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戴军 《华章》2012,(36)
机械制图课程是技工学校机械类各专业必修的一门专业基础课,在培养学生技术水平和学习各门专业课的过程中起着奠基石的作用.由于技工学校学生多般成绩中等或中等偏下,他们的理解能力不够强,空间想象力还不够丰富,给教学工作带来一定的难度.针对上述问题,我在教学中以优化课程结构和内容为突破口,围绕整个教学过程,采取最有效的途径和方法,以取得最佳教学效果.下面就机械制图课教学谈几点体会.  相似文献   

专业课教学是在学生学习完基础课和相关专业基础课的基础上开设的。大多数专业课程,难度相对较低,但技术性、实践性较强,因此,在教学过程中,应该结合专业课特点,有针对性地采用不同的教学方法,  相似文献   

机械制图课教学的几点体会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
机械制图课程是职业学校机械类各专业必修的一门专业基础课,在培养学生技术水平和学习各门专业课的过程中起着奠基石的作用.由于职校学生多般成绩中等或中等偏下,他们的理解能力不够强,空间想象力还不够丰富,给教学工作带来一定的难度.针对上述问题,我在教学中精心设计教案、合理选择教学方法、及时总结教学经验,取得了较好的教学效果.下面就机械制图课教学谈几点体会.   ……  相似文献   

通过对高职学院基础课和专业课成绩的调查统计,发现学生基础课不合格现象非常严重,专业课成绩分布相对正常,反映出高职学生学习基础课的能力较差,而学习专业课的能力相对较强。大面积的不及格现象,是学校不稳定的一个潜在因素。在没有找到一种完善的施教与评学的体系之前,用线性插值法来“修善”学生的基础课成绩是一种“权宜之计”。  相似文献   

徐晓楠 《教师》2014,(17):76-76
通过分析课程教学在研究生教育中的作用,对课程体系设计,课程设置、更新,基础课、专业基础课、专业课的开设,选修课设置,教学方法等目前研究生课程教学主要方面存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

以生物科学专业的25位本科生15门课程的成绩为样本,应用DPS数据处理软件进行主成分分析,对专业课成绩的众多影响因素进行筛选,认为高等数学、有机化学、动物学、植物学和生物化学等课程成绩是影响专业课成绩的主要因素,最能代表该专业学生的总体专业素质,同时给出了学生综合排名的方法。  相似文献   

理科类专业基础课的教学是为专业课学习打基础,与专业课相比,其理论性更强,教学内容更广。此类课程具有双重属性,一方面,作为基础课,讲求基础知识的传授,为进一步的专业学习奠定理论基础;另一方面,专业基础课又不同于一般基础课,具有突出的应用性和实践性特征,必须始终贯穿基本专业技能的训练与培养。因而,对于专业基础课的教学计划与工作内容和手段的要求无疑更高,组织教学的难度更大。任课  相似文献   

以园林专业的270位本科毕业生20门课程的成绩为样本,应用SPSS数据处理软件进行主成分分析,对专业课成绩的众多影响因素进行筛选,认为园林植物造景、园林树木学2、花卉学1和园林树木栽培学等课程成绩是影响专业课成绩的主要因素,最能代表该专业学生的总体专业素质,同时给出了学生成绩综合排名的方法。  相似文献   

公共选修课在高校是面向全校各专业学生开设的,供学生自由选修,普遍存在学生知识水平差异大,对课程重视程度不高,开课教师降低教学要求,上课质量无法与专业课质量相比等问题.本文从教学内容、教学方法与教学手段、课程考核方式三方面入手,结合教学实际,思考如何提高Photoshop公共选修课的教学效果,让学生愿意学、喜欢学、主动学.  相似文献   

课程教学改革是中职教育改革的关键任务,职业教育课程与教学的复杂性与多样性决定了中职课程教学改革难度大、任务重。宁波市鄞州职业教育中心学校针对学校存在公共基础课与专业课程脱节现象,提出了构建“中职数学+专业”的课程整合和教学改革模式,通过建立课程组、研发新教材、优化教学模式、搭建资源库等措施,进而提升学生学习信心和教师专业素养,为后续公共基础课与专业课的有效融合奠定扎实基础。  相似文献   

词汇是语言学习的基础,是听力能力提高的关键。本文通过对英语专业学生的词汇与听力测试成绩的相关性进行研究,发现英语专业学生词汇能力与听力能力之间确实存在显著的正相关,本文通过对一例英语专业大二学生的听力成绩分析,对英语专业院校重视词汇在听力教学中的地位予以肯定,同时也对当前听力教学和词汇教学的结合提出几点建议。  相似文献   

Standard-setting studies utilizing procedures such as the Bookmark or Angoff methods are just one component of the complete standard-setting process. Decision makers ultimately must determine what they believe to be the most appropriate standard or cut score to use, employing the input of the standard-setting panelists as one piece of information among multiple sources. However, guidance for weighing the various components is limited. The current article describes considerations about data that are used to make standard-setting decisions, as previously outlined by Geisinger (1991) . The ten points provided by Geisinger have been expanded as they relate to shifts in educational policy and practice in educational measurement. They have been amended with six new components as well. The new considerations addressed are smoothing across grades, raising standards in progression (over grades or over time), opportunity to learn or instructional validity, input from other groups, equating or linking to previous standards, and organizational vision and goals .  相似文献   

运用教育统计方法中的标准分数来分析和解释考试成绩,能确定各种考试分数在总体中的相对位置,可进行不同学科考试分数的比较和分数组合,以达到克服原始分数具有局限性的目的。  相似文献   

针对钢琴初学者在学习中容易养成的不良习惯,从读谱、练习及背谱三方面进行分析,指出形成不良习惯的原因,并提出预防、改正不良习惯的方法。  相似文献   

Many education policies require estimating whether students in different grades are on track for achieving certain educational standards. One approach for constructing these cut scores is to estimate the values on tests that predict reaching targets on subsequent tests. Whether a student is deemed on target can affect the student’s course counselling and aggregate statistics can affect school closures and funding and teacher employment. Seven different regression procedures for estimating cut scores are compared with 15 different data scenarios. In some situations, all the methods provided fairly accurate estimates, but in other situations, some estimates were poor. The choice of which regression procedure to use can make a difference. Overall, a method based on a loess regression performed well.  相似文献   

英语测试成绩对英语教学具有反馈作用。为了使这种反馈更合理科学,就需要对测试成绩进行合理科学地分析。本文通过比较测试成绩原始分及测试成绩标准分分析,阐明了测试成绩标准分更合理科学地反映教学。  相似文献   

Most novel analytic methods for longitudinal data are applicable to studies spanning three time-points of data at a minimum, whereas methods for two-occasion data have garnered comparatively little attention. Here, we address this limitation by introducing the two-wave latent change score (2W-LCS) model, a technique appropriate for preliminary detection of relations among dynamic processes with two-occasion data. The 2W-LCS model is well suited for the investigation of hypotheses in which changes in a construct are posited as predictors of changes in another construct. In an empirical illustration using data of elderly Hispanics from the Health and Retirement Study, we demonstrate how the 2W-LCS model provides the best match to theories rooted in changes, and highlight the advantages of this approach over other modeling alternatives (i.e., Little, Preacher, Selig, & Card, 2007; Selig & Preacher, 2009).  相似文献   

在中国传统音乐中,不同乐谱的记谱形式所具备的功能特征不尽相同,所要达到的目的也各有侧重。“曲线谱”记谱,包括汉族地区流传下来的乐谱以及其它少数民族地区的音乐记谱,这些乐谱以其简洁明了、易学易记、形象生动等特点,反映了一定时期社会的发展和音乐文化的具体需要,体现了乐谱的备忘录功能。  相似文献   

文章提出了“师专植物学目标教育模式”,增加了培养学生实际能力的教学内容,探讨了直观与实践的教学方法,尝试了结构成绩评价法,显著提高了教学效果,使学生的专业理论水平和实际能力明显增强。  相似文献   

The educational literature, the popular press, and educated laypeople have all echoed a conclusion from the book Academically Adrift by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa (which has now become received wisdom), namely, that 45% of college students showed no significant gains in critical thinking skills. Similar results were reported by Pascarella, Blaich, Martin, and Hanson after the publication of Arum and Roksa's book in 2011. However, these authors' statistical tests were conducted incorrectly, and therefore this 45% finding is fundamentally untrue. We demonstrate that a correct statistical analysis would have found that far fewer students show significant gains in critical thinking. However, this does not reflect on student learning; instead, it reflects on how hard it is to find a statistically significant result when assessing student change on a student‐by‐student basis. This article discusses valid methods for testing the significance of gain scores of individual students.  相似文献   

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