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《图书情报工作》1999-2002年载文的网络引文分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对《图书情报工作》1999-2002年的引文数据和期刊、图书、网络、报纸及其他类型引文源的数量、分布比例等进行统计和分析,指出除期刊和图书外,网络已成为第三大信息源,且其所占比例还在逐年递增。  相似文献   

SCI的引文统计指标及其与研究评价的关系   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
从引证类型和检索系统统计源期刊组成分析SCI的引文统计数据及相关指标与期刊和论文学术水平间的不对应关系,并从引文统计时段、论文类型和期刊大小等方面探讨影响因子本身的不确定性;通过分析中国科技期刊的被引情况指出SCI中引文数据的统计错误。认为在我国的科研成果和学术期刊评价中,一定要具体分析SCI的统计数据,适度、合理地使用引证分析方法。  相似文献   

科学文献的相互引用关系是引文分析的主要依据.引文分析是以文献引用数据为基础,用以揭示其数量特征和规律的一种文献计量分析方法.作者对<大学图书情报学刊>1998年与2004年的引文数量进行了量化分析,指出了刊物在引文数量、引文文献类型、引文语种、引文主题、引文原始来源期刊的发展和变化情况,提出了值得重视的有关问题.  相似文献   

介绍了ISI数据库的类型、特点及编排格式,重点分析了SCI录用期刊的三个原则:引文数据、期刊的基本要求与专家评议。并在此基础上提出了为缩小我国期刊与国际期刊的差距而应采取的措施。  相似文献   

文章对云南科研工作者2000-2012年在生物科学领域发表的被SCIE收录的论文引文进行统计分析,得出引文类型、学科分布等特征,分析和归纳期刊引文的出版商和代理商特征;以云南各高校图书馆、NSTL、CALIS和读秀的期刊数据为基础分析区域外文期刊的保障情况,分析图书引文在云南和全国文献机构的保障情况,就云南开展区域外文文献保障提出建议。  相似文献   

薛调 《津图学刊》2002,(4):23-27
引文分析法是图书馆学、情报学的专门研究方法。利用文献计量学(Bibliometries)的引文分析法(citation analysis method),对《津图学刊》1998-2001年所刊载论文的引文量、引文语种、引文类型、引文年代、引文期刊、引文著者等诸多方面进行了统计与分析,以期为本刊作者合理利用文献提供依据。  相似文献   

选择中外档案学领域典型期刊近十年的数据,从引文量、引文类型、高被引期刊、高被引作者、引用半衰期等方面比较分析国内外学者引证行为,得出:国内引文总量高于国外,但附引率和篇均引文量低于国外,外文在国内档案学论文中的引用越来越多;国内引文数量集中区间长于国外,但高引文量的论文篇数低于国外;期刊论文、图书、史料和网络文献是档案学学者主要的引用来源,网络文献的引用越来越多;国内档案学高被引文献大多为专著,国外则多为期刊论文;《档案学通讯》和Restaurator分别是国内外档案学者引用最多的期刊;冯惠玲和Neevel JG分别是国内外被引频次最高的档案学者;国内档案学者倾向于引用新文献,国外档案学引文半衰期比国内长。  相似文献   

根据2006年每份期刊出版文章的总引文量排序(最近一年是根据汤姆逊科学期刊引文报告的数据),以下是2006年10大引文率最高的期刊:  相似文献   

网络中心度用于期刊引文评价的有效性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以图书情报学期刊数据实证研究了网络中心度用于期刊引文评价的有效性。结果显示:中介、点度和特征向量中心度都比影响因子更接近同行评议的结果,可用于期刊引文评价;但接近中心度相对不宜用作期刊引文评价指标。  相似文献   

介绍了取数据库的类型、特点及编排格式,重点分析了SCI录用期刊的三个原则:引文数据、期刊的基本要求与专家评议。并在此基础上提出了为缩小我国期刊与国际期刊的差距而应采取的措施。  相似文献   

从国际科学引文数据库(DISC)面临的负载压力和扩容需求出发,通过对相关技术进行调研分析,选择当前常用的开源集群和负载均衡技术构建DISC服务系统;对采用的Web服务器负载均衡技术、MySQL Cluster技术及基于Solr的分布式索引技术进行介绍,并对其性能进行理论分析和实验验证;测试结果证明DISC的系统架构方案具有良好的可扩展性、可用性和可靠性,能够较好地满足当前的应用需求。  相似文献   

This study determined how useful Google Scholar (GS) is for the evaluation of non‐English journals based on a sample of 150 Chinese journals listed in the Report on Chinese Academic Journals Evaluation of Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation (2013–2014). This study investigated two disciplines: Library, Information & Documentation Science and Metallurgical Engineering & Technology. We collected data from GS and the Chongqing VIP database to evaluate GS as a citation database for Chinese journals on its resource coverage, journal ranking, and citation data. We found that GS covered 100% of the sample journals but indexed 22% more article records than the number of articles published. The ranking of Chinese journals by GS Metrics was not suitable to present a dependable ranking of Chinese journals. GS appeared suitable to provide an alternative source of Chinese citation data, even though there existed coverage problems, including article duplication and citation omission and potential duplication. The GS Metric average citation provided results highly correlated to traditional citation results, showing that it would be suitable for evaluating Chinese journals.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 利用期刊零被引率对国内图书情报学期刊的零被引现状进行定量分析,并探究论文零被引的一些原因。[方法/过程] 在参考前人研究成果的基础上,提出期刊零被引的计算方法,利用中国引文数据库和中文社会科学引文数据库的数据计算国内14种图书情报学期刊的零被引率。[结果/结论] 研究发现:①14种期刊的零被引率整体较低,反映出这些期刊上的论文大部分被研究人员所引用;②根据13种期刊零被引率分布状况,可以将其分为"锯齿型"、"W型"、"下滑型"3种类型。③论文零被引的主要原因是选题太偏和有些研究主题不属于图书情报学领域。虽然研究了国内部分图书情报学期刊零被引情况,但研究方法和一些研究结论对于其他学科期刊的零被引研究有一定借鉴意义,同时对期刊评价等方面的研究也有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探讨开放同行评议(OPR)对期刊论文的引文及社会关注度的影响.[方法/过程]采用描述性统计及配对样本非参数检验方法,比较OPR与非OPR期刊在期刊年龄、SCI年龄、国别、出版周期、开放存取、评审透明度级别、论文引文及社会关注度指标上的差异,探索期刊一般特征对OPR期刊论文引文及社会关注度指标的影响,检验O...  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate and compare the social media (SM) impact of 273 South Africa Post-Secondary Education accredited journals, which are recognised by the Department of Higher Education and Training of South Africa for purposes of financial support. We used multiple sources to extract data for the study, namely, Altmetric.com, Google Scholar (GS), Scopus (through SCImago) and the Thomson Reuters (TR) Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Data was analysed to determine South African journals’ presence in and impact on SM as well as to contrast SM visibility and impact with the citation impact in GS, JCR and Scopus. The Spearman correlation test was performed to compare the impact of the journals on SM and other sources. The results reveal that 2923 articles published in 122 of the 273 South African (SA) journals have received at least one mention in SM; the most commonly used SM platforms were Twitter and Facebook; the journals indexed in the TR’s citation indexes and Scopus performed much better, in terms of their average altmetrics, than non-TR and non-Scopus indexed journals; and there were weak to moderate relationships among different types of altmetrics and citation-based measures, thereby implying different kinds of journal impacts on SM when compared to the scholarly impact reflected in citation databases. In conclusion, South African journals’ impact on SM, just as is the case with countries with similar economies, is minimal but has shown signs of growth.  相似文献   

丁文姚  李健  韩毅 《图书情报工作》2019,63(22):118-128
[目的/意义] 探索期刊论文科学数据引用特征与规律不仅有助于描述学科领域对科学数据的利用情况,还能够揭示学术成果表达中的数据引用模式。[方法/过程] 以我国图书情报领域6种期刊2017年与2018年第一期刊载论文为样本,结合国家标准《信息技术科学数据引用》的引用元素,采用内容分析法从9个维度对样本论文的科学数据引用行为进行数据编码,应用统计学方法描述图书情报领域期刊论文科学数据引用特征并探索不同维度特征间的关联关系。[结果/结论] 图书情报领域期刊论文广泛引用来自国内外的统计整理类科学数据,对期刊论文中个人研究科学数据的引用量较大;科学数据引用标注方式与科学数据类型存在一定对应关系,但多样化的标注方式缺乏统一性;二手引用现象较为突出,二手引用程度与科学数据创建者类型相关。  相似文献   

目的:比较SCIE、Scopus与SciFinder的收录范围、检索结果与引证关系。方法:对3个数据库的基本信息、引证分析功能,以及从关键词、机构与期刊名称3个字段进行实例检索得到的结果进行对比分析。结果:SCIE入选期刊最严格,Scopus收录期刊最多,SciFinder文献类型最全面。结论:SciFinder作为专业检索数据库,检索课题更全面,对检索结果的处理功能更强大。SCIE和Scopus更侧重期刊评价和引文分析,方便特定课题的溯源与追踪,也是写作和投稿很好的参考工具。  相似文献   

In this study we map out the large-scale structure of citation networks of science journals and follow their evolution in time by using stochastic block models (SBMs). The SBM fitting procedures are principled methods that can be used to find hierarchical grouping of journals that show similar incoming and outgoing citations patterns. These methods work directly on the citation network without the need to construct auxiliary networks based on similarity of nodes. We fit the SBMs to the networks of journals we have constructed from the data set of around 630 million citations and find a variety of different types of groups, such as communities, bridges, sources, and sinks. In addition we use a recent generalization of SBMs to determine how much a manually curated classification of journals into subfields of science is related to the group structure of the journal network and how this relationship changes in time. The SBM method tries to find a network of blocks that is the best high-level representation of the network of journals, and we illustrate how these block networks (at various levels of resolution) can be used as maps of science.  相似文献   

One of the flaws of the journal impact factor (IF) is that it cannot be used to compare journals from different fields or multidisciplinary journals because the IF differs significantly across research fields. This study proposes a new measure of journal performance that captures field-different citation characteristics. We view journal performance from the perspective of the efficiency of a journal's citation generation process. Together with the conventional variables used in calculating the IF, the number of articles as an input and the number of total citations as an output, we additionally consider the two field-different factors, citation density and citation dynamics, as inputs. We also separately capture the contribution of external citations and self-citations and incorporate their relative importance in measuring journal performance. To accommodate multiple inputs and outputs whose relationships are unknown, this study employs data envelopment analysis (DEA), a multi-factor productivity model for measuring the relative efficiency of decision-making units without any assumption of a production function. The resulting efficiency score, called DEA-IF, can then be used for the comparative evaluation of multidisciplinary journals’ performance. A case study example of industrial engineering journals is provided to illustrate how to measure DEA-IF and its usefulness.  相似文献   

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