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为探索自闭症幼儿的装扮游戏特点 ,了解其游戏水平低下的相关因素 ,选取了6名平均心理年龄为 2 3个月的自闭症幼儿作为研究对象 ,同时将心理年龄与之匹配的弱智儿童和正常儿童各 6名作为对照组进行了实验研究。以秒为单位对实验结果和过程进行编码分析后所获结果 :自闭症幼儿的装扮游戏水平在三组中最低。分析游戏过程推测其可能原因为 :自闭症幼儿缺乏对游戏本身的兴趣、游戏过程中缺乏与他人经验分享、对玩具功能缺乏正确认知能力。  相似文献   

自闭症儿童的心理理论发展及其与言语能力的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
研究用5个信念任务测量心理理论能力,用皮博迪图片词汇测验测量言语能力,比较12名自闭症儿童和同等言语能力的28名正常儿童的表现,并分析了心理理论和言语能力的相关。结果表明:(1)自闭症儿童的心理理论发展显著落后于同等言语智力的正常儿童;(2)自闭症和正常儿童的信念理解发展序列基本一致;(3)心理理论和言语能力保持中度相关,但控制年龄因素后的偏相关不显著。本研究支持心理理论发展的领域特殊性观点。  相似文献   

心理理论是儿童社会认知发展研究的重要手段,在儿童Asperger综合症、精神分裂症和孤独症(自闭症)的临床实践中得到广泛应用。AS儿童的心理随着年龄的增长,其推测能力可能会得到一定的改善;在精神分裂症临床研究上,应该加强对精神分裂症脑结构及其病变的机制的研究对孤独症,心理理论应加强生态学的临床观察与实验室研究结合,注重对语言交流能力和社会功能的早期发展。  相似文献   

本研究采用准实验设计的研究方法,以三名普通幼儿园自闭症儿童为研究对象,使用应用行为分析为原理的教学,以提升三位自闭症儿童心理理论能力,探讨以应用行为分析方式的心理理论教学是否能促进心理理论能力及因个案差异造成的教学及成效差异。研究结果表明三位个案在心理理论测验的后测得分以及通过率均高于前测,一定程度说明了心理理论能力可以通过心理理论的教学来提升。  相似文献   

自闭症认知缺陷的神经机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文对自闭症认知神经机制研究进行了系统回顾。结果表明 ,自闭症的心理推测能力缺陷可能与右侧眶额皮质、左内侧前额皮质及包括杏仁核在内的内侧颞叶等脑区的损伤有关 ;中枢性统合不足可能与小脑病变有关 ;执行功能障碍可能与额叶、基底节异常有关。现有研究结果相当不一致 ,有关上述三种理论及其相互关系的探讨还存在很多争议。  相似文献   

闫艳 《教师博览》2021,(2):24-25
自闭症属于当前社会发生率越来越高的广泛性病症,其中四分之三患者的症状中伴随较为明显的精神发育迟缓现象。在特殊教育过程中,教师应对自闭症学生给予针对性的运动康复及心理干预,为自闭症学生营造互动沟通的学习空间,加强自闭症学生的情感体验,强化他们主动与人沟通的能力,减少自闭症学生重复刻板的行为、语言运动发展迟缓或异常及社交障碍等现象的出现,促进自闭症学生生活质量的提高及身心健康成长。  相似文献   

自闭症儿童存在异常的颜色感知已得到广泛报道,但迄今仍鲜见正式探讨这类群体颜色偏好的研究.本研究采用对偶比较法对4-6.5岁汉语自闭症幼儿的颜色偏好展开研究,结果表明:(1)自闭症幼儿总体上对冷色的偏好优于暖色,其颜色偏好顺序为:绿、蓝、红、紫、橙、黄;(2)自闭症幼儿的颜色偏好顺序与控制组幼儿(年龄和智商相匹配)相同,但颜色偏好程度不同于控制组幼儿;(3)自闭症幼儿的颜色偏好顺序和颜色偏好程度都显著不同于同年龄普通幼儿;(4)性别对自闭症幼儿的颜色偏好没有显著影响.本研究提出,自闭症幼儿所表现出的颜色偏好可能是其大脑功能状态不平衡发展的结果.  相似文献   

同伴关系是儿童社会性发展的重要因素。调查结果显示,随班就读自闭症儿童的同伴关系不容乐观,同伴接纳程度较低,处于被拒绝地位,友谊关系欠佳。建议呵护自闭症儿童的交往意愿,提高普通学校随班就读自闭症儿童的接纳能力,具体做到:培养普通学生正确的自闭症儿童观以及与自闭症儿童的交往能力、培养自闭症儿童的亲社会行为和社会交往能力以及创建融合教育的班集体、营造融合教育的文化。  相似文献   

目的:探讨自闭症儿童房树人图画的特点。方法:采用双盲实验,以现有的房树人测验结果分析为标准对10名正常儿童和自闭症儿童的房树人图画进行分析。结果:年龄相仿的自闭症儿童和正常儿童绘画能力以及心理发展均存在差异。结论:自闭症儿童的房树人图画反映其心理发展落后于正常同龄儿童,表现在人际交往能力、空间观点采择能力、手眼协调能力等方面。  相似文献   

在目前的高职院校群体中,有极少数学生的言行举止类似自闭症症状,导致这种现象的原因是多样的,文章结合实际工作经验和相关材料,对高职院校类似自闭症心理抑郁学生的成因和心理干预提出意见,拟通过对这一特殊群体的研究,找出帮助患病学生走出病症困境的方法。  相似文献   

朱熹在心性论上,以"理"为"性",以"气"为"心","性"和"心"便是形上与形下、体与用的关系.而"理"与"太极"相连,"气"与"阴阳"有关,由此阐述朱熹的心性论和易学有密切关系.  相似文献   

Using four traditional false-belief tasks, I investigated deaf children's age and expressive language skills in relation to their theory of mind development. The children's parents who signed reported on their own knowledge of a mental sign vocabulary. The results indicate age of the child to be strongly related to theory of mind development. Deaf children demonstrated an ability to pass the theory of mind assessment battery between the ages of 7 and 8 years, on average. In comparison, hearing children have consistently demonstrated the ability to perform such tasks between the ages of 4 and 5 years. Therefore, the results indicate deaf children are delayed by approximately 3 years in this cognitive developmental milestone. Expressive language skills of the children and sign language skills of the parents who signed were not found to be significantly related to the children's theory of mind development.  相似文献   

文章主要探讨了小学阶段儿童心理理论发展的特点。采用失言和白谎两种心理理论任务对小学2、4、6年级90名儿童进行测量,考察心理理论水平的年级差异和性别差异。结果发现(1)小学儿童心理理论能力总体上有明显发展,但儿童对失言和白谎的理解在不同阶段呈现出不同的发展特点;(2)小学阶段儿童的心理理论能力存在显著的性别差异,女孩的心理理论成绩显著地好于男孩。男孩和女孩在心理理论发展速度上存在一定差异。  相似文献   

以90名高中生为被试,考察了心理理论能力与同伴接纳的关系.结果表明:随着年龄和年级的升高,高中生的心理理论水平有所提高,但差异不显著;高中生心理理论在性别上存在显著差异;不同同伴接纳类型高中生的心理理论发展水平差异显著;同伴接纳类型不能很好地预测心理理论能力,而心理理论能力总分能显著地预测高中生的社会偏好和社会影响力.  相似文献   

庄子的“虚静 ”论与绘画精品谈的是画家的心境与绘画精品的关系极为密切,画家空旷澄澈的心境是产生绘画精品的前提,画家在内心上只有排除主客观的一切干扰,全身心地倾注于创作客体之中,才有可能产生绘画精品。  相似文献   

This paper maintains that post Lave and Wenger VET has overlooked the relation between vocational curricula and workplace practice. The paper attributes this oversight to Kant's legacy in the ‘situated’ tradition in VET and critics of that tradition. The paper argues that when Vygotsky's concept of mediation is allied to the recent work of Robert Brandom and John McDowell, it is possible to formulate a non‐dualisitic conception of the relation between mind and world that goes beyond the Kantian separation of mind and allows us to grasp the interdependency of theory and practice. The paper concludes by outlining the implications of this philosophical and theoretical claim for vocational curriculum and vocational pedagogy.  相似文献   

Theory of Mind Is Contagious: You Catch It from Your Sibs   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This study investigated the relation between family size and "theory of mind." Results from an experiment with 3- and 4-year-olds showed that children from larger families were better able than children from smaller families to predict a story character's mistaken (false-belief based) action. Results from a second experiment on children with exactly 1 sibling failed to show any superiority of older over younger siblings in promoting earlier understanding of belief. The data are interpreted as suggesting that sibling interaction provides a rich "data base" for building a theory of mind, and this is discussed in relation to other studies showing that particular kinds of interaction between sibling and child, or caregiver and child, have a beneficial effect on the understanding of false belief.  相似文献   

道家代表人物庄子曾提出"心斋"一词,成为道家"虚静论"的核心概念。"虚者,心斋也"。此一"虚"字是理解"心斋"概念之内涵的核心要点。"心斋"之"虚"从工夫论上说具有消解、否定的意味,是对"听之以耳"和"听之以心"的否定,也就是要使人不执于外物,亦不执于心念;从境界论上来看,"虚"又具备某种肯定的内涵,即"虚室生白"所蕴含的生命力和对心之光明本性的能动发现。而这两方面又统一于人心之上,"心斋"的过程也就是在人心受扰后发明本性的过程。  相似文献   

Theory of mind describes the ability to engage in perspective‐taking, understand intentions, and predict actions and emotions. Theory of mind typically achieves major developmental milestones around age of 5, coinciding with the transition to kindergarten, and is associated with a verbal ability (receptive and expressive vocabulary), executive function (inhibitory control and working memory), and emotion knowledge. Less is known about how the theory of mind operates in low‐income samples, where foundational skills (i.e., verbal ability, executive function, and emotion knowledge) tend to be delayed. Applied to classrooms, the theory of mind may support the transition to kindergarten by facilitating relationships, learning‐related behaviors, and socioemotional skills that require perspective‐taking. In a low‐income sample of 140 kindergarteners across 21 classrooms, the theory of mind was directly associated with teacher‐ratings of social and emotional skills, behavioral and academic adjustment, and closeness within the teacher–child relationship, beyond the contribution of foundational skills. Moreover, verbal ability, executive function, and emotion knowledge were indirectly associated with outcomes through the theory of mind. Findings suggest the theory of mind facilitates the transition to kindergarten and is built upon a complex set of foundational skills.  相似文献   

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