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This paper provides a methodology to study the characteristics of the research output from a university department. The faculty publications and their cited references over a 10-year period were used as the basis for this study to identify their publishing patterns and the types of material they are publishing; a core set of journals and other resources they are publishing in and citing over this period; the characteristics of the journals in which they publish and cite; the degree of openness of their publications and their citation advantage; and the age of resources that are referenced.  相似文献   
黄乐乐 《美育学刊》2020,11(2):116-120
现藏于南京博物院的一批无款写真头像《明人十二像册》,是中国写实画的一座高峰。对于这个像册的绘画风格,现当代学者多半都偏向认为是受到西方绘画的影响。但经与西方圣像画比较研究,像册仍属于中国本土的绘画传统,受到了宋代山水画和花鸟画高度写真精神的影响。  相似文献   
产生于西汉初年的《韩诗外传》杂采先秦百家,其渊源所自向来难以确指,但历来人们所论,多局限于其与《荀子》的关系而忽略了《外传》对其它各家的采纳,尤其是《韩诗外传》体现出的鲜明的尊孟倾向,目前鲜有论及。了解《韩诗外传》对待孟子的尊崇态度,这不仅对把握《孟子》在韩婴学术构成中的分量具有积极意义,而且对理清汉代诗学渊源、重新考查孟子在汉代诗学承传过程中的地位,也有一定的辅助作用。  相似文献   
刘禹锡是中唐韩、白之外独辟蹊径的优秀诗人,也是参加过永贞革新的政治家。其留传至今的八百多首诗篇历来为后人所关注,然而在现存的《刘禹锡集》中,尚有十六首联句诗未引起研究者们的注意。其实,通过对刘禹锡所参加的联句活动及其所参与创作的联句诗进行研究,不难发现,这些联句诗在一定程度上反映了刘禹锡各个时期的政治心理。  相似文献   
A bibliography is traditionally characterized by the judgments, bounded by explicit selection criteria, made by a single compiler. Because these criteria concern the attributes ascribed to a work and the needs of readers, bibliographic work is largely conceptual even across technological eras and domains. Yet, the development of networked information services, made possible by WWW infrastructure, has enabled very large numbers of people to discover, organize, and publish information, including bibliographies. Indeed, bibliographies, or at least bibliography-like artifacts, are a common genre of website, often published by people without specialized skills in information organization who follow non-rigorous selection procedures. Nevertheless, even if the items from these lists are poorly selected and described, this publishing activity is fundamentally important because it structures information locally, creating a patchy network of secondary access points. In turn, these access points enable information discovery, the formation and development of communities of interest, the estimation of document relevance by search engines, and so on. In sum, this activity, and the enabling technical infrastructure, invites bibliographies to take on new interactive possibilities. The aim of this article is to extend the traditional view of bibliography to encompass collaborative possibilities for wide, or narrow, participation in the shaping of bibliographies and the selection of items. This is done by examining the nature of bibliography on the Web, by proposing a conceptual model that opens bibliography to participatory practices, and by discussing a case study where a team sought to develop a bibliography of electronic resources. This examination reveals splendid opportunities for expanding the notion of bibliography with participatory policies while remaining true to its ancient roots.  相似文献   
数字化时代的采编模式与信息资源的建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨晓华  侯曼玲 《情报科学》2002,20(8):825-827
针对数字化时代高校图书馆的采编工作的特点,认为必须尽快更新信息采集模式,利用先进的网络工具,有效利用商家的随书数据源及网上数据资源,提高采编工作效率,实现采编手段现代化。同时,优化信息采编的管理机制,建立信息采编的专家指导机制,更新采编人员的知识结构,并提出了积极探索馆藏资源利用的规律,建立多元化的信息资源体系,实现信息资源的网络共建的若干具体措施。  相似文献   
王洪林  刘伟 《科技管理研究》2021,41(21):196-203
以粒子群优化算法为基本理论,结合我国中小企业目前对竞争情报的迫切需求和开展竞争情报工作的困难,利用跨学科分析法和仿真实验检验法,构建一个适用于中小企业的竞争情报"粒子搜索模型".该模型充分调用各粒子"经验"寻找全局最优解,用以为我国中小企业构建低成本、高收益、易组织管理的竞争情报搜集系统模型提供参考.  相似文献   
一切历史都是当代史,同一人物由于作者生活的时代背景和审美取向的不同被赋予了不同的形象。现主要分析《敦煌变文集》中以王昭君和秋胡妻为代表的女性形象及其蕴含的审美意义。她们都是容貌俊美却无法抗拒命运的悲剧人物,都无法摆脱社会的牢笼而获得真正的婚姻。她们唯美而又哀伤的独特内心得到了人们的同情,使得她们的故事广为流传。  相似文献   
《沙石集》是日本镰仓时代的佛教说话集,它以出色的语言表现、寓意性的手法,成功描绘出一幅日本中世庶民生活及其朴素信仰的图景,使佛教与文学达到最佳结合。其中的“裁判说话”讲述了地方官吏与庄园主之间的争端以及寻常百姓家继子与亲子的矛盾、遗产的继承、离婚的诉讼等,深刻反映了当时社会形态及法制状况。也正是这些“裁判说话”,为我们今天研究镰仓时代日本的民间法律带来了丰富的史料和考证依据。  相似文献   
名物训释是《诗经》学值得关注的一个问题。元代许谦《诗集传名物钞》以陆玑《毛诗草木鸟兽虫鱼疏》、蔡卞《毛诗名物解》等名物训释为基础。用朱熹《诗集传》作蓝本,关注《诗经》经传义理的阐发,将名物训释和诗义相结合,展示了名物训释的另一种视角。  相似文献   
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