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In this article I examine whether Moral Foundations Theory can fulfil the promises that Haidt claims for the theory: that it will help in developing new approaches to moral education and to the moral conflicts that divide our diverse society. I argue that, first, the model that Haidt suggests for understanding the plurality of moralities—a shared foundation underlying diverse moralities—does not help to overcome conflicts. A better understanding of the nature and background of moral conflicts can lead to a more respectful attitude towards people with conflicting views, but need not contribute to ending conflicts. Second, I show that pervasive moral conflicts should be dealt with on the level of politics. They require a morality of compromising. Third, I examine why this approach does not seem to work in the USA.  相似文献   

In The Righteous Mind, Jonathan Haidt claims that liberals have a narrower moral outlook than conservatives—they are concerned with fairness and relief of suffering, which Haidt sees as individualistic values, while conservatives care about authority and loyalty too, values concerned with holding society together. I question Haidt’s methodology, which does not permit liberals to express concerns with social bonds that do not fit within an ‘authority’ or ‘loyalty’ framework and discounts people who support liberal positions but do not self-ascribe as liberals. I also argue that of the six ‘moral foundations’, fairness and relief of suffering are more fundamental values than authority and loyalty, which are virtues only if their objects are worthy. Moral education programs must also encourage students to recognize some values as more urgent than others, and permit inquiry into the actual reasons for political behavior other than professed value commitments.  相似文献   

Explorations of relationships between Haidt’s Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ) and indices of moral decision-making assessed by the Defining Issues Test have been limited to correlational analyses. This study used Harm, Fairness, Ingroup, Authority and Purity to predict overall moral judgment and individual Defining Issues Test-2 (DIT-2) schema scores using responses from 222 undergraduates. Relationships were not confirmed between the separate foundations and the DIT-2 indices. Using the MFQ moral judgment items only, confirmatory factor analyses confirmed higher order constructs called Individualizing and Binding foundations. Structural models using these higher order factors fitted the data well, and findings indicated that the Binding foundations significantly positively predicted Maintaining Norms and negatively predicted both overall moral judgment (N2) and the Postconventional Schema. Neither Individualizing nor Binding foundations significantly predicted Personal Interest. While moral judgments assessed by DIT-2 may not be evoking the MFQ foundations, findings here suggest the MFQ may not be a suitable measure for capturing more advanced moral functioning.  相似文献   

道德认识是道德主体心理三大因素之一,它是由道德感知、道德判断、道德选择、道德智慧等环节组成的一个复杂的过程。道德蜕化是道德认识、道德情感、道德意志三大心理因素共同作用的结果。道德认识能够判断善恶是非,是道德情感、道德意志、道德行为产生的根据,它会对道德内外化过程中的道德蜕化起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课在我国高等教育中具有特殊的重要地位和作用,各高等院校都十分重视思想政治理论课的建设,努力发挥和实现思想政治理论课在对大学生进行思想政治教育中的主渠道、主阵地的作用。但是,现实中思想政治理论课的教学实效性并不能令人乐观,与我们对课程的重视程度还存在相当大的差距。因此,如何提高思想政治理论课的教学实效性是一个亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

道德"知"、"行"是德育过程中的两个关键阶段。二者关系密切,道德认知是道德行为的基础和先导,道德行为是道德认知的产物和外在表现。近期,高校加大了对大学生道德知行的培养,但仍存在一些问题,从而导致人们道德知行之间产生矛盾,出现言行不一现象,严重影响到德育的实效性。解决当代大学生道德知行矛盾必须在深入分析其形成原因的基础上,优化社会环境,形成道德知行统一的氛围;引导教育对象自觉进行自我教育,最终形成道德习惯;以实践训练的方式搭建内化与外化的桥梁;加强民主法制与思想道德建设,进一步巩固道德知行统一。  相似文献   

具身认知强调身体的感知觉在认知过程中发挥着重要的作用。有研究者将物理变量的改变使得人们的道德行为和道德判断发生变化这一探讨方向命名为"道德的心理物理学"。元分析研究的目的在于探讨个体的感知觉与道德行为和道德判断之间是否存在联系,以及这种效应是否受到某些变量的影响。元分析纳入42个研究,共包含2962名被试。研究结果表明道德的具身认知效应显著,具体感知觉与道德行为和道德判断之间存在相关(r=0.19,p<0.01)。"被试来源国家"这一变量的调节作用显著(Q=79.454,df=41,p<0.001)。  相似文献   

What does current empirically informed moral psychology imply about the goals that can be realistically achieved in college-level applied ethics courses? This paper takes up this question from the vantage point of Jonathan Haidt’s Social Intuitionist Model of human moral judgment. I summarize Haidt’s model, and then consider a variety of pedagogical goals. I begin with two of the loftiest goals of ethics education, and argue that neither is within realistic reach if Haidt’s model is correct. I then look at three goals that can be achieved if his model is correct; but each of these goals, I argue, lacks significant value. I end by identifying three goals that are of significant value and also realistically attainable on Haidt’s model. These should be the focus of applied ethics pedagogy if Haidt’s model is correct.  相似文献   

目的:探讨云南中小学生道德判断和道德行为的发展关系。方法:用团体施测方法对410名学生的道德判断和行为进行评定。结果:小五、初二学生及哈尼族学生的道德发展得分有一致性,男、女学生的道德发展也具有一致性;昆明学生的道德发展相关程度明显高于元江学生。讨论:中小学生的道德判断与道德行为相关非常显著,学生对道德认知的内化是影响其道德发展的关键。  相似文献   

网络给高校德育工作带来了难得的机遇,同时也提出了严峻的挑战。在此情况下,必须从以下几个方面做好高校德育工作:改革高校思想政治理论课教学,坚守德育主渠道;建立网上德育阵地,拓展网络领域的新空间;创新德育理念、内容和方法;倡导健康上网,培养诚信品质;加强校园文化建设;建设一支现代化的高校德育师资队伍。  相似文献   

道德是人类社会永恒的追求。文章在分析皮亚杰和科尔伯格的道德认知发展理论及其研究的基础上,着重探讨科尔伯格将理论运用于学校道德教育实践提出的采用道德讨论策略和公正团体策略促进儿童道德判断水平发展的方法。据此提出中国学校德育应该摒弃只对有关道德知识的讲授和灌输,应加强学生自身的主体建构,改善其道德认知的结构,提高其道德行为的水平以发展其道德品格。  相似文献   

思想政治工作是以提高人的思想素质为目的的工作,是经济工作的生命线。它为经济建设提供政治保证、精神动力和凝聚力。思想政治工作与经济工作是密不可分的,只有两者相互融合,才能提升经济效益,促进经济的快速健康发展。  相似文献   

品德的基本心理结构包括道德认识、道德情感、道德意志和道德行为方式四种成分。道德认识来源于道德实践,其内心的体验就是道德情感。道德认识和道德情感促使个体产生道德信念,成为推动个体道德行为的内部动力。因此,大学生的道德教育要遵循品德形成的心理结构规律,注重道德实践和道德内化,帮助学生树立坚定的信念和顽强的意志。  相似文献   

略论大学生网络道德人格的塑造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络是把双刃剑,它在为学生获取信息带来巨大便利的同时,也对许多学生的网络道德人格带来严重的负面冲击。不少大学生在网络世界里出现了道德认知模糊、诚信意识淡漠、理性行为脆弱等问题,严重影响了大学生的身心健康。这就要求高校必须打造一支熟谙网络思想政治工作的师资队伍,优化网络道德教育资源配置,强化大学生网络道德认知教育,帮助大学生塑造健康的网络道德人格,实现高校育人目标。  相似文献   

Certain difficulties pervade the course of moral education and in this essay a broad picture of these shall be sketched. Moral educators need to understand the problems they will face if they intend to enhance their performance; this includes knowing the limits of moral education, and not going beyond their capacities. These difficulties may be put in two groups, one internal, which is within the control of moral educators; the other external, which is beyond the control of moral educators. Internal difficulties concern the gap between moral cognition and moral conduct. Since moral educators are not saints and suffer from vices themselves, students might learn the contrary of what educators mean to convey. External difficulties are more complicated. In this essay the author concentrates on proving how moral education provides an incentive to breach morality itself. The author shall also endeavor to show that a higher standard of morality might cause greater failure in moral education. Under this logic, we need to first deal with the external difficulties in order to tackle internal ones, for they are intertwined.  相似文献   

赵振洲 《教育学报》2007,3(4):57-62
近二十年来,德育问题一直是国内教育研究讨论的焦点。与此同时,在英语为主的国际文献中,中国大陆的道德教育也得到了越来越多的关注。通过两种视角的分析和比较,可以聚焦出本土和国际视野中关于大陆道德教育问题争论的焦点:即:(1)德育内容上与政治意识形态的“松绑”;(2)教育方式上由单纯的“说教”、“灌输”到人本主义多元化模式的出现;(3)新主题,公民教育的兴起;(4)研究范式上的跨学科发展趋势和方法多元化。多元分析有助于折射出德育作为一门学科在近二十年内的发展轨迹。  相似文献   

德,是思想政治和道德品质的总称。立德树人,就是要培养青少年学生具有思想政治素质和道德品质。落实立德树人根本任务,需要整体构建大中小学德育体系。整体构建学校德育体系的基本框架是以德育目标、德育内容、德育途径、德育方法、德育管理、德育评价等要素系统为纬,以小学德育、中学德育(中职德育)、大学德育(高职德育)等层次系统为经,进行横向贯通,纵向衔接,分层递进,螺旋上升。新时代落实立德树人根本任务,需要重点做好三方面工作:一是构建全程、全面、全员可操作的学校德育体系;二是加强德育实践活动课程建设;三是重视学校文化和中国德育馆建设。  相似文献   

道德选择作为人类重要的认识活动,往往面临着不同价值观的影响,表现在道德主体的内在冲突、同一价值体系内的道德选择引发的价值冲突、不同价值体系之间的道德选择及其价值冲突等,正确认识和把握这些问题,对于处理不同价值观之间的对立或冲突有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

温寒江 《中国德育》2007,2(4):13-15,26
道德认识、道德情感、道德行为同思维有着密切联系。发展思维,尤其是发展形象思维,对于道德品质的形成有着十分重要的意义。面对当今不容乐观的学校德育现状,教师应该充分了解和掌握以思维启发学生的方法,使德育走入学生心中。  相似文献   

This article reasserts the centrality of reasoning as the focus for moral education. Attention to moral cognition must be extended to incorporate sociogenetic processes in moral growth. Moral education is not simply growth within the moral domain, but addresses capacities of students to engage in cross-domain coordination. Development beyond adolescence in moral thinking is in two forms: (1) the gradual application of morality in broader adult contexts, and (2) the result of social discourse and progressive readjustments at the individual and societal level of views of the morality of societal practices. Postconventional moral reasoning is not a rarified stage of moral cognition, but an orientation and set of discourse skills potentially available to all normally developing adult moral reasoners.  相似文献   

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