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This study explored the application and impact of using appreciative inquiry in the strategic planning process at a Canadian institution. Appreciative inquiry is a strength-based organisational development model that can be used to guide an institution’s dialogues and actions towards positive change. Applying the appreciative inquiry process in strategic planning challenges the deficit and negative connotations that may be associated with this process. Through phenomenological interviews with seven stakeholders involved in this process, their transformative experiences and the generative impact of the process were explored. Implications for higher education practitioners were also provided.  相似文献   

This book relates how organizations have been able to engage the whole system (i.e., all of their employees) to enthusiastically participate in bringing about their own performance improvement. It documents the how and why of the success stories that follow the application of appreciative inquiry (AI) thinking and methodology. It explains the source of the transformative and generative power of AI. The application of AI methodology is helpfully illustrated with detailed case studies. The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change (2010; ISBN: 9781605093284; 303 pages; $32.95 also available in Kindle edition) is published by Berrett‐Koehler.  相似文献   

欣赏型探究是一种聚焦探寻组织优势,围绕优势进行梦想、设计和付诸实施的组织变革理论。基于组织的积极趋向性、意象导向性和信仰动力性的假定,欣赏型探究提出了"发现、梦想、设计和实现"的过程主张,强调遵循建构论、同步性、诗意性、期望性和乐观性的原则。欣赏型探究对转变我国教育改革与发展的思维观念,推动策略联盟和实现城乡教育一体发展以及发现组织亮点,促成学校变革愿景实现等,具有诸多启迪。  相似文献   

绩效技术的传统范式是一个基于组织消极性、以问题为导向的范式。它通过努力缩短现状绩效和期望绩效之间的差距来实现绩效的改进,但往往由于员工的“习惯性防卫”而阻碍了组织变革的的进程,显露出诸多限制绩效技术进一步深入发展的缺陷。基于社会建构主义和积极心理学的价值探索范式不同于传统的“以问题为中心”的范式,秉持激发员工内在动机、实现其内心对成功渴望的价值取向,注重对组织积极核心的探索,强调集体、持续、共同创造的过程,是一种积极地探索组织“价值和优势”的方法。核心理念的差异使得两种绩效技术范式在理论假设、方法与过程等方面的表现大相径庭。在实践中,绩效改进人员选择积极还是消极的价值取向决定了绩效技术范式的本质差别。当然,价值探索范式为绩效改进带来“整体向阳性”、提供了新视角的同时,我们认为基于积极性的绩效观是对基于消极性的绩效观的补充,而不是取代。这两种范式的结合将为绩效改进提供更完整的图景。  相似文献   

赏析类公选课是高职公选课中的一个大类,从剖析高职赏析类公选课有效课堂教学的特征入手,通过对高职赏析类公选课有效课堂教学问题的研究,提出如何提高赏析类公选课教学针对性、实效性和学生学习的主动性问题的对策。  相似文献   

Managing across multiple sites in a global workplace poses many challenges. Technology has made this task simpler, allowing workers to stay connected through email, instant messaging, conference calls, gadgets, and services. Even with the aid of technology, communication can suffer if not managed well. Conducting change initiatives in a virtual environment increases communication challenges. This article presents the advantages of appreciative inquiry in a virtual summit environment to improve individual, team, and organizational performance.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an exploration into the professional practice of a lecturer using the appreciative inquiry (AI) approach. This facilitated inquiry intentionally sought to apply the AI approach to the practice of an individual, an application that is different to its predominant usage with groups. The context for this research was the professional practice of a lecturer within an innovative narrative curriculum for midwifery. Evidence was gathered through the re-telling of moments of peak performance. The AI process starts from actual practice and returns to the implications for practice. In the process, the inquiry explores questions such as, when am I at my ‘best’ as a lecturer? What patterns and themes exist across the stories of peak performance? How can my future practice be influenced by these themes. An important aspect of this research was the facilitation of the process which supported the movement of the research process and the critical reflection that is integral to such an inquiry. Such facilitation is particularly critical to the development of provocative propositions and an action plan for future practice. The experience and findings of this research suggest that the AI approach is well suited to a holistic consideration of an individual's professional practice.  相似文献   

Much of the current guidance on managed moves focuses on the benefits of the ‘fresh start’ provided. This paper describes an appreciative inquiry to explore how schools in one local authority create a sense of belonging to facilitate a fresh start for pupils involved in a managed move to a new school. Six deputy head teachers with pastoral responsibility took part in a focus group using an appreciative inquiry (Ai) 4-D cycle. The discovery, dream and design phases sought to build on the current practice and identify the improvements to practice. Thematic analysis of the data identified many aspects of belonging, which are in line with those identified in the literature such as creating a school identity, developing partnerships and specific activities such as inter-form competitions and family assemblies. Generating school identity and home-school-pupil partnerships were also identified in relation to managed moves. In the destiny stage, themes were fed back and discussed with a wider Deputy Head Group and Good Practice Guidance to facilitate the successful transition to a new school for pupils involved in a managed move that was produced and circulated across the LA. The importance of empathising with the potential challenges of changing school and forming and maintaining new relationships for pupils engaging in a managed move is highlighted and the Good Practice Guidance illustrates how transition, induction and ongoing support plans can take this into account.  相似文献   

In the face of accelerating technological, demographic, socioeconomic, and political changes, successful organizations are flattening hierarchies, forging active communication networks, promoting cross‐functional and cross‐level collaboration, and actively supporting grassroots innovation. Traditional performance management practices lack the capacity, scalability, and speed to support these cultural strategies. This article describes a new breed of performance management: an appreciative inquiry‐inspired process that focuses on strengths and puts employees in the driver's seat. It increases commitment and forges trusting relationships between employees and their leaders and paves the way for the next generation of performance management systems.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an Appreciative Inquiry project called ‘Growing Talent for Inclusion’ which has been running since 2002. The project grew out the authors’ work in a Local Authority Support Service assisting schools to meet the needs of pupils with a range of additional educational needs. Faced with a large number of individual referrals, many relating to the emotional, social and behavioural needs of pupils, it was considered that an eco – systemic approach was required and that a priority was to support pupils and teachers in developing more effective and satisfying interpersonal relationships in the classroom. ‘Growing Talent for Inclusion’ uses Appreciative Inquiry to investigate a management change process which has been used within large organisations and communities but less commonly at classroom level. It is a type of action research which is solution not problem focused and therefore lends itself well to a research focus of improving classroom dynamics. The paper introduces a 4‐D Cycle of Appreciative Inquiry: discovery, dream, design and deliver, as advocated by Cooperrider and Srivastva, 1987, which guides the identification, acknowledgment and amplification of skills pertinent to improving social dynamics within the classroom and discusses the methodological issues which arise from this collaborative, participative form of inquiry. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods has been used to identify and track the development of attributes for improving working relationships in four different primary and secondary classrooms in three schools. 76 pupils and four teachers have been involved in the project since its inception in 2002 with classes in a further three primary schools using the approach during the academic year 2005–2006. Findings from the project show an increase in the number of pupils with whom other pupils are happy to work, a reduction in the number of pupils identified as socially excluded at the beginning of the project and enhanced capacity of the group in terms of the talents identified for growth. Feedback from staff and students also suggests that the process of noticing and acknowledging strengths has contributed to improvements in working relationships.  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest strength-based approaches for the creation of sustainable rural learning ecologies. We have framed the creation of rural learning ecologies with appreciative inquiry (AI) as a framework and argue that it begins from understanding rurality from positive psychology. The premise within AI has been seen to be the shift from deficient understanding of rural spaces to consideration of them as areas with untapped potential. Arguments for strength-based approaches are based on the fact that they promote improvement from within. This is placing rural communities at the forefront and removing them from the receiving end. We argue that such approaches are giving acknowledgement to rural dwellers that they are better placed to address their solutions drawing from different forms of capital. This paper argues that rural education improvement strategies are possible when educational leaders draw from the capacities that exist in rural spaces.  相似文献   

Human performance technology has been successful in resolving organizational issues and prompting a variety of business improvements. Yet there are times when the problem‐ centered approach is not sufficient. Instead, attention to organizational strengths and a focus on creating and building a positive vision for the future represent a better strategy. This article looks at a new variation on the consulting model––HPT: Appreciative Approach.  相似文献   

Over the past decade U.S. policymakers, practitioners, and researchers have sought to examine if changing teacher evaluation policies and systems have resulted in changes in identifying quality teachers and/or increased student achievement. This research generally shows most states have experienced little change in how teachers are rated. Researchers are now exploring why, in many cases, teacher evaluation reforms have failed to produce the desired systematic changes of better identifying quality teachers and better distinguishing teacher performance. Embedded within this line of inquiry is how principals (and other evaluators) are trained to use new teacher evaluation systems. This comparative case study observed six principals (three charter school principals and three traditional public school principals) in the U.S. state of Michigan as they learned and enacted a new teacher evaluation system. Additionally, all principals were interviewed three times throughout the school year, in an effort to examine how their initial teacher evaluation training impacted their evaluation of teachers. The research questions that guided this work were: (1) how are principals initially trained when their school adopts a new teacher evaluation system?; (2) in what ways does the training received by charter school principals compare to that of traditional public school principals?; and (3) how does initial training impact how principals evaluate teachers? Results indicate principals are trained to navigate the logistics of new teacher evaluation systems, but are not trained to evaluate teacher performance. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to an understanding of the processes by which organisational actors learn how to affect positive and sustainable social change in their local region through action learning, action research and appreciative inquiry. The paper is based on a critically reflective account of key findings from an ongoing action research project, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The project is an attempt to alleviate poverty in the Leeds City Region through the identification and spread of ‘good practice’ in large local organisations. The paper is based on insights into the tensions involved in accomplishing such modes of action research and action learning in this particular context, and how these findings can relate to similar research in other domains of inquiry, action and cross-organisational learning. Through this, the paper discusses the inherent challenges faced when attempting to use action research and action learning approaches to help large organisations to learn and develop as ethical and sustainable agents.  相似文献   

高职高专学生信息素养能力评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志军 《沧州师专学报》2009,25(2):92-93,130
构建了高职高专学生信息素养评价体系的框架,提出了信息素养评价体系的两种实施测评方法。通过对学生进行调查及调查结果分析,表明该评价体系框架是可行的、科学的、符合实际要求的,对于高职高专学生信息素养的评价具有较高的使用价值。  相似文献   

提问是英语课堂中经常用到的教学方式之一。提问之后,教师针对学生的表现给予恰如其分的评价是提问有效进行的保证,没有评价的提问是不完整的提问。在某种程度上,评价直接影响到英语课堂教学活动的成败和教学预设目标的达成。文章提出了英语教师在提问评价中存在的问题,指明了恰当评价的意义,着重探讨了欣赏性评价、批判性评价和非言语评价等不同策略,希望对英语教师的课堂提问评价有所启迪和促进。  相似文献   

理论界所倡导的探究学习在实践界却叫好不叫座。产生这一问题的原因是多方面的,其中以传统的方式评价探究学习,是制约探究学习开展的重要因素之一。合理地运用过程性评价将有效地促进探究学习有效实施。  相似文献   

Student belonging and engagement has received increased attention in the context of an expanding and more diverse higher education student population. Student retention is regarded as a priority with many universities augmenting their retention strategies to instil a sense of belonging. This article provides insights into first year Business Management students’ experiences of starting their degrees and retention interventions at a university in the South of England. It is based on findings from an ongoing study that applied Wenger's social theory of learning and adopted an appreciative inquiry approach to focus group interviewing to investigate students’ perceptions. Students developed a sense of belonging, constructed learner identities, made sense of their learning and gained confidence, but also experienced instances of tension and frustration that raise questions about the extent to which sociality practices within evolving communities of practice can address diverse engagement and identity development needs and mitigate disengagement.  相似文献   

In the past decade well‐designed research studies have shown that the practice of collaborative philosophical inquiry in schools can have marked cognitive and social benefits. Student academic performance improves, and so too does the social dimension of schooling. These findings are timely, as many countries in Asia and the Pacific are now contemplating introducing Philosophy into their curricula. This paper gives a brief history of collaborative philosophical inquiry before surveying the evidence as to its effectiveness. The evidence is canvassed under two categories: schooling and thinking skills; and schooling, socialisation and values. In both categories there is clear evidence that even short‐term teaching of collaborative philosophical inquiry has marked positive effects on students. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research and a final claim that the presently‐available research evidence is strong enough to warrant implementing collaborative philosophical inquiry as part of a long‐term policy.  相似文献   

In recent review of the literature on integrating evaluative inquiry into organizational culture, Cousins, Goh, Clark and Lee [Cousins, J.B., Goh, S., Clark, S. & Lee, L. (2004). Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 19(2), 99–144] suggest that there is a link between evaluative inquiry and organizational learning in schools. However, there have been no published studies examining the views, perceptions and importance teachers and administrators attach to these practices and activities in their schools. This article reports results from a survey of 970 educators about their views on both of these topics – organizational learning and evaluation. Teachers and school administrators in 41 middle and secondary schools in Manitoba, Canada, responded to questions about current evaluation practices, attitudes towards evaluation and experience with systematic inquiry, as well as organizational learning capacity, school support structures and their readiness for evaluation and change. The survey results suggest that educators perceive their schools to have a moderate capacity for organizational learning. Similarly, respondents indicated that a moderate to low level of evaluation activity is currently taking place in their schools. Some implications for change in building a learning capacity and an evaluative inquiry culture in schools and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

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