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研究用2个心理理论范式测量错误信念认知和情绪理解能力,比较33名孤儿和33名非孤儿的表现,并分析了错误信念认知和情绪理解的关系。结果显示:(1)孤儿错误信念认知水平发展趋势与非孤儿一致,但孤儿的错误信念认知能力发展显著低于非孤儿;(2)孤儿的情绪理解发展趋势和水平与非孤儿基本一致;(3)儿童(包括孤儿)错误信念认知和情绪理解在3-5岁期间发生明显变化,大多数儿童在5岁时已基本具备错误信念认知和情绪理解的能力,4岁是儿童错误信念认知和情绪理解能力发展的重要年龄;(4)儿童错误信念认知与情绪理解关系密切。  相似文献   

测量是数学的主题之一,测量能力的发展对儿童数学认知能力的发展有重要影响.儿童获得空间测量能力必须掌握单位、空间概念和数概念等核心概念;儿童熟练进行空间测量活动必须具备传递性推理、选择适当测量策略等核心能力.具体而言,儿童最早掌握的是一维空间的概念.在一维空间测量中,儿童较早掌握的核心概念是端点,同时必须能够准确找到表征测量对象量的特征的具体知觉特征.儿童二维和三维空间概念的形成要经历从不理解到理解、从不稳定到稳定的复杂发展过程,因此相当一部分3~6岁儿童认识的二维和三维空间实质都是一维的.关于单位概念,儿童必须明白作为测量单位的量须与待测定的量是同类量、测量单位的大小与数量之间存在反函数关系、测量单位须大小相等等内容.在测量活动中,儿童掌握关于数的概念实质是学会对连续量进行离散化的心理加工,这能有效巩固和扩展儿童对数概念的理解,使其对数的实际意义有更广泛和深入的认识.传递性推理能力是儿童准确测量的基础,它的形成标志着儿童能够借助中介物进行两个物体的空间比较.选择适当的测量策略是保证儿童有效测量的前提.儿童在空间测量活动中使用的策略主要有目测、并列或重叠比较、使用非标准单位测量、使用标准工具测量等.在当前儿童数学教育实践中,教师因为不清楚上述核心概念与核心能力,往往只是把测量看作一种操作性的活动,只重视教给儿童一组关于测量的程序性知识,是不利于儿童数学思维能力与素质的发展、数学问题解决能力的提高的.  相似文献   

本研究选取2-5岁超常儿童46名、普通儿童54名,通过实验考察了早期超常儿童的计数及其策略。结果显示:(1)超常儿童更早掌握“一一对应”的计数原则;(2)4岁前,超常儿童相对同龄普通儿童能掌握更大范围的基数;特别是3-4岁超常儿童,基本已经掌握了20以内的基数概念,显著优于同年龄普通儿童;(3)2-5岁超常儿童普遍具有比同年龄普通儿童更好的计数策略;(4)4-5岁超常儿童相对同龄普通儿童和3-4岁超常儿童,能够更有效地运用计数策略完成“随机性”计数任务。  相似文献   

使用眼动技术,通过记录和分析88名4-6岁儿童对不同强度表情识别的成绩表现及眼动数据,探讨儿童识别不同强度表情的即时加工过程、发展状况及眼动模式,并在划分兴趣区的基础上,对不同强度表情识别过程中不同部位的优势效应进行分析。结果发现:(1)4-6岁儿童对不同强度表情的识别成绩随着表情强度增加而提高;(2)4-6岁儿童对不同强度表情的注视时间和注视次数随表情强度的增加而减少;(3)随着表情强度的增加,面部不同部位的作用会有所改变,如愉快表情的嘴部越来越重要,愤怒表情的眉眼部越来越重要。  相似文献   

本研究从儿童对情绪调节策略的运用这一角度,对90名8-15岁的智障儿童和90名3-5岁的普通幼儿进行问卷调查,探讨智障儿童和普通幼儿情绪调节策略的异同。结果发现:(1)智障儿童和普通幼儿的情绪调节策略均呈现年龄差异,积极情绪调节策略的运用会随着年龄的增长而显著增多;(2)智障儿童和普通幼儿的情绪调节策略均无显著的性别差异;(3)在引发消极情绪的情景下,3-5岁的普通幼儿比8-15岁的智障儿童更多地使用积极策略,更少使用消极策略;(4)8-15岁的智障儿童较难使用认知重建的情绪调节策略。  相似文献   

沉浮是科学领域的重要概念,沉浮概念的发展反映儿童的判断与推理水平。为深入揭示儿童沉浮概念的发展,以132名3~7岁儿童为对象,笔者采用问卷法和访谈法进行了研究。结果发现:(1)儿童沉浮概念随年龄增长逐步提高;(2)单一本质因素是儿童判断物体沉浮的主要依据;(3)6岁是儿童沉浮概念发展的关键期;(4)实际操作有助于儿童对沉浮概念的掌握。  相似文献   

选取3-5岁正常儿童48人和听障儿童45人,采用重复测量一个因素的三因素混合实验设计,探究不同年龄的正常和听障儿童对事物功能、特征和类型的理解的差异,得出结论:3-4岁是听障儿童功能和特征理解的关键期,4岁之后类型理解能力快速发展。教育干预启示:听障儿童最先理解餐具、家居用品的功能;其次是颜色、数量、形状等外在特征;再是动物、蔬菜、饮料的类别,家长及教师的教育干预应优先进行针对性训练。  相似文献   

0-6岁儿童非言语交流发展的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究通过分析 3 0名 0 -6岁正常儿童 (1 1个年龄组 )在自然场景中交流活动的录像资料 ,探索了 0 -6岁儿童非言语交流发展的规律。研究发现 (1 ) 0 -6岁儿童非言语交流的发展可以分为 3个阶段。 2岁以前 (包括 2岁 ) :儿童已经形成并掌握了基本的交流技能 ;2 -4.5岁左右 ,儿童运用非言语交流方式表达的交流功能渐趋丰富 ;4.5 -6岁 ,儿童运用各种非言语交流方式表达的人际交流功能减少 ,保留回应和给予讯息两项基本功能 ;(2 )儿童表达提问讯息和拒绝的非言语交流可能与口语发展有关。  相似文献   

为探讨3-5岁幼儿口语叙事能力对创造力发展的影响,采用修订后的叙事评估工具(NAP)与创造力测评工具(EPoC)对108名3-5岁幼儿进行个体施测。研究结果表明:(1)3-5岁幼儿口语叙事能力随年龄不断增长,4岁为快速发展期;(2)创造力的整体发展趋势随年龄增长呈倒U型,即在3-4岁幼儿创造力随年龄不断提高,在5岁时随年龄增长而下降;(3)3-5岁幼儿创造力与口语叙事能力发展均无显著性别差异;(4)3-5岁幼儿口语叙事能力中故事语法维度对幼儿发散性思维与语言创造力有显著正向预测作用,贡献率分别为7.6%和11.4%。  相似文献   

3~5岁儿童自主性发展特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用验证性因素分析和二因素重复测量实验设计两种方法,测查了3~5岁儿童自主性发展的特点.结果表明:(1)本研究编制的3~5岁儿童自主性问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为家长和教师评定儿童自主性的依据;(2)3~5岁儿童自主性由自我依靠、自我控制和自我主张三个方面构成;(3)在3~5岁期间,作为个体特征的自主性逐渐稳定;(4)儿童在不同情境中的自主性存在可变性.  相似文献   

This study analysed the effectiveness of presenting mathematical problems as ‘authentic’, which simulated the main aspects of situations in which students are usually involved. To do so, four independent variables were considered: level of mathematical difficulty (easy or difficult); rewording: standard problems (similar to those presented in textbooks), authentic and containing irrelevant situational information; mathematical ability (measured by means of the BADyG test); and reading comprehension level (measured with the comprehension task from the PROLEC-R test). The dependent measure was the success rate of a sample of 156 primary education children (grades four, five and six) in solving each kind of word problem. The results showed that the authentic versions of difficult problems were solved more successfully than other versions by students with high levels of mathematical aptitude and reading comprehension. That means that authentic wording is useful when children are able to understand the added information and have the mathematical knowledge necessary to interpret it.  相似文献   

There are few research studies on the effects of teaching comprehension strategies to young children in the primary grades. Using a Dominant–Less Dominant Mixed Model design employing both qualitative and quantitative data collection, we evaluated two approaches for teaching comprehension strategies to 7- and 8-year-old children in four second-grade classrooms using science information texts. The first approach focused upon explicitly teaching a series of single comprehension strategies, one-at-a-time (SSI). The second approach focused on teaching a “set” or “family” of transacted comprehension strategies within a collaborative, interactive and engaging routine (TSI). Results showed no difference between teaching young children a “set” of comprehension strategies and teaching comprehension strategies explicitly, one-at-a-time on their reading comprehension performance as measured by a standardized test of reading comprehension, recall of main ideas from reading two 200 word passages from information texts, a reading motivation survey and a strategy use survey. Results showed significant differences between students taught a set of comprehension strategies on measures of elaborated knowledge acquisition from reading science books (detail idea units recalled), retention of science content knowledge, and significantly improved criterion or curriculum-based reading comprehension test scores. These benefits favoring TSI over SSI are important because the learning curve is relatively steep for teachers to develop the ability to teach and for young children to develop the ability to coordinate a “set” of transacted comprehension strategies.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine the role of logical reasoning in the relation between lexical quality and reading comprehension in 146 fourth grade Dutch children. We assessed their standardized reading comprehension measure, along with their decoding efficiency and vocabulary as measures of lexical quality, syllogistic reasoning as measure of (verbal) logical reasoning, and nonverbal reasoning as a control measure. Syllogistic reasoning was divided into a measure tapping basic, coherence inferencing skill using logical syllogisms, and a measure tapping elaborative inferencing skill using indeterminate syllogisms. Results showed that both types of syllogisms partly mediated the relation between lexical quality and reading comprehension, but also had a unique additional effect on reading comprehension. The indirect effect of lexical quality on reading comprehension via syllogisms was driven by vocabulary knowledge. It is concluded that measures of syllogistic reasoning account for higher-order thinking processes that are needed to make inferences in reading comprehension. The role of lexical quality appears to be pivotal in explaining the variation in reading comprehension both directly and indirectly via syllogistic reasoning.  相似文献   

本研究通过对90名4-6岁儿童自主阅读图画书后的故事复述语料进行分析,探讨汉语学前儿童的图画故事书阅读理解能力发展.研究发现汉语学前儿童对图画故事书中图画形象、事件行动和角色状态的理解水平随年龄增长而显著提高;儿童对图画故事书的理解遵循由图画形象到事件行动再到角色状态的发展顺序;有利于学前儿童阅读理解的是容易引起儿童关注的图画形象、由不同图画形象之间的关系直接表现的事件行动、由图画形象的大小、色彩等可直接观察到的信息表现的角色状态;儿童图画书阅读理解的难点分别为不容易引起注意的图画形象、未由不同图画形象之间的关系直接表现,需要联系前后页图画信息进行理解的事件行动、与未关注和理解的图画形象相关的事件行动和角色状态,以及角色的内部心理状态等.  相似文献   

The present work shows how 4–6-year-old Spanish children interpret numbers and space intervals in the ruler when measuring length. To determine it, 4 ad hoc rulers are designed and used with a sample of 103 children from two schools of Toledo province (Spain). The sample is characterized respecting conservation and measurement with the standard ruler confirming that these children mostly neither conserve nor use the standard ruler correctly, regardless their time exposure to instruction. With the use of our rulers, we confirm that numbers hinder in measuring length, and discrete units imbedded in the ruler help children to measure correctly. A good scaffold is found to help children conceptualize space intervals as iterating objects consisting on the use of rulers with discrete units on them. Its use is recommended preceding the one of standard rulers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the directionality of the relationship between text reading prosody and reading comprehension in the upper grades of primary school. We compared 3 theoretical possibilities: Two unidirectional relations from text reading prosody to reading comprehension and from reading comprehension to text reading prosody and a bidirectional relation between text reading prosody and reading comprehension. Further, we controlled for autoregressive effects and included decoding efficiency as a measure of general reading skill. Participants were 99 Dutch children, followed longitudinally, from 4th to 6th grade. Structural equation modeling showed that the bidirectional relation provided the best fitting model. In 5th grade, text reading prosody was related to prior decoding and reading comprehension, whereas in 6th grade, reading comprehension was related to prior text reading prosody. As such, the results suggest that the relation between text reading prosody and reading comprehension is reciprocal but dependent on grade level.  相似文献   

A crucial human cognitive goal is to understand and to be understood. But understanding often takes active management. Two studies investigated early developmental processes of understanding management by focusing on young children's comprehension monitoring. We ask: When and how do young children actively monitor their comprehension of social-communicative interchanges and so seek to clarify and correct their own potential miscomprehension? Study 1 examined the parent–child conversations of 13 children studied longitudinally in everyday situations from the time the children were approximately 2 years through 3 years. Study 2 used a seminaturalistic situation in the laboratory to address these questions with more precision and control with 36 children aged 2–3 years.  相似文献   

3 hypotheses were tested concerning the developmental relation between children's concepts of physical uncertainty and their comprehension of a speaker's uncertainty. 2 cognitive tasks of physical uncertainty were used to assign 56 subjects (aged 5-4 to 17-11) to 1 of 3 cognitive stages. 2 tests for comprehension of speaker uncertainty were administered to all participants. The results indicated that cognitive stage was related to (a) comprehension that a speaker could be uncertain, (b) comprehension that uncertainty could be expressed in different degrees or magnitudes, and (c) the internal consistency of judgments made about the relative degree of uncertainty conveyed by an utterance. These findings are interpreted as evidence for the position that development of cognitive stages is structurally related to comprehension of speech act uncertainty.  相似文献   

The relation between cognitive and motor performance was studied in a sample of 378 children aged 5-6. Half of these children had no behavior problems; the others were selected for externalizing (38%) or internalizing problems (12%). Quantitative and qualitative aspects of motor performance were related to several aspects of cognition, after controlling for the influence of attention. No relation between global aspects of cognitive and motor performance was found. Specific positive relations were found between both aspects of motor performance, visual motor integration and working memory, and between quantitative aspects of motor performance and fluency. These findings reveal interesting parallels between normal cognitive and motor development in 5- to 6-year-old children that cannot be ascribed to attention processes.  相似文献   

Why are spatial metaphors, like the use of “high” to describe a musical pitch, so common? This study tested one hundred and fifty-four 3- to 5-year-old English-learning children on their ability to learn a novel adjective in the domain of space or pitch and to extend this adjective to the untrained dimension. Children were more proficient at learning the word when it described a spatial attribute compared to pitch. However, once children learned the word, they extended it to the untrained dimension without feedback. Thus, children leveraged preexisting associations between space and pitch to spontaneously understand new metaphors. These results suggest that spatial metaphors may be common across languages in part because they scaffold children’s acquisition of word meanings that are otherwise difficult to learn.  相似文献   

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