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调查分析iSehool院校的毕业生就业率、就业领域、影响求职的因素、求职时长、对职业的满意程度等情况,认为它带给LIS教育的思考是:LIS教育要面向更宽广的信息职业,要以提升职业竞争力为导向改革LIS教育的教学方式,要在融入信息科学的同时保持学科原有的特色。  相似文献   

本文基于欧洲LIS教育的调查数据,概述了欧洲LIS教育机构的组织性质,欧洲LIS教育合作框架.从国际化、学位体系、主题领域和核心课程三方面详尽地讨论了欧洲LIS教育的实施.指出欧洲LIS教育的合作机制及其相关实施方法对中国目前的LIS教育也具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

简要地回顾我国(大陆)的图书馆学和情报学教育的发展道路,指出目前LIS面临着知识生产方式转变、学术交流方式变革、社会经济制度再设计、数字不平等、社会对LIS专业认知度不高等诸多挑战,提出要进一步明确LIS教育的定位和发展方向,加强批判性思维能力和信息设计能力培养等对策建议。  相似文献   

文章分析了引起LIS教育变革的原因,追溯了LIS教育变革的一些事件和业界对LIS教育所进行的一些有影响的研究和分析结论,根据搜集到的北美56所LIS院系、国内具有图书馆学情报学博士学位授予权的9个机构LIS教育的数据和信息,得出了目前LIS教育现状的几点认识,并据此提出了目前LIS教育所面临的问题.  相似文献   

对我国LIS专业毕业生就业情况的调查表明,毕业生就业领域广泛分布于各类信息行业,大多从事与"信息"有关的工作。大多数毕业生认为LIS教育应该面向更宽广的信息职业,但目前学校的课程设置还不能让毕业生在工作中很好地发挥信息方面的优势,培养方式不利于提高学生的实践能力。据此,文章从学科整合、培养目标、课程体系设计和实践能力培养等方面提出了LIS教育改革的建议。  相似文献   

傅西平  傅敏 《图书馆学刊》2010,32(11):103-105
为预测图书情报学(LIS)博士教育的未来,对美国LIS博士学位的历史和现状作了阐述。数据来自MPACT数据库,它提供了1930~2007年38所ALA认可的LIS院校存档的3014篇LIS论文、学位课程起伏、地理位置分布和LIS未来的变化,从近10年美国图情教育协会(ALISE)院校总体数量上升趋势看,美国LIS博士学位教育是充满生机和活力的。  相似文献   

总论AELISC1335-20-08(5)变革时期的图书馆学情报学教育/周晓英等(中国人民大学信息资源管理学院)//情报资料工作,2008(2):5-11.分析了引起LIS教育变革的原因,追溯了LIS教育变革的一些事件和业界对LIS教育所进行的一些有影响的研究和分析结论,根据搜集到的北美56所LIS院系、国内具有图书馆学情报学博士学位授予权的9个机构LIS教育的数据和  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 归纳、总结当前高水平LIS教育的发展状况,为推动LIS教育的改革和创新提供借鉴和参考。[方法/过程] 通过网络调查法获取36所iCaucus院校关于LIS教育的相关信息,采用定性与定量相结合的研究方法深入分析这些院校在LIS教育方面的主要特点,并挖掘当前环境下LIS教育的发展动向,具体分析维度包括教育项目、课程设置和师资队伍。[结果/结论] iCaucus院校开设多领域、多层次、多途径的学位教育和非学位教育,注重从LIS基础知识、核心能力及实践应用等方面进行模块化和个性化的人才培养;且其课程体系全面,主题分类明晰;师资结构合理,学科背景多元,内部流动频繁。  相似文献   

围绕LIS教育所处的环境、面临的挑战及应对思路,对2005年以来国际图情教育改革的研究成果进行总结,发现近几年来该领域的研究主题主要集中在以下几个方面:iSchool及其评价、LIS教育模式及其变革、LIS课程体系建设、LIS教学方法的研究及各国LIS教育进展和国际合作的研究。研究者多由LIS领域的教学科研人员组成;观察、问卷调查和网络调查、访谈等实证方法广为应用;新的理论和研究工具被引入该领域的研究,开辟了新的研究思路。2005至2010年间,LIS教育领域的研究成果数量众多,国内外研究人员在很多问题的基本观点上表现出一定的共性。  相似文献   

对美国图书馆与资讯学(LIS)教育计划类型进行调研,以列表的形式列出提供LIS硕士学位、LIS哲学博士学位、LIS学士学位、其他硕士学位等11种教育计划类型的大学,并进行分析;对LIS院系的地区分布(包括东北部、东南部、中西部、西部4个地区)进行统计和分析;分析各LIS院系的综合和专业排名情况;最后在上述调研和分析的基础上,提出4点意见。  相似文献   

图书馆学专业毕业生就业核心竞争力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从就业竞争力与就业核心竞争力的概念分析入手,提出一套针对图书馆学专业毕业生的就业核心竞争力策略,主张学科内通过生态位错位构建、全程职业生涯构建,学科外通过综合信息素质培养等举措来提升竞争力;针对教学实践,借鉴国外的优秀经验,倡导在宏观上从“大学科”视角研讨图书馆学教育问题;在微观上从职业应用角度来设置课程体系,以此作为图书馆学专业毕业生就业核心竞争力的提升保障。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the preliminary research findings of the sub-study group of a larger undertaking, the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) priority project Re-conceptualising and Re-positioning Australian Library and Information Science Education for the Twenty-first Century. It examines student experiences of library and information science (LIS) education across both the tertiary and vocational education sectors in Australia. The student sub-study group’s task was to provide the student/recent graduate perspective on LIS education in Australia. The research considered four major themes to find out how students and recent graduates felt about LIS education in Australia. The themes were: learning opportunities; learner attributes; learning experiences; and learner outcomes. In the second half of 2010, self-administered anonymous web questionnaires and focus groups were used to explore issues such as student demographics, socio-economic backgrounds, past experiences, expectations and rationale behind course choices. In addition the destinations of graduates were explored. Key findings suggest there are various pathways that students take to achieve a LIS qualification in Australia; students are generally optimistic about the future of the LIS profession, and consider that technology will continue to play a key role in future career options; they stress the importance of practical workplace experiences as part of course structure; their satisfaction levels with current courses are high and students feel confident they have been provided with the skills required to begin their professional life.  相似文献   

This paper explores information ethics (IE) education within LIS (Library and Information Studies/Science) schools in Africa to investigate the following: (i) the extent to which IE is necessary; (ii) who should offer IE and why; (iii) who should be taught IE (and at what level); (iv) how long IE education should take; and (v) what should be included in an IE course. This was accomplished through a literature review and a case study conducted via email with purposely selected LIS experts from around Africa. Overwhelmingly, the LIS experts agreed that information ethics should be offered by LIS departments in courses that account for the multidisciplinary nature of the subject and that it should be made available to all students at all levels. The content should be objective and outcomes-based or outcomes-driven. The challenges and opportunities enumerated in this study could potentially be used to set the agenda for further research and professional engagement.  相似文献   

英美图书情报专业教育与毕业生职业选择的关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从英关图书情报类专业毕业生就业状况的分析入手,发现在以传统图书情报机构为主导的前提下,毕业生的职业选择出现了向信息职业其他领域渗透的多元化趋势,同时,探讨了图书情报专业教育与毕业生职业选择的内在对应关系,并从专业定位、课程体系建设、实践实习以及就业服务等不同视角进行了原因分析。  相似文献   

This paper explores information ethics (IE) education within LIS (Library and Information Studies/Science) schools in Africa to investigate the following: (i) the extent to which IE is necessary; (ii) who should offer IE and why; (iii) who should be taught IE (and at what level); (iv) how long IE education should take; and (v) what should be included in an IE course. This was accomplished through a literature review and a case study conducted via email with purposely selected LIS experts from around Africa. Overwhelmingly, the LIS experts agreed that information ethics should be offered by LIS departments in courses that account for the multidisciplinary nature of the subject and that it should be made available to all students at all levels. The content should be objective and outcomes-based or outcomes-driven. The challenges and opportunities enumerated in this study could potentially be used to set the agenda for further research and professional engagement.  相似文献   

A recent American Library Association (ALA) report has shown that less than 1% of credentialed librarians are African American males. This article discusses possible reasons for this dearth; and, in an effort to inform future LIS recruiting and marketing campaigns, the included study attempted to discover which factors lead African American males to choose to pursue a graduate degree in library and information science (LIS) and practice LIS as a career. The study also canvassed African American male librarians’ views on gender advantage in LIS, their career goals, perceived triumphs and challenges in LIS, and level of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Research methods are applied in all kinds of studies, though no consensus exists regarding what constitutes a research method and how research methods should be categorized. Over 1900 research articles were obtained from three major journals published between 2001 and 2010 in library and information science (LIS). Each selected article was coded using a schema of research methods developed in this study. The coded data, along with related publications, were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. This exploration shows that research methods comprise data collection techniques (e.g., interview, observation) and data analysis techniques (e.g., qualitative, quantitative). Research methods should perhaps be categorized by data collection technique, as it makes more sense than if research methods are labeled as qualitative or quantitative. This study is one of the many efforts to facilitate a better understanding of research methods in LIS and help scholars make more informed decisions about research method selection in their endeavors. Its implications can be extended to LIS research education, training, and advocacy. Because research methods themselves are not discipline-specific, researchers beyond the LIS field would benefit from this study as well.  相似文献   

Connecting academic libraries to the higher education environment is crucial for demonstrating the impact of libraries on student success. The purpose of this study is to examine the information transfer between the disciplines of library and information science (LIS) and higher education in order to evaluate the influence of ideas between the two disciplines. Information transfer was analyzed in 39 articles focused on the library's contributions to student success by examining the cited references, the author and collaborator affiliations, and the forward citations. The findings from the cited reference analysis suggest that LIS is borrowing concepts and methods through citations from the discipline of education. Authorship affiliations showed that some non-LIS authors are publishing in the field of LIS and that LIS authors are collaborating with non-LIS authors. Finally, based on the forward citations, other disciplines are rarely citing LIS research about student success. This article's findings highlight the need to consider research and collaborators outside of the LIS field when researching the library's contribution to student success.  相似文献   

黄洪  汤江 《图书情报工作》2012,56(18):29-33,92
研究和介绍生物情报学这门新兴学科的定义及其重大的学科意义以及与生物信息学的区别,总结北美图书情报学院设置的相关生物情报学近年来的发展概况, 重点分析北美生物情报学科建设,比较分析课程设置、职业发展以及人才培养及定位,并提出生物情报学学科建设的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

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