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This study provides evidence on the impact of including warm messages in elaborated feedback. These messages are aimed at the motivational process that can be mobilised by feedback and that which can condition its reception and the way students face the task (post-feedback behaviour). In a task where secondary school students had to learn a new strategy for improving their reading skills in a computer-based environment, we compared the use of elaborated feedback with the use of elaborated feedback enhanced with motivational messages (warm elaborated feedback) and a control condition (without feedback). The results showed that students receiving warm elaborated feedback revisited the text more often than those receiving only the elaborated feedback, and that both groups revisited the text more than the control group. This finding suggests that controlling the motivational aspects in feedback messages may increase the effectiveness of elaborated feedback.  相似文献   
青海湖湖岸形态变化及成因分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
青海湖在1975年~2000年的25年间,湖岸形态发生了较大变化,西岸和北岸陆地相对推进距离分别达到1 566.3m和3 266.9m,年平均推进距离分别为62.6m和130.6m;湖区东岸沙体形似"鸟嘴"侵蚀东岸湖水,近100 km2的水体被分离,只有很窄的河道连通湖区,且"鸟嘴"有继续延伸趋势.造成湖岸形态变化的主要原因是气候暖干化、湖水位下降、土地沙漠化和人类活动的共同影响.青海湖环湖地区气候暖干化导致的青海湖水位下降和土地沙漠化是造成湖岸变化的的直接成因;人类活动引起的草场退化则进一步加速了湖岸的变化.  相似文献   
针对汽车发动机冷却液循环系统中的节温器,应用形状记忆合金节温器取代原来使用的石蜡节温器,形状记忆合金节温器的温控驱动元件采用TiNi形状记忆合金制作,并将其记忆动作温度通过相应的热处理调节至发动机冷却液温度的变化范围,用以驱动节温器主副阀门完成对发动机冷却液大小循环的控制。  相似文献   
暖泉镇位于河北省蔚县西南部,西邻山西广灵县,是蔚县的重要交通枢纽和商贸中心。暖泉设镇的时间可以追溯到元代,至明清时已经有了很大的发展,有三堡、六巷、十八庄。如今在暖泉镇留存着许多明清时期尤其是清代的碑刻,通过对碑刻的解读与分析可以对这一时期暖泉的商业状况有一个初步的了解。  相似文献   
Warm‐up decrement (WUD), a phenomenon associated with motor behaviour, is the temporary decrement that occurs when performance resumes after a period of inactivity. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which observing a model while concerned about one's own subsequent performance (e.g. a substitute about to enter the sport contest) influences WUD. The subjects were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: (1) observing an ego‐involved model demonstrate the criterion skill, (2) observing a model while not ego‐involved, (3) ego involvement without modelling and (4) resting (control). Performance outcome (accuracy) and arousal (cognitive and somatic) were assessed. The results of the study indicated that only the combined ego involvement plus modelling condition eliminated WUD. Positive rather than negative emotions and heart rate increased significantly for these subjects after rest. In contrast, the other conditions each exhibited WUD. Heart rate was significantly higher in the ‘model and ego’ and ‘ego only’ groups as opposed to ‘modelling only’ and rest. Implications for using cognitive strategies while observing competitors just prior to entering the contest on reducing WUD are discussed.  相似文献   
高校图书馆作为有体系结构的组织,管理主体对指导理论的选择始终是历史的过程,是高校图书馆保持有效运作的重要命题。治理理论作为时兴的理论运用到图书馆运作中符合民主、有序参与的精神,是管理过程面临的必然抉择。对治理理论进行考证,理清实质内涵和有益经验,对研究的热点和趋势进行把握,结合高校图书馆的有利支撑,阐明治理实现的理路,必然对高校图书馆事业的发展有所助益。  相似文献   
在假定转换开关完全可靠,部件的工作寿命、贮备寿命、工作故障后的修理时间和贮备故障后的修理时间均服从不同型的指数分布的条件下,研究了两个不同型部件、一个修理设备组成的温贮备可修系统.利用马尔可夫型可修系统的研究方法和Maple11.0软件,得到了该系统有关首次故障前的平均时间、可用度和故障频度等可靠性指标的表达式.  相似文献   
刘世德 《丽水学院学报》2003,25(6):63-69,90
《红楼梦》各回描写的惜春在大观园中的住处,存在着互不照应的矛盾。这种现象的产生,是由曹雪芹在创作过程中的构思的变化和修改所造成的。  相似文献   
余华1990年代以来的小说致力于营构社会底层民众生存的宏阔斑斓的民间世界。在这个悲喜交加、美丑混杂、善恶并存的世界,人的命运充满难以捉摸的变数。厄运与灾祸常不期而至,生活的窘迫和苦难如影随形。对此人物却总能坚韧地坦然忍耐、泰然处之,始终持守好好活着的生存理想。文本中人性光芒的闪耀和充溢于字里行间的脉脉温情,体现出作家对民间深挚的人文关怀,促使人产生关于形而下的生活和形而上的命运与生存、精神与理想的深刻思考。  相似文献   
研究由服从几何分布的元件和成败型的开关组成的温贮备系统,求出系统的可靠度和点估计的表达式;在两参数未知的情况下,求出系统可靠度的近似置信限.  相似文献   
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