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In the context of increasing commercialization of certain sports its influence on the incidence of doping in sport is often discussed. Economic incentives should influence the decision of individuals in two ways. On the one hand the amount of prize money is mentioned and on the other hand relative influences which relate to the unequal distribution of funds depending on the ranking in the competition. Based on the consideration of prize money payments in international senior competitions in two independent survey years the level and distribution of prize money in competitions will be presented. The absolute amount of the prize money explains a significant proportion of the variance in the doping affinity in the observed sports disciplines (36?%). Unequal Payouts depanding on ranking, show no significant relationship to the doping affinity. The results thus provide indications on revenue opportunities through successful participation in competitions and some empirical evidence on economic arguments in connection with the doping debate.  相似文献   

对我国高水平运动员实施奖励状况探讨   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
研究通过对我国参加奥运会和全运会的运动员、教练员和有关人员的调查分析,揭示了我国现行重大比赛奖励的现状,提出了应实施一次性奖励和终生性阶段奖励相结合模式,以及为充分调动体育科研人员积极性落实有关奖励对策和建议,为健全我国高水平运动员奖励政策提供了研究参考。  相似文献   

Establishing a requirement for, justifying public spending on, and evaluating the effectiveness of anti-doping policies all accentuate the need for reliable estimates of doping prevalence in sport. To date, despite considerable effort and much empirical research, this critical information is still not available. Methodological concerns that make doping epidemiology research difficult have been noted, and to some degree addressed in relation to under-reporting bias. In this paper, we use a simple game model to outline a potential responding behaviour among self-reporting athletes on the use of doping that could potentially invalidate any prevalence estimation arising from self-reports. We show a paradoxical situation in which a potential strategic behaviour inevitably leads to a game where the ‘lying’ is a dominant strategy for both doping users and non-users. A slightly more advanced look at the situation might possibly alter this seemingly absurd conclusion, however not in a direction offering any easy solutions for empirical doping research. Although we acknowledge that the proportions of respondents engaging in false telling are likely to vary across samples and differ between doping users and clean athletes, our simple model effectively draws attention to a neglected side of evasive responding in surveys. The response bias that potentially could lead to under- and over-reporting should be considered when self-reported prevalence rates are used to inform anti-doping prevention and intervention policies. Survey methodologies that are able to account for potential distortions would make a considerable contribution to doping research.  相似文献   

The use of physical performance-enhancing drugs is not limited to professional sports only, but has also been reported as common practice in recreational sports. A significant amount of epidemiological studies have highlighted the collective of fitness center visitors to be a high-risk group for using performance-enhancing drugs. From a sociological perspective, however, the decision to use performance-enhancing drugs (e.g., doping in the context of high-performance sport) is not an individual phenomenon only, but rather a result of social opportunity structures. This research article gives insight into enhancing-related Internet forums, in which the expertise of using and applying substances is passed on step by step. Using selected criminological learning theories, the “doping talk” in these social networks is hermeneutically reanalyzed and the Internet is exposed as a previously under-analyzed option for acquiring knowledge on the use of performance-enhancing drugs. This article shows that users of “doping platforms” are highly informed about doping and this offer of information acts like a knock-on effect to athletes who have so far abstained from doping. Consequently, future prevention models against the abuse of performance-enhancing drugs should consider the subcultural background of the milieu in which the athletes act.  相似文献   

The two major objectives of this study were (i) to assess variables that predict the use of analgesics in competitive athletes and (ii) to test whether the use of analgesics is associated with the use of doping. A questionnaire primarily addressing the use of analgesics and doping was distributed among 2,997 triathletes. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to predict the use of analgesics. Moreover, the randomised response technique (RRT) was used to estimate the prevalence of doping in order to assess whether users of analgesics have a higher potential risk for doping than non-users. Statistical power analyses were performed to determine sample size. The bootstrap method was used to assess the statistical significance of the prevalence difference for doping between users and non-users of analgesics. Four variables from a pool of 16 variables were identified that predict the use of analgesics. These were: “version of questionnaire (English)”, “gender (female)”, “behaviour in case of pain (continue training)”, and “hours of training per week (>12 h/week)”. The 12-month prevalence estimate for the use of doping substances (overall estimate 13.0%) was significantly higher in athletes that used analgesics (20.4%) than in those athletes who did not use analgesics (12.4%). The results of this study revealed that athletes who use analgesics prior to competition may be especially prone to using doping substances. The predictors of analgesic use found in the study may be of importance to prepare education material and prevention models against the misuse of drugs in athletes.  相似文献   

运动员数据的收集、分析和应用在大数据与人工智能向体育领域拓展的背景下越来越普遍,成为体育产业提升商业决策效率、加强风险预测能力和改善监督管理水平的重要工具。不同主体使用运动员数据的目的存在差异,职业体育俱乐部及国家队基于提升比赛成绩和降低签约风险的需求使用运动员数据,国际体育组织及国际赛事承办方基于兴奋剂检测与数据合规的要求使用运动员数据,商业机构基于市场竞争的考量使用运动员数据。这为提升体育竞技水平、加强商业决策效率与强化兴奋剂监管效果带产生积极影响,但同时存在侵害运动员隐私利益和正当缔约权利、数据泄露以及侵害运动员数据财产利益的法律风险。运动员数据应用场景涉及不同利益诉求,分别为俱乐部及商业机构的经济利益需求、监管机构与赛事承办方的政治利益需求、运动员及其经纪团队的隐私利益需求,这种多元利益格局之中潜藏着冲突的可能和协调的基础。基于利益平衡的考量,我国应构建以保护运动员隐私利益优先为首要原则、以健全运动员数据泄露补救措施为重要保障、以完善运动员数据合规审查与监管机制为主要内容、以推进运动员数据财产利益保护为外部依托的综合方案,应对运动员数据使用的法律风险。  相似文献   

我国体育兴奋剂监管的博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育兴奋剂是服药者和管理机构之间的一个博弈,服药的程度和监管力度互为反应函数,相互制约。通过博弈论的基本理论.构建了运动员和体育管理机构的混合战略博弈模型,计算出管理机构进行检查的最优战略选择和服药者服用兴奋剂的最优战略选择。并根据分析结果,提出了加大对不服药优秀运动员的奖励、加大对兴奋剂的处罚力度和降低反兴奋剂的检测成本等对策。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(1):142-154
International sports institutions have started to set up internal reporting mechanisms to allow actors in the sports sector to provide information on ethical wrongdoings occurring around them, such as match-fixing or doping. Analogous compliance mechanisms have been implemented for years in non-sport sectors and are the subject of a vast quantity of literature analysing notably the determinants of whistleblowing behaviour. In order to assess the potential effectiveness of reporting channels in sport, the author reviews the literature on whistleblowing determinants and discusses their weight in the sport sector. Findings identify several sport specificities which undermine the likelihood of whistleblowing, with, in particular: the weak power position and moral reasoning of athletes, intense organisational loyalties and non-supportive organisational culture. The paper concludes with a number of managerial recommendations for international sports organisations that want to infuse ethical values and promote reporting behaviour.  相似文献   

体育仲裁院(CAS)仲裁庭认定俄罗斯著名运动员莎拉波娃的兴奋剂违纪行为并非故意,且不构成重大过错,将她的禁赛期由2年减缩到15个月。但该案的裁决存在若干问题。运动员在没有医药专业背景或专业人士的帮助下自行核对兴奋剂禁用清单存在重大风险。适用于马术案件的“委托理论”对其他体育项目内的兴奋剂案件并不合适,代理人的错误应当由运动员本人承担责任。运动员在兴奋剂检测时故意隐瞒自己的药物使用情况可能构成重大过错的证据之一。由于运动员有义务知悉禁用清单的内容,体育组织未能即时告知禁用清单新修订的情况并不能减轻运动员兴奋剂违纪的过错。违禁物质的代谢时间长可能会对判断运动员的过错程度产生影响。在认定运动员兴奋剂违纪的故意时,以客观主义的解释方法代替主观主义的解释方法,来分析运动员对兴奋剂违纪高风险的认知程度,更有利于打击兴奋剂违纪行为。  相似文献   


Tennis federations are regularly faced with decisions regarding which athletes should be supported in financial terms, and for how long. The financial investments can be considerable, given the cost of competing on tour has been estimated at a minimum $121,000 per year and only the top 130 professionally ranked athletes earned enough prize money to cover this cost in 2012. This study investigates key points of progression in tennis players’ careers, to determine how these have changed over time and how that evolution may inform talent development. Approximately 400,000 weekly rankings for 273 male professional tennis players between 1985 and 2010 were compiled, and historical trends in the time taken to reach career milestones were investigated by least-squares regression. The time between earning a first professional ranking point and entry into the Top 100 significantly increased over time for all considered athletes. This was at the detriment of time spent within the Top 100 for some athletes. Career peak Top 50–100 athletes have shown an increase in longevity. These results assist tennis federations in assessing the progress of developing athletes and highlight the evolving nature of the competition for top players.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(4):444-454
The purpose of this article is to explore the determining factors of household expenditures on sports participation. Due to a relatively large amount of zero-expenditures, simple regression methods are not suited. Because of methodological reasons, the two-step Heckman approach is used over the Tobit approach and the Double Hurdle approach. The participation decision (spend money or not) is influenced by sports participation of the parents, family income, education, sports club membership, and sports frequency. Determining factors of the intensity decision (amount of money that is spent on sports participation) are family income, sports participation of parents during their youth, sports club membership, sports frequency, age of youngest child, and household size. Moreover, the results indicate that a two-stage approach is needed because it gives a more in-depth insight in the household spending behavior. For example, higher educated households more often spend money on sports participation. However, this research demonstrates that once higher educated households have decided to spend money on sports participation, the amount of money spent does not differ from lower educated households.  相似文献   


In order to investigate the behaviour of athletes in choosing sports, we analyse data from part of the We-Sport® database, a vertical social network that links athletes through sports. In particular, we explore connections between people sharing common sports and the role of age and gender by applying “network science” approaches and methods. The results show a disassortative tendency of athletes in choosing sports, a negative correlation between age and number of chosen sports and a positive correlation between age of connected athletes. Some interesting patterns of connection between age classes are depicted. In addition, we propose a method to classify sports, based on the analyses of the behaviour of people practising them. Thanks to this brand new classifications, we highlight the links of class of sports and their unexpected features. We emphasise some gender dependency affinity in choosing sport classes.  相似文献   

为打击兴奋剂滥用行为,维护体育赛事的公平竞争,各国政府与各体育组织共同建立了世界反兴奋剂体系,并形成了一系列兴奋剂检查规则。然而,目前的世界反兴奋剂体系存在严格运动员责任与淡化运动员权利的矛盾。尽管2021版《WADC条例》已体现出保护运动员权利的趋势,但仍存在缺陷。兴奋剂检查权力滥用可能会引致程序失范,最终导致运动员参赛权、形象权等正当权利遭到减损。因此,在实施严格的兴奋剂检查的同时,也需保障运动员的正当权利。  相似文献   

兴奋剂一直以来是竞技体育最为头痛的问题,它的产生与泛滥与竞技体育自身的发展有着密切的关联。采用文献资料等研究方法,论述兴奋剂对奥林匹克精神、格言、《反兴公约》的冲击。并试图以奥林匹克给人类带来的美好信念;奥林匹克仪式的作用;奥林匹克优秀榜样的力量来教育运动员。旨在对净化竞技体育中兴奋剂弊病起到一些参考价值。  相似文献   

创建竞技教育学试探   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为完善竞技理论体系,培养全面发展的优秀运动人才,采用文献法和访谈法等,论述了建立竞技教育学的意义和以“育人夺标”为宗旨,以生物学、心理学和社会学为依据,以运动竞赛、选材、教学、训练、恢复和评价为主体的竞技教育学理论。  相似文献   

竞技体育对人类社会发展的积极作用是巨大的,但对女运动员群体的"非人道伤害"也是客观存在的,具体表现为:高强度、非正当训练带来的女运动员伤病健康问题;隔离式异性交往带来的女运动员恋爱婚姻问题;低文化教育和封闭化管理带来的女运动员退役转型问题。可以尝试通过减少破坏力大的竞技项目、杜绝非人道的训练手段、健全在役运动员安康保险体系、完善退役运动员权益保障机制、引导社会形成健康的体育价值观、采取理性适度的奖励等措施,把竞技体育带来的伤害降到最低、把预防挽救措施做到最严密和最周到,最大限度维护女运动员的权益。  相似文献   

Youth athletes are known to be at high risk of musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries. Children in developed countries are increasingly adopting a sedentary lifestyle. Although some risk factors related to sports activities have been reported, the effect of lifestyle (i.e. screen time behaviour) on MSK pain in youth athletes is not well known. This study aimed to examine the association of game playing and TV viewing with MSK pain among youth athletes. A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to youth athletes belonging to the Miyagi Amateur Sports Association. The final study population included 6,143 youth athletes (male, 71.1%; age range, 6–15 years). Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association of game playing and TV viewing behaviour with MSK pain. The point prevalence of MSK pain was 25.5%. The longest category of game playing time (≥3 h) was significantly associated with MSK pain as compared with the shortest category (<1 h) (odds ratio, 1.39; 95% confidence interval, 1.12–1.73, p = 0.003). There was no significant association between TV viewing time and MSK pain. These results suggest that game playing time might be an associated factor for MSK pain among youth athletes.  相似文献   

建立安徽省"反兴奋剂"监控体系,是促进安徽省竞技体育健康发展,实现体育强省的需要。分析了兴奋剂对体育的危害;从兴奋剂检查、相关信息申报、食品、营养品及药品安全;抓好运动员、教练员及相关工作人员的反兴奋剂宣传教育;建立反兴奋剂组织制度和绩效考核等方面,阐述了如何构建安徽省反兴奋剂的监控体系,以提高反兴奋剂工作效果和效率。  相似文献   


The present study set out to assess the impact of attributional beliefs about success on the susceptibility for doping use in adolescent athletes. The sample consisted of 309 adolescent athletes participating in both team and individual sports. Participants completed a battery of questionnaires including Beliefs about the Causes of Success in Sport Questionnaire (BACSSQ), current and past doping use, and measures of attitudes, norms, situational temptation and social desirability. Variance reduction rate analysis revealed that social desirability did not act as a confounder in the relationship between doping susceptibility and its predictors. With regard to beliefs about the causes of success dimensions, only deception emerged as a significant predictor of doping use susceptibility over and above the effects of well-established social–cognitive predictors of doping intentions and use. These findings imply that beliefs about the causes of success in youth sports may comprise another dimension of risk factors for doping susceptibility and use.  相似文献   

Doping use is an ongoing problem in contemporary sports. Despite efforts to detect and control doping, research on its etiology is limited, especially among elite-level athletes. The present study used an integrated social cognition model to examine the predictors of doping intentions. Structured anonymous questionnaires were completed by 1075 Greek adult elite-level athletes (M age = 25 years, SD = 5.89, 36.1% females) from both team and individual sports. Multiple regression and mediation analyses showed that attitudes, normative beliefs, situational temptation, and behavioral control significantly predicted doping intentions. A normative process was identified whereby situational temptation mediated the effects of normative beliefs on intentions. The findings provide the basis for future social cognition research in doping use, and set the framework for the development of evidence-based preventive interventions.  相似文献   

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