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作为美国戏剧界最为著名的剧作家之一,威廉斯在剧作中塑造了“边缘人”这一典型形象。结合作家的同性恋身份及自身所处的边缘性立场,划分归纳出剧作中“边缘人”的两个类型即没落的南方淑女及男同性恋者。通过对这两类“边缘人”艰难的生存处境及精神危机的分析,表达了作家尊重个体差异、同情弱势群体的人道主义立场及倡导文化多元共生的文化观念。  相似文献   

Internships in science research settings have received increasing attention as a means of helping students construct appropriate understandings, practices, tools, and language in scientific activities. To advance student–scientist partnerships beyond the status quo, the study aimed to investigate how cogenerative dialogs (cogens) may help high school students and scientists identify and address challenges collectively. The analysis identified nine major challenges discussed during cogens: (1) the quality and progress of scientific practice in laboratories, (2) the quality of scientists’/assistants’ instructions in classrooms, (3) the quality of student participation in classrooms and homework, (4) students’ absences, including arriving late or leaving early, (5) the quality of administrative support, (6) preparation for scientific presentations, (7) the process of deciding project topics, (8) students’ peer interactions and communication, and (9) students’ physiological needs. The three most salient challenges were “the quality and progress of scientific practice in laboratories” (39%), “the quality of scientists’/assistants’ instructions in classrooms” (20%), and “the quality of student participation in classrooms and homework” (17%). The study shows that cogens allowed students and scientists to agree on teaching modifications that positively influenced teaching and learning processes during the internship, such that issues were reduced from the beginning to the closing stages. Importantly, the challenges and solutions identified by students and scientists in this study provide accounts of first-hand experience as well as insights to aid program directors or coordinators in designing a learning environment that can foster effective practice for internships by avoiding the issues identified in the study.  相似文献   

知青叙事中塑造了许多“他者”和“局外人”形象,尤以作家张承志和其作《黑骏马》中的主人公白音宝力格最为明显。通过文本细读法,从“自我书写的‘他者’——找寻存在的‘局外人’——‘他者’和‘局外人’的精神复归”的过程来分析张承志的经历和展示《黑骏马》中的白音宝力格的情感经历,研究知青叙事里的“他者”和“局外人”形象,对于重返知青叙事、理解张承志作品的生命意识和人性关怀具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Children’s stereotypes about scientists have been postulated to affect student science identity and interest in science. Findings from prior studies using “Draw a Scientist Test” methods suggest that students see scientists as largely white, often unattractive, men; one consequence may be that girls and minority students feel a science career is “not like me”. However, a major shortcoming in prior research is that scholars have asked children to draw only scientists, thus making interpretations of earlier research findings ambiguous. We added other professionals to compare how 616 drawings of teachers, scientists, and veterinarians by 206 elementary school children varied by student gender, ethnicity, and grade. Students made clear distinctions: drawing teachers as most attractive and largely female, and scientists as most often male and least attractive. Aspects of the drawings suggest that scientists do have an “image problem” among children. However, large sex differences in the drawings and often‐unrecognizable gender figures in boys’ pictures lead us to question use of the “Draw a Scientist Test” as a projective test among young children.  相似文献   

Even long before children are able to verbalize which careers may be interesting to them, they collect and store ideas about scientists. For these reasons, asking children to Draw-A-Scientist has become an accepted method to provide a glimpse into how children represent and identify with those in the science fields. Years later these representations may translate into student’s career choice. Since 1995, children’s illustrations of scientists have been assessed by the Draw-A-Scientist Checklist (DAST-C). The checklist was created from the common aspects or features found in illustrations from previous studies and were based initially on the scientists, broken down into “stereotypical” and “alternative” images shown in the drawings. The purpose of this paper is to describe the development, field test and reliability of the modified Draw-A-Scientist Test (DAST) and The Draw-A-Scientist Rubric designed as an improvement of the DAST-C to provide a more appropriate method of assessing students’ drawings of scientists. The combination of the modified DAST and the DAST Rubric brings more refinement as it enables clarities to emerge and subsequently increased detail to what one could ascertain from students about their mental images of scientists.  相似文献   

This study investigated the characteristics of students who report extremely high levels of hope. A sample of 682 students (ages 11–17) completed measures of hope, school engagement, life satisfaction, self‐worth, and mental health. Academic achievement was obtained from students’ school records. Based on their hope scores, students were divided into three groups: “extremely low” (bottom 10% of the distribution), “average” (middle 25%), and “extremely high” (upper 10%). Results indicate that students in the extremely high hope (EHH) group differed from students with average (AH) and extremely low hope (ELH) on all measures. Further, EHH and AH are associated with mental health benefits that are not found among students reporting comparatively ELH levels. Taken together, the findings support the notion that EHH in students is associated with adaptive psychological and school‐related functioning. Overall, given the superior adjustment profile, perhaps ‘‘enough hope’’ should be defined as “EHH.”  相似文献   

The anarchist‐inspired pedagogy of Henri Roorda van Eysinga (1870‐1925) had an important, and critical, influence on the contemporary theory of “education libertaire” ‐ a theory Inextricable from practice, and illuminated in the experience of the ‘Ecole Ferrer de Lausanne”, with which he was associated.. Roorda's role in promoting the “modern school’ principles of Francisco Ferrer is generally acknowledged. His reputation as “the soundest revolutionary of our age’ on the education of children, however, is largely unknown or forgotten.

Dutch by birth, Roorda grew up and remained in the “Suisse romande”, where his early exposure to the revolutionary intellectual idealism of post‐Commune exiles like Kropotkin and (notably) Elisée Reclus had lasting consequences. Cited in “libertarian” and “new” education circles alike, his writing effectively addressed the twin “scientific” and “revolutionary” facets of Rousseau's pedagogical‐critical discourse. The dichotomies engendered by this Juxtaposition of a child‐centred ‘education intégrate” with a revolutionary‐fraternal ‘mentalité anarchiste” richly nuanced his contribution to the pedagogy and the idiom of “education libertaire”.  相似文献   

This paper contributes a rich picture of how students from refugee backgrounds navigate their way into and through undergraduate studies in a regional Australian university, paying particular attention to their access to and use of different forms of support. We draw on the conceptualisation of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ knowledge, offered by Ball and Vincent (1998. “‘I Heard it on the Grapevine’: ‘Hot’ Knowledge and School Choice.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 19 (3): 377–400), and the addition of ‘warm’ knowledge offered by Slack et al. (2014. “‘Hot’, ‘Cold’ and ‘Warm’ Information and Higher Education Decision Making.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 35 (2): 204–223), to develop an understanding of how students from refugee backgrounds make choices about how they locate, select and access support for their studies. The findings of this paper suggest that students from refugee backgrounds do not view the ‘cold’ (unfamiliar-formal) institutional support on offer as ‘for them’; instead they expressed a preference for the ‘warm’ (familiar-formal) support offered via ‘trusted’ people who act as literacy/sociocultural brokers or ‘hot’ (familiar-informal) support of their grapevine of other students (past and present) or experienced community members.  相似文献   

Several prominent scientists, philosophers, and scientific institutions have argued that science cannot test supernatural worldviews on the grounds that (1) science presupposes a naturalistic worldview (Naturalism) or that (2) claims involving supernatural phenomena are inherently beyond the scope of scientific investigation. The present paper argues that these assumptions are questionable and that indeed science can test supernatural claims. While scientific evidence may ultimately support a naturalistic worldview, science does not presuppose Naturalism as an a priori commitment, and supernatural claims are amenable to scientific evaluation. This conclusion challenges the rationale behind a recent judicial ruling in the United States concerning the teaching of “Intelligent Design” in public schools as an alternative to evolution and the official statements of two major scientific institutions that exert a substantial influence on science educational policies in the United States. Given that science does have implications concerning the probable truth of supernatural worldviews, claims should not be excluded a priori from science education simply because they might be characterized as supernatural, paranormal, or religious. Rather, claims should be excluded from science education when the evidence does not support them, regardless of whether they are designated as ‘natural’ or ‘supernatural’.  相似文献   

在中国知网以"主题=‘中国制造2025’并含‘职业教育’"进行搜索,获得该领域在2015-2018年收录的157篇文献样本。利用文献计量学的相关知识和Citespace V软件,根据期刊来源、机构分布、作者分布、关键词共现和聚类等方面对其进行研究。结果显示,该领域的研究3年来不断深化,发文期刊广泛性和集中性并存,职业技术院校是中坚研究力量,研究群体也在不断更新与扩大。衍生出"现代学徒制""智能制造""现代职业教育体系"等研究领域,出现了"校企合作""工匠精神""高技能人才"等研究热点。如何改革职业教育人才培养模式使其培养出高技能人才,以及如何更好地促进制造业与职业教育间的产教融合问题是该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

班级是学校行政管理的最基层组织,实现班级文化建设与“三全育人”的有效契合,对于培养五育均衡全面发展具有重要的意义,更有利于提升校园文化的总体水平。当前,高校班级文化建设普遍存在诸多问题,文章针对于此阐释了班级文化建设的主要内容及其重要性,重点分析校园文化其中一个重要板块班级文化建设和“三全育人”的契合路径,提出了“全员参与,形成教育合力,实现‘为了一切学生’”“全程参与,使班级永葆活力,做到‘为了学生一切’”和“全方位参与,围绕目标发力,务求‘一切为了学生’”三个实施路径。  相似文献   

The question of ‘what works’ is currently dominating educational research, often to the exclusion of other kinds of inquiries and without enough recognition of its limitations. At the same time, digital education practice, policy and research over-emphasises control, efficiency and enhancement, neglecting the ‘not-yetness’ of technologies and practices which are uncertain and risky. As a result, digital education researchers require many more kinds of questions, and methods, in order to engage appropriately with the rapidly shifting terrain of digital education, to aim beyond determining ‘what works’ and to participate in ‘intelligent problem solving’ [Biesta, G. J. J. 2010, “Why ‘What Works’ Still Won’t Work: From Evidence-Based Education to Value-Based Education.” Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (5): 491–503] and ‘inventive problem-making’ [Michael, M. 2012, “‘What Are We Busy Doing?’ Engaging the Idiot.” Science, Technology &; Human Values 37 (5): 528–554]. This paper introduces speculative methods as they are currently used in a range of social science and art and design disciplines, and argues for the relevance of these approaches to digital education. It synthesises critiques of education’s over-reliance on evidence-based research, and explores speculative methods in terms of epistemology, temporality and audience. Practice-based examples of the ‘teacherbot’, ‘artcasting’ and the ‘tweeting book’ illustrate speculative method in action, and highlight some of the tensions such approaches can generate, as well as their value and importance in the current educational research climate.  相似文献   


Reflecting through the prisms of past, present (“the shape of things that are and were”) and future (“the shape of things to come”), this paper discusses three challenges for sociology of education: the rise of populism and declining faith in ‘experts’; inequities within and re/produced by the sociology of education; and how to enact a sociology of education that can ‘make a difference’ to social inequalities. The paper puts forward some ideas in support of a current and future practice of the discipline that is pluralistic and orientated towards social justice. Arguments are made for the value of public-orientated dialogue that is conducted in a range of registers and the importance of acknowledging and engaging with the ‘debt’ (Ladson-Billings) that is owed to minoritized communities and minoritized researchers. Finally, a case is made for a sociology of education based on the principle of service as enacted through praxis partnerships.  相似文献   

MyScience is a primary science education initiative in which being in a community of practice is integral to the learning process. One component of this initiative involves professional scientists interacting with primary school communities which are navigating their way towards sustainable ‘communities of practice’ around the ‘domain’ of ‘investigating scientifically’. This paper describes the ongoing journey to date of eleven scientists (six astronomers and five engineers) who actively participated in MyScience over an extended period. Their views of interactions with teachers and students were analysed using attributes associated with both ‘communities of practice’ and the ‘nature of science’. Findings reveal new understandings about the evolving characteristics associated with the development of such school-community collaborations as well as affordances and barriers that may influence their further growth. The influence of these scientists’ own ‘community of science practices’ may account for some of the findings. Implications for science teaching and learning in primary school community of practice settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Henri Lefebvre suggested that social researchers engage in ‘the concrete analysis of rhythms’ in order to reveal the ‘pedagogy of appropriation (the appropriation of the body, as of spatial practice)’. Lefebvre’s spatial analysis has influenced educational researchers, while the idea of ‘pedagogy’ has travelled beyond education. This interdisciplinary paper combines Lefebvre’s analytical trilogy of perceived, conceived and lived spaces with Bernstein’s ‘pedagogical device’ in an interrogation of historical documents. It engages in a ‘rhythm analysis’ of the New Zealand Company’s ‘pedagogical appropriation’ of a group of agricultural labourers into its ‘systematic colonisation scheme’. The temporal‐spatial rhythms of the labourers’ lives are accessible in nine surviving letters they wrote in Wellington and sent to Surrey between 1841 and 1844. By revealing how their bodies were ‘traversed by rhythms rather as the “ether” is traversed by waves’, we gain insight how bodies, space and the self are mutually constitutive and constituted.  相似文献   

庄子在《齐物论》中提出了“道通为一”的精神境界,并指出了到达这种境界的方式。首先,庄子通过自然的“天籁”之境为我们呈现了一个无差别的自然存在样态;其次,他用对自然存在样态的感知来观照人,把人看成是与物一样完全禀受自然之理自然而生的存在,从而否定了个体的主体性;再次,他从否定人的主体性来否定人认知的客观性,进而否定知识存在的意义,也否定了文化,并指出实现这种认知的方法——“莫若以明”;最后,庄子通过“莫若以明”到达了“玄同彼我”、“道通为一”的境界。  相似文献   

The Dominican Republic has a substantial history of transnational movement to the US that affects more than one generation of transnationals, whose lives, as described by Smith (1994), are ‘neither “here” nor “there” but at one both “here” and “there”’(p. 17). While the Dominican transnational narrative has often been described as transnationalism from below (Smith and Guarnizo, 1998), the following case studies of transnational, but relatively privileged, youth require rethinking that framework. Participants describe a semi-cosmopolitan identity that has been shaped by their comparative experiences in more than one locale.  相似文献   

Book Review     
This paper is a critical review of some recent literature around the ‘literacies of the digital’ in schools and higher education. It discusses the question: ‘what does the conjoining of the terms “digital” and “literacy” add to our understanding of teaching and learning in higher education’? It explores the continuing role of critical literacy in relation to the idea that digital literacies are transformative for pedagogy in this sector.  相似文献   

"刚""毅""木""讷"在孔子的理想人格君子的修养过程中是极为重要的。达到了这四者并不意味着成为了君子,但要成为君子这四种品质一种都不能少,所以只说是近仁而并非仁。此四者既有各自深刻的内涵,彼此之间又是紧密联系的。"刚"着重从人的内在修炼来讲,而"毅"则是这种修炼的持之以恒。在此基础上逐渐形成了"木"的人格特质和"讷"的言语特征。这是一个修己以达仁的过程,但还并不完备。在达到了"木""讷"之后,还需要"学"与"礼"的辅助,使得文质相得益彰,方不失君子本色。  相似文献   

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