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自赫尔巴特之后,教育学自身的“裂解”及其与其他学科或主动或被动的交叉,在促进教育学从单数到复数膨胀式发展的同时,也使得维系一种“普通教育学”相对稳定的“公共话语空间”变得越来越艰难.迪特里希·本纳试图接续起源自赫尔巴特的普通教育学传统,他从对人类实践的分化与非等级关系入手,探讨了教育实践自身的逻辑;从行动理论的角度出发...  相似文献   

This essay is a review of Peter McLaren's most recent work, Capitalists and Conquerors: A Critical Pedagogy Against Empire. The essay situates McLaren's work in the philosophical tradition of Marxist Humanism, with reference specifically to Raya Dunayevskaya and Paulo Freire. Despite invoking the work of Dunayevskaya as a foundation for his own project, McLaren does not offer a robust explication of this important thinker, nor of the Hegelian-Marxist discourse she embraced. Here, as in much of McLaren's work, the reader is not offered rigorous analysis of his philosophical assumptions. The dearth of such analysis, this essay argues, compromises the critical thrust of McLaren's work. In turn, the essay sketches a framework for unpacking the Marxist Humanist paradigm, and, thereby, rethinking the philosophical foundations of contemporary critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

今年上半年访问过华东师大的德国哲学家尤根·哈贝马斯是所谓新法兰克福学派的主要代表.由于对理论与实践关系作了新的理解,该学派对美国实用主义哲学传统作了相当积极的评价,从而与以霍克海默尔为代表的批判理论第一代人物对后者的态度形成鲜明对照.在哈贝马斯那里,"批判"在规范内容和论证方式两个方面与以下四个层次上的"实践"密切联系交往行动、合理论辩、公共讨论、政治文化.在这些从抽象到具体的层次上,哈贝马斯都对从皮尔士经过杜威一直到罗蒂的美国实用主义哲学家所提供的思想材料作了批判性借鉴.  相似文献   

艺术世俗化的意义--论本雅明的大众文化批评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍克海默和阿多诺以“批判理论”阐释大众化,而本雅明则致力于探究现代科技怎样改变了艺术作品及其与大众的关系;“问题意识”的不同形成了二在大众化认识上的差异。本雅明认为技术复制固然使艺术品失去了“灵韵”,却同时消解了传统化的礼仪性,改变了人们的感知方式和缩小了大众与艺术的距离。从这个意义上讲,大众化推进了艺术的世俗化过程,改变了传统艺术的彼岸性而实现了艺术与此岸现实人生的融合。本雅明对艺术世俗化意义的阐述,为大众化研究开拓了新的思路和视域。  相似文献   

王北生 《教育科学》2012,28(1):13-16
教育学是研究怎样更好地影响人的身心发展和培养人的一门科学,其出发点必须有一定的立场。本文在借鉴教育学立场研究成果的基础上,对教育学的立场进行了多维度分析,尝试提出教育学应坚持"三维一体"的立场,即从三个维度来分析教育学的立场:1、教育学立场的"原点.基础":人之生存与发展;2、教育学立场的"指向.目的":具体生命与自觉;3、教育学立场的"方式.方法":生命实践与律动。这三个方面紧密相连,相互支撑,三维一体,缺一不可。  相似文献   


Is there a need for a new field within Peace Education that looks at the complex dynamics of transitional societies in the post-truth era? What formal and informal pedagogical strategies might be best suited for transforming ‘emotional anti-peace mindsets’? Drawing on practical examples from the complex political contingencies in Colombia, this article positions the concept of Peace Process Pedagogy within discussions in Critical Peace Education and Critical Contemplative Pedagogy. It encourages critical pedagogues to develop strategies to dismantle misinformation about peace policies, to engage in open conversations about emotions, and to work with embodied action.  相似文献   

清代赋论提出了赋家的道德、学问、艺术修养与赋品的关系问题。他们认为人品与赋品有时是统一的,有时是背反的,需要针对特定作家作品具体分析。强调“要作风雅之赋,先作风雅之人”,“赋的根柢工夫,不在赋内而在赋外”。在艺术修养方面,提出了“清秀、洒脱、庄雅、古致”四种审美品格,对古理论家姚鼐的“阳刚阴柔”之说,有所补充。研究清代人论“赋家的修养与赋作的品格”问题,不仅可以丰富我们对清代学理论批评史的认识,而且对当代艺学建设也有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the 2002 Coretta Scott King Award book by Mildred Taylor entitled The Land. The novel and its author are situated within a tradition of historical fiction written by and about African Americans. I then offer an analysis that utilizes Critical Race Theory as an interpretive tool for examining the ways Taylor embeds meanings of land ownership into the novel. In particular the following themes emerged: (1) inspiration and adoration, (2) entitlement and privilege, and (3) freedom and security. The conclusion addresses the importance of applying Critical Race Theory to literary studies as well as identifying ways to purposefully incorporate African American young adult historical fiction within today’s classrooms. In this article, the ownership of land as property is foregrounded although the term “property” is both literally and metaphorically understood in Critical Race scholarship (Harris 1993).  相似文献   

陆游提出并阐释的“诗外功夫”一说,对于诗创作来说有着重要的理论价值和实践意义。“诗外功夫”大抵指作家心灵修养和生活实践两个方面。可以从三个方面对“诗外功夫”引申理解:“诗穷而后工”;“情真景真,其词必工”;自然天成为工。  相似文献   

Using a critical conceptual analysis, we theorize a DisCrit Classroom Ecology to counter current dysfunctional education ecologies. We begin by exploring the lineage of Critical Race Theory, through both its intellectual forerunner Gift Theory and a more recent sibling, DisCrit. Next, we explore the three interrelated constructs of DisCrit Classroom Ecology; Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Solidarity, and the strand that animates them, DisCrit Resistance. Finally, we discuss the deep implications and transformative possibilities of using praxis to (re)organize classrooms through a DisCrit Classroom Ecology.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay Christiane Thompson discusses the systematic outcomes of Theodor Adorno's philosophical work for a reworked theory of Bildung (an important term in the German tradition of philosophy and history of education). In his essay "Theory of Halbbildung ," Adorno revealed the inevitable failure of Bildung , on the one hand, and the necessity of Bildung (in view of a critique of society), on the other. After having exposed this contradiction, Thompson seeks to analyze Bildung 's systematic role by turning to Adorno's reflections on art and metaphysics. Adorno's concept of aesthetic experience hints at the possibility of a more genuine approach to Bildung and culture, one that makes the borders of our experience visible and, as a result, suggests a different relation to ourselves and to the world. She concludes by examining the critical dimensions of this different Bildung as well as its pedagogical relevance.  相似文献   

从人文关怀的层面,强化大学生素质"内源发展"所必备的情感理性,高校思政理论课的教学创新,其张力必须也必然朝个性、德性、悟性、理性"四向"延拓,显示出促进个性优化并健康张扬、凸显社会责任强化德性、提升悟性强化知识管理能力、拓展理性夯实可持续发展的基础的强劲效能。优化的个性是"启动器",良好的德性是"动力源",聪颖的"悟性"是"加速器",健康的理性是"导向仪"。"四性"功能的强化及其集束运动,显示了人发展的基本趋势,具有为不同能级和能质的大学生共容认可、均能从中获益、感悟"管用"提升人格品位、夯实可持续发展的基础的普适性优势。  相似文献   

王国维的《人间词话》一书是近代极负盛名的文学理论批评著作,它集中体现了王国维的文学、美学思想,“境界说”又是《人间词话》的理论核心。“有有我之境,有无我之境”。尤其是“无我之境”所要求于文艺的真实性,超出了传统美学所论之一般范畴,在中国美学关于意境理论发展史上首次把它推到了宇宙人生的深处。“境界说”对文学美学的研究和发展产生了不可估量的影响。  相似文献   

批判教育学的困境与出路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
批判教育学的发展面临着三大困境:为谁批判的立场困境;如何批判的风格困境;批判必要性的价值困境.只要那些处于受苦和异化环境的人存在,教育批判就有它存在的必要,批判教育学就能从困境中寻找到出路.  相似文献   

在经典三分科的教育学中,教学论和德育论是边界清晰的两个子学科。然而随着研究的深入和实践的发展,二者的边界问题浮出水面。它们究竟是什么关系?我们以往的教育学都混淆了这一点。而这一点直接限制了教育学的发展。教学实践在定义上至少要包含部分德育实践,研究教学的教学论在定义上也至少要包含部分德育论的内容。但二者又不能互代,与教学重叠的德育实践容易成功,与教学共通面少的德育实践则困难得多。关键是,我们不能对教育实际问题进行限定。教学论的边界应该扩大。  相似文献   

影响研究主要以放送者或影响者的视角研究对他者的美术影响。其基本话语是以主体者的身份研究主体者美术对他者美术的影响,在研究他者美术的过程中,强调主体者的影响。由于影响论研究的话语者在进行中西比较美术学的研究工作中,其话语立场往往忽视"他者"美术自身的发展逻辑形成的美术形态的事实,而把这种"事实"作为主体者的影响,或者任意夸大主体者对他者的影响,形成一种"中心主义"的话语立场。因而,"影响论"在中西比较美术学的研究中,带有明显的缺失,而导致研究结论的失效或不准确。  相似文献   

在教育学的发展过程中,出现了三次大的分解。教育学面临一种新的发展路口。尽管目前“教育科学”的发展风头已盖过“教育学”,但是,是否就意味着教育学已经走向终结?实际上,教育学与教育科学的发展表明,这是两种不同的研究范式:“日尔曼式的教育学”和“盎格鲁式的教育科学”,各自都有其发展的历史背景和文化传统,各自研究的侧重点和方法也不尽相同。与传统的教育学不同,教育科学是试图要形成对教育问题的另一种看法和另一种解释。两大范式异同的比较,揭示不同国家教育学科发展的历史文化差异,有助于我们更好地理解教育学与教育科学之争。  相似文献   

There is no more central issue to education than thinking and reasoning. Certainly, such an emphasis chimes with the rationalist and cognitive deep structure of the Western educational tradition. The contemporary tendency reinforced by cognitive science is to treat thinking ahistorically and aculturally as though physiology, brain structure and human evolution are all there is to say about thinking that is worthwhile or educationally significant. The movement of critical thinking also tends to treat thinking ahistorically, focusing on universal processes of logic and reasoning. Against this trend and against the scientific spirit of the age this paper presents a historical and philosophical picture of thinking. By contrast with dominant cognitive and logical models the paper emphasizes kinds of thinking and styles of reasoning. The paper grows out of interests primarily in the work of Nietzsche, Heidegger and Wittgenstein, and in the extension and development of their work in Critical Theory and French poststructuralist philosophy. The paper draws directly on some of this work to argue for the recognition of different kinds of thinking, which are explored by reference to Heidegger, and also the significance of styles of reasoning, which are explored by reference to Wittgenstein and to Ian Hacking.  相似文献   

Responding to Jan Masschelein's discussion of critical distance and the trivialisation of critique in his ‘How to Conceive of Critical Educational Theory Today?’, I draw attention to the antinomic character of immanence and transcendence—that is, to the way that it entails both non‐circumventible necessity and omnipresent risks. I argue that the discourse of critical thinking in education is exemplary of the tensions generated by such consolidated meanings. Through this prism, I aim to offer a nuanced account of ways in which the trivialisation of critique nurtures narcissistic and conformist tendencies that do not leave unaffected any critical philosophical line of thought. To illustrate my critique of contemporary critical education of all persuasions, I deal with an ethics of reading and writing. I suggest that, rather than encouraging cynicism and an abdication of responsibility, this antinomic character of critique should discourage any complacent and one‐sided reliance on one's own tradition.  相似文献   

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