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运用两台日本松下MD-9000数码摄像机对6名优秀散打运动员鞭腿动作进行同步拍摄,采用美国ARIEL系统进行三维图像解析,从运动学的角度揭示我国优秀男子散打运动员鞭腿动作支撑腿和进攻腿髋、膝关节速度和角度变化特征,以期为鞭腿技术动作的教学、训练提供科学依据.  相似文献   

探求鞭腿技术击打不同类型目标时因动作运用不当可能引发膝关节运动损伤的危险时刻。运用VICON System 3D运动采集系统,对10名优秀散打运动员鞭腿技术进行空击、击打脚靶、沙包时的运动轨迹进行采集,依据鞭打动作特点和下肢关节运动特征,将鞭腿动作划分为3个时刻、2个时段,对其在各时刻的动作速度、作用腿膝关节角度、角速度、力矩等运用VICON Nexus和Polygon分析软件进行处理。研究结果表明:作用腿膝关节屈伸、内收外展、回旋角度和角速度以及关节力矩等各方面均存在着显著性差异(P<0.05);鞭腿空击技术类型的动作速度相对较慢,击打时段膝关节角速度相对较快、伸展时段膝关节呈外旋、加速并过度伸展状态;击打脚靶类型的动作速度相对较快,伸展时段膝关节呈外旋伸展运动状态;击打沙包类型膝关节的各项力矩相对较大,伸展时段膝关节呈反方向运动状态。鞭腿的3种击打类型均存在引发膝关节运动损伤的危险时刻,建议运动员在训练和实战时遵循鞭腿技术动作的运动规律。  相似文献   

为探求优秀散打运动员的体重差异与鞭腿技术动作特征是否对击打速度产生影响。方法:运用VICON Nexus 3D运动捕捉系统,对小、中、大三个级别15名运动员运用鞭腿技术动作快速击打目标物时的运动轨迹进行采集。依据鞭打动作特点和下肢关节运动特征,将技术动作划分为四个时刻、三个时段,并对四个时刻下肢关节的角度以及三个时段的动作位移、时间、速度、角速度等运用VICON Polygon分析软件进行计算。结果表明:启动时段(P1)小级别运动员的躯干和支撑腿各关节运动幅度呈"上大下小"状态,大级别运动员呈"上小下大"状态;三个级别运动员作用腿下肢关节的运动方向相同,运动幅度却出现差异,小级别运动员启动时段的动作速度相对较快。击打时段(P2)三个级别运动员支撑腿的髋、踝关节回旋运动方向出现差异;作用腿下肢关节运动方向相同,中级别运动员膝关节屈曲角度相对较大、转动半径相对较小,击打时段的动作速度也相对较快。回收阶段(P3)三个级别运动员支撑腿髋关节屈伸、回旋运动方向出现差异;作用腿下肢关节运动方向相同,小级别运动员作用腿下肢关节转动半径相对较小,回收时段的动作速度也相对较快。不同级别运动员鞭腿技术动作特征对击打速度存在显著性差异,相同级别散打运动员减轻体重、改善下肢关节的运动方向和运动幅度,才是提高击打速度的重要途径。  相似文献   

运用高速摄影对8名优秀散打运动员后鞭腿动作进行解析分析。研究表明:各关节曲线中,髋关节速度较小且变化不大;膝关节、踝关节和脚尖的速度曲线变化明显;膝关节较早达到速度峰值,然后减速,接着在踢中目标瞬间踝和脚尖几乎同时达到速度最大值。  相似文献   

为预防鞭腿技术动作运用不规范对支撑腿膝关节造成的运动损伤,运用VICON System 3D运动采集系统与Polygon分析软件,对鞭腿击打3种不同类型目标研究表明:支撑腿膝关节的外展内收、回旋角度、回旋角速度及回旋力矩等方面都存在显著性差异(P<0.05);鞭腿击打沙包时,支撑腿膝关节外展内收、大幅度回旋运动导致角速度方向快速变化;支撑脚触及测力台的峰值地反力瞬间到作用腿击打目标物瞬间,支撑腿的膝关节角度快速内收、外旋运动,因受到地面反作用力的冲击导致膝关节运动速度减慢、外旋角度减小、关节力矩加大,导致支撑腿膝关节部位上下扭转,成为支撑腿膝关节运动损伤的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

目的通过分析散打鞭腿技术的基本特征,为鞭腿技术在体育教学和运动训练中的应用提供依据。对象散打专业学生运动学测试数据。方法运用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法等研究方法对受试者实验数据进行分析。结果受试者的平均反应时间为0.3972s;腿部力量越好、爆发力越强和肌肉的控制力越好,出腿、收腿和稳定性越好。结论接触沙袋时,膝关节角度的大小对鞭腿动作技术的击打效果和击打的精准度有所影响。  相似文献   

目的:探索跆拳道运动员前横踢动作下肢优势侧和非优势侧的运动生物力学特征差异性。方法:采用Vicon三维运动捕捉系统、Kistler三维测力台和Deado电子护具计分系统,采集13名跆拳道运动员前横踢动作下有效得分时髋、膝、踝关节的运动学和动力学数据,使用Visual3D软件对采集数据进行逆向运动学和动力学计算,并对结果采用配对样本T检验的方法进行差异性分析。结果:(1)进攻腿:髋关节屈曲力矩峰值、膝关节伸展力矩峰值优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.05),膝关节屈曲最大角度优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.01),髋关节伸展力矩峰值、外展最大角度非优势侧大于优势侧(p<0.01)。(2)支撑腿:髋关节屈曲幅度、屈曲功率峰值、外展功率峰值优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.05),髋关节外展力矩峰值、膝关节伸展力矩峰值优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.01),髋关节伸展角速度峰值、踝关节跖屈力矩峰值非优势侧大于优势侧(p<0.05),髋关节外展角速度峰值、膝关节屈曲力矩峰值、踝关节旋外角速度峰值非优势侧大于优势侧(p<0.01)。(3)进攻腿击打力度值及进攻腿和支撑腿垂直...  相似文献   

运用VICON动作分析捕捉系统、Kistler三维测力台以及多功能测力靶,对散打运动员正蹬腿打击过程的动作时间、躯干旋转角度与打击腿关节角度、环节速度、角速度、支撑腿地面反作用力等相关指标的测量,探讨影响散打运动员正蹬腿打击效果的主要因素。研究表明:优秀运动员提膝阶段比普通运动员时间短、速度快、躯干旋转与髋关节角度小,在最后撞击时优秀运动员比普通运动员送髋速度快,充分、支撑腿蹬地迅速并蹬地力度大。建议:(1)正蹬腿的训练中提高提膝的速度以及提膝与蹬伸间的连贯性。(2)提膝时大腿尽量贴紧躯干,撞击时充分向前送髋,加大打击距离。(3)提膝时身体重心不要刻意下压,最后撞击时加强支撑腿蹬地力。  相似文献   

目的通过观察不同运动等级散打运动员在使用鞭腿技术动作时,支撑腿踝关节运动学特征所出现的差异,探求运动学特征与外侧副韧带急性损伤风险的关系。方法运用VICON Nexus 3D红外运动捕捉系统和Kistler地面测力系统,对23名不同运动等级男子散打运动员在使用鞭腿技术时支撑腿踝关节的动作轨迹进行采集,依据运动链原理将运动轨迹划分为启动、击打、回收3个时段,利用VICON Polygon分析软件对每个时段踝关节的角度、角速度、位移、时间、速度等特征进行分析。结果在击打过程中,不同运动等级运动员踝关节的运动方向一致,踝关节的活动度却出现了差异,启动和回收时段的内翻角度存在显著性(P<0.05);一般运动员踝关节的动作时间、位移均大于优秀运动员,启动时段的动作时间、上下位移、动作速度存在显著性(P<0.05)。结论不同运动等级散打运动员支撑腿踝关节的运动学特征存在显著性差异,优秀运动员踝关节运动轨迹的稳定性整体上好于一般运动员;运动学特征与引发外侧副韧带急性损伤风险存有关联,一般运动员因踝关节活动度相对较大,引发外侧副韧带急性损伤的风险也相对较高;启动时段是引发踝关节外侧副韧带急性损伤风险的最大时段。  相似文献   

足球运动踢球腿摆动阶段的不同时相运动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用生物力学手段对5名高水平足球运动员摆动腿进行研究发现:根据摆动腿环节摆动顺序与环节摆动速度相结合的方法可将其划分为用力蹬伸、主动后摆、大腿前摆、小腿前摆,脚触球5个阶段.其中,用力蹬伸阶段是不可忽视的重要阶段之一,主动后摆阶段摆动腿应在不影响前摆速度的前提下尽力后摆;大腿前摆阶段摆动腿应在大腿摆到一定幅度时进行积极制动,摆动幅度不宜过大;小腿前摆阶段摆动腿除了膝关节的积极制动外还应主动施力.  相似文献   

下肢鞭打应属于打击性鞭打动作,选择踢球这一典型的下肢鞭打动作作为研究对象,利用三维录像拍摄与解析技术、逆向动力学计算方法和无线遥测肌电测试与分析技术对其进行了同步研究,以期能够从运动学、动力学、肌电学3个不同的层面来揭示下肢鞭打动作的特征与机制。研究表明:1)下肢鞭打动作角速度特征为后摆时表现为大腿逐渐减速,小腿加速→最大角速度→减速的特点;前摆时表现为大腿加速→最大角速度→减速,小腿持续加速的特点。2)髋关节的屈肌力矩、膝关节的伸肌力矩、踝关节的背屈力矩在下肢鞭打动作前摆阶段起主导作用;髋关节的内收/外展力矩起定向作用;髋关节旋内/旋外力矩、膝关节旋内/旋外力矩以及踝关节内翻力矩的主要作用是对脚的方位及倾斜程度进行调整。3)股直肌、股内肌、股外肌、胫骨前肌在下肢鞭打动作前摆阶段起主导作用。4)小腿加速前摆的初期伸膝肌群产生的伸膝力矩在起支配作用,后期是伸膝力矩与来自大腿角动量的传递共同在起作用。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析我国优秀男子跳台滑雪运动员实地起跳阶段运动学、起跳运动模式等指标,探究影响我国男子跳台滑雪运动员飞行距离的主要起跳因素。方法:1)选择8名我国男子跳台滑雪运动员作为研究对象,在日本长野县白马村K90跳台训练基地采集3次起跳阶段二维运动学数据,采用广义估计模型(GEE)分析影响飞行距离的实地起跳阶段运动学因素。2)截取平昌冬奥会排名前10的男子跳台滑雪选手决赛起跳阶段视频数据,采用单因素方差分析研究国内外运动员起跳阶段特定时刻肢体角度差异。3)实验室内使用1台Z camera高速摄像机和1块Kistler 9281EA测力台采集运动员静蹲跳(squat jump,SJ)、反向跳(countermovement jump,CMJ)、模拟跳跃(imitation jump,IJ)、下落跳(drop jump,DJ)的动力学及运动学数据,采用Pearson相关分析检验实验室内运动学及动力学指标与飞行距离间的相关性。结果:1)在实地起跳阶段运动学方面,起跳起始时刻躯干与助滑道夹角、小腿与助滑道夹角、髋关节角、膝关节角,以及起跳阶段的髋关节峰值角速度、膝关节平均角速度、起跳结束时刻膝关节角及髋关节角为飞行距离的影响因素(P<0.05)。2)在起跳阶段运动模式及力量特点方面,IJ重心最低处膝外翻指数(r=0.731)、DJ膝外翻最小值(r=0.713)、CMJ起跳阶段地面反作用力峰值(r=0.710)、CMJ蹬伸冲量(r=0.752)、SJ(r=0.723)及CMJ起跳峰值功率(r=0.762)均与飞行距离呈正相关。3)对比国内外运动员起跳阶段特定时刻肢体角度发现,国外优秀运动员起跳起始时刻小腿与助滑道夹角(53.54°±3.14°)显著小于我国运动员(57.62°±4.62°),出台瞬间小腿与助滑道夹角(58.22°±2.13°)显著小于我国运动员(65.59°±3.84°),大腿与助滑道夹角(73.28°±6.15°)显著大于我国运动员(58.77°±3.16°),起跳阶段结束时刻髋关节角度(175.23°±1.96°)显著大于我国运动员(156.37°±13.13°)。结论:我国跳台滑雪运动员起跳阶段起跳起始时刻应尽量降低身体重心以减少阻力,并适当提高膝关节角来提高出台后肢体伸展程度。起跳过程中提高膝关节蹬伸力量,同时适当降低髋关节伸展速度,避免风阻对躯干造成不利影响。室内及实地训练过程中,应在提升蹬伸爆发力的同时避免膝关节过度外翻,提高蹬伸力量及传递效率。  相似文献   

Kinematic comparison of the preferred and non-preferred foot punt kick   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Kicking with the non-preferred leg is important in Australian Football and becoming important in the rugby codes. The aim of this study was to examine differences between preferred and non-preferred leg kicking in the drop punt kick. Seventeen elite Australian Football players performed kicks with the preferred and non-preferred leg. Optotrak Certus collected kinematic data of the kick leg and pelvis (200 Hz) from kick leg toe-off until ball contact. Foot speed, knee and shank angular velocity at ball contact, and pelvis range of motion were significantly larger for the preferred leg (P < 0.05). In contrast, hip and thigh angular velocity at ball contact and hip range of motion were significantly larger for the non-preferred leg. This indicates different movement patterns, with preferred-leg kicks making greater use of the pelvis, knee, and shank while non-preferred leg kicks rely relatively more on the hip and thigh (P < 0.05). Reasons for this difference might be due to locking degrees of freedom or sub-optimal sequencing in the non-preferred leg. The thigh-knee continuum identified by Ball ( 2008 ) was also evident in this study. Findings have implications for training non-preferred leg kicking for performance and injury prevention.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the release speed of the ball in maximal instep kicking with the preferred and the non-preferred leg and to relate ball speed to biomechanical differences observed during the kicking action. Seven skilled soccer players performed maximal speed place kicks with the preferred and the nonpreferred leg; their movements were filmed at 400 Hz. The inter-segmental kinematics and kinetics were derived. A coefficient of restitution between the foot and the ball was calculated and rate of force development in the hip flexors and the knee extensors was measured using a Kin-Com dynamometer. Higher ball speeds were achieved with the preferred leg as a result of the higher foot speed and coefficient of restitution at the time of impact compared with the non-preferred leg. These higher foot speeds were caused by a greater amount of work on the shank originating from the angular velocity of the thigh. No differences were found in muscle moments or rate of force development. We conclude that the difference in maximal ball speed between the preferred and the non-preferred leg is caused by a better inter-segmental motion pattern and a transfer of velocity from the foot to the ball when kicking with the preferred leg.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the release speed of the ball in maximal instep kicking with the preferred and the non-preferred leg and to relate ball speed to biomechanical differences observed during the kicking action. Seven skilled soccer players performed maximal speed place kicks with the preferred and the non-preferred leg; their movements were filmed at 400 Hz. The inter-segmental kinematics and kinetics were derived. A coefficient of restitution between the foot and the ball was calculated and rate of force development in the hip flexors and the knee extensors was measured using a Kin-Com dynamometer. Higher ball speeds were achieved with the preferred leg as a result of the higher foot speed and coefficient of restitution at the time of impact compared with the non-preferred leg. These higher foot speeds were caused by a greater amount of work on the shank originating from the angular velocity of the thigh. No differences were found in muscle moments or rate of force development. We conclude that the difference in maximal ball speed between the preferred and the non-preferred leg is caused by a better inter-segmental motion pattern and a transfer of velocity from the foot to the ball when kicking with the preferred leg.  相似文献   

The punt kick is a fundamental skill used in several team sports; however, there has been a lack of research on how fatigue affects its technique. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of short-term fatigue on punt-kicking performance. Eight elite and sub-elite Australian Football players performed maximal drop punt kicks on their preferred leg prior to, during and after a match-specific fatigue protocol. Optotrak Certus collected kinematic data from kick foot toe-off until ball contact. Repeated-measures analysis of variance showed a significant increase in 20 m sprint times after each short-term protocol, indicating fatigue. Foot speed did not significantly change with fatigue; however, increases in the range of motion at the pelvis and kicking thigh, along with increases in kicking thigh angular velocity, occurred. For the support leg, maximum knee flexion angular velocity increased while there was greater flexion found at the knee and hip, and greater range of motion at the knee. Players are able to make kinematic adaptations in order to maintain foot speed while punting for maximal distance after short-term efforts.  相似文献   

Snowshoeing is a popular form of winter recreation due to the development of lightweight snowshoes that provide flotation, traction, and stability. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of snowshoes on lower extremity kinematics during level walking. Twelve adults (6 males, 6 females, body mass = 67.5 +/- 10.7kg) completed six 3-minute level walking trials. Subjects walked overground without snowshoes and on packed snow using conventional and flexible tail snowshoes. We placed lightweight inertial/gyroscopic sensors on the sacrum, thigh, shank, and foot. We recorded sensor orientation and calculated hip, knee, and ankle joint angles and angular velocities. Compared to level overground walking, subjects had greater hip and knee flexion during stance and greater hip flexion during swing while snowshoeing. Ankle plantarflexion began during late swing when snowshoeing vs. heel strike during overground walking. Lower extremity kinematics were similar across snowshoe frame designs during level walking. Our results show that snowshoeing on packed snow results in a more flexed leg compared to overground walking and may reflect a strategy to limit the effects of walking with an extended heel.  相似文献   

Understanding the technical requirements and underlying biomechanics of complex release and re-grasp skills on high bar allows coaches and scientists to develop safe and effective training programmes. The aim of this study was to examine the differences in the functional phases between the Tkatchev and Kovacs skills and to explain how the angular momentum demands are addressed. Images of 18 gymnasts performing 10 Tkatchevs and 8 Kovacs at the Olympic Games were recorded (50 Hz), digitised and reconstructed (3D Direct Linear Transformation). Orientation of the functional phase action, defined by the rapid flexion to extension of the shoulders and extension to flexion of the hips as the performer passed through the lower vertical, along with shoulder and hip angular kinematics, angular momentum and key release parameters (body angle, mass centre velocity and angular momentum about the mass centre and bar) were compared between skills. Expected differences in the release parameters of angle, angular momentum and velocity were observed and the specific mechanical requirement of each skill were highlighted. Whilst there were no differences in joint kinematics, hip and shoulder functional phase were significantly earlier in the circle for the Tkatchev. These findings highlight the importance of the orientation of the functional phase in the preceding giant swing and provide coaches with further understanding of the critical timing in this key phase.  相似文献   

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