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Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques have been successfully used to automatically extract information from unstructured text through a detailed analysis of their content, often to satisfy particular information needs. In this paper, an automatic concept map construction technique, Fuzzy Association Concept Mapping (FACM), is proposed for the conversion of abstracted short texts into concept maps. The approach consists of a linguistic module and a recommendation module. The linguistic module is a text mining method that does not require the use to have any prior knowledge about using NLP techniques. It incorporates rule-based reasoning (RBR) and case based reasoning (CBR) for anaphoric resolution. It aims at extracting the propositions in text so as to construct a concept map automatically. The recommendation module is arrived at by adopting fuzzy set theories. It is an interactive process which provides suggestions of propositions for further human refinement of the automatically generated concept maps. The suggested propositions are relationships among the concepts which are not explicitly found in the paragraphs. This technique helps to stimulate individual reflection and generate new knowledge. Evaluation was carried out by using the Science Citation Index (SCI) abstract database and CNET News as test data, which are well known databases and the quality of the text is assured. Experimental results show that the automatically generated concept maps conform to the outputs generated manually by domain experts, since the degree of difference between them is proportionally small. The method provides users with the ability to convert scientific and short texts into a structured format which can be easily processed by computer. Moreover, it provides knowledge workers with extra time to re-think their written text and to view their knowledge from another angle.  相似文献   

Existing approaches to learning path recommendation for online learning communities mainly rely on the individual characteristics of users or the historical records of their learning processes, but pay less attention to the semantics of users’ postings and the context. To facilitate the knowledge understanding and personalized learning of users in online learning communities, it is necessary to conduct a fine-grained analysis of user data to capture their dynamical learning characteristics and potential knowledge levels, so as to recommend appropriate learning paths. In this paper, we propose a fine-grained and multi-context-aware learning path recommendation model for online learning communities based on a knowledge graph. First, we design a multidimensional knowledge graph to solve the problem of monotonous and incomplete entity information presentation of the single layer knowledge graph. Second, we use the topic preference features of users’ postings to determine the starting point of learning paths. We then strengthen the distant relationship of knowledge in the global context using the multidimensional knowledge graph when generating and recommending learning paths. Finally, we build a user background similarity matrix to establish user connections in the local context to recommend users with similar knowledge levels and learning preferences and synchronize their subsequent postings. Experiment results show that the proposed model can recommend appropriate learning paths for users, and the recommended similar users and postings are effective.  相似文献   

一种基于知识缺口分析的知识流程再造方法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
知识流程作为组织微观的线性知识流动的体现,与组织的业务流程方向一致,是组织知识应用与创新的根基。引入知识缺口的概念,提出了一种基于知识缺口分析的知识流程再造方法,该方法主要包括业务流程分析、知识流程表示、知识缺口分析与知识流程再造等四个步骤。最后,通过一个实际案例分析,详细说明了本文给出方法的应用。  相似文献   

针对创新社区日益增长的海量信息阻碍了用户对知识进行有效获取和创造的现状,将模糊形式概念分析(FFCA)理论应用于创新社区领先用户的个性化知识推荐研究。首先识别出创新社区领先用户并对其发帖内容进行文本挖掘得到用户——知识模糊形式背景,然后构建带有相似度的模糊概念格对用户偏好进行建模,最后基于模糊概念格和协同过滤的推荐算法为领先用户提供个性化知识推荐有序列表。以手机用户创新社区为例,验证了基于FFCA的领先用户个性化知识推荐方法的可行性,有助于满足用户个性化知识需求,促进用户更好地参与社区知识创新。  相似文献   

[研究目的]基于论文题名快速梳理特定研究领域中的概念,并确定概念所代表的知识之间驱动关系,有助于科学了解研究领域状况,为进一步寻找研究方向提供可能。[研究方法]以信息与知识传播研究领域为例,收集整理题名中包含“知识”研究论文元数据,在Stanford Parser的短语结构分析结果基础上,对驱动关系进行人工审定,并做边界调整、拆分和规范化,得到概念间的真实驱动关系数据,定义若干分析指标,以上述数据为基础构建加权有向图,并基于复杂网络分析和可视化技术分析展示在知识驱动方面具有不同特点的概念及驱动路径。[研究结论]该研究借鉴和发展共词分析方法,提出并实现了一种能够揭示研究领域概念之间有方向的知识驱动关系的方法,利用本方法可以发现不同概念在某一领域的驱动强度大小、特定的驱动路径和若干稳定或脆弱的概念团组。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数字图书馆的知识服务需要考虑用户科研情境的因素,现有研究大多集中于科研人员个体,忽略了科研团队的情境。针对团队科研活动的情境进行知识推荐,可以更好地服务以团队合作方式开展的科研活动。[方法/过程]提出了一种基于团队科研—知识应用情境匹配的数字图书馆知识推荐方法。运用情境感知技术构建数字图书馆知识应用情境和团队科研情境模型,将二者匹配,为活跃用户筛选出备选知识和邻居用户,完成知识排序和推荐。[结果/结论]通过数字图书馆知识推荐实例证实,提出的推荐方法能够精准挖掘出团队科研情境下科研人员的知识需求。  相似文献   

识别出组织存在的知识缺口是组织进行集成创新的前提。而现有对组织知识缺口识别方法的研究很少关注组织拥有知识的内在结构特性。为此,本文引入组织知识结构概念,从组织拥有知识之间的内在关联出发提出一种识别组织知识缺口的方法。该方法首先采用树形结构表示组织知识结构,建立组织知识需求的知识结构和知识储备的知识结构。然后利用树的匹配算法对知识需求的知识结构与储备的知识结构进行匹配处理,识别出组织的知识缺口。最后以LED专利为背景对该识别方法进行验证。实验结果证明该方法具有良好的效果,能够精确地识别出组织当前缺乏的知识及知识间的层次关系,并有助于组织准确快速地制定弥补策略。  相似文献   

In today’s world, knowledge is important for constructing core competitive advantages for individuals and organizations. Recently, Web 2.0 applications and social media have provided a convenient medium for people to share knowledge over the Internet. However, the huge amount of created knowledge can also leads to the problem of information overload. This research proposes a social knowledge navigation mechanism that utilizes the techniques of relevant knowledge network construction, knowledge importance analysis, and knowledge concept ontology construction to generate a visualized recommendation of a knowledge map of sub-concept and knowledge of an article reading sequence for supporting learning activities related to a free online encyclopedia. The results of experiments conducted on Wikipedia show that the proposed mechanism can effectively recommend useful articles and improve a knowledge seeker’s learning effectiveness.  相似文献   

胡昌龙 《情报科学》2021,39(9):131-138
【目的/意义】“信息过载”问题不利于用户快速准确获取目标信息,本文提出构建社交媒体基因图谱并应 用于信息推荐领域,为用户信息推荐提供新思路。【目的/意义】本文将社交媒体分解为社交媒体用户和社交信息内 容两大主体部分,借助生物学基因图谱概念,建立两大主体基因群并分别进行基因提取,构建社交媒体基因图谱, 并通过社交媒体基因图谱唯一辨识用户实体偏好进行信息推荐。【结果/结论】构建基于社交媒体基因图谱的信息 推荐模型,考虑用户内部及信息环境对基因图谱的影响,进行模型优化,为用户提供更加精准的信息推荐内容。【创 新/局限】基因的变异无法准确预估和控制,需要进一步研究引起基因变异的因素及变异方向,通过基因的可复制 性更加高效准确地对个人用户社交媒体基因图谱进行构建,进而实现其在信息推荐领域的应用。  相似文献   

陈伟  潘伟  杨早立 《科学学研究》2013,31(12):1864-1871
 摘要:知识经济时代,知识治理成为企业获取持续竞争优势的有效途径。本研究从知识势差的概念出发,引入知识治理机制和行为整合,构建了知识势差对知识治理绩效的影响机理概念模型。运用结构方程模型和多元回归分析对调研获得的数据进行实证研究。研究结果表明:知识势差对知识治理绩效有显著的负向影响,行为整合在知识势差和知识治理绩效中扮演中介角色,知识治理机制在知识势差与行为整合、行为整合与知识治理绩效、知识势差与知识治理绩效的关系中均起到调节作用。  相似文献   

概念图在知识组织中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张会平  周宁  陈勇跃 《情报科学》2007,25(10):1570-1574
概念图是利用概念及其关系表示和组织结构化知识的一种可视化方法。首先介绍了概念图的定义和理论基础,接着分析了概念图的构建方法,然后比较了概念图与分类法、主题法及本体之间的关系,最后结合实例探讨了概念图在知识组织中的应用。  相似文献   

基于知识地图和蚁群算法的知识识别模型研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
知识在其属性空间内是存在联系的,知识地图作为可视化表达工具,是具有属性空间知识的理想载体,它是知识空间形象思维的再现。在杂乱无章的知识群中,企业如果能够准确、高效地对知识加以识别,将会给企业带来相当大的隐性收益。这些收益虽然不能直接体现在企业的财务报表上,但是它们确实是影响企业组织规模和运营模式的内在因素。本文以知识地图和蚁群算法为研究工具,建立了企业的知识管理体系中知识识别的模型,通过实证中相关数据的采集绘制出企业相关技术实现的知识地图,并通过蚁群算法在地图中找到了一条较为合理的知识识别路径。  相似文献   

知识型员工行为能力的因素结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
贾建锋  赵希男  范芙蓉 《科学学研究》2009,27(12):1862-1868
 知识型员工有效工作能力的提升是知识型企业可持续发展的关键。立足中国情景,以中国知识型员工为研究对象,遵循系统性的原则,综合考虑有效行为产生的两个重要方面,将知识型员工的个体能力分为知识与技术能力和行为能力两个维度,在此基础上重点探讨了知识型员工行为能力的因素结构。采用行为事件访谈法(BEI)对知识型员工进行关键事件收集并确定关键行为域,在此基础上编制了调查问卷,以来自中国知识型企业的调查数据为依据,采用探索性因素分析方法获得了知识型员工行为能力维度的构想因素结构;采用验证性因素分析方法检验了构想因素结构的合理性。研究发现,知识型员工的行为能力包括行动与目标簇、基本行为簇、影响力簇与管理簇4个因素,而且4个因素的标准载荷系数均高于0.8,说明4个因素很好地反映了行为能力;同时,在这4个因素之下又包括18项具体的能力要素,各能力要素对各个簇群均具有较好的解释力度。  相似文献   

以服务情报学科研和研究生教育为出发点,对情报学科研教学本体的构建和应用进行探索,实现了本体基本内容的构建,并针对本体的知识推荐应用,提出了基于中图分类法的知识推荐方法。实验分析结果证明,所采用的方法是有效的,能够为情报学科研和研究生撰写学术论文提供指导和帮助。  相似文献   


The ability of an organisation to harness knowledge assets dynamics lies at the core of organisational value creation capacity. A key challenge both for researchers and for practitioners is to understand how to measure and manage knowledge assets dynamics. In this paper the managerial foundations of knowledge assets dynamics are introduced. For measuring and managing knowledge assets dynamics within organisations three processes are discussed as follows: knowledge assets identification, knowledge assets mapping and knowledge assets flow. The ability of an organisation to gain sustainable competitive advantages is related to the capacity of mastering these processes. Each process is analysed introducing the possible frameworks that can inspire both scholars investigating the microfoundations of organisational knowledge dynamics, and practitioners looking for approaches to leverage knowledge assets to improve business performance.


张雪  张志强 《科研管理》2022,43(6):160-169
    分析中国医药领域专利知识吸收和扩散演化规律及知识吸收对知识扩散影响,有助于快速选择并吸收相关资源,为加大基础研究投入强度提供数据支撑,为科技资源整合策略提供支持。本文以2000—2014年美国专利商标局收录的中国医药领域2326件专利及其引用的43 822篇专利文献、35 573篇论文文献为研究对象,从专利知识吸收及知识扩散两个角度出发,采用多元方差分析、零膨胀负二项回归及多元线性回归进行多维度分析。结果表明:专利知识吸收逐年增加,但知识扩散并未形成稳定趋势;不同时间段内知识吸收及扩散各测度指标显著不同;专利文献知识吸收数量、质量及论文文献知识吸收质量均对专利知识扩散产生负向影响;吸收论文知识构件对专利知识扩散产生正向影响;吸收论文数量与知识扩散广度、强度负相关;吸收专利知识构件与知识扩散广度正相关,但与知识扩散强度与速度均无相关关系;专利及论文文献知识吸收新颖性对知识扩散广度、强度及速度均无影响。  相似文献   

苏加福  杨涛  胡森森 《科研管理》2020,41(8):248-257
知识流动效率对创新绩效有着重要影响,在协同创新领域更是如此。为有效测度协同创新知识网络的知识流动效率,本文提出一种基于无向加权网络(Undirected Weighted Network, UWN)的知识流动效率测度模型。首先,基于协同创新知识网络的节点特性、节点间关系特性,构建协同创新知识网络的UWN模型;综合考虑协同创新知识网络中知识流动效率的多重影响因素,提出一个新的知识流动效率测度模型,并进一步提出该模型在成员管理中的延伸应用;最后,通过某智能手机开发企业的应用案例验证本文所提模型与方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

Visualization technology can provide the intuitionistic intelligent interactive platform and support the completion of knowledge architecture. The platform has the knowledge navigation mechanism and knowledge construc-tion tools based on visualization technology. Knowledge navigation mechanism can be divided into knowledge structure navigation,knowledge resources navigation and knowledge recommendation navigation. Knowledge construction tools contain concept map,cognition map,thinking map and vision metaphor. The framework of the platform includes data layer,application layer and interface layer.  相似文献   

This paper discusses an exploratory investigation of the role of concept mapping techniques for assessing knowledge manager learning needs and developing knowledge management (KM) training programs and courses. The research data were collected using seven concept map templates completed by 13 KM students during a 15-week higher education course. The study found that concept maps can provide a useful real-time feedback mechanism for knowledge managers undergoing structured learning, while enabling instructors to determine what KM practitioners require from their training and education. Additionally, the research showed that knowledge managers require a balance of foundational KM principles, concepts and methods coupled with examples of real-world implementations, tools and measures. The results also identify concept maps as a valuable research and evaluation technique for individuals engaged in the practice and process of training knowledge managers.  相似文献   

概念知识地图可以作为知识表达的基础,采用协同创作的方法可以很好地构建概念知识地图。本文介绍了概念知识地图的主体协同创作过程,建立了群体决策模型。根据有限理性理论,对主体决策能力和主体间的交流互动进行了分析。运用调查问卷的方法获取仿真参数,对某科研组织概念知识地图协同创作过程进行了仿真,验证了该模型的有效性。研究结果表明,要获得稳定的协作结果需要一定的时间;知识积累对协作具有正向促进作用;协作结果对主体的初始认知情况具有敏感性。本研究可为协同创作规则的制定和系统的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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