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Many formal policies have suggested that officers need a college degree; however, policies forced little change in practices of American police organizations. Six hundred-fifty patrol officers employed in 12 medium-sized police departments in three Midwestern states were surveyed as to their current educational attainment and job performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between educational level and police performance.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of higher education among police officers, to determine whether these perceptions vary among county and municipal police officers, and to explore the types of suggestions that officers might have for improving the college curriculum. A survey was administered to police officers from five departments. Data analysis revealed a mixed view of the perceived value of higher education. Officers employed by municipal departments had a more positive general perceived value of higher education compared to officers employed by county sheriff’s offices. This study also found several common suggestions for improvement to the higher education curriculum, including more hands-on experience, instructors with experience as law enforcement officers, and improved writing and interpersonal communication skills.  相似文献   

An increasing number of counselors are finding employment in nonschool agencies such as police departments. This article presents research conducted to explore police officers' perceptions of counseling and the stress they feel. Results indicate that a sizable portion of officers would initiate helping relationships if in-house counseling services were available. The authors discuss the implications for revision of counselor education curricula.  相似文献   


This study examines the effects of education on the career paths of Texas law enforcement officers holding advanced or specialized positions. It addresses the distribution of officers by rank and by assignment pattern, and the variance in career paths explained by respondents' education. Findings show that higher education reduces time required for movement in rank and assignment to specialized positions and was positively correlated to promotion into supervisory and administrative posts. Implications are that higher education will enhance an officer's probability of rising to the top regardless of whether the agency requires a college degree as a precondition of employment.  相似文献   


The current study examines the impact of the Ferguson Effect and related public scrutiny on college students’ motivation to become police officers. Using data from 654 students located at two US universities with over 20,000 students, the results indicate that students’ who perceived that officer motivation and dangerousness has been affected by negative media scrutiny had significantly higher log-odds of strongly agreeing that such scrutiny has negatively impacted their trajectory to work in the police profession and had higher log-odds of strongly agreeing that it has made them apprehensive about applying for police positions in comparison to the reference category. The current study highlights how the negative attention directed towards law enforcement is adversely influencing college students’ motivation to enter the police profession. Police departments must make a concerted effort to mitigate such negative scrutiny in order to ensure a strong candidate pool for prospective police officers.  相似文献   

大多数学者认为异地高考政策更加有利于家庭条件较好的随迁子女,少数学者则认为该政策能有效保障农村随迁子女的教育权益,但已有文献仍缺乏关于异地高考政策对两类流动人口高等教育机会影响差异的比较研究。基于2017年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,本文探讨了异地高考政策对城乡随迁子女高等教育机会的影响,并探究了该政策的调节作用。研究发现,异地高考政策对农村随迁子女高等教育机会的促进作用显著高于城镇随迁子女,且这种效应仅在高政策门槛地区存在,低门槛地区不存在。从政策的调节作用来看,异地高考政策有助于提高农村流动人口子女随迁的意愿,且对农村随迁子女高等教育机会的促进作用要显著高于农村留守子女。同时,异地高考政策可显著降低农村随迁子女家庭社会经济地位对其子女高等教育机会的影响。为此,各地方政府应坚持并完善异地高考政策,充分发挥该政策促进高等教育公平的杠杆作用;流入地政府要进一步提高本地高中教育服务能力;中央政府要进一步推进、完善高考录取制度改革。  相似文献   

当前女大学生就业现状有:就业机会不均等,就业领域受限制,录用标准高,就业压力大,职业待遇不公,社会保障差。促进女大学生公平就业途径有:健全法规政策,完善社会保障机制,深化教学改革,开展生涯辅导教育,转变择业观念,增强自身就业能力,积极探讨现实的女大学生和谐公平就业对促进和谐社会目标实现具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在高等师范院校中开展专业方向模式教育,是高等师范教育适应新形势下毕业生就业形势和社会人才需求的变化的一种办学思路,也是高等师范教育与其他高等教育竞争的新优势,是未来高等师范教育生存、发展、壮大的有力保证。开展专业方向模式教育,必须教育主管部门、高等师范院校和教师共同努力,需要新的教育管理观念和办学思路与之相适应。  相似文献   

Existing police research has produced mixed results regarding the benefits of college education on the outlooks of officers. In addressing many of the well-documented methodological concerns of prior research, the current study augments the existing police education-occupational attitudes literature by examining the impact of varying levels of education (i.e. high school, some college, and bachelor’s degree and higher) on officers’ job satisfaction, views of top management, and role orientation(s). In addition, among those with a bachelor’s degree, the relevance of degree major on officers’ occupational outlooks is assessed. Our results address and inform advocacy efforts to make college education a bona fide occupational qualification.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the acquisition of a four‐year college degree impacts police officer attitudes toward abuse of authority. This research also explores whether level of higher education and the timing of degree completion alter this potential attitudinal impact of a bachelor’s degree. Using data from a nationally representative survey sample, the study finds that officers with a pre‐service bachelor’s degree hold attitudes that are less supportive of abuse of authority, although the effect is fairly small in magnitude. These effects remain regardless of when officers receive their degree and across varying levels of higher education (i.e., associate’s degree, attending some college). These findings suggest that higher education has a beneficial impact related to police officer abuse of authority attitudes.  相似文献   

对高职院校毕业生就业问题的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国高校尤其是高职院校毕业生就业难的现象较普遍地存在,其原因主要是:供求关系错位、人才培养质量达不到岗位要求、就业观念与用人观念保守、就业政策不健全、宏观就业竞争的负面效应所致。解决就业难的问题既需要社会各方面的大力支持、通力协作,健全政策、做好就业服务;更需要教育部门尤其是高职院校不断深化改革,千方百计提高毕业生质量及与劳动力市场需求的吻合度;同时也需要毕业生转变就业观念、准确定位、自觉适应。  相似文献   

大学生就业形势的严峻性日益凸显,政府和各级管理部门都在积极探索,如何有效解决大学生就业问题。本文拟以高等教育管理和学生自身努力为切入点,就如何培养和优化大学生就业的核心竞争力作积极的探讨,对大学生就业群体和整个社会都不无裨益。  相似文献   

This paper, reporting the results of a survey of 177 patrol officers in 11 police departments in three New England states and New York State, examines the effects of college education on patrol officers' views regarding attitudinal attributes identified in the literature on police professionalism. Educational level was not found related to the service ideal, as shown by support for the service function and a more positive attitude toward the public, or to greater emphasis in exercising discretion. Educational level was found to be related to placing greater value on the importance of ethical conduct, but it was not found to be related to intolerance toward the misconduct of fellow officers. Education also is related to a less parochial organizational identity and insularity because it increases support for lateral entry and decreases support for maintaining organizational secrets.  相似文献   

随着高职院校教育改革的不断推进,高职毕业生的动手实践能力普遍得到提高,但就业质量和就业后的发展却受到职业素养的严重制约。当前高职教育职业素养教育存在认识不统一、载体不到位、教育队伍不合拍等困境。无锡南洋职业技术学院通过构建有引领力的培养方案、开发有鲜活力的素养课程、创设有感染力的教育载体、搭建有凝聚力的校企平台和打造有执行力的育人队伍等途径,切实提高毕业生的职业素养,使毕业生在职业生涯中获得更好的职业发展空间。  相似文献   

促进大学生就业是一个复杂的系统工程。国家促进大学生就业政策的落实,涉及到社会就业环境、高校教育及学生本人等许多因素。宣传是落实政策的第一步。政策的落实需要高校教育的配套措施来推动。大学生形成正确的就业观念,正确看待基层就业和自主创业,则是国家促进大学生就业政策有效落实的关键。  相似文献   

大学生就业既是人才工程也是民生工程,促进大学生就业与政府、高校、用人单位、就业中介机构及大学生等多重主体息息相关。促进大学生就业体系具有一般复杂适应系统多样性、开放性、非线性、涌现性等特征。基于CAS理论,政府通过政策、法律手段搞好宏观调控,高校在课程设置、就业指导方面与用人单位搞好对接,企事业单位要摒弃就业歧视、降低门槛和就业中介、非营利机构相配合搭建公开、公正的就业平台,大学生自身也应秉承务实的就业态度,从而实现“五位一体”,促进大学生就业。  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to determine the private internal rate of return to investment in two levels and four selected educational programs (computer science, nursing, nutrition, and social work). In these fields, a perennial uneasy situation occurs in which many bachelor's degree graduates and community college vocational degree holders perform exactly the same work and receive different salaries. The monetary benefit returns to individuals are calculated by using the cost-benefit analysis method. Results will be useful not only to public employment agencies and educational institutions, but also particularly to students who strive to acquire the most profitable level of education in the most economical way.Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, San Diego, California, May 1979.The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Office of Institutional Research.  相似文献   

通过对民族教育"当事者"之一的民族中学校长的教育公平观、公平感受分析,对其工作中诸如学生升学、学校课程、学生就业等方面面临的公平"难题"进行解读,从而总结并梳理了少数民族教育实践者的教育政策期待,以促进并逐步解决少数民族教育公平进程中的深层次问题和矛盾。  相似文献   

随着高等教育跨越式的发展,高等教育大众化进程的加快,高校毕业生数量也迅速增加,据悉2012届全国毕业生将达到700多万,大学生的就业状况越来越受到社会的关注,就业工作压力不断增大,就业机构工作成效的重要性日益突出,并受到高校的高度重视。在这种情况下,各高校必须积极开拓就业市场,寻求就业机会,提高就业工作成效,促进毕业生充分就业。  相似文献   

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