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The clusters of disciplines originally developed by Biglan have been useful guides in classifying or categorizing academic departments. Questions remain, however, as to the validity of the Biglan clusters among a wide range of colleges and universities.This study provides evidence which supports the validity of the Biglan categories by showing how faculty salaries and instructional staffing patterns differ among departments along the dimensions described by Biglan.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between different views of teaching and dimensions that differentiate academic disciplines. A total of 114 academics within Greece and 127 academics from similar disciplines but other countries were compared using the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI). Distinctions among disciplines for both groups were based on Biglan’s 3-dimensional classification (Pure/Applied; Hard/Soft; Life/non-Life). The objective of this study was to examine to what extent the teaching perspectives of the academics differ from one classification category to another. Greek academics represented participants in 15 departments across 9 universities throughout Greece, while the international sample was drawn from the TPI database. Statistical analysis indicated better differentiation of Biglan’s classification for its Life/non-Life dimension than for Pure/Applied or Hard/Soft between the combined samples for four Teaching Perspectives: Transmission, Developmental, Nurturing and Social Reform. No perspectives differences existed for Biglan’s Hard/Soft categorisation, although Greek professors were significantly higher in Soft rather than Hard disciplines in the Developmental, Nurturing and Social Reform perspectives compared to their global counterparts. They also demonstrated overall higher ‘Transmission’ scores. The authors conclude that disciplinary differences are real, but that they are small compared to the interpersonal ones or even to the international ones. The relationships between the teaching perspectives and Biglan’s classifications are further discussed.  相似文献   

This study first presents a test of the Biglan model of faculty subcultures using measures of research output and then tests the model controlling for the effects of faculty socialization. Developed in 1973, the Biglan model categorizes academic subject areas into three dimensions: hard-soft, pure-applied, and life-nonlife. Although the model has been empirically validated seven times, only the present test using data from the 1977 Ladd and Lipset (1978) Survey of the American Professoriate examines the concept of socialization as an explanation for the differences among the groups. Using discriminant analyses, the Biglan model is found to be valid: the faculty in the hard area differed from the soft, the pure from the applied, and the life from the nonlife in terms of research output. In addition, the distinctiveness of the Biglan groups appear to increase with the socialization of faculty into subject areas. These results indicate that the model may be generalized to research and doctoral-granting institutions and that the concept of socialization warrants further examination as an explanation of differences among the Biglan groups.  相似文献   

美国临床心理学家安东尼·比格兰对学科领域的分类做出了开创性的研究.随后高等教育研究者对其研究成果进行了大量的实证研究,证明其有效性并命名为"比格兰模型".该模型从3个维度将学科领域划分为8个学科群落.许多学者应用这一模型探讨了不同学科领域中科研生产方式、教师行为、系主任及其领导风格等问题.本文考察了这一模型的内涵及其应用.分析了它对高等教育发展的意义.  相似文献   

The Biglan model is a three dimensional classification scheme wherein 35 academic subject areas are categorized into one of eight categories: soft-nonlife-pure; soft-life-pure; soft-nonlife-applied; soft-life-applied; hard-life-applied; hard-life-pure; hard-nonlife-pure; or hard-nonlife-applied. A basic assumption of the Biglan model research is that the types of faculty productivity differ in accord with academic subject areas. Though research studies report the importance of recognizing performance differences among faculty in different disciplines and subject areas during the faculty evaluation process, they do not present means by which this knowledge can be applied. This study discusses the practical implications of Biglan model research and the importance of university-level administrators recognizing differences in faculty productivity whenever faculty credentials are reviewed for advancement. This study also examines Biglan's original research and his model, as well as the major studies conducted to test the model. Also, the model is presented and explained as a conceptual framework for assisting administrators in the faculty evaluation process. Lastly, the reasons for employing subject area standards, as opposed to university-wide or single discipline standards, are argued.  相似文献   

教育督导是国家教育基本制度之一,我国现行教育督导制度是在改革开放后逐渐恢复与发展起来的。从不同维度来分析,教育督导制度变迁路径是不同的。从议程设置维度来分析,教育督导制度变迁有自上而下与自下而上两种路径。从价值取向维度来分析,教育督导制度变迁有激进性与渐进性两种路径。从举措动因维度来分析,教育督导制度变迁有强制性与诱致性两种路径。改革开放四十多年来,我国教育督导制度变迁在三重维度路径均有发生,每一重维度上的路径变迁皆具有双重性特征,相互补充。影响教育督导制度变迁路径形成的原因多种多样,各种不同原因之间交互作用与交互影响。为消解教育督导制度变迁中存在的阻力,一方面需要进一步提升我国教育督导的行政地位,另一方面需要不断地提升教育督导组织自身持续地自我学习能力。未来我国教育督导制度变迁仍然会在三个维度上发生,每一维度上的变迁皆有相应的适应性要求。  相似文献   

经贸英语课堂教学存在着三个层面,即知识层面,能力层面和跨文化交际素养层面.经贸英语课堂教学亦包含三个纬度,或称之为三个教学切入点,分别是语言纬度,经贸专业纬度和作为ESP的经贸英语纬度.三个层面和三个维度是经贸英语课堂教学本质的不同方面,相辅相成,共同构成了经贸英语课堂教学模式的宏观架构.在此架构下,经贸英语课堂教学还需贯彻和实施相应的具体的经贸英语教学策略.  相似文献   

While the terms student-centred and learner-centred are used to describe a range of neo-liberal educational policies and practices around the world, the meaning is not clearly defined. This limits its utility as a concept in policy, research and practice. This article applies abductive reasoning to explore how student-centred education is theorised in academic literature and articulated within a sample of New Zealand school principals’ visions for their schools. The findings suggest that student-centred education can be synthesised into a conceptual framework that includes three overlapping dimensions; humanist, agentic and cognitive. The humanist dimension encompasses getting to know students as unique human beings, the agentic focuses on empowering students and the cognitive dimension considers each student’s learning progress. There was diverse understanding of what it meant to be student-centred by the principals with the humanist and agentic dimensions dominating. It is anticipated that educational outcomes for disadvantaged students would improve when the three dimensions are applied together. The proposed framework could be applied by policymakers, practitioners and researchers to enhance clarity of student-centred education policies and practices.  相似文献   

民办高等教育地域性发展的多维分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国民办高等教育的发展呈现出显著的地域性。以地域环境(社会性构成的条件性空间)为原点,社会维度(社会承认及合法性的获得)、市场维度(市场化运营)、教育维度(高等教育属性的体现与发展)等为轴线可勾画出民办高等教育发展的空间。其中,原点既是民办高等教育发展的起点,也是民办高等教育发展的结果,在三个轴线之间存在着既相互依存,又相互制约的关系。  相似文献   

运用艾森克人格问卷对68名大学生男篮运动员进行测试,结果表明:大学生男篮运动员与华东地区常模比较,P、N、E维度差异非常显著,L维度差异极为显著;男篮运动员EPQ各维度之间相互影响,E维度与P、N维度呈显著性负相关,P维度与N维度呈显著性正相关;18名T分数大于60的男篮运动员P、N两个维度得分高于整体样本,差异极为显著,E维度得分低于整体样本,差异显著;各年龄组分别与常模比较,仅有22~27岁组在P、N两个维度上差异显著.大学生男子篮球运动员整体上具有外向、诚实、倔强的个性特征倾向.本研究以期为完善大学生篮球运动员的人格特点,提高心理健康水平提供参考.  相似文献   

企业文化建设的绩效体现在三重维度:经济维度、文化维度和社会维度。企业通过建立雇主与雇员的信任,促进双方在多次博弈中选择最优的文化策略,从而提高内部的经济绩效,同时,企业文化建设通过消除交易过程的不确定性因素,来提高外部的经济绩效。企业通过塑造具有一致性、独特性、强度和适应性特质的文化来实现其文化绩效。企业文化建设的社会绩效则通过对社会价值的内化和引导等来实现。企业文化建设不仅要强调经济维度的绩效,更要重视其文化绩效和社会绩效。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of alternative performance appraisal formats is evaluated in terms of their contribution to selected dimensions of role clarity, and their focusing the evaluation on primary criteria as opposed to secondary criteria. The formats studied are: simple graphic rating scales, more complete graphic rating scales, and behaviorally anchored rating scales. From the viewpoint of the person being rated, the dimensions of role clarity investigated are: understanding of the performance dimension being rated, understanding of where the faculty member stands on each performance dimension, and understanding of the behavioral changes that would improve ratings on each performance dimension. Behaviorally anchored rating scales are observed to be superior to the other rating scale formats on each dimension of evaluation.  相似文献   

The 1992—93 National Survey of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF) provides a unique opportunity to examine class size and the institutional and academic factors associated with class size differences. The institutional characteristics examined in this paper include public or private control, Carnegie classification, and institutional size. The course academic characteristics considered include academic discipline as described by Biglan (1973a), student level, and principal method of instruction. The results support the formation of comparative distributions for class size comparison and better understanding of institutional and course characteristics associated with class size differences.  相似文献   

学校改进是一个复杂的过程,是一个由多个主体和多个维度构成的横向与纵向结合的系统。本文从系统论的视角,提出四主体-四维度-三重认识论的综合学校改进研究框架。该框架的意义就是基于技术认知兴趣、实践认知兴趣、解放认知兴趣这三重认知论,从理念、结构、行为、关系四个维度,对四个主体即政府、学校、变革代理人、社区的改进进行研究。  相似文献   

社会资本反映了创业主体所具备的社会网络及通过网络获取创业所需资源的一类资本形式。针对农民工返乡创业现象,本文根据创业性质选定部分"生存型"创业为研究对象。在文献分析和数据调研的基础上,提出"生存型"创业社会资本包含结构维度、关系维度和认知维度的概念构思。并通过因子分析方法,提炼出各维度的指标体系,并结合调研数据解释各维度的特征,实现对"生存型"创业社会资本维度的探索性研究。  相似文献   

In 2006, Professor Hu Gengsheng has proposed the concept of Eco-translatology, which is a new arena for scholars to explore and develop. According to Professor Hu, translation is described as a translator's adaptive and selective activities in a translational eco-environment. This thesis consists of the following two parts. Part One: It analyses translator's selective adaptation, which will preserve the characteristics of the original culture to make the translation version more convincing. Part Two: It analyses translator's adaptive selection, which will wipe out some expressions and customs inconsistent with the targeted culture to render the translation version more intelligible. The adaptive transformation will be analyzed from three dimensions——linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension.  相似文献   

反讽是西方文论中最重要的范畴之一。在从古希腊时期一直到当代的漫长历史过程中,反讽受到许多理论家的重视。从反讽概念的历史流变来看,它主要经历了传统反讽、浪漫反讽和新批评作为一种结构原则的反讽三个阶段。对反讽的概念的阐释。应该有符号学、语用学和哲学三个阐释维度。  相似文献   

自由是人类力图实现的价值,也是一个历史悠久的哲学命题。自由具有三个维度,第一维是边界,第二维是形式,第三维是矛盾。三个维度构建起了一个"自由金字塔"模型,向人们揭示了自由的属性。而人们也将通过对自由三层维度的了解来得到对于"自由"的解释。  相似文献   

资源柔性反映企业资源的特征,它具有三个维度:资源的有效使用范围、资源移作它用所需的时间和发生的费用。资源柔性的实质是以提高资源的适用范围来增加企业在环境变化时的选择权,支持企业以较小的成本转变经营策略。  相似文献   

介绍了麦克斯韦速率分布律的适用范围,用麦克斯韦速率分布律探讨气体分子的三维、二维和一维运动时的温度公式,根据麦克斯韦速率分布律的适用范围和量子理论,拓展了温度公式的适用范围。根据带电粒子在均匀磁场中的运动特点和粒子的二维和一维运动时的温度公式,分别讨论了带电粒子在均匀磁场中的垂直温度公式和平行温度公式。最后,分别介绍了多单元热力学体系的温度和温度与冷热的关系。拓展了学生对温度的理解,对培养学生的应用和创新能力有很好的启迪作用。  相似文献   

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