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建构主义主张教学应以学生为中心,学生是积极主动建构知识的认知主体.建构主义强调学习是学生对当前所学知识意义主动建构的过程,而教师是教学过程的组织者、指导者、意义建构的帮助者.本文阐述了建构主义学习理论及教学模式,并从学生学习实际情况出发,结合切身教学体验,提出提高大学生自我成长课堂教学有效性的教学策略.  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论强调教学过程中要以学生为中心,充分调动学生的主观能动性,激发学生的创新精神。学习不是由教师把知识简单地传递给学生,而是由学生自己建构其认知结构的过程。学习不是被动接受信息刺激,而是主动地建构意义,是根据自己的经验背景对外部信息进行主动地选择、加工和处理,从而获得自己的意义。  相似文献   

建构主义认为,学习活动不是教师向学生传递知识,而是学生根据外在信息,通过自己的背景知识,建构自己知识的过程,在这个过程中,学生不是被动的信息吸收者,而要对外部信息进行选择和加工。在建构主义教学模式下,教师的角色将发生转变,不再是知识的灌输者,应该是教学环境的设计者、学生学习的组织者和指导者、课程的开发者、意义建构的合作者和促进者、知识的管理者。  相似文献   

建构主义理论及建构主义教学越来越受到教育工作者的重视。建构主义教学观"以学生为中心",强调学习是学习者主动建构意义的过程,强调利用各种信息资源和"协作学习"对意义建构的重要作用。建构主义理论对英语听力教学有着重要的指导意义,本文探讨建构主义理论在大学英语听力教学设计上的应用。  相似文献   

建构主义教学设计模式强调以学生为认知的主体,学生是知识意义的主动建构,教师只对学生的意义建构起帮助和促进作用。建构主义环境下的教学设计和传统教学相比已发生很大变化,本主要介绍一种以建构主义理论为基础的教学设计模式。  相似文献   

建构主义视野中的教学过程   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建构主义教学理论强调知识的不可传递性,认为学习的实质是主体对外部信息的意义建构,与传统教学理论相比较,建构主义赋予了教师、学生、教材及教学媒体等组成教学过程的四要素以新的含义。  相似文献   

建构主义的教学模式、教学方法与教学设计   总被引:572,自引:0,他引:572  
建构主义教学模式强调以学生为中心,视学生为认知的主体,是知识意义的主动建构者,教师只对学生的意义建构起帮助和促进作用。建构主义的教学方法多种多样,其共性则是在教学环节中都包含有情境创设和协作学习,并在此基础上由学习者自身最终实现对所学知识的意义建构。建构主义环境下的教学设计和传统教学相比已发生很大变化,开始建立一种能与建构主义学习理论相适应的全新的教学设计理论与方法体系  相似文献   

建构性学习是一种自我调节的学习,建构主义学习理论强调在教学中应以学生为中心,教师是意义建构的帮助者,在课堂教学实践中利用情境、协作、对话、意义建构等要素充分发挥学生的主动性、积极性和创新精神,使学生能有效地实现对所学知识的意义建构。根据建构主义学习理论,对化学教学方式方法进行探讨。能使化学教学更好地适应时代和社会的要求。  相似文献   

随着多媒体和网络技术的日益普及,网络环境下的教学模式逐渐发展起来,它是基于建构主义理论的一种教学模式,主张教学应以学生为中心,强调学生是知识意义的主动建构者,认为知识是由学习者在一定的情境下通过协作、讨论、交流、互相帮助(包括教师提供的指导与帮助),并借助必要的信息资源主动建构的;强调教师要成为学生主动建构意义的帮助者、促进者,课堂教学的组织者、指导者。  相似文献   

一、运用建构主义理论指导教学设计建构主义认为,学生是认知的主体,是教学的中心,是知识意义的主动构建者。在生物学学习中,学生对生物学对象的观察、记忆、思考是以已有的知识和经验为基础进行主动建构的,因此建构一方面是对新信息的意义建构,同时又包含对原有经验的改造和重组。根据建构主义“以学生为中心”的教学设计思想,我在认真分析《减数分裂和有性生殖细胞的形成》一节教材的教学内容、知识结构、能力培养结构和学生认知结构的基础上,确定了知识主题,并围绕如何引导学生实现该主题的意义建构进行教学设计。1.确定知识主题,并以实现…  相似文献   

模式识别是把所知觉的对象纳入记忆的相应范畴进行比较,两者若实现最佳匹配,模式便得以识别。模式识别依赖于人已有的知识和经验,是人的一种基本的认知能力。现代认知心理学模式识别理论模型主要有模板说、原型说。对于"蒙古语授课班级"学生而言,当蒙古语言文字作为外界刺激感官时,由于刺激与模板匹配,两者编码相类似,产生最大限度的重叠,从而减轻记忆的负担,增强思维的灵活性,提高学生学习质量或成绩,反之则降低。蒙古文教材和蒙汉双语教学以其学生熟悉的视觉听觉信息刺激,与学生头脑中数量巨多的蒙古语言文字模板相匹配,直接关系到学习的效益,关系到教学目标的达成。语言学习的关键期理论表明,在儿童早期创造多种语言学习环境有利于在大脑中贮存多种语言原型,利于以后各种语言模式的识别。  相似文献   

问题式学习:一条集中体现建构主义思想的教学改革思路   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  
国外当前教育改革的浪潮中 ,问题式学习是一种与建构主义学习理论及其教学原则非常吻合的教学模式 ,目前正越来越多地被许多教育和培训领域所采用和重视。这种模式以问题为核心 ,让学生围绕问题展开知识建构过程 ,藉此过程促进学生掌握灵活的知识基础和发展高层次的思维技能、解决问题能力及自主学习能力。其学习过程包括组织小组、启动问题、循环反复解决问题、成果展示以及最后的反思和评价等环节。这种教学模式与我国当前教育改革的趋势比较一致 ,对国内教学改革思路很有启迪意义。  相似文献   

The University of Rochester's Graduate Experience in Science Education (GESE) course familiarizes biomedical science graduate students interested in pursuing academic career tracks with a fundamental understanding of some of the theory, principles, and concepts of science education. This one-semester elective course provides graduate students with practical teaching and communication skills to help them better relate science content to, and increase their confidence in, their own teaching abilities. The 2-h weekly sessions include an introduction to cognitive hierarchies, learning styles, and multiple intelligences; modeling and coaching some practical aspects of science education pedagogy; lesson-planning skills; an introduction to instructional methods such as case studies and problem-based learning; and use of computer-based instructional technologies. It is hoped that the early development of knowledge and skills about teaching and learning will encourage graduate students to continue their growth as educators throughout their careers. This article summarizes the GESE course and presents evidence on the effectiveness of this course in providing graduate students with information about teaching and learning that they will use throughout their careers.  相似文献   

现代远程教育中关于学习者特征分析的新构想   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文针对现代远程教育中教学设计问题的一个方面——学习者特征分析问题进行探讨。旨在建构主义学习理论的基础上提出在现代远程教育中,充分借鉴传统班级授课制中关于学习者特征分析的经验,让学习者参加到教学设计中来,自己主动对自己的特征进行分析。论文从对学习者知识基础分析和对学习者学习风格的分析两个层次上引导学生对自身情况进行分析和选择学习方式。  相似文献   

Beliefs about knowledge have been found to relate to a variety of student outcomes and to vary across educational domains and instructional contexts. However, there are limited data on students’ beliefs about information and truth, vis-à-vis knowledge (i.e., epistemic beliefs) and how these beliefs differ across instructional settings. Undergraduates from two educational contexts, in the USA (n?=?240) and the Netherlands (n?=?72), participated in this study. While students in the USA were enrolled primarily in lecture and discussion classes, students in the Netherlands followed a problem-based learning curriculum. Beliefs about knowledge, information, and truth and their interrelations were examined across these two contexts through graphical and written justification tasks. Results from this exploratory study indicate that Dutch students were more likely than American students to depict knowledge, information, and truth as subjective and to define knowledge and information as synonymous. Commonalities and differences associated with educational backgrounds are considered in relation to instructional implications.  相似文献   

This study reports on the development of an assessment to measure bilingual adolescents’ knowledge of polysemous vocabulary and explores the contribution of polysemous word knowledge to reading comprehension among those students. Spanish–English bilingual students in seventh grade (n = 107) completed a battery of standardized reading and language measures along with a researcher-designed measure of their knowledge of the academic senses of words that also have casual, everyday meanings. Item-response theory analyses and correlational analyses provided validity evidence for the assessment. Regression analyses indicated that students’ knowledge of academic senses of polysemous words predicted their reading comprehension, even after controlling for their knowledge of the casual sense of the same words, vocabulary breadth, and decoding skills. Findings suggest that comprehension of grade-level texts is uniquely predicted by the ability to recognize the meanings of familiar words when they appear in academic contexts.  相似文献   

建构主义教学理论关注学习者的原有知识经验,注重调动学习者的学习积极性,重视教师与学生、学生与学生、学生与周围环境的互动,倡导学习者在教师的指导下运用原有的知识经验在活动与交往中探究学习、合作学习,注重学习者实际学习能力的培养,强调培养学习者终身主动求知的技能、态度与习惯。我国基础教育课程与教学改革中应注意借鉴建构主义教学理论的注重发挥学习者主体作用,让学生在活动与交往中探究学习的观点,使教学过程成为教师指导下的学生利用原有知识经验进行的主动建构过程。  相似文献   


While higher education teachers are able to use information in sophisticated ways to learn and communicate within their disciplines, they may not be accustomed to teaching their students to use information creatively and reflectively to support their work in a course. This article introduces informed learning design, a curriculum design model by which teachers specifically enable students to learn course content through intentional engagement with information. Drawing from informed learning pedagogy and the variation theory of learning, the design model outlines an instructional pattern for enabling student awareness of critical aspects and features of the object being studied related to both information use and course content.  相似文献   

美感认识理论的基本论点是:人的认知活动除了逻辑思考,还包含感官知觉和情感的作用。不同的感官知觉让人藉着不同的途径由外界获得信息,细致分辨其中的特质,让人有真切的认识。基于感官知觉所发展出来的表征形式,更让人藉以将自己的知识公开化,参与社会与文化的建构。当知觉与知识相互结合,人还能发展出直觉的能力,让我们藉着“有信息基础的猜测”,迅速掌握整体情境特质。学校课程若要改变孩子的心智能力,则应提供孩子通过多重表征形式去理解与建构意义的经验。如此具有美感体验的课程无法事先完全规划,而必须由教与学的历程经验来完成,所以,由美感认识理论来看,课程根本是在教学中形成的,无教学不足以成课程。  相似文献   

Science learning environments should provide opportunities for students to make sense of and enhance their understanding of disciplinary concepts. Teachers can support students’ sense-making by engaging and responding to their ideas through high-leverage instructional practices such as formative assessment (FA). However, past research has shown that teachers may not understand FA, how to implement it, or have sufficient content knowledge to use it effectively. Few studies have investigated how teachers gather information to evaluate students’ ideas or how content knowledge factors into those decisions, particularly within the life science discipline. We designed a study embedded in a multi-year professional development program that supported elementary teachers’ development of disciplinary knowledge and FA practices within science instruction. Study findings illustrate how elementary teachers’ life science content knowledge influences their evaluation of students’ ideas. Teachers with higher levels of life science content knowledge more effectively evaluated students’ ideas than teachers with lower levels of content knowledge. Teachers with higher content exam scores discussed both content and student understanding to a greater extent, and their analyses of students’ ideas were more scientifically accurate compared to teachers with lower scores. These findings contribute to theory and practice around science teacher education, professional development, and curriculum development.  相似文献   

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