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我国体育产业从公益事业向产业化发展的过程中,始终面临着一个问题,那就是其中多大成分是公益,多大成分是商业,这个问题也导出了国家在体育公益事业上的投资与产业商业投资之间的合作、冲突和矛盾如何处理的问题。其实体育产业中的公益投资与商业投资具有相互促进、相互补充的关系,政府与企业之间可以相互融资,或者通过政府采购服务的方式,保证两种投资关系的合理和效益最大化。  相似文献   
如何辨别和协调相关者利益,成为非物质文化遗产保护与可持续发展的一个现实问题。通过实地调研,以"利益相关者理论"研究视域,辨析体育非物质文化遗产利益相关者的类别。研究表明:体育非物质文化遗产各主体因角色不同,利益出发点和关注点不同,文章提出以责任、诉求和能力三个维度,将体育非物质文化遗产利益相关者划分为核心、蛰伏以及边缘三类利益相关者,并对利益相关者管理提出了若干思考,以期为我国非物质文化遗产的继承与发展,提供理论指导与实践支持。  相似文献   
网球是一项非常有益身心健康的运动,可以帮助人们提高自身的运动能力、增强体质,很多高校开设了网球课程。如何提高学生对网球的兴趣,使其积极参与到网球课程中来成为了高校网球教学面临的主要难题。对此,笔者从高校当前的网球教学现状出发,为提高学生网球兴趣提出相应的建议。  相似文献   
A named professional with responsibility for overseeing and coordinating the educational inclusion of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities has become an important school role in many countries. In England, the SENCO (special educational needs coordinator) became a mandatory role in 1994, and associated mandatory training was introduced in 2009. A questionnaire survey of 618 in-training and actual SENCOs revealed that their motivating interest in becoming a SENCO varied. An exploratory factor analysis of 32 items covering different interests in the role yielded four interest factors in becoming a SENCO: outward-facing factors (‘inclusion’ and ‘high-quality provision’) and inward-facing factors (‘educational and professional development’ and ‘leadership voice and status’). The outward-facing factors were viewed as more important to respondents than the inward-facing factors. Interest factors did not interact with organisational variables, including age group taught and school quality. Nevertheless, younger SENCOs and those engaged in training were more motivated by educational and professional development. SENCOs holding school leadership contracts were more motivated in developing leadership voice and status compared with their classroom teacher peers. Moreover, there was a significant overall difference with women reporting a higher interest than men across all factors.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]针对当前知识发现服务中存在的个性化程度不高和推荐效果不佳等问题,提出一种基于用户兴趣度量和内容分析的推荐算法。[方法/过程]文章通过特征词分布、LDA主题分布、引文结构网络三个维度构建学术资源模型,并通过对用户行为的度量,计算用户对其浏览学术资源的兴趣度,结合学术资源模型构建用户兴趣模型。将用户兴趣模型与学术资源模型匹配,计算其相似度,得到用户对每条学术资源的兴趣值,最后将兴趣值最高的TOP-N学术资源推荐给用户。[结果/结论]通过实验检验算法的有效性和推荐准确率,结果显示,本文从实时动态度量兴趣的角度,提出的推荐算法能较好地预测用户兴趣,推荐效果显著,为实现发现服务精准推荐提供思路。  相似文献   
近年来,性侵运动员的犯罪行为频发,成为国际社会聚焦的热点。以此审视我国运动员性法益的保护,虽有强奸罪、强制猥亵罪的刑事立法,却缺乏对该犯罪行为特殊性的深入思考,既不能在惩治犯罪人方面达到理想效果,亦不能在预防犯罪方面发挥良好功能。同时,司法中的“以纪代法”、针对性缺乏、未回应被害人需求等诸多问题,亦使该犯罪行为的刑事规制效果大打折扣。所以,在该犯罪立法上应有针对性采用附属刑法进行修正,完善犯罪的特别预防与一般预防制度;司法上,积极回应被害人的诉求,努力克服刑事规制过程中的各种困境,让运动员的性法益得到全面而充分的保护。  相似文献   
While there is a growing body of work that examines disciplinary identity development, unlike qualitative work in this area, quantitative research has not fully incorporated the importance of different contexts, nor has it uniquely focused on underrepresented groups (in this case, women in physics). This study examines how the constructs posited by prior work as important for physics identity, as well as an additional theorized construct, may interrelate and affect female students' physics identity differently depending on the context. Context in this study refers to two different experiential levels in college. The constructs examined include performance/competence, recognition, and interest, as well as sense of belonging. In particular, we used structural equation modeling to examine the effect that these constructs have on the physics identity of two groups of female physics undergraduates: first year students and senior year students. The results reveal that the relationship of the theorized constructs with physics identity vary between the two groups as well as compared to prior research with broad college student populations (not just physics majors). Unlike broad college student populations, for our sample of female physics undergraduates, interest did not have a direct effect on physics identity while sense of belonging was significant only for senior year students. These results exemplify the importance of examining context or different types of student experiences when studying disciplinary identity development rather than generalizing previous frameworks to all contexts.  相似文献   
幼儿时期是人类成长的奠基时期,通过科学的幼儿体育教学将对会幼儿的身体健康、人格塑造与品质培养起到积极促进作用。文章采用文献资料法等,对幼儿体育教学的设计方案与开发展开研究。研究认为:根据幼儿的身心特点与身体发育特征,设计具有支持性、训练性与养成行动体育教学内容和方式,把体育文化、体育意识、体育技能融入到幼儿的体育活动和成长中,以有效提高幼儿各方面的素质。  相似文献   
推动“中国制造2025”进程,培养一批高素质机电专业型人才势在必行,这也是高校对机械类专业大学生培养目标的具体要求。机电类专业基础课《机电传动控制》则为实现这一人才目标提供了强有力的工具。以基本技能为目标组建学生兴趣小组,精心设计课程教学,将课程内容与基本技能融合,多信息技术贯穿教学并维持学生兴趣,达到事半功倍的效果。文章从提高学生主动性、信息技术下教学内容多样性等方面对教学方法进行探讨,为专业基础课和专业课程的教学提供借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   
以利益相关者理论为视角,对我国转基因技术应用中利益相关者进行界定,并系统分析政府、生物科技公司、转基因产品的生产者和销售者、转基因作物种植农民、消费者、科学家和社会组织间的利益关系,最后对如何协调和平衡利益相关者的利益关系提出建议。  相似文献   
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