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对于文化的定义是丰富多彩的。它包括文学、艺术、音乐、历史,或是宗教信仰,传统习俗等。而体育文化作为风俗习惯的一部分,从一个层面反映了一个国家的文化,我们发现,作为世界范围内影响力最大的体育联盟的NBA,生动的反映了美国文化三个特征——多元性、侵略性和个体性。  相似文献   
This study explores how horizontal/vertical individualism and collectivism (HVIC) orientations influence electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) (i.e., opinion leadership and opinion seeking) in social media. Online survey panel data through Amazon MTurk were collected from American social media users to address the research purpose. The results, using the structural equation modeling, show that the paths from horizontal individualism to opinion leadership, vertical individualism to opinion leadership and opinion seeking, horizontal collectivism to opinion leadership, and vertical collectivism to opinion leadership and opinion seeking were significant. This study provides theoretical and managerial implications regarding the influence of HVIC orientations on eWOM in social media.  相似文献   
张书君 《唐山学院学报》2011,24(4):88-89,94
运用激进个人主义原理分析企业管理是现代管理学的新领域、新范畴。激进个人主义与主动性人格的形成密切相关,主动性人格对工作绩效、职业生涯成功、创业等有积极的影响。提出企业文化应融入一些个人主义的色彩和元素,组织结构的调整应满足激进个人主义的诉求和愿望。  相似文献   
集体主义与个体主义文化的概念是西方学者在20世纪70、80年代提出,最近十几年来备受争议.研究表明,这种差异实际上反映的是文化或外部环境要求的差异,而不是人类道德心理普遍的本质倾向.在儒家学说和亚洲价值观中同样有民主、权利等政治思想.对亚洲青少年关于权利和民主决策的推理研究表明,东西方青少年的道德推理并不存在显著文化差异,即使在中国文化内部,青少年的道德推理也不存在城乡差异.这表明,自主、权利和民主的概念来源于人类普遍的心理需求.  相似文献   
Through the lens of consumption at Chinese Starbucks, this paper examines the lifestyle and attitudes of parts of the mainland Chinese urban middle class, especially of the so-called xiaozi. Based on interviews with and guestbook entries by customers I analyze how the foreign brand and the multitude of meanings associated with it are consumed. I argue that consumption may be viewed as a particular search for authenticity that enables consumers to construct their self-images in the context of the vast changes occurring in contemporary China. A foreign brand promises to be especially valuable as it promises the authenticity of an ‘other’ on which one's own desires may be projected.  相似文献   
Laura B. Liu  Huan Song  Pei Miao 《Compare》2018,48(1):128-146
In an era of globalisation (Spring 2008), wellbeing no longer can be explored within one’s own national borders, but necessitates cultivating shared international understandings to maintain healthy twenty-first-century classrooms. This literature review across Chinese and English international publications contends that understanding wellbeing entails more thoughtful global discussions examining wellness as a personal commodity and shared societal experience. This paper initiates explorations of teacher wellbeing as an individual and collective phenomenon that includes teacher autonomy, goal orientation, professional efficacy, personal health and positive collegial relationships, institutional recognition/support and professional development opportunities. This review suggests teachers in Western and Chinese contexts may benefit from unique forms of support to balance and reconcile individual and collective aspects of teacher wellbeing. Teachers across contexts must have professional opportunity and incentives for engaging in autonomous practice supported by professional collaboration and development.  相似文献   
周卫忠 《丽水学院学报》2007,29(1):49-51,122
史诗以阿喀琉斯个人为中心线索和情节发展的依据,表明它强调个人在社会历史进程中的作用和对重大事件的决定性影响.作品所刻画、讴歌的英雄人物都是个人主义的典型.作为一部战争题材的作品,史诗将作战的动力归之于英雄们的个人功名心和物质利益.这些都显示史诗是一部宣扬个人主义思想、赞美个人英雄的作品,个人主义是作品一以贯之的主体文化精神.  相似文献   
面对古典自由主义的危机,哈耶克重建了自由主义的个人主义前提,对国家的合法性及其限度做了重新的论述,同时对自由主义的宪政体制作了富有特色的建构。  相似文献   
在“五四”对各种外来文化思潮的兼容并蓄中 ,个人主义是当时统帅形形色色新思潮的总观念 ,也是五四一代知识分子 ,个性论者的人生圭臬。它唤醒了人们沉睡的个性意识 ,使人们认识到自我的价值。“人”的发现犹如石破天惊 ,震撼着“五四”知识分子们的心灵 ,他们尽情地表现自我形象 ,抒发自我情愫 ,表达自我要求。这种无拘无束地“表现自我”使五四文学显示出独具一格 ,与众不同的特质与异彩 ,也使得“五四”成为人的自觉的时代。然而 ,像昙花一现般短暂 ,个人主义如流星一般 ,眩目而壮美的划过长空后便立即黯淡下去 ,甚至成为了人们批判的对象。个人主义的倡导 ,自我表现这个五四文学思潮中最有分量 ,最值得骄傲的成果恰恰成为了众矢之的。为何个人主义在中国会如此迅速地从兴盛走向淡化 ,这无疑是由中国诸多社会、人文因素造成的  相似文献   
人格是文化的产物。文化影响了个体人格的形成与发展。文章介绍了文化对人格模型及自我的具体影响,集体主义文化与个体主义文化有不同的人格模型和自我增强方式,在两种文化下特质理论的意义并不相同。当代心理学主要以西方文化为理论基础,如果我们的目标是理解全人类的行为,就必须首先建立属于各文化的本土心理学。  相似文献   
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