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The high-value patent identification (HVPI) and the standard-essential patent identification (SEPI) are two important issues in the fields of intellectual property and the standardization, respectively. Almost all the HVPI and the SEPI are based on the single-task learning. In this paper, we unify the HVPI and the SEPI in a multi-task learning framework in consideration of the mutual reinforcement of the two tasks. In our model, we extract the patent structured features and embed the patent textual features using the pre-training model. Given these features, we explore a multi-task learning based identification model to identify the high-value patents and the standard-essential patents. We evaluate our model by comparing with two state-of-the-art models on the 5 balanced datasets and 2 imbalanced datasets. The results show our multi-task learning based model outperforms significantly these single-tasking learning based models in the measurements: precision, recall, F1 and accuracy. On the balanced datasets, the average increments of measurements are 1.3%, 1.29%, 1.28% and 1.28% respectively. On the imbalanced datasets, the average increments of measurements are 2.24%, 1.62%, 1.75% and 0.66% respectively.  相似文献   
Divergent Thinking is a domain-general mental attribute closely associated with creativity that can be quantified through the use of text-mining algorithms. Past research has shown that students’ Divergent Thinking is malleable in response to relatively simple contextual prompts. In addition, there is substantial variance in the degree to which individual students’ Divergent Thinking is malleable, suggesting the presence of a student-specific zone-of-proximal-development in relation to creativity. Here, we adopted a dynamic assessment paradigm that included multiple conditions under which student Divergent Thinking was measured and fit a latent profile analysis model to that dynamic assessment data. We found that, although on average the Originality of student responses can be augmented through a prompt to generate surprising or unusual ideas, three latent classes emerged that differed significantly on their patterns of augmentation. These three latent classes were termed: (a) Conventional Thinkers (7.80% of the sample), whose response to the Divergent Thinking task were highly constrained and unoriginal across all conditions (b) Prompted Shifters (66.56%), whose Originality significantly increased across conditions, and (c) Idea Generators (25.64%), whose responses were highly original across all conditions. These latent profiles were validated in regard to personality characteristics and domain-specific creative activities, with Idea Generators reporting significantly more Openness and Intellect, less Industriousness, and more creative activities across the domains of Literature, Music, Sports, Visual Art, Science, and Cooking than did the other latent classes.  相似文献   

Historic Japanese textiles from over 1000 years ago generally show marked deterioration and only very rare examples show their original forms and much information about textile reproduction has been lost. The replication of textile braids lacks systematic methodology and is still being practiced by only few individual braiding experts. The recreation of original braids as close as possible to original braids is a part of Japan’s intangible cultural heritage. The aim of this study is to clarify the decision-making procedure through which the braiding experts can decipher the original braiding structures. As a preliminary study of this project, interviews of a braid researcher and a replicating expert, Makiko Tada were performed regarding her working practices. It is important to clarify the braiding parameters for structural analysis such as the number of transits and the balance of ridges, and it became clear that the orientation of multiple colored threads plays an important role. The expert’s replicate works were also analyzed using a text-mining statistical technique to clarify the relationship of braiding parameters. The relationship between each braiding parameter and production method such as loop manipulation and Taka-dai became clear. As a result, the process of deciphering the original braid structure has been compiled in simplified workflows, which could contribute to the standardization and improvement in efficiency of replication of cultural property braids.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 比较分析数据管理与数据治理差异与联系,为制定科学数据开放共享政策提供参考。[方法/过程] 运用比较分析法,解析数据管理与数据治理在定义与内涵、功能、目标、原则、焦点领域5个方面的异同,由此解析其对制定我国科学数据开放共享政策的启示。[结果/结论] 数据管理与数据治理在定义与内涵、功能、目标、原则、焦点领域上都有显著差异,但两者也有内在联系。数据治理是成功实施数据管理的关键。认清两者的关系有助于明晰目前我国科学数据管理政策的不足之处,为今后完善科学数据管理办法提供参考,从而规划与制定实用的科学数据开放共享细则。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 作为政府与青年群体沟通的重要平台,政务Bilibili账号的信息传播效果直接决定其沟通效率和效果。对政务Bilibili账号信息传播效果影响因素的研究有利于沟通效果的提升。[方法/过程] 本研究基于共青团中央Bilibili账号的471个样本,采用内容分析和回归分析等系统考察内容主题、视频类别、封面图类型、屏幕形式、字幕、组织形式、剪辑率和视频时长等因素对政务Bilibili账号信息传播效果的影响。[结果/结论] 结果表明,科技类、音乐类和时尚类主题的视频能够提升整体传播效果,科技类视频的贡献度最高;情景剧、实拍视频和监控视频都正向显著影响整体传播效果,实拍视频的贡献度最高。视频剪辑率、竖屏视频、字幕添加、合作创作等均能显著提高整体传播效果,竖屏在整体传播效果模型中的贡献度最大。视频时长和封面图的作用不显著。政务Bilibili账号运营应充分释放青年的爱国势能、创新视频形式、优化视频制作流程、创新组织形式。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 面对多学科领域、多类型用户的专题情报服务需求,建立专题情报数据管理与智能分析平台。实现专题情报分析的流程化和智能化,同时对融入专家智慧的专题情报分析过程数据进行管理,丰富服务模式,提升服务需求响应速度。[方法/过程] 在调研已有相关研究与实践分析基础上,提出平台设计思路、建设框架,对平台主要功能和关键技术进行剖析。[结果/结论] 专题情报数据管理与智能分析平台已建设完成。平台集成了多来源多类型数据,打通了从数据到分析的服务链条。嵌入了多种情报分析方法和深度学习算法,实现了多维多层次分析服务。能够对分析过程和情报分析人员历史积累数据进行管理,实现数据共享和重复利用。  相似文献   
新闻传媒时代下,乒乓球运动的传播渠道被拓展,影响力也逐年攀升。且该时期新闻媒体形态多元,印刷媒体、广播媒体及互联网媒体,都是新闻传媒的基本构成要素。而不同的新闻媒体,都成为乒乓球运动扩大影响力的平台,使得更多乒乓球运动的爱好者和群众可以从多元新闻渠道中感受到乒乓球运动的魅力。本研究从乒乓球运动的发展优势着手,为新闻传媒时代下乒乓球运动的发展指明方向,探索发展路径与方向。  相似文献   
2019年国际篮联篮球世界杯在中国圆满举行,广州作为分赛场,承接了西班牙、波多黎各、突尼斯以及伊朗四支代表队的小组比赛6场。通过对广州赛区四支队伍在小组赛中的表现技术进行分析,并对比中国队在本次赛事中的表现,发现中国男篮在备赛与参赛阶段,存在大赛目标不清晰,心理训练与细节训练不足,教练团队执教水平不稳定,篮球基本功不扎实等一系列问题,反映出我国篮球的发展正处于困境。系统地分析广州小组赛中四支队伍的赛况,并与中国队做出对比,有针对性地提出建议,为中国篮球的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
针对目前起重机安全评价过于依赖主观权重且忽视起重机安全状态变化趋势的问题,建立基于改进博弈论组合赋权法(improved combination weighting method of game theory,ICWGT)和灰色关联分析法的起重机安全评价体系。在该评价体系中,收集样本数据以确定评价值,构建评价等级空间来计算起重机行为特征序列与标准行为特征序列的关联系数。运用ICWGT在层次分析法和信息熵 未确知测度理论确定的主、客观权重中寻找平衡。充分考虑专家经验和样本数据,确定优化权重以改善关联系数的分配问题,从而获取起重机灰色关联度评价值和安全等级,旨在对起重机安全状态变化趋势进行更加准确的定量描述和定性分析。实例分析验证了该评价体系的有效性。  相似文献   
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