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太极柔力球运动是一项有鲜明的民族传统体育特色的新兴运动项目,本文在查阅大量有关太极柔力球运动的文献资料基础上,对太极柔力球运动在全民健身中的地位和作用进行了初步的研究和探讨,拟为太极柔力球运动继续向前发展提供参考。  相似文献   

为推进太极运动在全民健身运动中的开展,文章采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,以推进太极柔力球在全民健身运动中开展为研究对象,对太极柔力球运动在全民健身运动中的优势、作用及其开展对策进行了深入研究。研究认为:太极柔力球运动形式多样,趣味性强,适合不同年龄、体质、阶层的人进行锻炼,是一项融快乐于体育锻炼之中的一项新兴体育运动项目,它具有健身、娱乐、观赏、教育等作用;同时提出加强太极柔力球运动在学校的推广与传播,加强太极柔力球的师资培训,加强对太极柔力球运动重视,以活动促竞赛等措施来促进太极柔力球运动在全民健身活动中开展。  相似文献   

作为一个新兴运动项目,太极柔力球运动由于具有鲜明的民族传统特色,近年来在老年群体中广受欢迎,在我国的全民健身体系中占有十分重要的地位和作用。对此,本文以中老年女性为研究对象,重点探讨了太板柔力球运动对中老年女性健康体适能的影响,旨在为太极柔力球运动的推广与发展提供更多的参考。  相似文献   

太极柔力球运动在普通高等学校中的发展对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
柳振纲 《湖北体育科技》2005,24(2):279-280,F003
太极柔力球运动是一项一改传统的硬性击球方式,以弧形引化过程触球并顺势将球抛出为主要技术特征的持拍球类运动,是一项具有鲜明的民族特色的新兴体育运动项目。通过对从事此项运动的高校学生进行身体素质的测试及问卷调查得出结论:太极柔力球运动是一项融健身,娱乐,观赏,竞技于一体的新兴体育运动项目,受到大学生的欢迎,值得在普通高等学校中推广。  相似文献   

“要将新兴运动项目引进学校体育课堂”,这是对高校体育教学提出的更深更广的要求.太极柔力球是一项具有鲜明民族特色的新兴体育运动项目,是以弧形引化过程触球并顺势将球抛出为主要技术特征的持拍球类运动,融健身、娱乐,观赏、竞技于一身,具有较高的健身价值.本文就普通高校体育开设太极柔力球选项课的教学内容及教学方法等方面进行论述,旨在为这一新兴运动项目的进一步推广提供教学参考。  相似文献   

太极柔力球是一项简单易学,具有观赏性、竞技性、健身娱乐的运动,它具有我国的民族特色,是将太极融入其中的新兴运动项目。本文运用文献资料法,查阅大量有关太极柔力球运动的期刊,研究太极柔力球的起源,运动特征,以及太极柔力球运动对大学生身心健康的影响。结果表明,太极柔力球运动对大学生身体形态、心血管与呼吸系统、身体素质;心理素质、心境方面都有着重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

太极柔力球运动健身效果调查   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
对从事太极柔力球运动项目的练习者进行生理指标的测量及问卷调查.结论太极柔力球运动是一项适合不同年龄人群练习的运动项目,它与太极拳、太极剑相比更是一项融竞技与健身为一体、容易被大众接受的全新运动项目.  相似文献   

浅析太极柔力球运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太极柔力球是一项新兴的民族体育项目,到目前为止还没有得到广泛的普及。文章通过查阅相关资料的研究方法,以多年从事太极柔力球项目的教学经验,对太极柔力球的动作特点、器材、场地、适应人群、健身功能等方面进行全面的剖析,为提高人们对该项目的认识和今后正确地锻炼提供理论依据。  相似文献   

太极柔力球对老年人健康体适能及生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨太极柔力球运动对老年人健康体适能及生化指标的影响,为老年人选择适宜的、健身效果好的运动项目提供参考依据.对象:随机选取某市某社区老年活动中心60~69岁的17名老年人.方法:先进行20天的太极柔力球学习,掌握后配合音乐进行练习3个月,要求每天集中练习1~1.5 h,个人自练不少于30 min.结果:太极柔力球运动对老年人的健康体适能指标和部分生化指标的影响是积极的、有效的,对预防老年性疾病有积极的促进作用,加之太极柔力球运动的健身负荷和运动强度可以根据个人自身情况进行适当调整,且没有身体对抗,比较适合老年人参与,可以作为老年人常年的健身项目.  相似文献   

太极柔力球运动是一种新兴的运动,其优点众多,已被广大爱好者接受;本文通过查阅大量文献及现场考察.从太极柔力球运动的形成与发展、运动特点、健身效果等进行论述.来进一步推动太极柔力球运动的发展与普及。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationship between upper limb joint movements and horizontal racket head velocity to clarify joint movements for developing racket head speed during tennis serving. Sixty-six male tennis players were videotaped at 200 Hz using two high-speed video cameras while hitting high-speed serves. The contributions of each joint rotation to horizontal racket velocity were calculated using vector cross-products between the angular velocity vectors of each joint movement and relative position vectors from each joint to the racket head. Major contributors to horizontal racket head velocity at ball impact were shoulder internal rotation (41.1%) and wrist palmar flexion (31.7%). The contribution of internal rotation showed a significant positive correlation with horizontal racket head velocity at impact (r = 0.490, P < 0.001), while the contribution of palmar flexion showed a significant negative correlation (r = - 0.431, P < 0.001). The joint movement producing the difference in horizontal racket head velocity between fast and slow servers was shoulder internal rotation, and angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation must be developed to produce a high racket speed.  相似文献   

Smoothing to obtain accurate position and velocity data near impacts in sport biomechanics studies is complicated by the accelerations of impact, endpoint effects and the smoothing technique used. Wrist goniometric data with two levels of random noise added were used to examine three endpoint modelling conditions for obtaining accurate position and velocity data at impact in the tennis forehand. The common approach of smoothing through impact created distortions of the position signal up to 100 ms before impact and resulted in consistent underestimations (-3.2%) of wrist angle and angular velocity (-67.9%) at impact. New linear and polynomial extrapolation conditions smoothed with all techniques provided lower root mean squared errors than the smoothing-through-impact condition, with discrete wrist positions at impact within 1.1% of the criterion data. Both the new linear and polynomial conditions can be used to make more accurate angular position and velocity estimates for tennis impacts, whereas the smoothing-through-impact condition creates spurious decreases in speed before impact that in the past have been assumed to be aspects of skillful movement.  相似文献   

Smoothing to obtain accurate position and velocity data near impacts in sport biomechanics studies is complicated by the accelerations of impact, endpoint effects and the smoothing technique used. Wrist goniometric data with two levels of random noise added were used to examine three endpoint modelling conditions for obtaining accurate position and velocity data at impact in the tennis forehand. The common approach of smoothing through impact created distortions of the position signal up to 100 ms before impact and resulted in consistent underestimations (-3.2%) of wrist angle and angular velocity (-67.9%) at impact. New linear and polynomial extrapolation conditions smoothed with all techniques provided lower root mean squared errors than the smoothing-through-impact condition, with discrete wrist positions at impact within 1.1% of the criterion data. Both the new linear and polynomial conditions can be used to make more accurate angular position and velocity estimates for tennis impacts, whereas the smoothing-through-impact condition creates spurious decreases in speed before impact that in the past have been assumed to be aspects of skilful movement.  相似文献   

鞭腿动作是散打腿法技术的核心,将散打鞭腿动作简化为一个二环节运动链模型,对散打鞭腿动作的髋、膝关节和大腿、小腿环节在三维平面内进行位置矢量的确定,以此确定在鞭腿动作中,各关节和环节的运动学参数,然后确定目标函数(末端速度V),建立了人体鞭腿动作的三维运动学方程,将鞭腿动作各环节要领数学化描述,结论认为:(1)鞭腿动作中大腿的角速度由腰部角速度和髋关节角速度决定,小腿的角速度由大腿和膝关节的角速度决定,三者密切配合共同决定着鞭腿末端的速度;(2)在T1阶,大小腿下潜完曲度不易超过450,在进攻腿离地瞬间,小腿环节的角速度大于大腿环节的角速度时最有利于膝关节速度的增加,进攻退离地时膝关节的角速度主要由小腿蹬地时的地面反作用力决定;(3)在T2阶段,大小腿充分折叠有利于膝关节角速度的加大;(4)人体的鞭腿环节链模型中,鞭打原理遵从动量由近端环节向远端环节传递的原理,通过髋关节及时有效的制动可使膝关节动量增加,通过膝关节的制动可使动量传递到末端,引起末端加速。(5)在散打鞭腿环节链模型中只有多环节和关节依次协调配合才能使末端发挥最佳击打效果。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationship between upper limb joint movements and horizontal racket head velocity to clarify joint movements for developing racket head speed during tennis serving. Sixty-six male tennis players were videotaped at 200 Hz using two high-speed video cameras while hitting high-speed serves. The contributions of each joint rotation to horizontal racket velocity were calculated using vector cross-products between the angular velocity vectors of each joint movement and relative position vectors from each joint to the racket head. Major contributors to horizontal racket head velocity at ball impact were shoulder internal rotation (41.1%) and wrist palmar flexion (31.7%). The contribution of internal rotation showed a significant positive correlation with horizontal racket head velocity at impact (r = 0.490, P < 0.001), while the contribution of palmar flexion showed a significant negative correlation (r = ? 0.431, P < 0.001). The joint movement producing the difference in horizontal racket head velocity between fast and slow servers was shoulder internal rotation, and angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation must be developed to produce a high racket speed.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、观察法,对竞技太极拳自选套路运动节奏与音乐节奏进行了分析,对太极拳运动特点、竞技太极拳技术动作发展趋向等进行了研究与探讨。从而使音乐内涵融合于太极拳中,以提高竞技太极拳运动的观赏价值。  相似文献   

本研究的主要目的是:描述、演示体操摆动动作中,不同的阶段回转半径的改变对转动速度、角加速度、幅度的影响.教学实践证明该演示仪能将体育运动中难以观察的转动力学的原理、规律很好的演示出来,直观效果好,设计有创新性,其力学原理学生可直观接受.  相似文献   

结合运动生物力学的应用现状,评述了该学科当前亟待解决与发展的6个方面,即标准化工作、快速反馈、综合研究、高新材料、创新理论和大众健康,它们分别是运动生物力学应用的规范、保证、趋势、热点、灵魂和拓展。  相似文献   

Fly-fishing is a popular form of recreation. Recent evidence has associated overhand fly-casting movements with upper extremity pain. However, little research exists on the motions and coordination common to fly-casting. The aim of this study was to establish upper extremity kinematic trends of fly-casting while casting greater line lengths. It was hypothesized that kinematic casting parameters would increase and time between peak angular velocities would decrease with greater line length. Eighteen males participated in the study. Three-dimensional motion capture was conducted to calculate shoulder, elbow, and wrist kinematics during casting conditions of 6.1, 12.2, 18.3, and 24.4 m of line. Multiple analyses of variance were used to assess the condition effect of line length on the kinematic variables (P = 0.05). Overall, total range of movement increased with increasing length of line cast. Peak angular velocity exhibited a proximal-to-distal trend: peak shoulder internal rotation followed by elbow extension, then wrist ulnar deviation. Time between peak shoulder and elbow angular velocities increased significantly as line length increased. Our findings indicate that specific changes in total range of movement accommodate the demands of casting greater lengths of line. Also, joint velocity coordination patterns of fly-casting appear to follow a proximal-to-distal pattern. These findings represent an initial foundation for connections between kinematics and upper extremity pain reported by fly-fisherman.  相似文献   

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