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培养学生的职业道德、专业能力以及可持续发展的自主学习能力,是高职教育教学的三个根本任务,如何做到系统的理论培养和系统的动手能力培养,是高职教育教学改革必须注意并加以解决的重要问题.对于这"三个任务"和"两个系统",必须从专业和课程两个层面共同解决.专业层面要科学设置课程,保证课程体系的系统性;课程层面要做到系统化的课程设计与实施.  相似文献   

美国的科学探究课程IQWST提供了把科学探究学习进阶理论转化到教学实践的有效方式。其开发理念为:依据学习进阶框架确定课程目标,以"驱动问题"为线索设计、组织课程内容,强调科学知识和科学实践能力共同进阶。这启发我们在落实以"核心素养"为目标的课程改革中要注重知识的部分与整体的联系,课程中合理设置科学实践活动,做好科学探究课程与传统课程的结合。  相似文献   

八十年代以来,台湾地区中小学全面开展了科学教育。科学教育的目的是“提高中小学生以及全体国民的科学素养”,科学教育的特点主要从新编教材、课程设置及教学评量等方面得以充分体现。  相似文献   

21世纪,我国的经济、建筑、教育、医疗和养殖等领域有了很大的改革和进步。教育在我国经济发展中占据中重要的地位,国家实行"科教兴国"的战略方针,教育与科技共同发展。在小学教育阶段,开展科学教学活动有助培养学生的科学探究能力和科学核心素养,使学生在科学课堂的学习中能够掌握争取的学习方式,养成良好的科学学习习惯。对小学科学课程资源进程整合,可以提高教育者的课程资源利用率,提高科学教学活动的质量和效率。本文主要对小学科学课程资源整合与教学进行研究。  相似文献   

关于科学课教师培养的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学课程是第八次基础教育课程改革中新增设的一门广域综合课程.培养科学课程教师的科学教育专业,在设置上经历了"飙升"、"锐减"之后,现已趋向平稳发展;课程体系基本形成,主干课程趋于明确;教材建设取得一定成效;组织管理以"常规模式"为主,兼有"教务主导模式"与"半独立模式".然而,该专业区域分布很不平衡,招生走势有下滑迹象,课程设置模式、课程内容选择、管理组织协调等方面亟待加强.  相似文献   

郑小燕 《现代教学》2014,(Z3):98-99
生活中的教育无处不在,教育要紧密联系生活。在曰常教育生活中,我校关注营造良好的教育生活环境,开发并实施从生活中学习的“青苹果生活乐园”课程群,让学生在丰富的生活课程中得以自主发展。该课程群中的各门课程,整合了我校原有的拓展型课程中的与科技相关联的因素,以爱生活,爱科学为共同核心,根据学生的年龄特点,设置参观实践、游戏体验、实践探究、创意思维、科学精神培育等内容,从各个角度切入科学与生活的联系。我们将学  相似文献   

根据构建"科学教育专业"多学科相互交叉、相互渗透的综合性课程体系的理念,通过对我系"科学教育专业"专业课程的分析,指出当前课程设置中存在的问题,对不同学科相重复的课程内容整理列表.最后对课程设置及课程内容具体如何优化整合给出自己的观点.  相似文献   

文章以史为鉴,剖析晚清中国两所具有代表性的新式学堂——京师同文馆和福州船政学堂在科学教育课程方面设置的特点,对外语教育与科学教育课程的关系进行简要分析,尝试提出对当代大学课程设置方面有益的建议,即外语语言学习是起点,科学教育是终点;外语教育要以科学实践为主,科学教育课程教学过程以外语为主;外语教育与科学教育课程紧密结合,满足专业需求,建立严格的淘汰考试制度;拓宽英语专业的课程范畴,增加科学教育课程。  相似文献   

文秘教育是一个新兴的本科专业,其课程设置还不够规范,存在着人才培养目标不明确、难以摆脱母体汉语言文学专业的影响、体现不出自身特色等问题,需要我们进行研究和探索.文秘教育专业课程设置要兼顾"文秘"和"教育",区别本科与专科,注重学生全面能力的培养,逐步规范课程内容,建立起科学、完善的课程体系和相应的课程评价体系,以动态和发展的原则设置课程,始终保持课程设置的科学性、前瞻性.  相似文献   

生活中的教育无处不在,教育要紧密联系生活。在日常教育生活中,我校关注营造良好的教育生活环境,开发并实施从生活中学习的“青苹果生活乐园”课程群,让学生在丰富的生活课程中得以自主发展。该课程群中的各门课程,整合了我校原有的拓展型课程中的与科技相关联的因素,以爱生活,爱科学为共同核心,根据学生的年龄特点,设置参观实践、游戏体验、实践探究、创意思维、科学精神培育等内容,从各个角度切入科学与生活的联系。我们将学校视为一个生活小社区,在这个乐园里,学生们将共同体验生活的美好,探索生活的奥秘,形成生活的智慧。  相似文献   

在对我省部分小学师生调查研究的基础上,提出了新时期小学科学教师的培养目标,建构了体现培养小学科学师资个性和高师共性的课程体系,以及“全面发展,有所特长”的培养模式,为培养小学科学学科的骨干教师打下基础。  相似文献   

Many education systems are experiencing a re-scaling and consolidation of governance through rolling national agendas of standardisation and centralisation. The present article considers the case of Australia as it moves towards implementing its first national curriculum, to explore how teacher educators plan to retain pedagogical space for debate, diversity and contestation of such systemic curricular reform. The present article reports on an interview study conducted with nine teacher educators across the four curriculum areas included in the first wave of the Australian curriculum: English, science, mathematics and history. The analysis reveals how teacher educators reported professional dilemmas around curricular design, and planned to resolve such dilemmas between the anticipated changes and their preferences for what might have been. While different curricular areas displayed different patterns of professional dilemma, the teacher educators are shown to construe their role as one of active curriculum mediators, who, in recontextualising curricular reforms, will use the opportunity to reinsert both residualised and emergent alternatives in their students’ professional value sets. The study also identifies a new set of dilemmas emerging around the politicisation and standardisation of curriculum, and its impact on the teaching profession and teacher educators.  相似文献   

The article sets the international context for the development of a curriculum of education for sustainable development and shows the directions being taken in the Francophone community. Building on a significant number of studies carried out in France, we constitute a typology of the positions of French-speaking researchers involved in those studies and contributing to the establishment of the national curriculum. This typology is constructed using a methodology based on the frequency of lexical occurrences in a bibliographic database, combined with a methodology of research on the social representations of the researchers of this community. We first present a broad comparison with the Anglo-Saxon sphere, we postulate that these positions influence the curriculum construction and raise the issue of the social responsibility of education science researchers in the face of international political demands.  相似文献   

围绕新时期课程育人的新要求,在中山大学的整体安排和推进下,聚焦海洋科学专业课程的实际情况和具体要求,海洋科学学院实施课程思政教学改革"三步走"战略.以海洋科学专业核心课程为依托,面向专业所有学生,开发利用相关课程的思想政治教育资源,以充分发挥课程蕴含的思想政治教育功能.从"爱国主义与家国情怀""国家安全与权益维护""海...  相似文献   

Specialized science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) schools create niche areas in an attempt to attract the best students, establish the school status, and justify their privilege to valuable resources. One Singapore STEM school does this in applied science learning to differentiate its curriculum from the national prescribed curriculum. Reflecting on the issues of curriculum innovation from the perspective of a teacher and head of department in this school, the second author discusses the constraints in curriculum innovation in a specialized school context embedded within a larger system of the national curriculum. We reflect on her experiences in designing, planning, writing, and implementing applied science courses and the challenges in having to simultaneously address the standardized assessment guidelines.  相似文献   

我国民族地区地方课程开发研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
王鉴 《教育研究》2006,27(4):24-27
民族地区的地方课程开发模式可以概括为“国家专门机构统一协作、多省区联合开发、不同层次民族自治区共同使用”,其理论基础在于地方性知识的教育价值及多元文化教育的全球理念。民族地区地方课程的目标是在“中华民族多元一体格局”理论的指导下,立足于各民族优秀的文化知识,放眼全球多元文化教育的发展特点,培养具有多元文化知识、态度与能力的一代新人。地方课程的内容包括生态环境、生产生活、民风民俗、社会历史、传统科学、民族艺术和语言文学等七个方面。  相似文献   

科学素养是当代科学教育的中心概念。科学素养理念在理科课程标准和教科书的落实情况是学术界关注的热点。通过相关文献的回顾,笔者整理出当下以科学素养为视角对"正式课程"分析的两种理论模型:"课程重点"和"课程平衡"。本文对两种理论模型及相关的实证研究进行了介绍、评述与比较,希望为我国科学教育工作者研究理科课程标准和教科书提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Hugo Labate 《Prospects》2007,37(4):469-488
The article documents the complex process of changing Argentina’s science curriculum and implementing those changes over the last 15 years. It recounts how reformers tackled the challenges of balancing national (federal) unity in education with local (provincial) autonomy from the political, social and pedagogical points of view. It also analyzes various attempts to improve science education in Argentina from the viewpoint of their relevance to current developments in various areas of scientific knowledge and human action. In Argentina the effort to ensure equal opportunities for learners at the federal level led to a strong emphasis on developing Common Basic Contents (CBC) for both primary and secondary education. These contents were seen as fundamental components of the competencies that students need in a world increasingly driven by science and technology. Meanwhile, however, Argentina lacked adequate and sustainable policies and strategies for teacher education and training, which led to an unexpected complication: while the curriculum development process led to diverse and sometimes quite sophisticated curriculum documents, the actual quality of science teaching in the classroom did not improve significantly, and teachers still felt the need for more support before they could effectively implement the new science curriculum. The article ends by suggesting ways in which various stakeholders can work together intensively to improve science education in Argentina, in a new process that will respond to the current situation.
Hugo LabateEmail:

Hugo Labate   Currently a freelance consultant in science education and curriculum reform, Hugo Labate began his career as a high school teacher, and for nearly 7 years was a member of curriculum teams at the National Ministry in Argentina, coordinating several stages of the curriculum reform process. He has worked with UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education (IBE) as a curriculum consultant on projects in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and some of the Gulf countries, and with UNICEF on several projects involving curriculum reform and capacity building. His current work focuses on local projects aimed at promoting quality education in several provinces in Argentina. He has a BS in chemistry, has studied research methodology at the postgraduate level and has written science textbooks for children aged 10–18.  相似文献   

周琴 《教育学报》2007,3(2):67-71
20世纪80年代后,国际上兴起第二次基础科学教育改革浪潮。此次改革中,各国均以培养科学素养为目标,不约而同采取了一些共同的措施以推动基础科学教育改革。这些共识之举包括:1.理论先行,为科学教育改革提供理念指导;2.颁布科学教育政策文件,制定科学教育标准;3.围绕科学教育目标,全面推行课程改革;4.改革科学教师培养、培训模式,明确科学教师标准;5.整合校内外资源,提供科学教育资源保障。  相似文献   

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