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A closer look at football illuminates some important truths in the Can-Am experience. Central to this discovery is the notion of the Grey Cup as Canada’s anti-Super Bowl. Complete with folksy traditions and understated pageantry, the Grey Cup is emblematically Canadian and has historically served as a sharp rebuke to American cultural imperialism and excess, represented so perfectly by the Super Bowl. Like many aspects of Can-Am relations, however, the Super Bowl experience is not a simple narrative. Many Canadians have not only integrated the Super Bowl into their sporting calendars but prefer it to the domestic product. The growing cultural influence of the Super Bowl north of the border made national headlines in 2015 when ratings revealed that more Canadians, per capita, watched the Super Bowl than Americans. Traditionally the attitudes reflected in Canadian media demonstrate a clear bias that favoured the Grey Cup over the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl’s prominence in Canada was written by Canadian sports scribes as regrettable and undeserved while the virtuous Grey Cup, they asserted, went under-appreciated, not just globally but increasingly domestically. This chauvinistic rhetoric supports and adds to the existing research that focuses on Canadian reaction to American mass culture.  相似文献   


This study is to analyse how the Japanese have traditionally received and currently perceive the Super Bowl, and for this purpose, it aims to locate the position of American football in Japanese history, society, and culture. It explores the game’s history and then examine the degree of its spread among Japan’s sporting population. A two-dimensional approach of historical study and inter-game comparison gives context to the analyses of reference frequency and contents of news media, followed by speculative discussions of what the near future of Japan’s American football would be like. To conclude, it clarifies the ways the Super Bowl has been received and is now being perceived by two groups: The first group is the general people who see the Super Bowl as the convenient and useful medium by which they could learn effectively about American culture through the one-night mania for ‘conspicuous consumption’. The second group comprises American football experts and enthusiasts, including 13,000 athletes and their OBs, coaches, trainers, and other staff members of the leagues and associations as well as the general sports fans. For this group, the Super Bowl is the apex of their favourite sport to which only a selected talented few could join.  相似文献   


In the short span of a half-century the Super Bowl has grown from a modest championship game between two football leagues into an outsized mid-winter holiday co-produced by the National Football League and the combined efforts of the American advertising and television industries. It has grown from a one-day into a two-week festival featuring a vast range of events, parties, and a championship football game. Fifty years on, half of the population of the United States and a worldwide television audience participate in Super Bowl activities and festivities either live or virtually. Television, marketing, and a wide range of media platforms have aided and abetted the growth of this celebration of football and consumption. Although there are many ways to describe the Super Bowl it is the nineteenth century vocabulary of the economist Thorstein Veblen that best captures its essence. In Veblen’s words it is a case of ‘conspicuous consumption’ now running on steroids.  相似文献   


In the contemporary US, the Super Bowl creates the largest ‘shared experience’ in the nation. More people tune into these spectacles than attend worship services, vote in elections, or celebrate traditional holidays. Super Bowls have become such powerful elements in US national culture that television corporations and the National Football League have sought to export them to the rest of the world. Indeed, executives in the television and football industries tout potential worldwide audiences in the billions and speculate that the Super Bowl might muscle its way into the realm of the Olympics and World Cup soccer tournaments as global mega-events. In spite of corporate bluster, the Super Bowl has not become a truly international event and has not garnered widespread international passion. American pundits have speculated ceaselessly about why the Super Bowl lags behind other US cultural products in terms of global influence and fretted about how the rest of the world sees the game. Their analyses reveal more about American perceptions of the world than they do about the world’s views of the United States.  相似文献   


This article will explore the role and visibility of advertising during the Super Bowl over the years as a model for strategies of modern advertising and the resulting commercialization of US society. It uses the concepts of ‘spectacular consumption’ derived from Guy Debord and the ‘commodity audience’ from Dallas Smythe to frame the commercials’ cultural transformation and influence. The spectacular nature of Super Bowl commercials and the special commodity worth of its audience were not present in the early days of the event, but gained momentum with Super Bowl XVII and its airing of Apple’s ‘1984’ commercial that became mythologized in the advertising industry. After 1984, both the rising inflation-adjusted CPM (‘cost-per-thousand’) and the increased media coverage indicate an increased spectacularization. This also manifested in such phenomena as the influential, decades-long Doritos user-generated content contests and the Greatest Super Bowl Commercials TV specials, and was a forerunner of such post-millennial advertising strategies as branded entertainment and content marketing, all designed to integrate advertising as a legitimate form of entertainment culture and prevent the avoidance of advertising by audiences.  相似文献   


In the days following Super Bowl III, New York Times columnist Robert Lipsyte coined the phrase ‘superbowling’. Consisting of the ‘chatter’ and diverse perspectives voiced throughout the nation in the days surrounding each Super Bowl, superbowling includes the off-the-wall psychiatric evaluations and epic gloating by football fans, political reactions and sociological analyses concerning the game’s affect on the nation’s institutions, as well as the hasty generalizations by alarmed moralists and university professors. This paper utilizes the ‘superbowling’ penned between Super Bowls I and XXXVI as evidence that provides insight into ‘the variety of ways in which Americans understood and enacted their political culture at a specific time’. By investigating the varieties of superbowling topics highlighted within each yearly Super Bowl, one cannot only better understand the evolution of Super Bowl Sunday, but can also understand its relationship to the prominent historical happenings and personalities of the time. It is concluded that by the turn of the millennium, superbowling revealed at least three enduring qualities of Super Bowl Sunday: ‘conspicuous consumption’, ‘shared experience’, and ‘national holiday’.  相似文献   


The Super Bowl has played a central role in the diffusion of American football in Germany, as interviews with the ‘founding fathers’ of ‘gridiron’ football clubs and analysis of German media accounts reveal. American football and the Super Bowl have also played an important role in the construction of traditional German Amerikabilder – images, ideas, and symbols associated with America. German media rarely covered American football until the late 1970s. At that time, brief highlight shows of the Super Bowl on German television and broadcasts on the American Forces Network significantly contributed to the diffusion of American football and the emergence of an American football league in Germany in the late 1970s. In the process of covering the Super Bowl, German journalists reproduced Germany’s double-headed Amerikabild: America as a model of modernity on the one hand, and as a violent, cultureless society on the other. The press further invoked historical clashes between German Kultur and the dreaded Zivilisation of the West. This exploration of the social processes surrounding the reception of the Super Bowl in Germany employs the theories of cultural globalization, migration, and electronic mediation developed by the anthropologist Arjun Appadurai to explain the complexities of contemporary global cultural flows.  相似文献   


This paper examines the development of American football and the Super Bowl in the British imagination utilizing data from the British press. Divergent images of America have been present for centuries in British minds, and American football became intertwined with these images in the nineteenth century. Initially presented as a brutalized version of British varieties of football, once American football was seen live in Great Britain and it became a familiar subject on newsreels, some commentators interpreted it as a spectacle and a synonym for American life–modern, exciting, fast, and fun. Others viewed it as a threat that could undermine the British cultural heritage. The regular broadcasting of the NFL by Channel 4, including the Super Bowl live, was a watershed with the game swiftly gaining audience numbers whilst English association football was in a dour period. The increased popularity resulted in more media coverage, including negative images of unbridled capitalism, fixed games, and drug use. By the 1990s, audience numbers declined as English football was rehabilitated and American popularity waned, mainly through unpopular foreign policies. Today, many Britons regard watching the Super Bowl in the same way as a trip to Disney, an one-day holiday to a ‘foreign’ culture.  相似文献   

运用犯罪经济学的基本理论分析了竞技体育犯罪的成本与收益,低成本和高收益是我国竞技体育犯罪现象日益严峻的根本原因。要想预防和减少竞技体育犯罪,就需要从经济学层面提出一系列针对性措施,提高竞技体育犯罪的成本,从而使竞技体育犯罪主体不愿从事犯罪。  相似文献   

操控竞技体育比赛犯罪破坏了公平公正的竞赛秩序,对于体育行业具有严重的危害性。在我国现行刑法罪名体系下,虽然有赌博罪、受贿罪、非国家工作人员受贿罪等罪名可以评价该行为。但是由于这些罪名立法针对性的缺失和该行为自身特殊危害性原因,仍然存在以偏概全、未能完全符合罪刑相适应原则要求等缺陷。基于竞技体育领域中国家治理能力现代化的需要,对该行为需要设置独立的罪名予以规制。独立制罪,不仅具有宪法和体育法的基础,有利于罪刑相适应的实现,更有利于填补刑法漏洞,实现对该行为的准确评价、合理处罚与有效预防。  相似文献   

从比较法视野出发,西班牙刑法对体育领域,尤其是在运动员服用兴奋剂实施刑事制裁的问题上存在分歧。有的反对将兴奋剂违法行为入刑,有的则同意制定特定的体育犯罪,但对于罪名是保护一项独特权利还是保护几项权利,并没有一个“和平”的界定。换言之,要想为统一处罚兴奋剂相关行为提供依据,必须确定兴奋剂犯罪中是否存在其他犯罪无法充分保护、可涉及的若干法律权利。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(3):348-362
The author explored spectators’ emotional reactions manifested on social media. By using Twitter search application programming interface, 328,000 real-time tweets posted by fans of the Panthers and the Broncos during the Super Bowl 50 game were collected. The lexicon-based text mining approach (a big data analysis in social media analytics) was employed to classify tweets into five different emotions. The findings indicated that spectators expressed positive emotions when their team scored; conversely, they expressed negative emotions when the opposite team scored. Interestingly, spectators became habituated with each subsequent score from either of their preferred teams, which resulted in fewer expressions of emotions. However, when a team scored soon after the opposite team scored, fans expressed a surge of positive or negative emotions, accordingly. The results supported both the theories of affective disposition and opponent-process. Spectators’ simultaneous experience of positive and negative emotions may contribute to fans’ satisfaction, continued patronage, and mental health.  相似文献   

面对体育比赛过程中频繁出现的黑哨、假球、赌球等操纵比赛的行为,有观点认为传统贿赂犯罪和赌博罪不足以完全评价操纵行为,建议增设操纵体育比赛罪。但从刑法教义学视角来看,无论是黑哨还是假球都不具有外在举止性且无法达到"排除一切合理怀疑"的刑事证据证明标准,"操纵"行为不具有明确性。行为的不明确导致了无法采取例示法对操纵行为进行类型性表达。纯粹操纵型、贿赂操纵型和赌博操纵型三类操纵比赛行为中可以被刑法评价的仅剩贿赂行为和赌博行为。因此,增设操纵体育比赛罪不符合刑事立法增设新罪所要求的明确性、类型性和必要性原则,适用受贿罪、非国家工作人员受贿罪和赌博罪规制即可。  相似文献   

体育新闻侵权是在体育新闻报道中引发的侵权行为.根据民法通则和侵权责任法,在民事上体育新闻侵权可以分别定性为侵犯姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权、隐私权、专利权、商业秘密和商标专用权等类型.在刑法上主要涉及侮辱、诽谤罪,侵犯商业秘密罪以及损害商业信誉、商品声誉罪等犯罪类型.体育新闻侵权的法律责任应该包括民事责任和刑事责任两种.  相似文献   

Sport mega-events have taken on an elevated profile and assumed a key role as urban and regional development strategies. While a number of studies have investigated the potential impacts of these events, most (not surprisingly) have focused on economic, rather than non-economic outcomes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the non-economic features associated with a high profile mega-event in the United States. Based on Crompton's (2004) psychic income paradigm and a comprehensive review of the extant literature, this article describes the development and validation of a self-report scale designed to measure the psychological impact of Super Bowl XLIII on the residents of Tampa Bay, Florida. The research method followed standard scale development techniques. Initial scale validation (i.e., face and content validity) was assessed through a panel of experts and a field test. Principal component analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were conducted; the results of which revealed that mega-event psychological impact can be examined using 22 items under five factors: (1) community pride as a result of enhanced image, (2) enhanced community attachment, (3) event excitement, (4) community excitement, and (5) pride in efforts to improve community infrastructure.  相似文献   

操纵体育比赛行为是具有严重社会危害性的犯罪行为袁但传统罪名无法对其进行全面评价袁导致罪责刑不相适应袁难以实现制裁遥通过立法在公共秩序犯罪中增设操纵体育比赛罪具有必要性袁符合叶中华人民共和国宪法曳和相关法律的要求袁但操纵体育比赛在主体尧行为尧目的等方面具有复杂性袁在新罪构成和罪状表述界定上存在阻碍遥因此在操纵体育比赛罪名设立之前的过渡期袁从最直接受侵害的体育管理秩序出发袁以诈骗罪为切入点袁围绕体育诚信袁以体育诈骗罪定性操纵体育比赛行为袁能化解新罪设立面临的类型化难题袁实现操纵体育比赛行为的刑法评价袁回应社会现实需求袁待立法成熟后再修改为操纵体育比赛罪遥  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,我国的犯罪率呈逐年上升趋势,是我们必须面对的社会问题。高校是大部分人步入社会工作的最后一个教育阶段,所以在新疆高校的体育选修课程中开设防身术课程不但可以丰富高校体育教学的内容,而且可以提高学生对各类社会犯罪的自我防卫能力。  相似文献   


There has been limited research on brand legacies of the 2010 FIFA World CupTM; hence, this research examined brand image legacies of this tournament in the long run in South Africa in relation to determining the changes in international football tourists’ perceptions of South Africa as result of hosting this event. A quantitative methodology was employed to survey 391 international football tourists at fan parks and stadium precincts in five metropolitan cities in France during the 2016 UEFA European Championship, using a spatially based systematic sampling technique. The findings reveal statistically significant differences in most aspects between football tourists’ perceptions prior to, and six years after, the tournament. International football tourists’ perceptions changed positively six years after the event, including those features that were highlighted as major concerns prior to the tournament. The key findings of this study have a wider applicability to sport mega-events legacy research and body of knowledge.  相似文献   

In team sports, tactical periodisation refers to the planned manipulation of training loads with the aim of prioritising athlete readiness for matches of greatest importance. Although monitoring of athletes’ physical condition is often used to inform this planning, the direct influence of external factors on match difficulty has not been well quantified. In this study, a ‘match difficulty index’ (MDI) for use in Super Rugby was developed, based on the influence imparted by five external factors on previous match outcomes. Specifically, information relating to match location, days break between matches, time-zone change and opposition ladder position (both current and previous year) were collected for matches played during the 2011–2013 Super Rugby seasons. Logistic regression analyses were used to assess the importance of each of these factors with respect to match outcome (win/loss), with opposition ladder position and match location (home, domestic away or international) exerting the greatest influence on match difficulty. Three separate cross-validated models were constructed, with match outcome classification performance reported as 66.2%, 65.5% and 63.7% respectively. The three MDI models emanating from this study can each be used to inform tactical periodisation program design both prior to and during the regular season.  相似文献   

在意大利,国家法律和体育法体系都在对抗兴奋剂的蔓延。国家于较早时期便开始打击兴奋剂,1971年第一部国家层面的法律将使用兴奋剂的罪行引入国家法律体系,同时,第一部关于使用兴奋剂的体育规则出台。尽管意大利国家法律对反兴奋剂的斗争给予了特别关注,并通过了第376/2000号法律,但关于这一方面的判决却很少。此类判决的缺乏一方面是因起诉体育犯罪存在困难,另一方面由于体育作为一种非必要的志愿活动,并且自决原则在健康选择中被给予了越来越广泛的肯定。然而,意大利体育法规则体系提供的布局是完全不同的。事实上,随着国际体育法规则的演变,特别是《世界反兴奋剂条例》的发布,产生了一系列的判例。  相似文献   

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