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It may seem more professional to stay impersonal(非个人的)at work, but in fact friendlier employees are more productive.A comparison of the American work ethic(道德规范)toapproaches in other countries shows that keeping an emotional distance may not be the most effective way to get the job done.  相似文献   

The root development of Actinidia chinensis plantlets was studied in exposure to environmental stress of mechanical vibration at respectively 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 3 Hz, 4 Hz and 5 Hz. The plantlets exposed to vibration stimuli at all those frequencies have a larger total number and a larger total length of roots and a smaller permeability of root plasma-membrane, compared with those cultivated in an environment without vibration stress. Vibration at respectively 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 3 Hz and 4 Hz enhances root activity and the 3 Hz vibration is the most favorable. There is an obvious negative correlation between root activity and permeability of root plasma-membrane. The effects may be explained by the likelihood that mechanical vibration at an appropriate frequency facilitates roots’ absorbing water and minerals which are indispensable to inducing and synthesizing in roots some active substances favorable to growth. Nevertheless, overstress damages the integrity of root plasm-membrane, increases the permeability, and results in the disability of protecting root cells.  相似文献   

Key to renewed concern on the affective domain of education (Fensham, 2007) and on school graduates' readiness for a world of work (DEST, 2008; WDA, 2006) is the student's inclination-to-reflect when engaged in a learning or problem-solving task. Reflective learning is not new to education (Dewey, 1933; Ellis, 2001). Since the inclination-to-reflect may not be obvious even among adults at work (Seibert & Daudelin, 1999), how much more can we expect from school students? This article presents part of a research on secondary school students' inclination-to-reflect when engaged in chemistry learning tasks. The instrument used is the three-part Chemistry Learning and Thinking Instrument (CLTI). The first part seeks to characterize students' inclination-to-reflect while attempting chemistry learning tasks and the other parts aim to characterize their learning-thinking preferences in the subject. This article shares the construction of the learning tasks in the first part and how students' reflective responses to these tasks are encouraged, scored and analyzed. Since assessment is said to drive teaching and learning, an alternative form of assessment, such as these CLTI items, may help students become more reflective in their learning habits and hence mare adantable tn the world of work.  相似文献   

English public speaking proves to play a significant role in the speaker’s whole person education, which has been gaining increasing attention among scholars at home and abroad. The paper analyzes possible relations between them and argues that great importance and awareness are supposed to be attached to the development and promotion of English public speaking especially among English majors for them to be more versatile and more competitive both in job markets and in work places.  相似文献   

We're very much concerned about work, which is central to our life. We may like or dislikeour work in light of the work conditions and more importantly, the pay. You may be asked todescribe your job, your present or past job. The following examples may be of help.  相似文献   

Giant magnetostrictive actuators (GMAs) often work in a close-loop feedback system. This system needs independent sensors which may be difficult to be fixed, besides, excessive sensors may cause more unpredicted problems in a large system. This paper aims to develop a self-sensing GMA. An observer based on piezomagnetic equations is constructed to estimate the stress and strain of the magnetostrictive material. The observer based self-sensing approach depends on the facts that the magnetic field is controllable and that the magnetic induction is measurable. Aiming at the nonlinear hysteresis in magnetization, a hysteresis compensation observer based on Preisach model is developed. Experiment verified the availability of the observer approach, and the hysteresis compensation observer has higher tracking precision than linear observer for dynamic force sensing.  相似文献   

In a Zoo     
Tony was very poor and wanted to get a job. One day he read in a news-paper that a man was wanted to work in a zoo.“That will be wonderful,”he thought,“I like animals, and looking after them will be interesting.”So Tony went to the manager of the zoo and asked for the job.“You look  相似文献   

The authors investigate how disciplines at school. Interdisciplinarity can be addressing a topic that is too broad to be understanding of the topic, the process going an integrative approach can be applied to teaching of different defined as a process of answering a question, solving a problem or dealt with by a single discipline. In addition to an integrated on inside the learner interests the authors. Unsuspected abilities, development of new views of the world and new commitment may emerge. Constructivism and narration, together with the socio-cultural theory of learning, form the background of the teaching and learning processes. The curriculum will integrate between subjects and recommends work in small groups to develop students' social capacities. The collaborative problem-solving approach, while including telling and re-telling features, allows students of natural sciences to hypothesize and test hypotheses using scientific methods. The target audience of this paper is class teachers and subject teachers in comprehensive schools (Grades 1-9). The research questions are: Do students that undergo integrative education work think and problem-solve in different ways compared to when partaking in standard instruction? Can they develop a deep understanding of the topic they are studying? The authors plan to present story re-telling and visualization activities in groups concerning one theme: eggs. The topic covers arts, foreign languages, mathematics and science. Such an approach strengthens students' understanding of the disciplines themselves. It is hoped that this work can be useful for teachers that are interested in giving their students a more holistic view of their life world.  相似文献   

STUDENT teachers have used a website to expose the trivial and sub-standard training they are receiving at their col leges. The whistleblowers complain that they are being lectured on "pop psychology"and have become experts in "cutting out and glueing" instead of being taught how to give lessons or control pupils. One claims:"If I hear anything more about 'global education' I am going to scream." Another comments: "I know all about how to incorporate Chinese students, every theory on the causes of bullying that there is and even how to teach Spanish. I'm not saying some of this stuff isn't going to be usful but I'll be with a year one class [five-year-olds] initially. I haven't learnt a thing about teaching children to read or add up, nothing about the national curriculum."  相似文献   

An employer was very anxious to find the most intelligent of the three men who had applied for a job. So he told them: "Here are five conical hats. Three are white and two are black. I shall ask you to stand in 3 corners of the room facing the wall, and I shall place a hat on each of your heads. When you turn round, you will be able to see the other's hats but not your own. The first one to tell me the colour of his own hat will get the job." He then placed a white hat on each man's head. When the three men turned to face each other there was a long silence. Then, suddenly, one of the candidates (候选人) said, "Mine is white." How did he work out that he had a white hat on his headv  相似文献   

教师是职业倦怠症的高发群体,中职教师职业的特殊性、社会认可度因素、中职学生因素等,导致职业倦怠表现得更为明显。要通过提升社会地位、提高心理承受力等对策,有效地解决中职教师职业心理倦怠问题。  相似文献   

学生管理工作是高校管理工作的重要组成部分,针对学生管理工作的现状及所面临的形势,探讨如何搞好高校学生管理工作就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

校对人员工作倦怠与干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着文化事业的日益发展及对图书报刊编校质量越来越高的要求,校对人员承受的工作压力越来越大,校对人员的工作倦怠已成为一个不容忽视的问题。要想有效地干预这种现象,必须针对校对人员工作倦怠现象的各项影响因素来考虑。目前,对各出版社、报刊社及校对人员来说,需要从单位组织管理及校对人员个人调适两方面来进行干预。  相似文献   

顶岗实习作为职业教育课程的重要组成部分,其质量提升一直是职校普遍关注的重要问题之一。人类学情境理论无论是在研究领域还是研究结论方面,均与顶岗实习的特征和涵义契合。本文在分析人类学情境理论引入顶岗实习合理性的基础上,应用人类学情境理论对如何提高顶岗实习质量提出了建议。  相似文献   

从试点项目总结性评估看加强电大档案工作的重要性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
档案工作是各项事业不可缺少的重要环节,电大系统试点项目总结性评估凸显出学校档案工作的作用。本文以国家档案法规为依据,分析电大系统档案管理的现状,提出了加强档案建设,服务电大发展的建议。  相似文献   

大学生兼职的现状调查与职业发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生从事兼职现已成为大学校园里的普遍现象,且越来越受到教育理论界的关注。兼职不仅是大学生参加社会实践活动和勤工俭学的一种有效途径,同时也是大学生思想政治教育的重要抓手。本文采取抽样调查的实证研究方法,从大学生兼职的群体、兼职时间的长短、兼职的目的和种类,以及兼职工作与大学生经济状况的关系等几个方面,分析在校大学生从事兼职工作的现状,探讨大学生从事兼职对其学业状况、能力发展和职业发展的关联性影响,研究高校、教育行政主管部门等如何从提高大学生思想政治教育的实效性出发,在切实引导和保障大学生顺利完成学业的前提下,达到兼职工作需求和发展意愿之间的平衡,实现大学生个人的成长成才。  相似文献   

近年来,大学毕业生的就业形势逐年严峻。受国际金融海啸的影响而带来的经济不景气,使2009届大学毕业生的就业提早进入冰河期。影响毕业生就业的因素很多,有来自社会、高校方面的外部因素,主要还是毕业生自身的因素。本文拟根据2009届大学毕业生的就业现状,分析大学生就业困难的原因,并提出相应的指导对策。  相似文献   

试论学校职业指导的开展与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校职业指导是现代教育的重要组成部分,是联系学校与社会、学生与职业的纽带,是使学生顺利走上社会,在合适岗位上充分发挥才能,为社会做出贡献的重要保证。做好高校毕业生职业指导,应提高认识,注重实效性和针对性,着眼于学生的创新意识、创造能力和自我发展能力的培养,力求“全方位”渗透,同时应以市场为导向,努力提高就业指导工作水平。  相似文献   

目的:了解河南省地方高校大学生就业压力来源、现状及影响因素。方法:以河南省6所地方高校大学三、四年级700名学生为对象进行问卷调查,随后进行了随机访谈。结果:(1)河南省地方高校大学生总体就业压力及就业压力各维度均为中等水平;(2)在职业素质评价压力上,大三学生显著小于大四学生,学生干部显著小于非学生干部,党员显著小于非党员;(3)大三学生的求职竞争压力显著小于大四学生,男生的求职竞争压力显著小于女生;(4)家庭经济条件中等的学生就业心理预期压力显著大于家庭经济条件好的学生,学生干部的就业心理预期压力显著小于非学生干部;(5)农村学生在缺少求职帮助压力上显著大于城镇学生;(6)财经类学校学生专业供求矛盾压力显著大于医学类学校学生。  相似文献   

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