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2017年、2018年福建省中考化学学科试卷充分体现以"立德树人、导向教学、服务选拔"为指导思想。试题充分挖掘情境素材,维护考试公平;注重必备知识的考查,突出能力立意,重点检测学生的自主学习能力;突出"立德树人"与化学学科的融合,强化"核心价值"落地。且对今后的初中化学教学与评价几点启示:重视情境和阅读素养、深度学习、重视素养表现测评。  相似文献   

加拿大化学奥林匹克竞赛作为普及性程度很高的高中生科普活动,成为课内化学教育的补充和开发,受到了化学教育工作者的广泛关注.加拿大的高中生化学奥林匹克竞赛主要由网上预备活动、地区活动、选拔考试和加拿大国家选拔营等组成.分析和研究加拿大高中生化学奥林匹克竞赛赛制的特点,为我国的化学奥林匹克竞赛的发展提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

综合地域特点、社会发展状况等因素,选取十个省市2020年中考化学命题的数据,从理论角度分析情境性试题走强的原因。重点以各地中考优秀情境性试题为例,分析基于真实情境的化学试题命制对后期各级各类化学命题及教学的启示,如关注学生生活体验、科技生产实际、学生实验体验、化学科研文献等。并提出化学情境性试题命制的六个注意点,以期为后续化学命题及一线教学提供一些参考。  相似文献   

全国化学竞赛试题的特点及培训对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、近年来我国化学竞赛试题的特点全国化学竞赛已经如火如荼的开展二十年了 ,它是一项有影响的中学生课外活动 ,它以普及科学知识 ,激发青少年科学兴趣 ,促进化学教学改革 ,探索发现科学人才的途径为目的 ,同时 ,也有选拔大学免试保送生和选拔参加国际化学奥林匹克竞赛的选手的功能。纵观近几年来 ,国家队教练命制的试题 (包括全国初赛试题和国家队选拔试题 )在很大程度上已逐渐演化成一场智力竞赛。试题要求竞赛选手在较好的情商前提下具有很强的观察能力、思维能力、想象能力和最为重要的创造能力 ,而对记忆能力要求不高。这种试题有力的…  相似文献   

一、试题总体评价试题没有科学性错误;考查以各科基础知识为主;整个试卷注重能力考查;注重联系生产、生活实际;答案比较准确,评分标准易于阅卷操作;试题编排顺序较科学;试题区分度较大,有利于高校选拔学生;对中学教学有较好的导向作用。生物学科:整个试卷注重能力考查,注重基础知识的综合,体现生物学科的特点,试题区分度较大。26题中马铃薯品种间杂交育种要求太专业,与中学生物教学实际有一定的差距。27题是一道经典的脊蛙反射实验题,现行教材已取消了此实验,平时中学生物教学中对此类问题重视不够,因此,造成了此题的区分度不高。化学学科:…  相似文献   

情境是高考数学命题的三大要素(立意、情境、设问)之一,是实现高考数学评价的重要载体.以2023年4套高考数学全国卷试题(甲乙卷均以理科为例)为研究对象,分析真实情境的内涵,建构情境分析维度,基于此对高考数学试题进行分析,总结情境设置的特点:情境设计注重学科特点与学生认知相结合;情境设置助力考查学生知识迁移能力;情境设计和问题交互指向考查高阶思维能力.基于情境视角下的试题分析,得出相关教学启示与建议:高中数学教学中,需要关注教师素养提升,促进情境任务设计系统化;需要关注情境设计的科学性,注重学科特点与学生认知的统整;需要借助情境设计,促进学生惰性知识的激活.基于对高考试题的分析和教学启示,以期为高中数学教学实践提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

李敏  殷黄林  郭群 《教师》2014,(29):14-14
本文指出了教学中注重培养学生环保意识的意义,结合高职化学教学的实际情况,提出教学中培养学生环保意识的策略,其中包括合理创设课堂教学情境、注重化学实验教学、注重课外实践活动、重视法律法规的宣传工作等方面,希望能够为培养学生环保意识的具体工作提供指导与参考。  相似文献   

义务教育化学学业水平考试作为课程结束后的大型选拔性考试,既全面考查学生对化学核心知识的理解及运用情况,也考查学生能否在真实情境中,利用所学化学知识解决实际问题的能力,反映学生所具备的化学学科核心素养及能力素养情况,充分发挥考试评价的育人功能.本文以《义务教育化学课程标准(2022年版)》中学业质量要求的四类学习情境为依据,对2023年贵州省中考化学试题,从试题情境类型、真实情境的典型试题等角度,对真实情境如何落实化学学科核心知识、核心素养和能力素养进行分析,为基于真实情境落实核心素养的日常教学提供建议,同时为试题命制者对情境创设提供一些参考.  相似文献   

在新形势下对省市级高中化学竞赛命题的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施华 《化学教学》2003,(7):74-77,61
全国化学竞赛是一项有影响的中学生课外活动,它以普及科学知识,激发青少年科学兴趣,促进化学教学改革,探索发现科学人才的途径为目的,同时,也有选拔大学免试保送生和选拔参加国际化学奥林匹克竞赛选手的功能.显然,要实现上述目的和功能需要有很好的竞赛选拔试题.如何命制高水平的化学竞赛试题呢?笔者经过了长达十年的探索,取得了一定的经验和成绩.下面结合给浙江、湖北等省高中化学竞赛命题的经验,谈一谈我在新形势下命制省市级高中化学竞赛试题的体会.  相似文献   

全国化学竞赛是一项有影响的中学生课外活动,它以普及科学知识,激发青少年科学兴趣,促进化学教学改革,探索发现科学人才的途径为目的,同时,也有选拔大学免试保送生和选拔参加国际化学奥林匹克竞赛选手的功能.显然,要实现上述目的和功能需要有很好的竞赛选拔试题.如何命制高水平的化学竞赛试题呢?笔者经过了长达十年的探索,取得了一定的经验和成绩.下面结合给浙江、湖北等省高中化学竞赛命题的经验,谈一谈我在新形势下命制省市级高中化学竞赛试题的体会.……  相似文献   

Girls are underrepresented in mathematical and science Olympiads, global informal learning activities which often serve as stepping stones for admission to top universities and future STEM careers. The present article aims to investigate the role of implicit gender‐science stereotypes on representation and achievement among participants of the German Chemistry Olympiad using a cross‐sectional online study (N = 445, mean age 16.5 years, 51% female) entailing the Implicit Association Test and two motivational scales. This study was the first of its kind to use moderated mediation analysis to examine the effects of gender‐science stereotypes on participation and achievement, mediated by the expectancy and value beliefs self‐concept and topic interest. We found that in the female group, gender‐science stereotypes negatively predicted the participants' willingness to continue in the competition. This relationship was mediated through topic interest. In addition, we found self‐concept predictive for further participation among female participants, as well as for competition score among both gender groups. Furthermore, topic interest positively predicted male participants' willingness to continue with the competition. The results underline the negative association of implicit gender stereotypes with female participation in the German Chemistry Olympiad. Organizations such as the German Chemistry Olympiad should therefore critically reflect on existing gender biases within their own structure. In doing so they can create an environment that has the potential to heighten self‐concept and interest for all participants equally. Our findings add to existing expectancy‐value research in the context of gender differences in mathematics and science, supporting potential strategies toward gender equity.  相似文献   

美国新泽西州化学奥林匹克竞赛包括10道化学竞赛项目,分别属于研究项目、实验项目和一般项目,内容较综合,涉及知识面比较广但难度低,主要考察学生的综合能力和团队合作精神,可为学生提供难得的科学探究和创新的机会。而我国化学竞赛包括理论题和实验题两部分,均属于专业的化学知识,都远远超出高中化学内容。而且主要考察个体学生的素质能力。分析比较美国新泽西州化学奥林匹克竞赛内容,为我国的化学奥林匹克竞赛研究提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

拔尖奥赛选手被视为拔尖创新人才早期识别、选拔与培育的焦点群体,但当下的高中奥赛训练如何影响其创新能力的问题未能得到充分的实证考察。基于对2013—2019年间22名学科奥赛获奖选手的访谈分析,探讨了高中奥赛训练对拔尖奥赛选手创新能力的影响机制,自主提炼了“参赛动机-教学环境-学习行为”理论分析框架:在特定的高中奥赛教学环境中,怀抱不同参赛动机的拔尖奥赛选手在学习自主性、外出开放性、刷题灵活性等因素中如何分配注意力和选择学习行为,决定了高中奥赛训练对其创新能力发展的影响性质。  相似文献   

美国ACT公平性析论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ACT在美国大学招生过程中发挥着重要的作用。作为大规模入学考试,ACT也是一个公平的考试。ACT在考试内容的选取上注重全面覆盖知识点并保证知识点与高中学科教学的相关性,这就使得所有考生拥有了公平的竞争机会;在试题命制过程中,ACT把公平性作为试题取舍的必要条件以保证试题不偏袒任何群体,这是考试公平的关键所在;分数报告系统的全面细致,使得考生之间的差异性在大学招生过程中能够得到恰当的对待,这是考试公平必不可少的组成部分。  相似文献   


The German Physics Olympiad is an extracurricular science contest for students. Here, they have the opportunity to compete against other talented students, can do physics outside of school, and take a first step to more engagement in the domain. Yet, female students participate in the competition in fewer numbers and are disproportionally more likely to drop out of the contest earlier than the male students.

The present study hence explored the question to which extent the German Physics Olympiad provides a threatening environment for female contestants’ intentions of persisting in physics. A total of 298 participants (28% female) were surveyed with respect to stereotype and social identity threat, as well as gender identification and sense of belonging as predictors of success expectations for and value of choosing to study physics. Success expectations and value of choosing to study physics were used as a measure for career intentions within the expectancy-value model.

The results support the conclusion that the contest presents an equally supporting environment for female and male participants. We found no gender differences in success expectations for and value of studying physics. Sense of belonging and gender identification significantly predicted success expectations but not value of choosing to study physics. Female participants in the German Physics Olympiad were also neither affected by stereotype threat nor by social identity threat in their sense of belonging or gender identification.


依据SOLO分类理论对2020年实施新高考的北京、天津、山东、海南四省市普通高中学业水平等级考试化学试题的能力结构进行比较分析,探查试题的命制特点和规律。研究发现:2020年四省市化学试题在SOLO各结构水平层次上均有涉及,多元结构水平和关联结构水平试题占比较高,体现了试题的选拔性;试题中各知识模块的SOLO结构水平层次分布整体均衡,试题内容全面,注重对基础知识的考查,体现了试题的基础性。为了进一步优化化学课堂教学、促进学生全面发展,中学化学教师可以从以下几个方面着手:对标学业质量标准,统筹规划教学的深度与广度;重视实际问题解决,加强学科素养和关键能力的培养;加强教学情境创设,重视创新意识和迁移应用能力的培养;优化课堂教学设计,重视学生高阶思维能力的培养。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was trying to predict success in the qualifying round for the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) on the basis of the expectancy-value model of achievement motivation by Eccles et al. The investigation with 52 participants, including 14 females, was conducted during the third of four qualifying rounds of the IChO in Germany. The subjects filled in a questionnaire, took an intelligence test, and participated in two theoretical chemistry exams. Male and female Olympians showed large differences in parental support, motivation, and emotion as well as test performance. Ultimately, only one female participant qualified for the fourth round of the IChO. The model of Eccles et al. was well suited for predicting test performance in the competition. The strongest predictor was found to be the participation in a previous IChO. The implications for reducing gender differences and promoting scientifically talented students are discussed.  相似文献   

Science competitions are positively linked to students' science career pursuit and admission at top universities. The search for effective gender equity measures has become a priority as girls are less successful during science Olympiad team selection. Based on the expectancy-value model we performed latent profile analysis on a dataset of 445 Chemistry Olympiad participants (51% female, mean age 16.50 years). We characterized motivational profiles, predicted profile membership using the gender-science Implicit Association Test, gender, and socializers’ support, and examined how profile membership influenced performance. We identified four profiles distinguished by career motivation, interest, and domain identification: fearful pessimists, average participants, carefree participants, and worried optimists. The least successful group was associated with stronger gender-science stereotypes, less parental support, and the female gender. We discuss these findings in light of the importance of parental support and the diminishing effect of gender-science stereotypes on feelings of belonging for girls.  相似文献   

奥林匹克数学研究与数学奥林匹克教育   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
数学奥林匹克教育已成为国际公认的教育活动,随着这种活动的发展,逐渐形成了一门特殊的数学学科--奥林匹克数学。奥林匹克数学是基础性的综合数学,是发展性的教育数学,是创造性的问题数学,是富挑战性的活数学。认识奥林匹克数学的体系特征,主要研究内容和问题特点;妥当确立数学奥林匹克教育的教学定位,把握其教学要求,科学实施其教学方略,可促使我国数学奥林匹克教育健康、有序的发展。  相似文献   

Learning about scientific inquiry (SI) is an important aspect of scientific literacy and there is a solid international consensus of what should be learned about it. Learning about SI comprises both the doing of science (process) and knowledge about the nature of scientific inquiry (NOSI). German reform documents promote inquiry generally but do not equally address these two sides of inquiry. This study explores how teachers incorporate learning about SI into laboratory work in the Chemistry classroom. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 secondary school Chemistry teachers (8 of them holding a Ph.D. in Chemistry) from Germany. The results indicate that teaching NOSI is not a primary goal for teachers. Still, some aspects of NOSI seem to be more easily incorporated in the Chemistry classroom, for example, critical testing and hypothesis and prediction. Teachers state 2 main criteria to identify suitable chemical laboratory work for teaching NOSI: adaptable parameters and low level of required content knowledge. Surprisingly, differences can be found between Ph.D. and non-Ph.D. teachers’ views on teaching inquiry. The findings of this study can be used to (a) select opportunities for targeted research on teaching NOSI in the Chemistry classroom, (b) inform curriculum material development and (c) give impetus to science teacher education and professional development.  相似文献   

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