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BackgroundPlanctomycetes is a phylum of biofilm-forming bacteria with numerous biosynthetic gene clusters, offering a promising source of new bioactive secondary metabolites. However, the current generation of chemically defined media achieves only low biomass yields, hindering research on these species. We therefore developed a chemically defined medium for the model organism Planctopirus limnophila to increase biomass production.ResultsWe found that P. limnophila grows best with a 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer. The replacement of complex nitrogen sources with defined amino acid solutions did not inhibit growth. Screening for vitamin requirements revealed that only cyanocobalamin (B12) is needed for growth. We used response surface methodology to optimize the medium, resulting in concentrations of 10 g/L glucose, 34 mL/L Hutner’s basal salts, 23.18 mM KNO3, 2.318 mM NH4Cl and 0.02 mg/L cyanocobalamin. The analysis of amino acid consumption allowed us to develop a customized amino acid solution lacking six of the amino acids present in Aminoplasmal 10%. Fed-batch cultivation in a bioreactor using the optimized medium achieved a final ΔOD600 of 46.8 ± 0.5 after 108 h, corresponding to a cell dry weight of 13.6 ± 0.7 g/L.ConclusionsThe optimized chemically defined medium allowed us to produce larger amounts of biomass more quickly than reported in earlier studies. Further research should focus on triggering P. limnophila biofilm formation to activate the gene clusters responsible for secondary metabolism.How to cite: Kruppa OC, Gerlach D, Fan R, et al. Development of a chemically defined medium for Planctopirus limnophila to increase biomass production. Electron J Biotechnol 2021;54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2021.09.002.  相似文献   
胡翼青 《新闻界》2007,(5):42-44
本文基于对江苏城乡居民的一项旨在研究“新闻传媒与全面建设小康社会“的入户调查.调查发现,传媒对于小康社会的建设具有较为积极的推动作用:这一方面体现在传媒对“小康社会“这一概念的广泛传播有着明显的效果;另一方面,尽管在经济、制度等现代观念的培养上效果并不明显,但总地说来,传媒对于培养小康社会所需要的受众各个方面的现代意识具有积极的帮助.  相似文献   
一直以来遭受口诛笔伐的养老金双轨制终被废除,伴随着机关事业单位养老保险的改革,养老金制度取得了里程碑式的进步。但并轨后,退休金差别却"涛声依旧",公务员职业年金的建立掀起了大众关于养老金公平又一轮的争议。巨大的转制成本、三大风险的应对,都是养老金改革亟待解决的问题。如何顺利推进改革,完善政策措施,我们可以结合本国国情,借鉴国际经验,推迟退休年龄。同时引入弹性退休制,建立名义账户制,实行延期福利,促进企业年金的广覆盖,建立多层次养老保险制度,实现公平和效率以及养老制度可持续发展。  相似文献   
The dominant understanding of Internet censorship posits that blocking access to foreign-based websites creates isolated communities of Internet users. We question this discourse for its assumption that if given access people would use all websites. We develop a conceptual framework that integrates access blockage with social structures to explain Web users’ choices, and argue that users visit websites they find culturally proximate and that access blockage matters only when such sites are blocked. We examine the case of China, where online blockage is notoriously comprehensive, and compare Chinese Web usage patterns with those elsewhere. Analyzing audience traffic among the 1000 most visited websites, we find that websites cluster according to language and geography. Chinese websites constitute one cluster, which resembles other such geolinguistic clusters in terms of both its composition and its degree of isolation. Our sociological investigation reveals a greater role of cultural proximity than access blockage in explaining online behaviors.  相似文献   
教师职业幸福感的高低既影响教师自身健康、工作绩效,也极大地影响高校人才培养质量的提升。为探讨广西高职院校教师职业幸福感现状,课题组运用整群取样法,采用幸福感问卷对广西14所高职高专院校2549名专任教师进行问卷调查。结果为:广西高职院校教师幸福感总体处于中等水平;教师满意度得分由高到低为工作群体、工作本身、自我实现、管理维度、工作条件、经济收入。教师工作绩效的总体评价与职业幸福感显著正相关。教师职业幸福感与性别、年龄、学历、职称不相关,与婚姻状况、教龄、学科呈负相关关系,与教师类别、住房状况、薪酬收入、领导职务、绩效考核结果呈正相关关系。  相似文献   
本文以当代西方文学为研究对象,通过深入的理论梳理来探究其在时空维度上的界定,认为1968年不仅是一个界定当代西方的重要时间节点,同时也是当代西方文学思潮起始之点,现实主义文学思潮、存在主义文学思潮、新左派与反文化文学思潮、后殖民主义文学思潮、女性主义文学思潮、流行文化文学思潮、生态主义文学思潮以及实验主义文学思潮便是其中最为突出的代表。这些文学思潮归根结底是当代西方资本主义经济基础、社会存在的反映,同时又是文学作为意识形态形式用审美特殊性探寻社会出路、寻找人的生存的新的可能性的文化心声。  相似文献   
本文回顾了迄今为止浙派的研究情况,从浙派的界定、相关论争、浙派与清代文化的关系及浙派诗人与派系研究三个方面,总结至今在浙派研究方面所取得的成就,并试图为深化该领域的研究略陈管见。  相似文献   
湖州,真正的历史文化名城   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖州,楚名菰城,秦名乌程,三国名吴兴,至隋始名湖州。太湖自古襟带四州,唯湖州是以滨太湖而命名的城市。“江表大郡,吴兴第一”、“其冠簪之盛,汉唐以来敌天下三分之一”。千年变革,时事沧桑,中心城区仍是不规则的六棱形,古城格局仍清晰可辨,山川I精灵犹存,人文古迹未泯。  相似文献   
随着社会的不断发展与进步,人口的老龄化问题日益严重。在我国已进入老龄化社会的同时,国内对企业养老金会计的研究多还停留在对发达国家及其企业的养老金会计处理的介绍阶段,缺乏对企业养老金会计理论与实务的研究,这使得如何完善养老保险体制成为政府、企业和个人等多方关注的焦点。本文介绍养老金会计的基本框架,导入国外先进的养老金会计模式,旨在对中国的养老金会计改革提供参考。  相似文献   
我国公司法第35条沿袭传统公司立法精神,对有限责任公司股东向非股东的第三人转让出资设置了两项限制条件,其立法价值需要重估。立法中规定的全体股东过半数同意无法真正起到制约股东向第三人转让出资的作用。其他股东的优先购买权也不能对抗转让出资的股东与第三人的出资转让行为。  相似文献   
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