
Exploring Technical System and Theoretical Structure of Digital Humanities
中文关键词: 数字人文  数字化  数据科学  可视化  虚拟现实  增强现实
英文关键词: Digital humanities  Digitalization  Data Science  Visualization  Virtual reality  Augmented reality
刘炜 上海图书馆研 上海 200031  
叶鹰 南京大学信息管理学院 江苏 南京 210023 yye@nju.edu.cn,yye@nju.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 3775
全文下载次数: 1339

    The data-driven research paradigm is being applied in the studies of humanities. This is forming the methodological community of digital humanities,with showing characteristic interdisciplinarity and interdisciplinary emergence. The methodological community is supported by the technical system of digital humanities,with affecting the theoretical structure of digital humanities. While the digital humanities develop quickly,the technical system and theoretical structure of digital humanities need to establish. For clarifying the issues,the authors suggested a framework to unify both technical and theoretical core.

    By reviewing published articles and present views,the authors concluded total characteristics of digital humanities. It is pointed out that the technical system of digital humanities include technologies of digitalization,data and data analysis,visualization,VR/AR,machine learning,and that the theoretical structure is concluded as re-constructing humanities,digitalizing humanities,imaging humanities,augmenting humanities and smart humanities,with applications covering resource collection,knowledge atomization,environment reconstruction and augmented arts.

    It is revealed that digital humanities has become an interdisciplinary field,with merging interdisciplinary knowledge in it. As there are few studies on the overall research for the technical system and theoretical structure of digital humanities,this approach could aid to probe into the integrated and interdisciplinary studies of digital humanities,with promoting development and flourish of humanities in digital age. 1 fig. 2 tabs. 22 refs.

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