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The increased popularity of dating apps such as Tinder coupled with the rise in interracial marriages form the foundation of this study which explores the role played by visual and cultural cues in people’s dating decisions. Using a within-group 2*3 experimental design (N = 331) among a convenience sample of adults in the Netherlands, this study provides insight into how the ethnicity associated with profile pictures and names impact the evaluation of a potential date on Tinder. Overall, respondents ranked Caucasian-looking Tinder users as more attractive and more likely to be their date of choice. Interestingly, this finding did not hold when narrowed down to respondents identifying as Western-European only: They did not prefer Caucasian-looking or sounding profiles. Perceived attractiveness was shown to partially mediate the choice of a Caucasian-looking profile, regardless of name.  相似文献   

Courses: This three-part semester-long assignment was designed for an undergraduate course in interracial communication. While interracial communication is the primary focus of this assignment, it could easily be adapted to a variety of courses focused on diversity with the goals of improving communication and connectedness among members of other social and cultural groups.

Objectives: The interracial communication course seeks to promote a better understanding of, and sensitivity to, the communication dynamics of interracial interactions.  相似文献   

This study employs the Communication Theory of Identity (CTI) to explain and describe the interpenetration of personal, enacted, and relational frames of identity within the context of interracial communication encounters. Specific examples, derived from focus group discussions, of personal-relational and personal-enacted-relational identity gaps experienced by Blacks and Hispanics are presented. The article concludes with a discussion of the conditions under which satisfying communication is achievable in difficult situations requiring the negotiation of ethnicity.  相似文献   

Through the strategic absence of discourse about race within the portrayed interracial relationships, the writers, creators, and producers of the modern TV medical drama Grey’s Anatomy strategically portray a racially progressive, postracial, and color-blind society. By utilizing Scott’s (1993) absence as presence, the creators, writers, and producers situate the characters as race neutral or White and enable the dismissal and forgetting of racism’s long history and its impact on the current structures that produce and reproduce racial inequality. By doing so, they obviate contemporary racism’s presence and its influence at both the societal and individual levels, thus contributing to postracism (Ono, 2011).  相似文献   

This study examines the ways that the Korean American diasporic press constructs identities of its own ethnic group as well as those of other racial/ethnic groups by employing both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The author identifies three metaframes of diasporic media's representations of interracial relations—(a) internalization/resonance (related to racial/ethnic minorities), (b) transparency (related to Whites), and (c) offset (related to their ethnic members)—as ways that the diasporic media adopt, adapt, and counteract prevailing racial ideologies in their new host country. The diasporic media offset the negative images of their own ethnic members in the mainstream media by depicting the roles of their own group as victims of other racial/ethnic groups. Findings indicate that Korean Americans were frequently shown as victims of crimes (mostly related to Blacks), racial discrimination (mostly related to Whites), problematic laborers (mostly related to Latinos), and business rivals (mostly related to other Asian Americans).  相似文献   

Courses: This semester-long assignment can be featured in undergraduate or graduate communication courses that include a major writing assignment such as research methods, capstone classes, senior thesis sections, or advanced courses on topics such as interpersonal, intercultural, and interracial communication. This assignment is suitable for face-to-face, online, and blended courses.

Objectives: By completing this assignment, students should be able to (a) outline and draft a full research paper or comprehensive literature review on a course-related topic, (b) tailor their papers to meet the requirements of an editor’s call for papers, (c) peer review and provide constructive feedback on classmates’ scholarly papers, and (d) revise and resubmit their original research papers to a mock journal.  相似文献   

Present study critically investigates the cinematic depiction of leading Chinese masculine figures in Hollywood film productions, with a specific focus on how the positioning of white female characters romantically involved with Chinese martial arts fighters serves to construct Chinese masculinity. In noted films such as The Tuxedo (2002), Kiss of the Dragon (2001), and Dragon: Bruce Lee Story (1993), Chinese martial arts fighters not only managed to fight off white antagonists but also succeeded in winning the ‘heart’ of white heroines. Drawing on Gestner's theoretical assertion that white women's falling for a man of color signifies the invasive movement of a new masculine discourse into the space traditionally bounded by the ideal of white masculinity, and grounded on Hall's conception of articulation, my critical examination of these three film texts revealed how the privileged cultural and racial position of whiteness was reformulated and rejustified via the strategic dramatic construction of romantic encounters between Chinese martial artists and their white partners. More importantly, the current study sheds light on an emerging form of cultural politics that transformed conventional mediated construction of interracial romance and yet perpetuated the racial hierarchy sustained through racist assumption and ideology.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of individual-level characteristics on the spiral of silence effect in two countries, Singapore and the United States, making it the first cross-cultural test of the theory and thereby addressing a gap in the literature highlighted by Schefule and Moy (International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 12, 2000, 3–28). In two identical, representative telephone polls of 668 adults conducted in Singapore and 412 adults in Washington, DC, respondents were asked to indicate how likely they would be to discuss publicly two controversial issues: interracial marriage and equal rights for homosexuals. The proposed model for predicting outspokenness adds a variety of new predictors, such as culturally influenced self-concepts, fear of isolation, and communication apprehension, along with other more traditional predictors of outspokenness, such as a person's perception of the opinion climate, media exposure, issue salience, and demographics. The findings provide partial support for the spiral of silence hypothesis in Singapore, but not in the United States. Respondents’ perception of the future opinion climate in Singapore interacted with issue salience to influence their level of outspokenness; American respondents did not exhibit such an interaction effect. In both countries, however, outspokenness was associated with respondents’ perceived importance of the issue and their communication apprehension. Media exposure was not associated with outspokenness in either country.  相似文献   

亚太地区世界记忆工程是世界记忆工程的重要组成部分,对于保护亚太地区各民族记忆起着重要作用。本文在论述亚太地区世界记忆工程进展的基础上,从与世界记忆工程保持一致、宣传力度较大、记忆名录层次丰富三个方面总结了成绩,从参与度、合作度、网站建设方面分析了存在的不足。最后,本文从宣传、合作与网站建设三个主要方面提出了推进亚太地区世界记忆工程进一步发展的措施。  相似文献   

杨昭悊是20世纪中国第一代图书馆学人的代表人物之一.他长期在图书馆界服务,积极参与各级图书馆协会的相关活动,留下了多种图书馆学著译成果,对当时及后来的图书馆学研究者影响至深.通过梳理中英文史料,我们发现,1915年9月一1919年6月,杨昭悊就读于北京法政专门学校.在校期间,他对图书馆学产生兴趣,并于毕业后留在母校图书馆工作.1921年11月,他赴美留学,先后就读于南加州大学、洛杉矶公共图书馆附属图书馆学校与伊利诺斯大学图书馆学院,但仅在南加州大学获得政治学硕士学位.1925年10月,他携妻子王京生回国,先后在北京法政大学图书馆与江西省立图书馆工作.约在1933年下半年,他离开江西省立图书馆,去向不明.1939年11月,他病逝于湖北谷城.  相似文献   

真人图书馆存在着宣传力度不到位、真人图书难以招募、读者与真人图书交流不够等问题。文章结合微信用户数量庞大、信息交流即时性和互动性强、信息传播方式多元化、资费低等特点,从加强宣传力度、活动开展前的调查分析与信息的发布、活动中的交流讨论等方面探讨了微信在真人图书馆中的应用,并提出了应用微信的注意事项。  相似文献   

系统阐述了近年来中山大学图书馆在全球收集的多种不同出版时期、不同语种的《共产党宣言》的情况,重点论述了19世纪早期重要的三种版本、20世纪前半叶两种重要的英译本和中国本土首个中文节译本的收藏情况、内容与版本特色等,认为中山大学图书馆经过长期的马克思主义馆藏建设,形成了独特的《共产党宣言》版本收藏,真实地反映了《共产党宣言》在欧美、在世界和在中国传播的历史,具有极其重要的历史价值、文献价值和学术价值,对推动马克思主义理论研究与传承具有重要意义。  相似文献   

图书馆读者权利与人的权利有共通之处。因此,从人权角度出发,图书馆读者权利应在社会和历史的范畴之内提出,且可分为实有权利、应有权利和法定权利。为实现图书馆读者权利的"三权统一",可以在以下几方面加强工作:图书馆立法、管理制度、图书馆协会及学会、图书馆规章制度、图书馆教育职能和图书馆读者。  相似文献   

中国缙云甲龙化石发现于浙江缙云壶镇,是浙江省目前已发现的保存最完整的恐龙化石。通过对中国缙云甲龙的野外挖掘、室内修理、科学研究、骨架复原和整体复原全过程的总结,对每个过程中涉及的工具、技术和方法进行详细介绍,能够为今后同类型工作提供典型参考。  相似文献   

介绍了国外OCLC、NLM、欧盟虚拟数字图书馆和国内NSTL、CALIS以及CASHL等典型跨数字图书馆协同服务的案例,总结分析了国内信息服务机构之间协同服务实现技术的应用。  相似文献   

安徽省高校图书馆特色数据库建设的现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安徽省部分高校图书馆从学科特色、馆藏特色、地域特色出发,建设了一批特色数据库。但从总体上看,还存在规模较小,建设较慢;缺乏统一规划,单兵作战;选题单一,特色不明显;标准化、规范化程度不高;IP网段分锁、资源浪费等问题。安徽省高校图书馆界应该通过采取统一规划,项目带动;科学选题,合理分配;分散建设,资源共享;加强宣传,持续维护;联合培训,注重质量等措施来推进特色数据库的建设。  相似文献   

利用文献计量学方法,统计1999—2009年Web of Science收录的军队健康管理方面的研究文献,对其年度文献数量变化、国家/地区分布、期刊分布、主要研究机构等进行分析研究,探讨军队健康管理文献的分布规律、研究现状和发展趋势,旨在了解世界各国在这一研究领域的进展情况。  相似文献   

Chinese Studies Librarianship in North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although American libraries had begun collecting Chinese language materials in the 19th century, notably the United States Library of Congress in 1869, Yale in 1878, Harvard in 1879, and Berkeley in 1896, East Asian studies librarianship in North America, including China studies librarianship, was not fully developed until the 1960s. There was no formal organization that represented the interest of Chinese studies librarians because there were few of them and most of them were China scholars rather than trained librarians. More than 100 years later, the number of Chinese studies librarians in North America has increased considerably, primarily in response to the demand in the field of China studies and more recently to the needs of immigrant population and the general public who has an interest in China.This paper traces the history and growth of Chinese studies librarianship in North America, documents the development of the professional organization that represents Chinese studies librarians, and exami.  相似文献   

The introduction of the paperback book in the United States in 1939, and the subsequent “paperbacking of America” after 1945, permanently altered the book publishing industry in this nation. What business, societal, or governmental forces influenced the censoring of paperback books in the United States? In this article, Ian Ballantine, a leader in the paperback mass market industry, provides a personal perspective on censorship; His candid observations about individuals, books, and movements shed new light on a pivotal period in the history of the book in this country.  相似文献   

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