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本文以贵州民族大学校外兼职大学生为主要调查对象展开问卷调查,基于对该群体的基本信息、兼职意向、兼职维权三项内容的数据分析,指出应正确看待大学生校外兼职,给予其积极引导,明确其法律身份,通过多样化方式保障校外兼职大学生应有的劳动权益,从而促进该群体的良性发展。  相似文献   

海岳 《家长》2004,(Z2)
家教过程离不开家庭教师,而对于应该请什么样的家庭教师这个问题,家庭教师本身其实最有发言权,因为这些家庭教师们有着最直接的经验教训。为此,记者采访了一名做兼职家教的大学生,希望将这些最直接的经验教训提供给我们的家长。家教者A现在是天津大学的一名研究生。由于家里的经济情况不是很好,所以在大学期间,她曾多次从事家教工作,辅导过从小学到高中各个阶段的学生,也接触过各式各样的家长。当记者向她谈明来意后,她根据自己的经历,饶有兴趣地给笔者总结出家长在选择家教时最普遍的三个误区。一、家长在选择家教时,过于盲目。A说,有些家…  相似文献   

蒋伊琳 《考试周刊》2011,(28):208-210
大学生兼职已经成为一种普遍的社会现象,同时也带来了一系列的社会问题。各地大学生兼职纠纷事件比比皆是,维权之路却修远。主要原因是用人单位缺乏社会责任,法制不健全。政府相关部门的不作为,以及大学生维权意识和能力不强。本文认为大学生兼职应属于《劳动合同法》中的非全日制用工.因此应给予大学生校外兼职的特殊法律保障.制定相关法律法规,为兼职纠纷提供法律依据。  相似文献   

目前,大学生校外兼职及实习已经成为一个极为普遍的社会现象,然而在兼职与实习期间,大学生的合法权益受到侵害但又无力维权的现状也日趋明显和突出。从分析当今大学生维权难的原因入手,从法律的角度剖析问题焦点,并最终提出大学生维权的对策,进而呼吁健全法律法规,以保护大学生的合法劳动权益。  相似文献   

由家庭教师为中小学生提供的课外或校外学业辅导,在中国和美国都不是一个新鲜事物。美国的课外家教辅导在价值观上受到肯定、在教学方法上科学而有效、在政策上得到优惠与鼓励等。深入了解美国的家教辅导状况对我国家庭教师辅导具有一定的启示性意义。  相似文献   

由家庭教师为中小学生提供的课外或校外学业辅导,在中国和美国都不是一个新鲜事物。美国的课外家教辅导在价值观上受到肯定、在教学方法上科学而有效、在政策上得到优惠与鼓励等。深入了解美国的家教辅导状况对我国家庭教师辅导具有一定的启示性意义。  相似文献   

最近一段时间以来,有偿补课、有偿家教、校外兼职兼课成了教育行业内外讨论的热门话题,禁止在职教师有偿补课(含家教)和校外兼课(含兼职)(有偿补课大多以教师个人名义组织,校外兼课依托或假托培训机构组织,本质上都属于有偿补课,下文原则上以  相似文献   

通过对陕西师范大学学生兼职家教现象及家教服务中心工作现状的调查,发现大学生兼职家教过程中存在诸多问题,例如大学生家教的安全、有限的授课经验和水平、家教管理制度不完善、管理环境恶劣等,这些问题是影响大学生家教收到良好效果的直接因素。本文针对大学生家教中存在的问题提出相应的建议及对策,以建立绿色家教管理机构作为家教行业管理的主要平台,并呼吁社会各界为大学生家教职业提供良好的发展环境。  相似文献   

高等教育大众化时代的到来,越来越多的大学生通过校外兼职解决经济压力,大学生校外兼职已经成为高校的一种普遍现象,但是暴露出的安全隐患和学生权益受到侵犯的问题日益增多。本文基于对东莞市部分高校大学生校外兼职状况的调查,了解大学生校外兼职状况,发现大学生校外兼职过程中存在的问题,分析大学生权益受到侵犯的原因,以期构建大学生校外兼职权益保障机制,维护大学生的合法权益。  相似文献   

大学生校外兼职对提升大学生就业竞争力具有重要作用,已经成为一种普遍的社会现象,但是,此类活动大多是自发性的,基本上处于无序状态。文章通过分析大学生校外兼职存在的问题及其原因,就政府和高校加强大学生校外兼职活动管理提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

大学生兼职的现状调查与职业发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生从事兼职现已成为大学校园里的普遍现象,且越来越受到教育理论界的关注。兼职不仅是大学生参加社会实践活动和勤工俭学的一种有效途径,同时也是大学生思想政治教育的重要抓手。本文采取抽样调查的实证研究方法,从大学生兼职的群体、兼职时间的长短、兼职的目的和种类,以及兼职工作与大学生经济状况的关系等几个方面,分析在校大学生从事兼职工作的现状,探讨大学生从事兼职对其学业状况、能力发展和职业发展的关联性影响,研究高校、教育行政主管部门等如何从提高大学生思想政治教育的实效性出发,在切实引导和保障大学生顺利完成学业的前提下,达到兼职工作需求和发展意愿之间的平衡,实现大学生个人的成长成才。  相似文献   

作为利益相关者组织的大学——在职工程硕士教育系统是一个集知识传授、科学研究和人才培养等诸多组织活动的联合,是一个包括政府、大学、生源单位和学生等利益相关者的"共同体"。在职工程硕士教育质量的利益相关者分为外部利益相关者和内部利益相关者。外部利益相关者包括政府管理部门、生源单位和社会各界等;内部利益相关者包括大学管理层、教职员工和工程硕士学员等。不同利益相关者对教育质量保障的期望、价值和利益诉求不尽相同。为了实现利益相关者整体利益的最大化,确保在职工程硕士教育质量,需要在工程硕士教育质量保障方面,权衡利益相关者的利益,建立利益相关者共同参与的治理机制。  相似文献   

大学生兼职动因的社会学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生兼职的原因是多样而复杂的,它与社会现实直接相关,并且受多种因素的影响,总的来说,它是整个社会变迁大环境下的产物。社会经济的转型和高等教育制度的变革为大学生兼职提供了条件和动力,而家庭的低收入和家长的支持以及大学生自我意识的发展,对大学生走上兼职的道路产生了重大的影响。我们必须要理清兼职的深层社会动因,才能准确把握,正确引导。  相似文献   

Engaging students has been seen as the key to promoting their achievement in higher education institutions. However, there is an important stage prior to this: the development of a positive student identity which influences students’ motivation to engage. As the student body has evolved from full-time, on-campus students entering university straight from school to embrace adult, part-time and online learners who are also in employment, the transition to a student identity has become less transparent. To encourage part-time students undertaking an undergraduate degree in Social and Health Care Management to engage with each other, the course team piloted peer assessment within the programme for a year. This paper informs the debate by providing insight into the students’ approach to learning and attainment. It is argued that the culture of compliance and the technocratic approach to task completion increasingly required within the social care and learning sector is antithetical to deep learning. For students to make the transition they need to commit to a student identity in which participation in reflection and critical debate are valued. The challenge is for universities to enable this by addressing the barriers and stimulating a positive identity for non-traditional students.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the contribution made by mature part-time students to the statistics on higher education. It shows that part-time numbers currently account for approximately 40% of total student numbers in the UK, 33% of university students, (mostly in the Open University) and 43% of the total in polytechnics and colleges, (1989–90 figures). The majority are mature people, over 25 years of age, who combine both education and employment. The principal change over the past ten years has been the increasing proportion of women, who now form more than 44% of the total number of students and 42% of the part-time total. A theoretical analysis is carried out, using the Human Capital model, which shows that part-time higher education might produce significant rates of return, both to the individual and society. It is noted that most of the research efforts in the UK, into the benefits of higher education, have concentrated on young, 18–21 year olds, who study full-time, and that current government policy is primarily concerned with improving the participation rate of this age group. This paper concludes that there is sufficient evidence to warrant a more thorough investigation of the costs and benefits of part-time study and suggests that there is considerable potential for expansion in this area.  相似文献   

This article examines the extent of part-time studying among students in ordinary university courses in Norway, the reasons for studying part-time, and its effects on study behaviour, study progression, and academic achievement. The article, based on six surveys among university students, indicates that between one fourth and one third of the student population at Norwegian universities must be regarded as part-time students. There are, however, large differences between fields of study.  相似文献   


This article examines the relationship between a student’s mental wellbeing and their financial circumstances. In England, successive governments have adopted a strategy of shifting the cost of university from the state to the individual as a means of increasing participation in higher education. In recent years, some have attributed the significant rise in the number of students accessing university mental health services to this increased financial pressure. Drawing data from a large-scale questionnaire completed by undergraduate students at a London-based Russell Group institution (N = 1171), this article explores the interaction between financial factors such as part-time work, debt, bursary receipt and parental contribution, and a student’s score on a validated scale of mental wellbeing. Taking this further, it explores the relationship between a student’s wellbeing score and the extent to which they feel that their financial situation has impacted their university experience. Two main research questions will be addressed: which financial circumstances are associated with high and low mental wellbeing in students, and what role does a student’s perception of their financial circumstances play in relation to their wellbeing? The impact of demographic factors will also be explored. This article finds that, compared to students in the top 20% for wellbeing (Q5), students in the bottom 20% for wellbeing (Q1) were more likely to be in receipt of a bursary, less likely to receive parental financial support and less likely to be debt-free. Most notably, there was a clear relationship found between a student’s mental wellbeing and their financial wellbeing.  相似文献   

大学生兼职已是大学校园里的一种普遍存在不可忽视的现象,兼职有助于大学生交际圈的突破,是大学生生活的润滑剂,也是大学教育在地域上的延伸。本文通过了解高校大学生的兼职状况,以期掌握大学生兼职风险的成因,进一步提出对策,从而为高校加强对大学生兼职工作的管理提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the motivations and outcomes for mature students who study part-time in higher education (HE) in the UK. Although many students in HE are mature part-time learners, they have not been the specific focus of much research or policy interest. In-depth narrative interviews were carried out with 18 graduates who had studied part-time at a university college specialising in part-time provision. The sample was drawn from a quantitative survey of 1539 graduates concerning their motivations for studying and the benefits derived. Researchers could therefore choose respondents on the basis of previously reported outcomes of study and on other life course information, which was included in the survey. The paper reports a wide range of motivations and outcomes, which are regarded as forms of capital, and illustrates how studying part-time as a mature student can have a profound effect on people’s lives.  相似文献   

The transformation of universities from elite to mass models in developing countries has given the opportunity to new social groups to participate in higher education. As a part of this process, diverse groups of students have benefited in different ways from the equal educational opportunities offered to them. In this paper, we approach the problem of institutional efficiency versus social inclusion in a developing country through the case study of the academic performance of a social group of recent participation in a public university in Venezuela, especifically that of student mothers in the Universidad de Los Andes. This work investigates how student mothers make use of the educational opportunities opened to them and how their academic performance is affected by their particular life circumstances. Evidence shows that the academic performance of student mothers is lower than that of other groups of university students. In practice, student mothers participate as part-time students, although this category is not officially recognized by most Venezuelan public universities. Almost all the life circumstances of student mothers negatively affect their academic performance. The only circumstance that contributes positively to the performance of a student mother is the help provided by her extended family in taking care of her children. The fact that student mothers are able to participate in higher education is mainly due to the help they receive from their extended family. This is a distinctive cultural feature associated to this social group in the context of a developing country such as Venezuela.  相似文献   

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