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基于大型体育赛事的公共科技价值传导是以大型体育赛事为平台的公共科技开发与扩散实现的。路径有三:政府传导、公共研究机构传导、公共企业传导。对基于大型体育赛事的公共科技价值传导现象进行理论抽象,形成以公共科技价值链为核心的公共科技价值传导模式,分析其结构与功能。在此基础上,分析了基于大型体育赛事的公共科技价值传导的三种内在机制:需求—供给机制、战略管理机制、公共参与机制。  相似文献   

从内涵、结构、功能三个维度探讨了大型体育赛事中的公共科技价值链.从公共科技的内涵出发,借鉴价值链理论和方法,提出了公共科技价值链的概念.公共科技价值链可解构为三个环节:公共科技选择、公共科技开发、公共科技扩散.分析了大型体育赛事中的公共科技价值链的特殊之处.大型体育赛事中的公共科技价值链有三个显著功能:促进公共科技服务体系构建、防止科技资源闲置和浪费、提升公民科学素养.  相似文献   

大型体育赛事在中国频繁举办,界定大型体育赛事属性的重要性日益凸现.运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,论述了公共产品的定义、特征及分类;通过讨论大型体育赛事准公共产品属性,论述了大型体育赛事的准公共产品趋势,并探索分析了大型体育赛事准公共产品的供给问题.  相似文献   

大型体育赛事的战略管理研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从赛事规划、可行性分析、赛事执行、遗产继承、赛事评估与反馈等赛事战略管理的各阶段入手,系统阐述体育赛事战略管理理论;同时结合国外发达国家大型体育赛事战略管理的成功经验,将墨尔本与上海进行对比,针对我国在大型体育赛事战略管理上存在的问题进行分析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

我国大型体育赛事规模日益庞大,志愿者是大型体育赛事的重要一环,在赛事的运转中发挥着重要的作用,志愿者是大型体育赛事重要的人力资源,无私地为赛事的举办奉献自己的时间、精力和技能等,为大赛的举办节约了成本。由于志愿者人数逐渐增多,对志愿者的管理显得尤为重要,探析合理、科学的利用好志愿者资源,加强管理,解决问题,提供可行的对策,为后续大型体育赛事的发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

阐述了项目管理理论在国内外的发展和运用现状,并结合大型体育赛事等相关问题进行了总结和分析,提出相关建议,为体育赛事的市场化、社会化和规范化的管理提供重要的借鉴.  相似文献   

采用德尔菲法等,建立大型体育赛事对城市发展影响的评价指标体系.以第6届全运会、第9届全运会为案例,运用评价指标体系评估大型体育赛事对广州城市发展的影响.从宏观评估结果看,大型体育赛事对广州城市经济发展的影响不明显;从微观评估结果看,大型体育赛事对广州城市发展的影响主要表现在人均铺装道路面积和人均拥有公共体育设施面积的扩大,以及对城市旅游事业的促进,但该影响具有阶段性特征.  相似文献   

为对大运河江苏段体育赛事旅游的发展提供战略决策,运用SWOT分析模型,对大运河江苏段体育赛事旅游发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行定性分析。运用层次分析法(AHP)实现定量分析,确定大运河江苏段体育赛事旅游发展的战略应以SO发展战略为主,ST发展战略为辅。提出建议:以赛兴旅,提升大运河江苏段沿线体育赛事的旅游吸引力;顺应群众需求,丰富大运河江苏段体育赛事旅游产品;出台政策,加大财政金融支持力度;协同合作,打造大运河江苏段赛事旅游品牌;加大科技创新投入,突破大运河江苏段赛事旅游的时空桎梏;借力体育赛事,传播大运河生态保护理念。  相似文献   

城市形象作为一个城市利益的重要组成部分,在新时代被赋予了文化战略的高度。大型体育赛事品牌不仅是一个城市文化战略发展的重要力量,还是塑造一个城市形象的有效手段。如何通过大型体育赛事品牌构建及塑造城市形象,研究其具体路径有着重要议程。  相似文献   

谢菲尔德市利用大型体育赛事塑造城市形象的战略及启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于英国谢菲尔德市利用大型体育赛事塑造城市形象战略背景、战略实施与效果的分析,归纳大型体育赛事塑造城市形象的经验与启示:将大型体育赛事的举办上升到城市规划的战略层面;重视赛事的长远规划与周密调研;政府在资金、政策引导和组织协调等方面应发挥重要作用;除举办一次性的大型体育赛事外,重视连续性品牌赛事的培育.  相似文献   

大型体育赛事利益相关者管理理论及其框架构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法对利益相关者管理理论进行概述,从大型体育赛事利益相关者管理的意义、大型体育赛事利益相关者管理的理论基础和现实基础等方面对大型体育赛事利益相关者管理相关理论进行分析。在此基础上,就国内外利益相关者界定和分类理论进行归纳和评述,从利害关系视角对大型体育赛事利益相关者进行了界定。最后,从利益相关者的识别和界定、评估利益相关者的利害关系本质、评估利益相关者的力量本质和实施利益相关者管理四个方面构建了大型体育赛事利益相关者管理框架,并提出大型体育赛事利益相关者管理的思路——基于信任与合作的伙伴关系管理。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(2):121-132
The sports industry is viewed as being of growing economic significance, reflected in its promotion in public policy. One specific aspect of this policy is to argue that investment in international sporting success creates pride from sporting success, which contributes to subjective well-being (SWB). However, though it has been argued that indicators of sporting success, such as the number of medals won at major sports events like the Olympics, act as a proxy for pride from sporting success, there have not been any direct tests of this hypothesis. Controlling for the impact of physical activity, attendance at sports events and other standard covariates, this paper addresses this hypothesis by focusing on a variable which directly measures pride felt from sporting success (Pride) by individuals. Because of the possibility that a latent characteristic such as nationalism, or overall national pride, might be linked to both Pride and SWB, i.e. an endogeneity problem is present, an instrumental variable technique is employed. The findings do not support the hypothesis that pride following from sporting success can contribute distinctly to SWB. Moreover, the hosting of events may be more important than success at them, a point suggested by the positive association between attendance at sporting events and SWB. As such the goals of public sector investment in both hosting major sports events as well as investment in sports development to achieve international sporting success are shown to be more distinct than implied in much of the policy announcements and require more careful scrutiny.  相似文献   

董杰 《体育与科学》2012,33(3):42-51
研究中国举办大型体育赛事存在问题的目的在于分析存在问题的原因,找出解决问题的对策,为大型体育赛事的可持续发展和中国今后举办体育赛事提供可资借鉴的理论依据。存在的主要问题:1、夸大体育赛事对社会的影响,包括政治、经济和文化等方面的影响。2、政府对举办赛事大量投入,包括各种隐性支出。3、体育赛事市场营销收入不高。4、动用过多的人力参加赛事组织工作。5、安保方面投入大量的人力、物力和财力,影响举办城市市民和观众的日常生活。6、大量体育场馆赛后闲置,增加赛事组织者和举办城市的经济负担。解决存在问题的对策:1、客观评价赛事对举办城市的社会影响,把办好体育赛事放到首位。2、加强政府对赛事的政策性支持,增加政府对赛事支出的透明度,减少隐性支出。3、建立专业化的市场营销团队,打造赛事品牌,增加赛事的收入。4、提升赛事的管理水平,核定工作岗位,控制各方面工作人员数量。5、加强对安保工作的科学化管理,赛事安全与举办城市市民和观众在正常环境中生活和观赛同步。6、从观念到行动,提高对比赛场馆赛后利用率的重视程度。  相似文献   

高水平赛事汇聚大众传媒和社会公众的关注,是赛事组织方塑造品牌形象的重要契机.通过对高校形象内涵的分析,提出高等体育院校在公众中存在刻板印象,可借力高水平赛事的举办,发挥自身优势,开展多方互动,自塑、他塑与合塑品牌,消弭负面刻板印象,树立良好形象.  相似文献   

In the absence of a national athletic organization, sporting publicans were pivotal in the regulation and promotion of pedestrian events, attracting large crowds through the endorsement of local victuallers who supplied land for competitive races, organized the athletic calendar and posed as referee, time-keeper and prize giver during sporting contests. Pedestrianism provided sporting entertainment during much of the nineteenth century and publicans were quick to recognize the money making potential of such enterprises. By 1850 the drinks trade endorsed many sporting activities, with the entrepreneurial proprietor being fundamental to the survival of sport, especially within the industrial cities. In Manchester sport moved to the rural outskirts and popular Victorian gardens with attached public houses promoted and housed competitive athletic events. Arenas were built next to, and within, the grounds of the rural public houses and hotels. The Royal Oak Park and Copenhagen Grounds were reputable running grounds, being attached to suburban Manchester pubs and hosting the majority of sporting events in the city until the 1880s, when the organization of amateur sport by the professional middle class led to a decline in professional activities. This paper investigates the relationship between pub and athletics within Manchester, considering the role of the publican in the promotion of sporting entertainments through individual case studies.  相似文献   

The real legacy of the 2010 World Cup is that people in the focus areas of Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg–Tshwane may have received some benefit from infrastructural development while much of the rest of South Africa has fallen further behind those globally projecting conurbations. Though the literature on sport and community development is growing rapidly as is work on legacy and mega events, there are few studies that examine initiatives generated within local communities, particularly those located well away from the activities of international sport development agencies. In this paper, we examine a village football team in rural Mpondoland in the far reaches of the Eastern Cape located well away from the impact of World Cup football-related initiatives. We also explore activities of international sport development agencies. We examine the motivations of the players, the community role that football plays and how community-generated initiatives might be supported and nurtured with full involvement and democratic decision-making practices embedded into the operation of local sporting groups. Understanding the hurdles faced in resource-strapped communities will enhance discussion of the ways in which sporting development can be supported rather than imposed and become sustainable in the future.  相似文献   

Attitudes, and attitudinal change towards persons with disabilities, is an important area of research as it can potentially enable greater understanding of the constraints that may preclude full participation in society. In the realm of sport and recreation mega sporting events have been suggested as a potential catalyst for positive societal change and shifting negative attitudes. Much of the event research to date, however, has focused on able-bodied sport events, with parasport events being largely overlooked. As a result, the impact of major parasport events on attitudinal change towards persons with a disability is assumed by sport practitioners, policy-makers and politicians but not justified by empirical evidence. The current study thus presents a starting point by examining the benefits of hosting mega sport events and in particular focuses on an important event stakeholder group; volunteers. More specifically, the current study addresses volunteer’s perceptions of attitudes towards disability at two major parasport events: the 2014 Commonwealth Games (where parasport was integrated with the able-bodied sport) and the 2015 Pan Am/ParaPan American Games (where parasport was separated from the able-bodied sport). Data were collected at two time points for each event: pre-Games, and post-Games. Results revealed that both events had an impact on volunteer awareness levels of disability and accessibility-related issues, as well as positively impacting attitudes towards persons with disability. Interestingly, the integrated events at the Commonwealth Games appeared to impact attitudes to a greater degree than the non-integrated events at the ParaPan Am Games. Implications are discussed pertaining to the impact of an integrated vs. non-integrated major parasport event on disability/accessibility awareness, and attitudes towards disability.  相似文献   

奥运会是最具典型的大型体育赛事,良好的公共关系是举办一届成功奥运会不可缺少的重要因素。本文通过查阅大量的文献资料和多媒体网络的支持,分析了大型体育赛事公共关系的对象、方式,并对洛杉矶奥运会、巴赛罗那奥运会、雅典奥运会、北京奥运会公共关系活动进行了评析,提出了开展大型体育赛事公共关系应注意的问题,以及所应采取的措施和行动。以期能对今后的大型体育赛事更好的筹办起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

从大型体育赛事与城市化的概念出发,对国内外大型体育赛事与城市经济、政治、文化、基础设施、生态环境、营销及评价等方面的研究进行综述.结果显示:当前大型体育赛事与城市发展是学界研究的热点,研究成果多,内容涵盖广,理论层次深,但存在研究的静态性、重复性、单纯定性研究及对策缺乏可操作性等不足.  相似文献   

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