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"智慧城市"成为现代城市建设与发展的重要理念。在分析智慧城市的内涵及其概念框架的基础上,从战略体系、社会活动体系、经济活动体系、支撑体系和空间体系5个方面分析广州智慧城市建设的现状及存在的主要问题,并从规划设计与统筹推进、社会管理与民生服务、科技创新与智慧产业发展、基础设施建设及其智能化、空间战略调整与空间结构优化等方面提出若干建议。  相似文献   

在智慧城市建设热潮中,提出一个合理的建设能力评估模型,科学地对智慧城市建设能力进行分类和评估。从智慧城市建设能力的四个主要因素出发,构建智慧城市建设能力指标体系,对智慧城市实例进行ward系统聚类,选取决策树的C4.5算法建立建设能力评估模型,并验证模型的科学性。结果发现政策法规完善率、互联网普及率、RD活动经费占GDP比重是智慧城市建设能力差距最显著的影响因素,根据评估结果提出进行特色智慧城市建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

智慧城市是一个包含着多个子系统的复合巨系统。为了更好地认识智慧城市,了解智慧城市的系统结构,本文在介绍智慧城市的背景与内涵的基础上,探讨了智慧城市系统包含的子系统、子系统之间的关系以及各子系统的主要内容,并结合智慧城市系统对几个城市的智慧城市建设发展规划进行了分析,为智慧城市规划设计与建设提供理论支持和决策参考。  相似文献   

目前,智慧城市建设已成为了我国不少城市创新发展的重要选择.本文在梳理智慧城市含义与主要内容的基础上,从智慧人群、智慧基础设施、智慧治理、智慧民生、智慧经济、智慧环境与智慧规划建设七个维度出发,构建了一套客观性强、指向明确、科学合理的智慧城市评价指标体系,为智慧城市的健康快速发展提供有益参考.  相似文献   

完善智慧城市评估体系,有助于揭示智慧城市发展内在本质、科学衡量智慧城市发展水平,并正确引导城市智慧化发展。本文系统地回顾了国内外已有智慧城市评估体系的特点,分析了存在的共性问题。从"两大基础、四大应用"基本框架出发,给出了建议性的评估体系,并从评估组织体系、加强统计调查和开展试点评估三个方面给出了完善评估机制的建议。  相似文献   

文章利用熵权法测度出18个智慧城市发展水平的期望值,通过建立BP神经网络模型,选择其中16个智慧城市作为训练样本,将剩下两个智慧城市作为检测样本,检验训练BP神经网络的误差度。结果表明:以基础设施、经济、民生、政府、环境及创构建指标体系,训练出的BP神经网络模型能够有效预测相应智慧城市的发展水平,18个智慧城市中除一线城市外,其他各智慧城市整体发展水平需要提升。  相似文献   

基于扎根理论的研究方法,以国内外智慧城市建设的研究成果作为数据来源对智慧城市建设目标绩效进行探索性研究。在此基础上,开发了初始量表,通过小样本预测试对其进行探索性因子分析,根据分析结果和反馈意见对量表进行了修订。通过问卷设计与调查,对量表进行验证性因子分析以进一步对其进行检验。研究结果表明,城市生活质量、可持续性与运行效果是智慧城市建设目标绩效构成的3个重要维度。  相似文献   

文章从全球视野下的智慧城市规模化发展、国内智慧城市建设的试点与信息壁垒、大数据时代的战略诉求与技术挑战、新一代信息技术助力"三元"世界融合四个方面分析了信息视角下的智慧城市运行管理发展态势;对智慧城市大数据管理的内涵和边界进行了界定;从人、地、事、物、组织、领域、时间七个维度提出了智慧城市运行管理的信息分类标准,并在此基础上,从信息的启动、流转和到达三个阶段构建了智慧城市运行管理的信息协同总体框架;针对已有信息的信息共享和实时感知信息的接入转发两个方面详细阐述了智慧城市运行管理的信息流转模式,重点研究了城市系统下的信息流转自适应优化过程;最后从科学决策的视角提出了面向大数据的多维协同体系。  相似文献   

在新一代信息技术发展的支持下,智慧城市为应对复杂的城镇化问题提供了有效路径。本文论述了智慧城市建设从1.0到3.0的发展阶段,聚焦经济、交通、安全、生活、教育、环保六个主要领域,从纵向及横向两个维度讨论了鹰潭智慧城市建设实践中所体现的3.0阶段的特点,以及结合鹰潭在六个领域的实践分析。最后提出我国内陆中小城市的智慧城市建设可以跨阶段、结合自身特点和敢于创新三点启示。  相似文献   

追踪图书馆未来的发展方向,提出了图书馆在原有的资源基础上,贯彻智慧图书馆的先进理念,基于融合与协同的理论基础,通过现代化科技手段,构建了智慧图书馆技术分层模型,包含了智慧感应层、传输通道层、数据融合层、智慧应用层4个层次,从而满足读者多样化业务需求,并为未来的智慧图书馆发展提供参考模型。  相似文献   

基于国家创新系统理论,从企业、院校、政府及其相互协同的角度出发,对日本超智能社会进行了梳理分析。研究发现,日本超智能社会通过以政府为主的阶段性政策制定、以院校为主的知识创造与人才培养、以企业为主的科技创新与技术研发,充分促进产学官三者的协同合作,从而推动了超智能社会的逐步发展与实现。并对中国建设智慧社会的顶层设计提出四方面的建议。  相似文献   

Modern cities currently face numerous challenges related to mobility, waste management, access to resources, etc. Smart Cities integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) to develop innovative solutions that can solve such challenges and create a higher quality of life for their citizens. Two elements need to be considered for smart cities to be successful. First, citizens must participate in the design of the smart city to take advantage of their ideas so that the smart city answers their real needs. Secondly, each city has its own unique characteristics that need to be considered to design a citizen participation strategy truly tailored and adapted to their respective context. In line with these two considerations, the goal of this paper is to identify the context factors that impact citizen participation strategies in smart cities. In order to reach that goal, we performed a qualitative case study of two cities that strive to be smart: Namur (Belgium) and Linköping (Sweden). This analysis allows us to understand how participation is implemented in two different cases and to infer the context factors that impact the respective strategies. Five context-factors have been identified in this study: the smart city consideration, the drivers for participation, the degree of centralization, the legal requirements, and the citizens’ characteristics. By identifying these factors, we can derive context-dependent recommendations about citizen participation for smart cities. These recommendations are then applied to the case of Brussels in Belgium.  相似文献   

The expansion of big data and the evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have played an important role in the feasibility of smart city initiatives. Big data offer the potential for cities to obtain valuable insights from a large amount of data collected through various sources, and the IoT allows the integration of sensors, radio-frequency identification, and Bluetooth in the real-world environment using highly networked services. The combination of the IoT and big data is an unexplored research area that has brought new and interesting challenges for achieving the goal of future smart cities. These new challenges focus primarily on problems related to business and technology that enable cities to actualize the vision, principles, and requirements of the applications of smart cities by realizing the main smart environment characteristics. In this paper, we describe the state-of-the-art communication technologies and smart-based applications used within the context of smart cities. The visions of big data analytics to support smart cities are discussed by focusing on how big data can fundamentally change urban populations at different levels. Moreover, a future business model of big data for smart cities is proposed, and the business and technological research challenges are identified. This study can serve as a benchmark for researchers and industries for the future progress and development of smart cities in the context of big data.  相似文献   

作为城市风险预警工作的重要组成部分,风险识别是开展城市风险预警的前期基础性环节。本文从智慧城市的理念出发,以城市风险理论为指导,对影响城市风险的各类诱发因素进行系统剖析,从生态本底、物质资源、经济运行和社会组织等4个层面建立城市风险来源的金字塔式分析框架,提出智慧城市建设的基本运作思路;随后结合北京智慧城市建设的实践经验,进一步构建智慧城市视野下的城市风险识别系统,以期为我国智慧城市建设提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Smart cities are developing at increasing speed. Smart cities rely on the deployment of information and communication technology (ICT) that is digitally transforming our habitats. Digital transformation affects several areas from transportation, energy, government to the environment. But, primarily, it affects citizens. Therefore, the adoption of all areas of the smart city holds great research potential. The purpose of this paper is thus to provide an insight into millennials’ adoption of autonomous vehicles (AV), which are at the forefront of future transport. Millennials are an important focus group for smart city concepts since they are keen to adopt technology and new transport modes. Our research focuses on technology adoption, perception of the benefits, security, safety, mobility-related efficiencies and concerns as the key AV adoption factors. The impact of these factors is empirically tested with structural equation modelling using data from 382 millennials. We confirm the perceived benefits of AV are vital factors for AV adoption whereas the perceived safety of AV significantly reduces the influence of various concerns regarding AV.  相似文献   

随着我国网络购物规模的持续增长,物流瓶颈日益凸显,而将“多网融合”(物联网、互联网、移动网、传感网)及二维码、云计算、云服务等IT信息技术与传统物流信息系统进行集成、融合,构建具有动态感知能力、智能决策与自动分配的“智慧云物流”平台体系,并通过终端融合、网络融合、平台融合、服务融合,建立面向网购客户需求的集成化、协同化“智慧云物流”运营模式,将有利于解决我国电子(移动)商务的物流瓶颈,促进我国网络经济健康、快速发展.  相似文献   

While there are several partial solutions to model some aspects of cities (e.g. transportation or energy), there is no framework allowing modelling of a complex system such as a city. This paper aims on providing a solution that can be used by practitioners to model impact of different scenarios and smart city projects encapsulating different subsystems, such as transportation, energetics or, for example, eGovernment. The term “smart cities” is classified into Systems Theory, particularly focusing on Cyber-Physical Systems. This classification is further elaborated to define a new term, so-called Smart City Agent (SCA). The SCA is considered as the main building block for modelling smart cities. The approach within this paper however stresses the interconnection of different systems within a city. Its’ strength is in better exchange of data and among heterogeneous agents. This information management approach is the missing key in the growing market of partial smart city solutions as it will allow simulation of solutions in complex systems such as a city. The suitability of usefulness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on a use case dealing with charging of electrical vehicles. The results show that the approach is suitable for modelling of dynamic behaviour.  相似文献   

经济全球化快速发展使得城市之间的各类联系日益增多,要实现城市的智慧发展,不能仅关注城市内部的创新,也要重视其在整体网络中的表现。在城市网络理论视域下,采用社会网络分析法,将智慧城市在城市网络中的位置与作用定义为其外部智慧性,并以2016年中国193个试点智能城市为样本,利用主要企业总部-分公司布址数据构建智慧城市网络,探究智慧城市的外部智慧性对其内部智慧性绩效评估的影响与作用机理。研究发现,智慧城市在网络中的点入度、点出度、结构洞与互惠性等属性均对其内部智慧性的评估结果有显著的影响作用。新兴智慧城市要提升综合竞争力,应该识别自身的网络定位,增强与其他城市的联系与合作,形成内外联动,实现智慧城市发展的各项目标。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103789
This paper analyses Amsterdam’s Startup-in-Residence (SiR) programme as new type of policy to engage startups in the development of urban innovation through a challenge-based public procurement of innovation (PPI) process. The programme is being mimicked by other cities and government agencies, but so far there has not been a rigorous, theoretically-informed analysis of the approach. In this paper, we specify and focus on the role of city-based, public-affiliated intermediaries as initiators, moderators and influencers of conversations between startups and the local government. The main contribution of SiR as a PPI intermediation programme has been to launch new types of fruitful conversations on several levels, that lead to institutional innovations rather than direct solutions for urban problems or startup development. In this sense, SiR fulfils a role inquiring and ascribing urban challenges with values and notions of “worth” that preceded and shaped innovation directions. We also suggest that engaging startups is effective for only a limited bandwidth urban challenges; different types of intermediation are required to foster collaborative innovation in more complex settings.  相似文献   

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