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信息媒体数字视频图书馆(TheINFORMEDIADigitalVideoLibrary,简称IDVL)项目是美国数字图书馆创始计划(DigitalLibrariesInitiative,简~,DLI)最初的六个项目之一,由卡内基·梅隆大学于1994年创建。该项目一直在深入地开发数字视频及其相关技术和工具,致力于建立一个庞大的在线数字视频图书馆,为用户提供多媒体信息服务。文章对该数字图书馆的项目概况、资源组织、技术特征和服务特点等进行了综合介绍和评价。  相似文献   
亚历山大数字图书馆项目(Alexandria Digital Library,ADL)是美国最大的、持续时间最长的数字图书馆研究项目之一,自1994年起连续得到了美国国家科学基金会(NSF)的美国数字图书馆倡导计划(Digital Library Initiative,DLI)长达十年的资助。该项目的重点在于设计并运行其颇有特色的地理参考数字图书馆。ADL是一个分布式参考资料数字图书馆,以各种数据来源的地图、图像和地理定位文献为主要收集对象,实现公众对地理空间信息对象的访问和搜索,是互联网上的地理信息资源中心。文章对该数字图书馆的项目背景、信息资源组织、服务和技术特点等进行了介绍和评价。  相似文献   
Community colleges are complex organizations and assessing their performance, though important, is difficult. Compared to 4-year colleges and universities, community colleges serve a more diverse population and provide a wider variety of educational programs that include continuing education and technical training for adults, and diplomas, associates degrees, and transfer credits for recent high school graduates. Focusing solely on the latter programs of North Carolina’s community colleges, we measure the success of each college along two dimensions: attainment of an applied diploma or degree; or completion of the coursework required to transfer to a 4-year college or university. We address three questions. First, how much variation is there across the institutions in these measures of student success? Second, how do these measures of success differ across institutions after we adjust for the characteristics of the enrolled students? Third, how do our measures compare to the measures of success used by the North Carolina Community College System? Although we find variation along both dimensions of success, we also find that part of this variation is attributable to differences in the kinds of students who attend various colleges. Once we correct for such differences, we find that it is not possible to distinguish most of the system’s colleges from one another along either dimension. Top-performing institutions, however, can be distinguished from the most poorly performing ones. Finally, our adjusted rates of success show little correlation either to measurable aspects of the various colleges or to the metrics used by the state.  相似文献   
地球探测工具书(EarthExplorationToolbook,EET)是致力于地球系统科学研究的数字图书馆。作为一部用于教学科研及地球系统科学工具、数据集和资源实例为一体的知识宝典,EET旨在循序渐进地引导用户利用它来从事各类有关地球科学的学习探索和研究。文章从资源组织、技术特征、服务特点等方面对地球探测工具书数字图书馆做了综合性评述,并给出了作者的评价与建议。  相似文献   
Since 1990, Latin American immigrants to the United States have dispersed beyond traditional gateway regions to a number of "new destinations." Both theory and past empirical evidence provide mixed guidance as to whether the children of these immigrants are adversely affected by residing in a nontraditional destination. This study uses administrative public school data to study over 2,800 8- to 18-year-old Hispanic youth in one new destination, North Carolina. Conditional on third-grade socioeconomic indicators, Hispanic youth who arrive by age 9 and remain enrolled in North Carolina public schools close achievement gaps with socioeconomically similar White students by sixth grade and exhibit significantly lower high school dropout rates. Their performance resembles that of first-generation youth in more established immigration gateways.  相似文献   
美国鱼类与野生生物服务局国家数字图书馆(The U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Digital Library)是一个免费向公众提供鱼类、野生动植物及其栖息地相关信息资源的数字图书馆。其资源类型包括图片、历史文物、音频剪辑、出版物和视频资料等,涵盖范围广泛,浏览、检索shag齐全。文章对该项目的建设及现状进行了综合性的评析,包括项目概述、数字资源及组织、技术特征、服务特点等,并给出了作者的评价与建议。  相似文献   
随着世界上第一颗原子弹的爆炸,核问题越来越引起人们的关注和重视。核路径数字图书馆(Nuclearpathways.org)作为美国国家科学数字图书馆(NSDL)的项目之一,旨在为教育者、学生以及广大读者介绍普及核领域的相关知识,使核知识变得容易理解获取,资料方便利用。文章对该馆的数字资源组织、技术特征、服务特点等作了综合性的评述,并给出了作者的评价与建议。  相似文献   
作为美国国家科学数字图书馆(NSDL)的项目之一,健康教育资源图书馆(Health Education Assets Library,HEAL)是一个专门为健康教育工作者提供集图片、视频、音频、功画等多媒体资源为一体的高质量的、免费的数字图书馆。文章从整体上对HEAL进行了介绍和评析,包括概述、数字资源及组织、技术特征、服务特点以及作者的评价和建议。  相似文献   
古腾堡项目(ProjectGutenberg)被普遍认定是最早出现的数字图书馆。1971年7月4日,创始人MichaelHart将美国《独立宣言》输入计算机,开启了古腾堡项目的第一步。40年后,在Mr.Hard的领导和无数志愿者的帮助下,该项目的免费电子书等目前已经超过47Y本,而其附属网站收集的电子书更是超过了1077本。古腾堡项目作为最早的数字图书馆在数字图书馆发展史中扮演了十分重要的角色。文章对该项目的历史背景、信息资源组织、服务和技术特点等进行客观的介绍和评价。  相似文献   
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