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现阶段将数学教育与数学史进行有机结合是当前数学教育领域中研究的重点内容。在目前高等数学教学过程中适度融入数学史能够激发学生的学习兴趣,拓展学习思维能力,更好地加深知识的理解。本文以下对高等数学教学中渗透数学史的探索与实践进行分析,提出相关实践性活动,使得各项活动内容能够适应现阶段素质教育发展的要求,发挥出数学史的应用价值,更好地促进我国高等数学教育的全面发展。  相似文献   

数学史和高等数学教学息息相关,通过在高等数学教学中融入数学史知识,不仅可以激发学生学习兴趣、培养坚韧不拔的科学研究精神和爱国主义情怀,而且可以使学生了解数学概念、定理和思想方法发展的脉络,还原数学发展时前人火热的思考,充分展示高等数学的魅力,使课堂具有浓郁的人文气息,提高学生学习兴趣。  相似文献   

对高职院校的学生进行高等数学教学,可培养学生的数学思维以及逻辑推理能力,提升学生科学严谨的学习态度以及对知识不屈不挠的探索精神,因此提升高等数学教学质量势在必行。本文笔者分析了在高等数学教学中加入数学史内容可以起到的积极作用,希望可以为广大数学教师提供一些教学思路,共同推动我国数学教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

数学史和数学教学息息相关,在课堂教学中渗透数学史知识,可以:开阔视野,培养学生数学兴趣;展现人格魄力,帮助学生树立高尚人格;展示问题探究过程,培养学生探索精神;暴露数学思维过程,拓展学生思维空间.  相似文献   

高等数学教学过程中,应该有选择性地渗透数学史来提升数学教学效果。因此,本文将围绕高等数学教学来展开较为详细的讨论,主要是从渗透数学史的角度来探索并实践高等数学教学活动,让它成为提升高等数学教学效果的重要途径与有效手段之一,努力迎合当前高等数学教学中素质教育的内在要求,充分发挥出数学史在高等数学教学中的价值与作用,根据一定的渗透原则来采取科学、有效的渗透措施,真正让数学史成为高等数学教学整体质量提升的有力推动工具。  相似文献   

高数教学中应给学生渗透数学史知识,但是鉴于教学目的的不同和任务的紧迫,实际中应该有选择的进行。那些关于数学概念和符号发展的历史,数学方法和定理产生的历史,高等数学知识在实际中应用的数学史,以及与高等数学有关的数学家的创新研究历史和生活故事应当是着重给学生介绍的。  相似文献   

数学学科自身的特点和成人学生的特殊性是成人高等数学教学困难的主要影响因素。为提高成人高等数学的教学质量,本文提出了将数学史知识灵活应用于成人高等数学教学的观点,并举例说明了数学史知识在成人高等数学教学中的具体应用,最后提出了数学史知识与高等数学教学相结合应遵循的一般原则。  相似文献   

数学是打开科学大门的金钥匙,是科学的语言,是思维的体操,是理性的精神,是一门高超的艺术等。这些都是数学的文化价值的重要体现。在高等数学教育中,要通过数学史与高等数学的整合,引导学生掌握数学思想方法,培养学生的创造能力,建构有效的课堂交往网络等方法,渗透和实现数学的文化价值。  相似文献   

数学史是研究数学发展进程与规律的科学,在高等数学教学中引入数学史知识,可以使学生们了解数学思想的形成过程,加深对数学本身的认识,可以使抽象的高等数学知识显得生动而易于接受,可以加深学生对概念的认识和掌握,从而提高教学质量,增强教学效果。  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会经济和科学技术的不断发展,人们对教育的关注程度也越来越高.高等数学作为一门基础学科,对培养学生逻辑思维能力和创新能力具有重要作用.高等数学教学是高校理工科学生必修的一门课程,其教学质量的好坏直接影响到了学生对其他学科的学习.随着教学改革的不断深入,更多的教师专注于对数学史的研究,在高等数学教学中渗透数学史,对激发学生学习具有重要作用.本文就数学史在高等数学教学中渗透的意义进行分析,并提出了如何将数学史渗透到高等数学教学中的有效策略.  相似文献   

作业是课堂教学的延续,通过对高中数学作业进行体现时代性、科学性、实践性的设计,可以帮助学生对数学认知结构的建构,以及从本质上理解数学,培养他们的数学精神和创造能力。通过对作业的有效管理可实现课堂教学和课外教学的有机结合,使学科教学成为一个完整的统一体。  相似文献   

教师要以数学核心素养内涵及本质为出发点,以创新式教学策略引领学生自主探究思维,帮助学生梳理解题思路,吸收并建构科学化、系统化的数学知识体系,让学生在条分缕析中夯实数学能力。基于核心素养培养的数学课堂教学策略有:以趣促学,巧妙调动数学思维;情景设问,深化运算实践意识;直观导入,丰富空间维度。  相似文献   

Particularly in mathematics, the transition from school to university often appears to be a substantial hurdle in the individual learning biography. Differences between the characters of school mathematics and scientific university mathematics as well as different demands related to the learning cultures in both institutions are discussed as possible reasons for this phenomenon. If these assumptions hold, the transition from school to university could not be considered as a continuous mathematical learning path because it would require a realignment of students’ learning strategies. In particular, students could no longer rely on the effective use of school-related individual resources like knowledge, interest, or self-concept. Accordingly, students would face strong challenges in mathematical learning processes at the beginning of their mathematics study at university. In this contribution, we examine these assumptions by investigating the role of individual mathematical learning prerequisites of 182 first-semester university students majoring in mathematics. In line with the assumptions, our results indicate only a marginal influence of school-related mathematical resources on the study success of the first semester. In contrast, specific precursory knowledge related to scientific mathematics and students’ abilities to develop adequate learning strategies turn out as main factors for a successful transition phase. Implications for the educational practice will be discussed.  相似文献   

The importance of students’ problem-posing abilities in mathematics has been emphasized in the K-12 curricula in the USA and China. There are claims that problem-posing activities are helpful in developing creative approaches to mathematics. At the same time, there are also claims that students’ mathematical content knowledge could be highly related to creativity in mathematics, too. This paper reports on a study that investigated USA and Chinese high school students’ mathematical content knowledge, their abilities in mathematical problem posing, and the relationships between students’ mathematical content knowledge and their problem-posing abilities in mathematics.  相似文献   

数学史融入高中数学教学,能激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高教学效率和教学质量,提升学生数学核心素养。文章结合高中数学教学实际,从注重数学材料阅读、数学史和数学教学相结合、借助数学史创设教学情境等方面,对数学史融入高中数学教学的策略进行研究。  相似文献   

将数学文化融入数学教学过程中,可以实现数学学科价值与人文价值的统一,提高数学课堂教学成效,提高学生的数学素养,促进学生全面发展。教师要创设相应情境,将数学文化融入教学;钻研数学教材,挖掘教材中的数学文化;利用数学历史,促进学生数学知识的学习;利用数学美学,触及数学学科的本质。  相似文献   


Teachers’ beliefs play a significant role in students’ academic attainment and career choices. Despite comparable attainment levels between genders, persistent stereotypes and beliefs that certain disciplines require innate ability and that men and women have different ability levels impede students’ academic career paths. In this study, we examined the prevalence of US mathematics teachers’ explicit general and gender-specific beliefs about mathematical ability and identified which teacher characteristics were associated with these beliefs. An analysis of data from 382 K-8 teachers in the USA indicated that overall, teachers disagreed with the idea that general and gender-specific mathematical ability is innate and agreed with the idea that hard work and dedication are required for success in mathematics. However, our findings indicate that those who believed mathematics requires brilliance also tended to think girls lacked this ability. We also found that teachers who were teaching mathematics to 11- to 14-year-old students seemed to believe that mathematics requires innate ability compared with teachers who were teaching mathematics to 5- to 10-year-old students. In addition, more experienced teachers and teachers who worked with special education students seemed to believe less in the role of hard work in success in mathematics, which could have serious consequences for shaping their students’ beliefs about their academic self-concept and future career-related decisions.


《数学分析》、《高等代数》等是非常重要的基础课程,这些课程的学习对学生数学素质的培养、学生思维能力的训练、学生后续课程的学习及其它方面能力的发展与提高都起着至关重要的作用.本文从教学方法、教学手段、考核方法及实践教学等方面对数学基础课程教学进行探索,以期提高学生对数学的兴趣、激发学生的学习动力,最终达到提高课堂教学质量目的.我们也注重加强与学生的联系,及时解决学生中的疑惑.通过组织学生申报湖南省及学院大学生研究性学习和创新性实验计划项目,来培养学生的科学研究能力及创新精神.  相似文献   

数学教育是传授知识与提高素质相统一的一种重要教育手段.就大学生而言,数学教育更能在形成科学的思维能力、严谨的工作学习态度等方面起到积极的作用.本文就结合数学教育的特点,针对大学生综合素质培养入手,分析了数学教育除了数学知识的教学外,更应挖掘蕴涵于数学知识之中的精神、思想层次,提出应用合适的教育教学手段更好地发挥其教育价值,使其能在大学生综合素质形成的各个方面起到积极的作用.  相似文献   

Beliefs and practices related to mathematics were assessed for 21 fourth- through sixth-grade teachers. At the beginning and the end of the school year teachers’ beliefs about (1) the nature of mathematics (i.e., procedures to solve problems versus a tool for thought), (2) mathematics learning (i.e., focusing on getting correct solutions versus understanding mathematical concepts), (3) who should control students’ mathematical activity, (4) the nature of mathematical ability (i.e., fixed versus malleable), and (5) the value of extrinsic rewards for getting students to engage in mathematics activities were assessed. (6) Teachers self-confidence and enjoyment of mathematics and mathematics teaching were also assessed. Analyses were conducted to assess the coherence among these beliefs and associations between teachers’ beliefs and their observed classroom practices and self-reported evaluation criteria. Findings showed substantial coherence among teachers’ beliefs and consistent associations between their beliefs and their practices. Teachers’ self-confidence as mathematics teachers was also significantly associated with their students’ self-confidence as mathematical learners.  相似文献   

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