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In this paper I introduce the contributions to a special section of the journal: one devoted to the question of how engineering curricula can or should contribute to the preparation of graduates for socially responsible decision making and conduct. The special section is motivated by the circumstance that, although there is broad agreement that engineering education has a role in preparing its graduates for social responsibility, there is a considerable lack of clarity as to how graduates should be prepared for social responsibility, and what this entails for the engineering curricula. Bucciarelli and Conlon both provide reasons why, in order to prepare graduates adequately for social responsibility, considerations of the organisational, social, legal and political context in which engineers operate need to be included in the teaching. Conlon, in addition, explores the possible contributions that the field of sociology can make to this teaching. Heikkerö focuses on the attitudes that are required for socially responsible professional practice and that should be taught in engineering education. Didier and Huet present the results of a survey on how the issue of corporate social responsibility is being discussed and taught in engineering education in France. Both Börsen and Zandvoort et al. report on courses that they teach, and which are aimed at preparing students for ethical and social responsibility.  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that volitional aspects, i.e. ethos, attitude, pathos, will, underlying emotion, in engineering action need to be addressed when teaching social responsibility within the engineering curriculum. After presenting reasons for this claim, I look at two different, but not mutually exclusive, approaches to address volitional aspects. First, the recent revival of virtue ethics can be applied in engineering ethics. A moderate version of virtue ethics can explicitly elaborate on the engineering virtues. The second way makes use of various processes, e.g. research, design, learning, negotiation, decision-making, and reconciliation as processes, as a forum for teaching. This approach can be used to indirectly reveal the functionality and dysfunctionality of different attitudes to the students. Practical didactic suggestions are presented.  相似文献   

中关理工大学研究生教育课程设置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪国家间的竞争是科技和人才的竞争,担负着发展高新科技、培养高级专门人才的研究生教育,特别是理工大学研究生教育,必须不断地通过改革创新来适应社会发展的需要。其中课程设置作为研究生培养中的关键,更值得研究。比较研究我国与美国理工科研究生课程设置存在的问题与成功的经验。可以为改进我国理工科大学研究生课程体系提供些许建议和对策。  相似文献   

社会科课程中的公民教育新取向及其教学策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民资质传递的观点蕴涵着对"公民"概念的基本理解。分别强调社会科学的学习、决策能力的培养和批判思考的养成等三种公民教育取向,在社会科课程中占据了越来越重要的位置。在全球化的背景下,公民资格已经演绎成为一个多维度的概念,公民资格逐步从民族国家拓展到全球社会,从单一的宪政意义上的法律概念演变成为一个以法律、政治为核心的多维度概念;公民权责作为公民资格的核心逐步从单一强调公民责任发展成为强调公民权责的平衡。  相似文献   

社会工程是人们积极干预社会变迁。自觉引导社会生活沿一定方向变迁的创造性社会活动,它具有明确的目的性和指向性。改革开放以来的社会主义现代化建设事业。是一项自觉的社会变迁过程,它是中国共产党领导、谋划、设计、推动。广大人民群众积极参与的复杂社会工程实践。从社会工程思维、社会工程设计、社会工程建设等三个方面。就改革开放三十年来在这些方面所取得的成就与进步做了系统回顾与总结。  相似文献   

社会工程作为人们改造社会世界的典型实践活动、人类把握现代世界的基本方式之一,包括社会工程事实、社会工程现象、社会工程理论(学)和社会工程哲学等四个层次。社会工程理论(学)研究只有实现从抽象到具体,并上升为社会工程哲学,才能更深刻地把握社会工程的本质、特征和规律,进而发挥其在中国现代化建设,特别是全面深化改革中的方法论功能。  相似文献   

创新发展是新时期土木工程高等教育的强大动力。从人才培养模式的完善与创新、课程体系改革等提出相关的举措,探索以社会发展为导向的土木工程专业创新型人才培养模式,以期对地方工科院校的人才培养提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

How do engineering students develop a professional identity during the course of the curriculum? What are the development mechanisms and important conditions? In an exploratory study among teachers the authors tried to find out whether the development of engineering identity can be understood by using the theoretical models of Ibarra and Sullivan. The results showed that the development of engineering identity is boosted during the internship in industry in the third year. Furthermore, the theoretical models could be recognised in the findings and four interaction types in internships, with significant differences in effect on identity development, could be identified if two dimensions were used: (1) industry supervisors’ perception of students; (2) the professional responsibility awarded. Some recommendations for curriculum improvement could be made; for example, introducing projects into the curriculum to stimulate identity development from the start. Further research is required on students’ preparation for internships.  相似文献   

试论中学社会实践课程的德育功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会实践课程对中学生的品德修养和健康成长具有重要意义。它不仅可以使中学生全面了解社会、认识国情、认识自我,而且能够使他们磨砺意志、增长才干、增强社会责任感,促进他们的快速成长成才。正因为如此,中学社会实践课程应进一步规范化和科学化,使其发挥更大的功效。  相似文献   

This research was conducted with the aim of clarifying a concept of “global social responsibility.” A total sample of 395 senior high school students in Japan responded to a pool of items mostly adapted from a scale developed by Starrett (1996) and provided additional data concerning their social experiences. The data were used in the development of a Japanese version of the Global Social Responsibility (GSR) scale. It was found that “global altruism,” “active involvement with society,” and “understanding of interdependence” constituted a construct of global social responsibility. It was also found that females, those who discussed social problems with their family, those who revealed a high awareness of responsibility and those who had multiple experiences of volunteer activities for community service showed high GSR scores. The scale provides both an awareness of the concept and a measure for determining levels of global social responsibility. Counseling professionals are encouraged to consider their roles from a global and social perspective, with the notion of responsibility being seen as central to the concepts of freedom and personal development.  相似文献   


Engineering education has traditionally focused on the development of technical skills and knowledge. Nowadays, the need for educating engineers in non-technical skills, such as reflective thinking, is being recognised internationally. This paper proposes that socio-cultural impacts of technology be studied together with the technology itself through the integration of social awareness modules into advanced technical courses, providing a venue for students to exercise their reflective thinking skills in the context of technologies that are of interest to them. The paper presents an exploratory study of the essays of senior year engineering students on the socio-cultural impacts of computer vision technologies. It provides insights on the themes that are of interest to the students and on the students’ strengths and weaknesses relating to their reflective thinking abilities. Similar modules would apply well to other advanced courses in the engineering curriculum, to help contextualise technology and enhance the reflective abilities of engineering graduates.  相似文献   

个人所体验到的幸福感是多因素交互作用的结果,涉及面很广,与许多方面有密切联系:神经生物学方面的遗传和健康,个人的内部建构能力和人格,社会环境和干预手段,即生理、心理和社会三方面都对幸福感产生影响。我们从逐步趋向于三者统合的观点来理解幸福感,对幸福感进行分析,关注内外因素如何通过相互作用来影响幸福感,即环境与心理的交互作用,以期望从三者统合的角度对幸福感有一新的认识。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present and discuss the results of a survey of how corporate social responsibility (CSR) is being discussed and taught in engineering education in France. We shall first describe how those questions have been recently tackled in various programmes of higher education in France. We shall also analyse what faculty members have to say about their motivation or reluctance to enhance these new topics in their teaching. While this survey covered various fields of higher education, in this present, we mostly discuss the issues surrounding CSR teaching in engineering education.  相似文献   

城市规划专业大学生的培养不仅仅要遵守普遍的职业道德,更要以公共利益为依归,遵守更高的道德标准。城市规划专业大学生社会责任感养成教育可以从公共利益、教育初衷、职业道德、生态文明等多个维度加以考察。通过社会责任感养成教育,有利于引导城市规划专业大学生服务社会公众、增进社会福祉、实现人生价值。  相似文献   

针对我国工程教育普遍存在的创新实践能力薄弱不适应经济和社会发展的现状,德州学院通过企校协同育人,创新211工程人才培养模式,构建“全过程、三层次、六模块”的实践育人教学体系,以能力为主线,理论和实践并重,实施课程体系模块化、师资队伍多元化、项目教学系列化、学习评价多样化、科技活动普及化,人才培养过程中注重学生社会责任、专业核心能力、工程实践能力、创业创新能力及大学生个性培养,有效地提高了工程技术人才培养质量.  相似文献   

部分承担社会责任的企业存在决策困境的状况,原因是决策中的各种不确定因素。从理论概念看,企业的社会责任并未形成广泛认可的通行的定义;从现实情况看,企业社会责任决策过程中的不确定因素可以从以下四个方面进行分析:关于企业社会责任存在认识误区,企业面临的决策环境是不确定的,决策者素质存在差异,方案形成困难导致不确定性增加。如果处理不当,这些因素中的多个甚至一个也能导致承担社会责任的企业陷入决策困境。决策者应尽力减轻这些不确定性所带来的负面作用,以便做出有责任的判断和选择。  相似文献   

开放大学是面对所有社会成员的大学,它所承担的社会责任可分为社会使命责任和社会分工责任。其中,社会使命责任又可分为社会义务责任和社会能力责任;社会分工责任又可分为社会角色责任和社会原因责任。社会使命决定社会职责,社会分工规定社会任务。社会教育责任和社会教育权力相互匹配原则决定了开放大学只有承担与其历史使命相匹配的社会教育责任,才能赢得众望所归的社会教育公权力,才能无愧于成千上万的远程学习者对它的期待和厚望。  相似文献   

作者针对社会工程研究中存在的一些问题,如社会工程研究与深化改革、推动社会发展的关系,从思维方式上如何区分社会革命、社会运动和社会工程,社会建设与社会工程的区别,社会工程研究的主要特点及核心环节,社会工程的模式设计及其方法论,社会工程研究与社会科学研究的区别及社会工程与社会系统工程的区别等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

新工科时代工科专业需融合人文社科知识,学生工程素质的培养已成为工科院校人才培养的重要方面。通过对现代工程教育背景下学生工程素质内涵的分析,将新形势下学生的工程素质分为专业知识、思想道德品质和基本能力三个方面。针对工科优势高校中学生工程素质培养的现实问题,基于结果教育理论视角,从创新工程实践、课程体系构建和教学设计环节全面提升学生工程素质。  相似文献   

工程教育范式演变与工程师责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程教育自近代以来经历了两种发展范式,即科学范式和工程范式。不同的教育范式对培养和造就工程师的责任要求是不同的。科学范式经历了技术阶段和科学阶段两个发展阶段,与此相适应,工程师的主要责任在技术阶段是对机构权威忠诚,在科学阶段是技术统治论;工程范式要求工程师的责任是承担社会责任,这种社会责任不仅要对当下自己的行为负责,而且要对未来负责,不仅对可预见的后果负责,还要对不可预测的后果负责。  相似文献   

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