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This paper is set against a history of school funding policies in Australia that begins with the first public policy recognition of the disadvantages experienced by government and non-government schools in the 1973 Schools in Australia (Karmel) Report. The paper traces a history of school funding policy linking it with the current backlash against public education and retaliatory backlash constructions of public schools as the new disadvantaged in an increasingly competitive and deregulated school funding policy environment. These backlashes, argued to be against the indiscriminate funding of independent schools policy by several protagonists of public education, are framed in terms equivalent to what Lingard and Douglas (1999) have called ‘recuperative’ politics. From the kind of recuperative statist politics considered in this paper, construing the backlash effects of public and private schools as damaging and unproductive as those emerging from the gender wars in education policy, I propose a move to an Australian school funding arrangement in which all schools, both public and private, are integrated into one deregulated and equally funded sector, as typify diverse school provisions in several OECD polities (Caldwell 2004, FitzGerald 2004).While briefly tracing a school funding policy chronology, this paper also concentrates on the current policy moment in relation to school funding, that signals the end of distinctive public and private education sectors, and in the context of which it argues that private schools should be funded equally to state schools, a trend in evidence since 1996. The focus on the current policy moment entails an abbreviated analysis of the Fitzgerald Report (‘Governments Working Together: A Better Future for All Australians’ 2004), which makes a number of recommendations to the Victorian and other governments in relation to the public funding of all Australian schools1. The paper addresses the impact of this trend especially on the funding of Australian Catholic schools.  相似文献   

Private schools were very prosperous in Shanghai during the Republican period. Shanghai Municipal Educational Bureau adopted a pattern of indirect management, especially attaching importance to normalizing and guiding the mechanism for operating a school by taking the basic measures for the registration administration. Meanwhile, appropriate funding was given to private school so that they could enjoy fair treatment and full confidence. What was more, necessary interventions were made on finances and running a school. Indirect model of managing many private schools dramatically reduced the financial burden on Shanghai municipal public education. It also provided an important prerequisite for urban educational administration to concentrate on macro management system. __________ Translated from Shehui Kexue 社会科学 (Social Sciences), 2007, (2): 99–109  相似文献   


The central tenet of the revisions to the Law on the Promotion of Private Education is the implementation of categorized management of private schools, establishing a legal basis for categorized management. Private education is characterized by publicness, and upholding and guiding private schools in exercising their public nature is the target value of legislation on private education. Publicness determines the criteria under standards for the categorization of private schools, and differences in publicness provide an analytical foundation for private school categorization standards. Publicness defines the focal points of private school standards, including the subjects of the law for private education, as well as the rights and obligations of these subjects.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of public vs private finance of education and public vs private management of schools on school cost and efficiency, using school-level data on revenues, expenditures, enrollments, examination scores and student characteristics from Indonesian primary schools. We find that in Indonesia, where schools generally operate at very low funding levels, more money is likely to bring better school quality. Private management is more efficient than public management in achieving academic quality. Private funding also improves efficiency whether the schools are publicly or privately managed, but the incremental effect declines as the local funding share increases.  相似文献   

Private schools were very prosperous in Shanghai during the Republican period. Shanghai Municipal Educational Bureau adopted a pattern of indirect management, especially attaching importance to normalizing and guiding the mechanism for operating a school by taking the basic measures for the registration administration. Meanwhile, appropriate funding was given to private school so that they could enjoy fair treatment and full confidence. What was more, necessary interventions were made on finances and running a school. Indirect model of managing many private schools dramatically reduced the financial burden on Shanghai municipal public education. It also provided an important prerequisite for urban educational administration to concentrate on macro management system.  相似文献   

适龄入学人口的减少导致日本私立大学面临生源和破产危机,私立学校丑闻频发也暴露了家族式学校治理的缺陷,私立学校的公益性有待加强。因此,日本文部科学省围绕“积极性治理”和“防御性治理”对《私立学校法》进行修订,包括制定修改规章制度,澄清学校法人权责、细化各方职能,加强信息公开、提高管理透明度等。但《私立学校法》仍存在争议,争议的焦点在于:如何确定理事会和评议会的权责;如何处理学校管理权与教学权,形成权力制衡格局;如何保障监事会的公正性与专业性,避免家族式私立学校监督乏力;如何处理学校法人自主治理和政府责任关系。《私立学校法》修订与争议的实质在于日本私立大学权力的监督与制衡。  相似文献   

In Spain, the exercise of choice by parents of a suitable school for their children is not practised by all families in the same way. The evidence shows that an increasing social polarisation and a substantial disequilibrium in schooling are taking place in compulsory education. There is a high concentration of immigrant students in public schools in contrast with what happened in the centros concertados (private schools with public funding). This situation is especially unbalanced in some Autonomous Communities, such as the Community of Madrid, Catalonia, Valencia and Andalusia. The inequalities in the distribution of students in the network of public schools and private schools financed by public funds are producing significant responses from parents, teachers, experts, and also from other social groups. Some of the proposals made by different experts and by the Spanish Ministry of Education are analysed in order to reach to a quality education in more equitable conditions for all students.  相似文献   


Regulators ubiquitously dichotomize schooling into two discrete sectors: public and private. Although homeschooling is regulated in some contexts as a third sector, the general approach is to treat it as a species of private education by subjecting it to public regulation while simultaneously denying it public funds. But the public/private binary is increasingly difficult to sustain as charter schools multiply and, especially, as virtual schooling increasingly penetrates primary and secondary education. Public school systems are deploying virtual education in ways that erode once impermeable walls between public and private. Many obstacles to homeschooling will fall with those walls—particularly obstacles related to government financing of homeschooling activities.  相似文献   

The American experiment with charter schools advanced on dual impulses of increasing opportunities for disadvantaged students and unleashing market competition. While critics see these independently managed schools as a form of privatisation, proponents contend that they are public schools because of funding and accountability arrangements and potential benefits, and believe that the economic logic around these schools will produce equitable educational opportunities. This analysis considers how charters are or are not instances of privatisation in education, showing that the marketised environment they are intended to nurture serves as a route for profit-seeking strategies. In reviewing the research on charter school organisational behaviour and outcomes in marketised environments, I find evidence of de facto privatisation in function if not in form. As charter schools often act like profit-seeking entities, but fail to achieve expected academic and equity outcomes, the concluding discussion considers how these schools are placed between conflicting goals, and serve as entry points for private organisations seeking to penetrate the publicly funded education sector. I conclude that perhaps their most important role is in serving as a vehicle for privatising public policy—diminishing the public while enhancing the position and influence of private interests and organisations in education policymaking.  相似文献   

The Catholic school system in the United States is undergoing significant changes in size, populations served and the funding models which have traditionally supported such schools. The closing of many schools in urban areas in the last 10 years in conjunction with the rising costs of schooling suggests that unless a new approach to funding schools is developed, the future of Catholic education in the United States is seriously threatened and with it the American Church. This article explores the link between traditional sources of funding Catholic schools and the increased role of federal and state funds. The rise of Charter Schools has added a significant model for Catholic schools to emulate in regarding future sources of funding. Three strategies for future funding are explored with an emphasis on the development of Faith-based Charter Schools and the development of ‘Catholic’ Charter Schools.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been major growth in low-cost or affordable private schooling in South Asia. This has applied in both urban and rural areas. In Pakistan, some 25%–33% of all children now attend private schools. Further, there has been substantial, consistent, developing country evidence that students of affordable private schools outperform academically their counterparts in government schools. This seems to remain true even after account is taken of intellectual ability, home and family characteristics.In this paper we use 2011 data collected by Pakistan's Annual Status of Education Report (ASER, 2012) to address three questions:
  • (a)Do Pakistan's rural private school students outperform their public school counterparts?
  • (b)Do Pakistan's public–private partnership (PPP) school students outperform their public school counterparts?
  • (c)Are higher private school fees associated with higher student achievement?
Our results show that:
  • •private school students in Pakistan, do outperform their government colleagues. This effect persists even after account is taken of other variables (child, household and school).
  • •PPP students also outperform their government counterparts but this effect disappears when account is taken of private tuition.
  • •students from the lowest-fee private schools outperform students from government schools and higher fee school students generally outperform the lowest fee schools but this latter difference seems attributable to factors other than solely the higher fee level itself.

随着山西省民办学前教育事业的迅速发展,一些问题也随之凸显:政府对民办学前教育机构缺乏规划、监管;教师队伍良莠不齐、流动性大;民办幼儿团收费两极化;民办幼儿团出现"小学化"倾向.针对山西民办幼儿团发展中存在的问题及原因,文章提出强化政府职能、完善立法保障、加强制度监管、提升教育品质是民办幼儿园良性发展的保障.  相似文献   

我国教师合理流动的制度性障碍探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了促进教师在公办学校和民办学校之间的合理流动,2002年我国颁布了《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法》,明确规定了民办学校教师与公办学校教师在法律地位和业务培训、职务聘任等方面依法享有同等权利。但目前来看,教师流动呈现出向公办学校"一边倒"现象,教师的合理流动受制于诸多制度性障碍。  相似文献   

The voucher system in Denmark combines unrestricted generous subsidies with substantial autonomy of private schools as to schedule and teaching methods. This has produced a private school sector with a wide variety of school types. This paper uses data on eight cohorts of students (over 510,000 individuals) to compare educational attainment in public and private voucher schools, including religious schools (Catholic and Protestant) and various types of non‐religious schools. The findings suggest that, after controlling for individual and peer characteristics, the average public student would attain moderately higher levels of education if he/she attended grammar or Catholic school, relative to the public alternative. Attainment of students at Protestant, international and German minority schools is not different from public schools. However, attending free, boarding and, particularly, little and Waldorf schools is associated with substantially lower completion rates at the upper secondary level, which is probably at least partly due to the clustering of special education students in these school types, which cannot be controlled for. At the tertiary level, differences between private and public schools generally vanish.  相似文献   

School funding is a principal site of policy reform and contestation in the context of broad global shifts towards private- and market-based funding models. These shifts are transforming not only how schools are funded but also the meanings and practices of public education: that is, shifts in what is ‘public’ about schooling. In this paper, we examine the ways in which different articulations of ‘the public’ are brought to bear in contemporary debates surrounding school funding. Taking the Australian Review of Funding for Schooling (the Gonski Report) as our case, we analyse the policy report and its subsequent media coverage to consider what meanings are made concerning the ‘publicness’ of schooling. Our analysis reveals three broad themes of debate in the report and related media coverage: (1) the primacy of ‘procedural politics’ (i.e. the political imperatives and processes associated with public policy negotiations in the Australian federation); (2) changing relations between what is considered public and private; and (3) a connection of government schooling to concerns surrounding equity and a ‘public in need’. We suggest these three themes contour the debates and understandings that surround the ‘publicness’ of education generally, and school funding more specifically.  相似文献   

纽约市从2007年在全市公立中小学中开始实施进步报告。进步报告从学生进步、学生成绩和学校环境三个方面对学校的教学质量进行评价,同时对学校在促进每一位学生进步方面进行质量审核。进步报告作为一种对中小学教育教学质量评价和问责的工具和手段,其中所体现的评价指导思想和评价方法,对于我们反思我国中小学的教育教学质量评价不无启发和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Most funding intended to close gaps in K-12 education targets schools, rather than students directly. We investigate whether household sorting in response to changes in K-12 school funding inhibits spending from reaching targeted students with a case study in Metro-Nashville Public Schools of the School Improvement Grant (SIG) program, which invested $7 billion in the nation’s lowest-achieving schools between 2009 and 2016. Using a boundary-discontinuity difference-in-differences design and home sales data, we estimate that households were willing to pay more than three times the average per-pupil grant award to live in SIG school zones. Neighborhoods zoned for SIG schools experienced moderate income and racial integration following funding receipt. However, evictions in these neighborhoods increased by 35%, and non-white enrollment at SIG schools declined by 15%. Our findings illustrate a major limitation of place-based public good provision: sorting may displace the initially targeted population.  相似文献   

《民办学校分类登记实施细则》第7条规定,非营利性民办学校可以登记为事业单位。这不仅与《民法典》等上位立法发生冲突,存在操作障碍,而且背离事业单位改革趋势。产生该规定的根源在于未能科学认识我国非营利性民办学校的法人类型。对此,应回到基本法层面,对非营利性民办学校的法人类型予以体系化重释。一方面,坚持事业单位法人的国有属性,将其从民办学校法人类型体系中去除;另一方面,摈弃将非营利性民办学校统一定性为捐助法人的解释范式,承认社团型非营利性民办学校这一类型。同时,配套完善非营利性民办学校扶持及国有资产监督管理机制,从而形成社团型非营利性民办学校与财团型非营利性民办学校并存的“新二元体系”,从根本上解决非营利性民办学校的法人地位问题。  相似文献   

我国民办学校近几年在数量上发展很快,但是教育质量却良莠不齐。美国的认证制度借助于社会非政府组织力量来保障私立教育质量的做法带给我们一定的启示。在美国,私立学校若想得到社会和家长的承认,就必须在各方面完善自己来获得相关组织的认证。但是,中美两国毕竟国情不同,认证制度是否可以引入我国,论文在这方面也做了一定的思考。  相似文献   


Racial segregation has remained a lasting legacy of rural schools in southern states. Our article explains a case where community leaders created a diverse charter school to change its historical practice of an isolated White private school and isolated African American public schools. We scan documents and literature related to this integration strategy to surface key themes when using rural charter schools to alter patterns of school segregation. First, we explain pressing issues in rural schools. Second, we describe how segregation and inequality have evolved in the South. Third, we explain research showing how charter schools maintain patterns of school segregation, but with exceptions and nuances in certain contexts. Fourth, we consider the benefits and tensions surrounding one rural charter school that offers an integrated educational program. Benefits range from societal to individual as the school fosters an environment where students are exposed to diverse educational experiences. Tensions include shifting power and funding dynamics and the possibility of using a good example to shepherd in less effective charter models elsewhere.  相似文献   

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