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矫镇红 《体育科学》2006,26(10):59-64
以国家蹦床集训队女子运动员为研究对象,采用文献资料调研、调查、访谈、测量等研究方法,对我国优秀女子蹦床运动员的专项身体素质结构及评价标准进行研究。结果表明:我国优秀女子蹦床运动员专项身体素质主要是由专项综合素质因子、腹肌力量因子、背肌力量因子、柔韧性因子、灵敏性因子构成;原地纵跳、网上连续垂直跳6次、网上连续垂直跳10次、30m跑、悬垂举腿(30S)、俯卧起上体(30S)是反映运动员竞技水平的主要专项身体素质指标;在此基础上,构建了我国优秀女子蹦床运动员专项身体素质的结构模型和专项身体素质与运动成绩的多元回归方程,并制定了专项身体素质发展水平评价指标的标准分数表和运动员专项身体素质综合水平的评价标准及发展均衡度的评价标准。经检验,所制定的专项身体素质综合水平评价标准及发展均衡度的评价标准效果较好。  相似文献   

采用运动学和动力学相结合的生物力学研究方法对跳高运动员下肢肌的承受能力进行研究,得出如下主要结论:①跳深纵跳练习可以作为提高跳高运动员起跳能力的专项练习;②跳高运动员起跳腿的承受能力直接影响缓冲和蹬伸过程,并最终影响起跳效果;③膝关节和踝关节,尤其是踝关节是二级跳高运动员下肢承受能力的薄弱环节。同时膝关节是最大缓冲时刻的“关键性环节”;④二级跳高运动员产生最大反跳高度的适宜高度为(35.0±4.56)cm,最大反跳高度为(48.00±3.78)cm;⑤适宜高度跳深的冲击载荷与摸高成绩、适宜高度跳深纵跳的反跳高度与助跑摸高成绩均呈高度相关,两者均是评价运动员起跳能力的重要指标。  相似文献   

我国高水平蹦床运动员运动素质模型及评价标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国高水平蹦床运动员作为研究对象,采用文献研究法、专家访谈与问卷调查法及数理统计的方法,对运动素质各指标进行了研究分析,初步建立了高水平蹦床运动员运动素质模型.结果表明:各指标在反映运动员专项运动素质上具有不同的重要程度.其中网上垂直跳10次和坐位体前屈的权重最大,其次是立卧撑(30秒)、悬垂举腿(30秒)、网上垂直跳6次、30米跑、背肌测验(30秒),以原地纵跳的权重最小;运动素质模型提示我国高水平蹦床运动员具有较大的下肢爆发力、良好的身体柔韧性、较强的腹背力量以及优秀的协调能力等特点.另外,根据各指标权重建立的评价体系,对高水平蹦床运动员运动素质训练和选材均具有重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

王荣辉  张一民  任弘 《体育科学》2007,27(7):30-40,50
通过对我国包括国家集训队运动员在内的182名一线跳水运动员竞技能力指标实测结果的分析,明确了我国优秀跳水运动员竞技能力结构模型,建立了跳水优秀运动员选材(高级选材)的指标体系,其中包括体能类指标:小腿长A/下肢长B×100、原地纵跳/身高×100(男)、20次仰卧举腿计时、30 s十字变向跳;技术类指标:自选动作难度之和、自选动作平均得分;心理类指标:赛前情绪总分(男)、成就动机总分、注意力总分、意志品质总分(男)、智力分。并提出将眼底检查结果作为资格指标,将动态平衡得分、第2周下降高度作为辅选指标,确定了跳水优秀运动员选材评价标准。  相似文献   

青少年竞技健美操运动员专项训练效果评估体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,对青少年竞技健美操运动员专项训练指标体系进行探讨与分析,其目的是试图构建出青少年竞技健美操运动员专项训练内容评估的一般体系;研究结果:1)青少年竞技健美操运动员专项训练内容指标体系由5个一级指标、17个二级指标以及62个三级指标组成,其中,一级指标涵盖:身体控制能力、操化技术能力、难度技术能力、过渡衔接技术能力以及表现风格5个方面;2)建立综合评估模型,得到青少年竞技健美操运动员专项训练效果的综合评价数值,以便运动员对自己的能力进行纵向与横向的比较,找出优劣势,从而为教练员的训练决策以及更好地把握运动员不同竞技能力的发展情况提供一个量化标准。  相似文献   

本文对福建省青少儿7979人原地纵跳进行统计分析,发现原地纵跳高度与年龄,性别关系密切,9—11岁女生和13—14男生纵跳高度提高最显著,17岁男女生达到高峰期;沿海学生一般比山区学生跳的高;从9岁女生,14岁男生和17岁男女生的三十项形态结构进行最优筛选提出相应的回归方程,并制定福建省青少儿原地纵跳高度的五级评定标准。  相似文献   

下肢形态、膝角与纵跳关系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纵跳又称弹跳,分原地纵跳和助跑纵跳。在体育运动中,运动员的弹跳能力对完成某些动作极为重要。一般说原地纵跳能力强的运动员、助跑纵跳能力也较强。而纵跳能力的强弱又取决于多方面的因素,其中运动员下肢活动起着重要作用。下肢形态结构的材料已有很多记载,下肢活动中足的特点也有不少报道和研究,引起下肢活动的肌肉及其作用也有过研究。而在纵跳时膝关  相似文献   

我国优秀竞走运动员竞技能力结构模型及其训练学分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用问卷法、专家调查法和文献法,获得我国80 名优秀竞走运动员竞技能力36 项指标值,构建了优秀运动员竞技能力结构模型,制定了优秀竞走运动员竞技能力模型基本指标权重,并对其进行训练学分析,揭示了在实现优秀竞走运动员竞技能力模型过程中,选材和训练应注意的7个方面的问题,旨在为运动员训练状态的诊断及训练目标的建立提供评价标准,也为竞走运动员的选材及训练工作树立一个明确的导向目标。  相似文献   

"跨项"是我国蹦床项目发展过程中较为突出的一个现象,以此为基本点,以世界优秀运动员为研究对象,采用高端访谈法等分析蹦床运动员选材的基本方法和特点。调研与分析表明:蹦床与体操、技巧、跳水有较大的技术相似性和相近的训练元素、竞技能力、技能标准、训练方法和个性心理特点;竞技能力都以技术为核心,以难美为灵魂,同为多元的动作结构,均以主客观为依据的评价方法。"跨项"流动加快了我国蹦床运动发展,优化了人才资源配置,减少了淘汰率,丰富和发展了蹦床训练理论。  相似文献   

对5名兵团竞技体校跳高运动员测试,2名队员跳高采用美国Ariel公司APAS软件进行图像解析处理。主要通过速度、角度、时间方面分析起跳技术,获得他们跳高技术基本特征:两人助跑起跳着地瞬间的水平速度和与国内青少年接近,但是低于国内优秀运动员,水平速度转化为垂直速度的转化率低,起跳垂直速度与优秀运动员之间还有很大的差距;着地角偏大,起跳腿的着地瞬间髋关节角、膝关节角都偏小,离地瞬间踝关节角小于优秀运动员;两人摆动腿的摆动角速度不够迅速。论文结果对指导兵团青少年跳高训练具备一定参考价值。  相似文献   


This study investigated the role of reactive and eccentric strength in stiffness regulation during maximum velocity sprinting (Vmax) in team sport athletes compared with highly trained sprinters. Thirteen team sport athletes and eleven highly trained sprinters were recruited. Vmax was measured using radar, and stiffness regulation was inferred from modelled vertical and leg spring stiffness. Reactive strength (RSI) was determined from a 0.50 m drop jump, and an eccentric back squat was used to assess maximum isoinertial eccentric force. Trained sprinters attained a higher Vmax than team sport athletes, partly due to a briefer contact time and higher vertical stiffness. Trained sprinters exhibited a moderately higher RSI via the attainment of a briefer and more forceful ground contact phase, while RSI also demonstrated large to very large associations with vertical stiffness and Vmax, respectively. Isoinertial eccentric force was largely correlated with Vmax, but only moderately correlated with vertical stiffness. Reactive and eccentric strength contribute to the ability to regulate leg spring stiffness at Vmax, and subsequently, the attainment of faster sprinting speeds in highly trained sprinters versus team sport athletes. However, stiffness regulation appears to be a task-specific neuromuscular skill, reinforcing the importance of specificity in the development of sprint performance.  相似文献   

中外优秀女子蹦床运动员资格赛动作难度、质量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国优秀女子蹦床运动员竞技实力已达到世界先进水平,但整体水平与世界强国仍存在一定的差距。主要表现在:我国优秀女子蹦床运动员做第一套动作时,屈膝、勾脚、屈髋、分腿现象较多,且动作临场发挥不稳定;我国优秀女子蹦床运动员第二套动作质量的提高相对滞后于动作难度的发展;整体实力还不强,发展得不平衡,没有形成集团性竞争优势。因此,进一步强化动作质量是提高我国蹦床竞技水平的关键。  相似文献   

Leg Power     
Leg power is an essential component for success in sports and athletic performance. Therefore, the leg power measurement may help athletes, coaches, athletic trainers, and rehabilitation specialists in selecting, treating, and training athletes for a specific sport. Using a conventional ‘jump and reach’ test, one can accurately predict the leg power and success in anaerobic‐type sports. Nineteen untrained male subjects performed ‘jump and reach’ vertical jumps on a force platform. Power values were calculated from the force versus time data obtained from the force platform. A regression equation was obtained to predict the power values using the weight of an individual and the ‘jump and reach’ height as independent variables. The regression equation is given by p = ‐666.3+14.74 [Mass (kg)] +1925.72 [Height (m)]; [R‐square = 0.69, p<0.05].  相似文献   


The relationship between the ability to develop leg torque and performance in the vertical jump was investigated in 29 female athletes. Each subject's leg flexion, leg extension, and foot plantar flexion peak torque was determined isokinetically on a Cybex at angular velocities of 30 degrees/second and 180 degrees/second. The vertical jump was determined for each subject and correlations among the measures of torque and the vertical jump were calculated. Although the ability to produce leg power as exemplified by the vertical jump was significantly correlated with peak torque at the fast angular velocity but was not significantly correlated with peak torque at the slow angular velocity, the correlations were so low it was concluded that there was little if any relationship between torque at a fast or slow angular velocity and the ability to vertically jump.  相似文献   

近6届蹦床世锦赛参赛国家数量呈“倒U型”发展,在运动员数量方面女运动员的参赛数量明显低于男运动员;在参赛项目上网上项目运动员的数量显著高于单跳和小蹦床项目,单跳和小蹦床项目之间的运动员数量差异不大;蹦床项目的竞争格局开始走向多极化,在全世界的竞争区域主要集中在欧洲、亚洲和北美洲,从奖牌的地域归属特征来看,我国在东京奥运会的竞争对手主要来源于欧洲和北美洲的选手;世锦赛中男子网上个人项目冠军成绩在60.795-62.280分之间,女子网上个人项目冠军成绩在55.990-57.180分之间;中国蹦床队在近6届蹦床世锦赛中一直处于奖牌榜首位,男、女运动员的综合获奖比率在逐渐接近,差距在逐渐缩小,男女网上项目实力向均衡化方向发展。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、数理统计和专家访谈等研究方法,对1996年以来五个版本的蹦床国际评分规则进行了对比研究,旨在找出蹦床项目的发展趋势,并探讨规则的演变对蹦床运动员竞技能力结构的影响。研究结果表明:规则的变化对于运动员的体能、技能、战术能力及心理能力等方面均有更高的要求。  相似文献   

Change of direction speed (CODS) underpins performance in a wide range of sports but little is known about how stiffness and asymmetries affect CODS. Eighteen healthy males performed unilateral drop jumps to determine vertical, ankle, knee and hip stiffness, and a CODS test to evaluate left and right leg cutting performance during which ground reaction force data were sampled. A step-wise regression analysis was performed to ascertain the determinants of CODS time. A two-variable regression model explained 63% (R2 = 0.63; P = 0.001) of CODS performance. The model included the mean vertical stiffness and jump height asymmetry determined during the drop jump. Faster athletes (n = 9) exhibited greater vertical stiffness (F = 12.40; P = 0.001) and less asymmetry in drop jump height (F = 6.02; P = 0.026) than slower athletes (n = 9); effect sizes were both “large” in magnitude. Results suggest that overall vertical stiffness and drop jump height asymmetry are the strongest predictors of CODS in a healthy, non-athletic population.  相似文献   

竞技体育的商业价值及其评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国竞技体育产业的发展需要对其商业价值进行充分评估,以一定的理论模型为指导进行规模化的市场开发.构建了商业价值的3层次模型,提出了竞技体育商业价值的评价方法,即利用评价投资机会的现金流量法评价竞技体育的直接、间接、衍生商业价值.进一步设计了群众基础、市场开放、资本市场、竞赛观赏、消费能力、闲暇时间、产业结构、职业化组织8指标玫瑰图法,衡量竞技体育商业价值实现环境的成熟度.  相似文献   


We tested the hypothesis that the performance of rapid movements represents body size-independent indices of muscle power. Physical education students (n = 159) were tested on various vertical jump (jump height and average power calculated from the ground reaction force) and muscle strength tests. When non-normalized data were used, a principal components analysis revealed a complex and inconsistent structure where jump height and muscle power loaded different components, while muscle strength and power partially overlapped. When the indices of muscle strength and power were properly normalized for body size, a simple and consistent structure of principal components supported the hypothesis. Specifically, the recorded height and muscle power calculated from the same jumps loaded the same components, separately for the jumps predominantly based on concentric actions and jumps based on a rapid stretch – shortening cycle of the leg extensors. The finding that the performance of rapid movements assesses the same physical ability as properly normalized tests of muscle power could be important for designing and interpreting the results of batteries of physical performance tests, as well as for understanding some basic principles of human movement performance.  相似文献   

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