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Compared with explicit sentiment analysis that attracts considerable attention, implicit sentiment analysis is a more difficult task due to the lack of sentimental words. The abundant information in an external sentimental knowledge base can play a significant complementary and expansion role. In this paper, a sentimental commonsense knowledge graph embedded multi-polarity orthogonal attention model is proposed to learn the implication of the implicit sentiment. We analyzed the effectiveness of different knowledge relations in the ConceptNet knowledge base in detail, and proposed a matching and filtering method to distill useful knowledge tuples for implicit sentiment analysis automatically. By introducing the sentimental information in the knowledge base, the proposed model can extend the semantic of a sentence with an implicit sentiment. Then, a bi-directional long–short term memory model with multi-polarity orthogonal attention is adopted to fuse the distilled sentimental knowledge with the semantic embedding, effectively enriching the representation of sentences. Experiments on the SMP2019-ECISA implicit sentiment dataset show that our model fully utilizes the information of the knowledge base and improves the performance of Chinese implicit sentiment analysis.  相似文献   

Sentiment analysis concerns the study of opinions expressed in a text. Due to the huge amount of reviews, sentiment analysis plays a basic role to extract significant information and overall sentiment orientation of reviews. In this paper, we present a deep-learning-based method to classify a user's opinion expressed in reviews (called RNSA).To the best of our knowledge, a deep learning-based method in which a unified feature set which is representative of word embedding, sentiment knowledge, sentiment shifter rules, statistical and linguistic knowledge, has not been thoroughly studied for a sentiment analysis. The RNSA employs the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) which is composed by Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to take advantage of sequential processing and overcome several flaws in traditional methods, where order and information about the word are vanished. Furthermore, it uses sentiment knowledge, sentiment shifter rules and multiple strategies to overcome the following drawbacks: words with similar semantic context but opposite sentiment polarity; contextual polarity; sentence types; word coverage limit of an individual lexicon; word sense variations. To verify the effectiveness of our work, we conduct sentence-level sentiment classification on large-scale review datasets. We obtained encouraging result. Experimental results show that (1) feature vectors in terms of (a) statistical, linguistic and sentiment knowledge, (b) sentiment shifter rules and (c) word-embedding can improve the classification accuracy of sentence-level sentiment analysis; (2) our method that learns from this unified feature set can obtain significant performance than one that learns from a feature subset; (3) our neural model yields superior performance improvements in comparison with other well-known approaches in the literature.  相似文献   

Irony as a literary technique is widely used in online texts such as Twitter posts. Accurate irony detection is crucial for tasks such as effective sentiment analysis. A text’s ironic intent is defined by its context incongruity. For example in the phrase “I love being ignored”, the irony is defined by the incongruity between the positive word “love” and the negative context of “being ignored”. Existing studies mostly formulate irony detection as a standard supervised learning text categorization task, relying on explicit expressions for detecting context incongruity. In this paper we formulate irony detection instead as a transfer learning task where supervised learning on irony labeled text is enriched with knowledge transferred from external sentiment analysis resources. Importantly, we focus on identifying the hidden, implicit incongruity without relying on explicit incongruity expressions, as in “I like to think of myself as a broken down Justin Bieber – my philosophy professor.” We propose three transfer learning-based approaches to using sentiment knowledge to improve the attention mechanism of recurrent neural models for capturing hidden patterns for incongruity. Our main findings are: (1) Using sentiment knowledge from external resources is a very effective approach to improving irony detection; (2) For detecting implicit incongruity, transferring deep sentiment features seems to be the most effective way. Experiments show that our proposed models outperform state-of-the-art neural models for irony detection.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】文本情感分类是近年来情报学领域的研究热点之一。已有研究大多关注针对目标文本的单 一情感分类。本文旨在探索基于深度学习的电商评论信息多刻面情感分类方法。【方法/过程】提出一种基于Atten⁃ tion-BiGRU-CNN的多刻面情感分类模型,通过BiGRU和CNN获取上下文信息和局部特征,利用Attention机制 优化隐层权重,以深度挖掘文本内隐语义和有效刻画多刻面情感。【结果/结论】在中文电商评论信息语料上的实验 表明,相较于其他神经网络模型,本文方法可有效提高多刻面情感分类的准确度。【创新/局限】进一步丰富多刻面 情感分类的方法途径,为深度挖掘电商评论信息以及优化产品和营销策略提供参考。本文语料主要基于单一类别 电商评论信息,聚焦可归纳刻面的情感分类,进一步的研究可面向类别多元化、需通过深度学习提取刻面信息的更 大规模语料展开。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a rapid growth of user-generated data in collaborative tagging (a.k.a. folksonomy-based) systems due to the prevailing of Web 2.0 communities. To effectively assist users to find their desired resources, it is critical to understand user behaviors and preferences. Tag-based profile techniques, which model users and resources by a vector of relevant tags, are widely employed in folksonomy-based systems. This is mainly because that personalized search and recommendations can be facilitated by measuring relevance between user profiles and resource profiles. However, conventional measurements neglect the sentiment aspect of user-generated tags. In fact, tags can be very emotional and subjective, as users usually express their perceptions and feelings about the resources by tags. Therefore, it is necessary to take sentiment relevance into account into measurements. In this paper, we present a novel generic framework SenticRank to incorporate various sentiment information to various sentiment-based information for personalized search by user profiles and resource profiles. In this framework, content-based sentiment ranking and collaborative sentiment ranking methods are proposed to obtain sentiment-based personalized ranking. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work of integrating sentiment information to address the problem of the personalized tag-based search in collaborative tagging systems. Moreover, we compare the proposed sentiment-based personalized search with baselines in the experiments, the results of which have verified the effectiveness of the proposed framework. In addition, we study the influences by popular sentiment dictionaries, and SenticNet is the most prominent knowledge base to boost the performance of personalized search in folksonomy.  相似文献   

We propose a topic-dependent attention model for sentiment classification and topic extraction. Our model assumes that a global topic embedding is shared across documents and employs an attention mechanism to derive local topic embedding for words and sentences. These are subsequently incorporated in a modified Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) for sentiment classification and extraction of topics bearing different sentiment polarities. Those topics emerge from the words’ local topic embeddings learned by the internal attention of the GRU cells in the context of a multi-task learning framework. In this paper, we present the hierarchical architecture, the new GRU unit and the experiments conducted on users’ reviews which demonstrate classification performance on a par with the state-of-the-art methodologies for sentiment classification and topic coherence outperforming the current approaches for supervised topic extraction. In addition, our model is able to extract coherent aspect-sentiment clusters despite using no aspect-level annotations for training.  相似文献   

Existing methods for text generation usually fed the overall sentiment polarity of a product as an input into the seq2seq model to generate a relatively fluent review. However, these methods cannot express more fine-grained sentiment polarity. Although some studies attempt to generate aspect-level sentiment controllable reviews, the personalized attribute of reviews would be ignored. In this paper, a hierarchical template-transformer model is proposed for personalized fine-grained sentiment controllable generation, which aims to generate aspect-level sentiment controllable reviews with personalized information. The hierarchical structure can effectively learn sentiment information and lexical information separately. The template transformer uses a part of speech (POS) template to guide the generation process and generate a smoother review. To verify our model, we used the existing model to obtain a corpus named FSCG-80 from Yelp, which contains 800K samples and conducted a series of experiments on this corpus. Experimental results show that our model can achieve up to 89.93% aspect-sentiment control accuracy and generate more fluent reviews.  相似文献   

We study the selection of transfer languages for different Natural Language Processing tasks, specifically sentiment analysis, named entity recognition and dependency parsing. In order to select an optimal transfer language, we propose to utilize different linguistic similarity metrics to measure the distance between languages and make the choice of transfer language based on this information instead of relying on intuition. We demonstrate that linguistic similarity correlates with cross-lingual transfer performance for all of the proposed tasks. We also show that there is a statistically significant difference in choosing the optimal language as the transfer source instead of English. This allows us to select a more suitable transfer language which can be used to better leverage knowledge from high-resource languages in order to improve the performance of language applications lacking data. For the study, we used datasets from eight different languages from three language families.  相似文献   

Structured sentiment analysis is a newly proposed task, which aims to summarize the overall sentiment and opinion status on given texts, i.e., the opinion expression, the sentiment polarity of the opinion, the holder of the opinion, and the target the opinion towards. In this work, we investigate a transition-based model for end-to-end structured sentiment analysis task. We design a transition architecture which supports the recognition of all the possible opinion quadruples in one shot. Based on the transition backbone, we then propose a Dual-Pointer module for more accurate term boundary detection. Besides, we further introduce a global graph reasoning mechanism, which helps to learn the global-level interactions between the overlapped quadruples. The high-order features are navigated into the transition system to enhance the final predictions. Extensive experimental results on five benchmarks demonstrate both the prominent efficacy and efficiency of our system. Our model outperforms all baselines in terms of all metrics, especially achieving a 10.5% point gain over the current best-performing system only detecting the holder-target-opinion triplets. Further analyses reveal that our framework is also effective in solving the overlapping structure and long-range dependency issues.  相似文献   

Big data generated by social media stands for a valuable source of information, which offers an excellent opportunity to mine valuable insights. Particularly, User-generated contents such as reviews, recommendations, and users’ behavior data are useful for supporting several marketing activities of many companies. Knowing what users are saying about the products they bought or the services they used through reviews in social media represents a key factor for making decisions. Sentiment analysis is one of the fundamental tasks in Natural Language Processing. Although deep learning for sentiment analysis has achieved great success and allowed several firms to analyze and extract relevant information from their textual data, but as the volume of data grows, a model that runs in a traditional environment cannot be effective, which implies the importance of efficient distributed deep learning models for social Big Data analytics. Besides, it is known that social media analysis is a complex process, which involves a set of complex tasks. Therefore, it is important to address the challenges and issues of social big data analytics and enhance the performance of deep learning techniques in terms of classification accuracy to obtain better decisions.In this paper, we propose an approach for sentiment analysis, which is devoted to adopting fastText with Recurrent neural network variants to represent textual data efficiently. Then, it employs the new representations to perform the classification task. Its main objective is to enhance the performance of well-known Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) variants in terms of classification accuracy and handle large scale data. In addition, we propose a distributed intelligent system for real-time social big data analytics. It is designed to ingest, store, process, index, and visualize the huge amount of information in real-time. The proposed system adopts distributed machine learning with our proposed method for enhancing decision-making processes. Extensive experiments conducted on two benchmark data sets demonstrate that our proposal for sentiment analysis outperforms well-known distributed recurrent neural network variants (i.e., Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM), and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)). Specifically, we tested the efficiency of our approach using the three different deep learning models. The results show that our proposed approach is able to enhance the performance of the three models. The current work can provide several benefits for researchers and practitioners who want to collect, handle, analyze and visualize several sources of information in real-time. Also, it can contribute to a better understanding of public opinion and user behaviors using our proposed system with the improved variants of the most powerful distributed deep learning and machine learning algorithms. Furthermore, it is able to increase the classification accuracy of several existing works based on RNN models for sentiment analysis.  相似文献   

Vital to the task of Sentiment Analysis (SA), or automatically mining sentiment expression from text, is a sentiment lexicon. This fundamental lexical resource comprises the smallest sentiment-carrying units of text, words, annotated for their sentiment properties, and aids in SA tasks on larger pieces of text. Unfortunately, digital dictionaries do not readily include information on the sentiment properties of their entries, and manually compiling sentiment lexicons is tedious in terms of annotator time and effort. This has resulted in the emergence of a large number of research works concentrated on automated sentiment lexicon generation. The dictionary-based approach involves leveraging digital dictionaries, while the corpus-based approach involves exploiting co-occurrence statistics embedded in text corpora. Although the former approach has been exhaustively investigated, the majority of works focus on terms. The few state-of-the-art models concentrated on the finer-grained term sense level remain to exhibit several prominent limitations, e.g., the proposed semantic relations algorithm retrieves only senses that are at a close proximity to the seed senses in the semantic network, thus prohibiting the retrieval of remote sentiment-carrying senses beyond the reach of the ‘radius’ defined by number of iterations of semantic relations expansion. The proposed model aims to overcome the issues inherent in dictionary-based sense-level sentiment lexicon generation models using: (1) null seed sets, and a morphological approach inspired by the Marking Theory in Linguistics to populate them automatically; (2) a dual-step context-aware gloss expansion algorithm that ‘mines’ human defined gloss information from a digital dictionary, ensuring senses overlooked by the semantic relations expansion algorithm are identified; and (3) a fully-unsupervised sentiment categorization algorithm on the basis of the Network Theory. The results demonstrate that context-aware in-gloss matching successfully retrieves senses beyond the reach of the semantic relations expansion algorithm used by prominent, well-known models. Evaluation of the proposed model to accurately assign senses with polarity demonstrates that it is on par with state-of-the-art models against the same gold standard benchmarks. The model has theoretical implications in future work to effectively exploit the readily-available human-defined gloss information in a digital dictionary, in the task of assigning polarity to term senses. Extrinsic evaluation in a real-world sentiment classification task on multiple publically-available varying-domain datasets demonstrates its practical implication and application in sentiment analysis, as well as in other related fields such as information science, opinion retrieval and computational linguistics.  相似文献   

When public events occur, users often generate a huge number of microblog entries and their online interactions with one another. Forwarding and commenting on posts contribute to the huge networks of topic and sentiment communication. This study constructs the topic and sentiment propagation maps of microblogging in the context of public events to visually explore the patterns of topic and sentiment propagation among stakeholders across different phases. To quantify the influence of topic and sentiment propagation, four indicators of “topic out-degree,” “topic variation degree,” “sentiment out-degree,” and “sentiment deviation degree” are proposed. We chose the child abuse case in the Beijing Red-Yellow-Blue (RYB) Kindergarten for our study. The positions of various stakeholders in the propagation paths and the relationship among stakeholders were revealed. Results indicate that the government and mainstream media have the greatest influence in terms of topic and sentiment propagation. Moreover, topic propagation was the most influential in the recession phase and the same can be said with sentiment propagation in the spreading phase. The findings can help the emergency management departments gain a better understanding of the propagation patterns of topics and emotions and the role of stakeholders in such phenomena to improve their emergency response ability.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】目前舆情情感演化研究大多是基于主题的方法来进行情感演化分析且重点均集中在从文本 本身提取的信息上,对在社交媒体中影响情感分析的用户特征缺乏考虑。【方法/过程】本文充分考虑网络用户信息 特征,构建融合用户特征的舆情情感演化方法,提出一种基于用户注意力机制的情感分析模型(U-BiLSTM),并以 新冠肺炎疫情事件为例分析舆情情感演化过程。【结果/结论】研究结果表明U-BiLSTM情感分析模型具有一定的 优越性,F1值和准确率能达到97.08%和95.19%。【创新/局限】研究提出的融合用户注意力机制的情感分析模型能够 使舆情情感演化分析具有一定的可解释性,有效揭示面向突发公共卫生事件下网民的情感演化趋势,但由于时间 和设备条件的限制,仅采用单一数据源未考虑数据的多源性,研究的数据集不够充分且研究角度仅考虑时间维度 忽略了空间维度。  相似文献   

Sentiment analysis on Twitter has attracted much attention recently due to its wide applications in both, commercial and public sectors. In this paper we present SentiCircles, a lexicon-based approach for sentiment analysis on Twitter. Different from typical lexicon-based approaches, which offer a fixed and static prior sentiment polarities of words regardless of their context, SentiCircles takes into account the co-occurrence patterns of words in different contexts in tweets to capture their semantics and update their pre-assigned strength and polarity in sentiment lexicons accordingly. Our approach allows for the detection of sentiment at both entity-level and tweet-level. We evaluate our proposed approach on three Twitter datasets using three different sentiment lexicons to derive word prior sentiments. Results show that our approach significantly outperforms the baselines in accuracy and F-measure for entity-level subjectivity (neutral vs. polar) and polarity (positive vs. negative) detections. For tweet-level sentiment detection, our approach performs better than the state-of-the-art SentiStrength by 4–5% in accuracy in two datasets, but falls marginally behind by 1% in F-measure in the third dataset.  相似文献   

Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to predict the sentiment polarities of specific targets in a given text. Recent researches show great interest in modeling the target and context with attention network to obtain more effective feature representation for sentiment classification task. However, the use of an average vector of target for computing the attention score for context is unfair. Besides, the interaction mechanism is simple thus need to be further improved. To solve the above problems, this paper first proposes a coattention mechanism which models both target-level and context-level attention alternatively so as to focus on those key words of targets to learn more effective context representation. On this basis, we implement a Coattention-LSTM network which learns nonlinear representations of context and target simultaneously and can extracts more effective sentiment feature from coattention mechanism. Further, a Coattention-MemNet network which adopts a multiple-hops coattention mechanism is proposed to improve the sentiment classification result. Finally, we propose a new location weighted function which considers the location information to enhance the performance of coattention mechanism. Extensive experiments on two public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of all proposed methods, and our findings in the experiments provide new insight for future developments of using attention mechanism and deep neural network for aspect-based sentiment analysis.  相似文献   

Although deep learning breakthroughs in NLP are based on learning distributed word representations by neural language models, these methods suffer from a classic drawback of unsupervised learning techniques. Furthermore, the performance of general-word embedding has been shown to be heavily task-dependent. To tackle this issue, recent researches have been proposed to learn the sentiment-enhanced word vectors for sentiment analysis. However, the common limitation of these approaches is that they require external sentiment lexicon sources and the construction and maintenance of these resources involve a set of complexing, time-consuming, and error-prone tasks. In this regard, this paper proposes a method of sentiment lexicon embedding that better represents sentiment word's semantic relationships than existing word embedding techniques without manually-annotated sentiment corpus. The major distinguishing factor of the proposed framework was that joint encoding morphemes and their POS tags, and training only important lexical morphemes in the embedding space. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted experiments comparing with two baseline models. As a result, the revised embedding approach mitigated the problem of conventional context-based word embedding method and, in turn, improved the performance of sentiment classification.  相似文献   

As a hot spot these years, cross-domain sentiment classification aims to learn a reliable classifier using labeled data from a source domain and evaluate the classifier on a target domain. In this vein, most approaches utilized domain adaptation that maps data from different domains into a common feature space. To further improve the model performance, several methods targeted to mine domain-specific information were proposed. However, most of them only utilized a limited part of domain-specific information. In this study, we first develop a method of extracting domain-specific words based on the topic information derived from topic models. Then, we propose a Topic Driven Adaptive Network (TDAN) for cross-domain sentiment classification. The network consists of two sub-networks: a semantics attention network and a domain-specific word attention network, the structures of which are based on transformers. These sub-networks take different forms of input and their outputs are fused as the feature vector. Experiments validate the effectiveness of our TDAN on sentiment classification across domains. Case studies also indicate that topic models have the potential to add value to cross-domain sentiment classification by discovering interpretable and low-dimensional subspaces.  相似文献   

Social media users are increasingly using both images and text to express their opinions and share their experiences, instead of only using text in the conventional social media. Consequently, the conventional text-based sentiment analysis has evolved into more complicated studies of multimodal sentiment analysis. To tackle the challenge of how to effectively exploit the information from both visual content and textual content from image-text posts, this paper proposes a new image-text consistency driven multimodal sentiment analysis approach. The proposed approach explores the correlation between the image and the text, followed by a multimodal adaptive sentiment analysis method. To be more specific, the mid-level visual features extracted by the conventional SentiBank approach are used to represent visual concepts, with the integration of other features, including textual, visual and social features, to develop a machine learning sentiment analysis approach. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The massively growing documents make it a challenge for researchers to find high value papers. To solve information explosion, some work on personalized paper recommendation have been proposed. However, the knowledge gap between a researcher's background knowledge and research target is seldom concerned. In this paper, we propose a new method of recommending helpful papers to support researchers by bridging the knowledge gap. First, domain knowledge is extracted as the concept map, which provides a basis of comparing user background knowledge and target knowledge. Then, the knowledge gap is defined with the concept map. To bridge the knowledge gap, the shortest concept paths are searched to explore some suitable knowledge paths, which can help researchers to acquire target knowledge in accordance with their cognition patterns. Finally, experiments are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the recommendation method.  相似文献   

国立科研机构的战略地图与其绩效评估体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张大群  杨国梁  李晓轩 《科学学研究》2011,29(12):1835-1844
 在探讨科研活动一般规律的基础上,提出关于国立科研机构的战略地图,使科研管理者可以更为清晰、准确和逻辑严密地描述组织自身的发展战略。在此基础上,文章以某国立研究所为例,分析提出此研究所的战略地图,并根据其战略地图系统地产生其绩效评估指标体系,使科研管理中可以将战略转化为具体的行动举措,为国立科研机构绩效评估提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

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