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The Dearing Report in the UK supported the use of benchmarking in higher education, taking as its stimulus the use of benchmarking in industrial and commercial contexts. The UK Government's concern regarding academic standards has raised the question of whether benchmarking could be applied to them.This article reports on a pilot study of the benchmarking of academic standards in the UK, and demonstrates -- with reference to empirical data -- that benchmarking in this context needs to be approached differently from benchmarking in industrial/commercial milieux, since it requires a combination of finely-drawn comparisons and professional judgements if valid conclusions are to be drawn. It is argued that the complexity which underpins academic standards is inimical to the production of statements about standards that will be applicable across the span of a diverse national system of higher education. The argument presented can be applied, mutatis mutandis, to systems of higher education beyond the UK.  相似文献   

The current preoccupation in British higher education with quality assessment, quality assurance and the monitoring of academic standards is traceable to a set of government policies which constitute an agenda for the radical overhaul of the ideals by which higher education has operated in Britain hitherto. Intent on overturning the collegial ethos of British higher education, and determined to replace the notion of a self-justifying and self-regulating academic community with a system in which universities operate primarily as pan of the national wealth-creating process, the Conservative government has used the quality debate to impose upon the universities a culture of compliance with norms of its own choosing. The net result of this process has been a deliberate undermining of academic autonomy.  相似文献   

This article considers the role of academic standards in the wider context of the problem faced by modem societies of how to reconcile the survival and provision of elite higher education with the emergence of mass education. From the advantage of an outside perspective it examines the division between higher and further education and reflects on the implications of that separation and on the costs and consequences of the academic standards that characterise the British system of elite higher education. It considers the prospects for the emergence from further education of a truly mass system of institutions marked by lower per capita costs and lower standards standing alongside and linked with a system of higher education marked by very high academic standards. The article concludes that what is still lacking is a general recognition that all degree-granting higher education is only a part, albeit a central part, of a broad system of post-secondary and continuing education, marked by a diversity of standard, mission and cost, which has as its mission the advanced education of a whole society and not just its leadership.  相似文献   

高校的自评在英国高等教育质量评价过程中占非常重要的位置,高等教育质量保障署(QAA)作为英国最重要的高等教育质量保证机构之一,也将自评报告置于评价过程的核心地位。要借鉴QAA教育质量评价的经验,分析其自评报告的特点是很有意义的。  相似文献   

程炜 《丽水学院学报》2010,32(4):123-128
高校学生评价直接影响高校教育教学质量。全文较详细地比较了英国高等教育质量保证署发表的《高等教育学术质量和标准保证的实践准则》第六部分:学生评价的第一版和第二版,以为我国高校的学生评价的建设提供相应参考。  相似文献   


The Dealing Report in the UK supported the use of benchmarking in higher education, taking as its stimulus the use of benchmarking in industrial and commercial contexts. The UK Government's concern regarding academic standards has raised the question of whether benchmarking could be applied to them.

This article reports on a pilot study of the benchmarking of academic standards in the UK, and demonstrates ‐ with reference to empirical data ‐ that benchmarking in this context needs to be approached differently from benchmarking in industrial/commercial milieux, since it requires a combination of finely‐drawn comparisons and professional judgements if valid conclusions are to be drawn. It is argued that the complexity which underpins academic standards is inimical to the production of statements about standards that will be applicable across the span of a diverse national system of higher education. The argument presented can be applied, mutatis mutandis, to systems of higher education beyond the UK.  相似文献   

The Dearing Report reflects the perspectives on higher education of the Government that appointed it, perspectives that are widely shared among the leaders of British institutions outside of academic life. It is of interest for that, rather than for its recommendations, which are fundamentally flawed. The Report does not show an intimate knowledge of the institutions about which it advises; it separates its discussions of finance from its comments on teaching and learning; it ignores the wide diversity of higher education institutions, subjects, and students in making its sweeping recommendations, and it does not recognise the limits of its own knowledge, nor make provision for the continuing improvement of the knowledge and understanding on which future policies for British higher education might be based. For these and other reasons, the Report is now one of the many problems facing British higher education rather than part of their solution.  相似文献   

The Robbins Report (1963) helped to justify and chart the great expansion of British higher education in the decade and a half following up its publication. But this liberal and expansionist document has also served to limit the growth of British higher education by affirming the values and assumptions that define the English ‘idea of a university’. Among these values are:
  • (i) the monopoly by state supported institutions of study leading to degrees;
  • (ii) their commitment to high and common academic standards for the honours degree;
  • (iii) a degree earned through full-time study over three years; and
  • (iv) the costs of student maintenance and instruction being borne wholly (or nearly so) by the state.
These values and commitments, accepted by Robbins and the academic community as a whole, are incompatible with the provision of mass higher education to much more than the 15 per cent of the age grade currently enrolled in British higher education.  相似文献   

The paper takes the external quality assurance of English universities and colleges as an example of regulation in higher education as undertaken by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). Regulatory scholarship generally has been largely disinterested in higher education and the paper applies a ‘regulatory lens’ to higher education quality assurance. It reports the findings of a research project on the role identities and perceptions of the auditors recruited by the QAA from the academic community for undertaking institutional audits. It suggests that such a group may be regarded as ‘regulatory intermediaries’, facing both ‘upwards’ to the regulator, and ‘down’ to those being regulated. As such, they have an important function in the delivery of external quality assurance regulation and the paper reports on how they mediate and understand a range of frequently conflicting pressures.  相似文献   

Assessing quality in higher education makes important ethical assumptions, some of them questionable. A more satisfactory ethical view is required if assessing quality in higher education is to be sound. However, political intrusion in system‐wide assessment brings an influence which, preoccupied with market forces and technological development, goes beyond appropriate technical excellence to technicist excess. This generates a climate inimical to ethical quality and conflicts with academic work. Academic development units have a special role in regard to academic quality, but tend to be conceived of in a technicist way. A resultant managerialist‐technicist approach to their task is incompatible with ethical and epistemological virtues necessary to sound academic work and its development.  相似文献   

对英国高校研究生学术研究能力培养状况进行实地考察,并从学术道德规范、研究方法的课程设置、学术写作技能的训练、学术讲座的组织以及学术研讨的支持等方面的管理和培养进行了详细分析和论证。研究表明,英国高校已经形成成熟的研究生学术研究能力培养机制,成为英国研究生教育标准严、效率高、质量好的重要保证。在国际化语境下,对于我国研究国际化教育具有极好的启示。  相似文献   

Quality assurance processes have been applied to many aspects of higher education, including teaching, learning and assessment. At least in the latter domain, quality assurance needs its fundamental tenets critically scrutinised. A common but inadequate approach has been to identify and promote learning environment changes ‘likely to improve’ learning outcomes. They are simply labelled ‘quality assurance’ without establishing their effectiveness. Part of the problem is that the case for quality assurance has been largely taken as self-evident. Originally, quality assurance principles were developed in domains outside higher education. In those, auditable product, service and other standards play a central role. Although external processes do not directly transfer to higher education, their underlying principles offer perspectives and pointers for reconceptualising quality assurance and improving assessment and grading. Quality assurance should be grounded in authoritative and properly formulated academic achievement standards applied to actual student works, performances and course grades.  相似文献   

1997年英国成立了高等教育质量保证署(QAA),向英国高等教育提供质量保障服务。QAA初期的工作主要是进行延续审查和学科评估,2002年改革后则采用院校审查的方式来进行评估。QAA的建立与发展过程正是英国高等教育外部质量保障机制不断完善的过程,也是其从注重外部质量保障到注重建立有效的内部质量保障的过程。  相似文献   

对成人高等学历教育改革的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张书义 《成人教育》2011,31(5):88-89
成人高等学历教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,为促进我国高等教育发展,加快高等教育大众化进程做出了重大贡献。目前成人高等学历教育体系繁杂,教育政策和质量标准不统一,管理混乱。要保持成人高等学历教育持续健康发展,成人高等学历教育体系必须整合,成人高等教育需要重新定位。  相似文献   

20世纪末以来,西方高等教育质量管理导入IS09000并不是一个模糊的景象,西方高等教育机构在传统学术质量管理受到国际化与产业化绩效评估的挑战时,确实认为IS09000可以解决一些问题,但他们更愿意寻求更适宜大学的质量管理方式。在西方高等教育理论的视野当中,IS09000与高等教育的质量管理是一个曾经掀起争论但在现实中已经沉寂的事物。真正的大学只是将教务管理、后勤服务交给IS09000,在教学与科研上则保持学术标准。积极导入IS09000并能在导入过程中获得好处的是一些非正规高等教育机构和新兴高等教育机构,因为在传统学术的竞争中处于下游的它们能在标榜导入IS09000的过程中更好地赢得市场竞争。  相似文献   


Brazilian higher education institutions face a complex and challenging environment as the national market in education is becoming more competitive. International investment, a decrease in the population of potential students, and the proliferation of innumerable small institutions add to this complexity. Organizations are becoming flatter and the key managers within them are deans. Although deans are required to act as managerial experts, they are usually selected from the teaching body of the institution. In this paper, a group of deans from a large private institution gave their self-assessment of their academic and managerial skills. The results revealed that they tend to have a high perception of their managerial skills, even though they have no previous managerial experience or formal training. This underlines that senior academic administrators cannot simply assume that deans, by the nature of their work environment, are proficient in managerial skills; neither that they can easily identify inadequacies nor have them self-corrected. To accomplish the necessary institutional changes to face the complexities of the current globalized education market, a new assessment culture has to be implemented in the academic environment.


The Higher Education Funding Council for England was given responsibility by the government of the day for assessing the quality of higher education institutions in England. It decided to make subject areas the focus of these quality assessments, within an objectives-based approach to assessment. Assessments are made by peer subject assessors during visits to institutions. The report postulates that criteria'other'than the aims and objectives of the institutions and subjects areas were used in the assessments. An analysis was done of reports of the assessments done in 1993–94. The study identifies which criteria were used and argues that these could be labelled as academic standards.  相似文献   

Although the conceptual distinction between academic standards and the quality of learning opportunities is fundamental to an understanding of the role of quality assurance in higher education, the distinction, and its implications, have not always been well understood in the case of transnational higher education. This paper explores both the source of academic standards and the criteria by which the quality of learning opportunities can be judged. It is argued that the distinction is of particular importance in the context of transnational education, because whilst judgements about quality may legitimately be susceptible to a degree of cultural influence, the same is not true of judgements about academic standards. It is suggested that a lack of attention to the logical distinction between standards and quality has hampered efforts by regulatory régimes around the world to develop coherent policies with respect to hosting transnational higher education provision.  相似文献   

高等学校《本科教育教学质量报告》透视(笔谈)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育部拟建立全国高等学校教育教学质量年度报告发布制度,表明我国对高等教育质量的期待已从学校层面上升到了国家意志层面。2011年9月底,39所"985工程"大学首度公开发布了各自的《本科教育教学质量报告》,说明我国高教界已开始对社会期待和问责作出回应。尽管不能说各大学不重视,但它目前还没有很好地发挥信息平台、质量保障和管理监督的功能。作为创建具有中国特色的高等教育质量保障制度的重要举措,它还有待于从质量标准、报告内容和形式等方面进一步规范和完善。  相似文献   

英国高等教育质量保障体系以内部质量保障为主体,外部质量保障为主导,前者主要是高校的自律机制和自适机制,后者主要以高等教育质量保障署的"学术规范体系"为主线,从而形成了其独立自主、以制度促规范、互动而平衡的鲜明特征。给我国的启示有:建立起法制化、制度化运作的高等教育质量保障体系和专业化的高等教育质量评估体系;完善以"内部"为主体、"外部"为主导的体系构成;加强内外有效沟通和协调发展的运行体系。  相似文献   

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