺少美国市场的支撑是关键原因。两大赛事对我国电视体育市场都有巨大的拉动作用,我国运动员参加的比赛最受观众关注,节目播出时间是影响收视率的重要因素。奥运会收视的“全民性”特征更为明显。  相似文献   
2006 年世界杯足球赛进球统计分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对2006年世界杯足球赛64场比赛147个进球进行统计分析。结果显示:比赛75~90min是射门进球高峰期;射门进球最佳区域是罚球区内球门区线附近;进球射门以右脚射门为主;直接射门是主要射门方式;进球以高球居多;传身后是有效的进攻手段,定位球的作用日益突出;前锋队员进球最多。  相似文献   
第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段定位球进球分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段64场比赛的定位球进球进行观察与统计,指出定位球战术在比赛中仍占据重要地位,开场和邻近结束的时间是定位球进球的黄金时段,任意球是定位球进球的主要手段,头顶球在定位球进攻中起重要作用。  相似文献   
主要运用观察和统计归纳的方法,对中国队参加第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段比赛的守门员位置防守技术运用情况进行分析。结果表明,判断选位与反应能力的不足,导致中国队守门员防射门技术运用失误增多,防守的成功率降低;比赛中中国队守门员把握出击的能力低,出击欠灵巧机变,强对抗条件下难以有效发挥位置防守优势,守门员技术稳定是心理稳定的体现,训练实践中既要加强守门员意识引导,更要加强守门员意志的培养,努力改变比赛中守门员技术不过硬的现状。  相似文献   
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