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协同教育是实现流浪儿童保护——矫治——回归救助目标的重要手段。流浪儿童的形成恰恰是家庭、学校与社区三大教育子系统相继剥离的过程,需要从模式、内容、力量、手段等方面入手对流浪儿童协同教育系统进行重构,并以政府主导社会力量共同参与机制的建立为实现途径。  相似文献   

违法少年的分类心理矫治方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
违法少年是指实施了我国法律所禁止的危害社会行为,年龄在14—18岁的少年人。他们所实施的危害社会行为主要为偷窃、抢劫、打架斗殴、侮辱女性等。我国各地的少年管教所、少年教养所、工读学校、流浪儿童的管理机构和某些中小学承担了教育矫治违法少年的任务。与成年违法犯罪者不同,违法少年一般犯罪意识不深,思想观念又有较大可塑性,只要教育帮教措施得当,  相似文献   

违法少年是指实施了我国法律所禁止的危害社会行为,年龄在14-18岁的少年人。他们所实施的危害社会行为主要为偷窃、抢劫、打架斗殴、侮辱女性等。我国各地的少年管教所、少年教养所、工读学校、流浪儿童的管理机构和某些中小学承担了教育矫治违法少年的任务。与成年违法犯罪者不同,违法少年一般犯罪意识不深,思想观念又有较大可塑性,只要教育帮教措施得当,  相似文献   

流浪儿童问题关系重大,目前我国仍有数百万的儿童处在流浪境地,他们的权益得不到保障而且会影响到整个社会的和谐发展。本文通过对流浪儿童福利和救助政策现状的探究,力图找到当前流浪儿童福利政策中存在的问题,探求有效的解决流浪儿童问题的途径。  相似文献   

未成年人是一个国家和民族的希望,他们的健康成长关系到一个国家的命运和前途,所以有关他们的任何问题都值得引起全社会的重视。流浪未成年人问题是一个国际性问题,据预测,我国流浪儿童的数量有呈现快速上升的趋势。我国的流浪未成年人救助保护中存在很多问题,严重影响了对流浪未成年人的救助保护。流浪儿童的预防和救助保护是一个系统工程,需要政府、学校、社区、家庭及民间组织的协同共进。应该完善未成年人救助保护制度。  相似文献   

目前,我国农村留守儿童已经达到了2000多万.他们能不能顺利地进行社会化,健康地成长,不仅关系到其自身发展,而且对于社会是否能良性运行,是否能早日完成现代化都有着重要影响.基于存在的问题,应该构建一个能促使农村留守儿童社会化正常进行的社会网络支持体系.这需要家庭、学校、社区以及社会的共同支持,使得农村留守儿童能顺利完成早期社会化的过程.  相似文献   

流浪儿童属于特殊儿童种类的一种,他们的出现已经引起了各级政府的关注,政府陆续出台了一系列法律和政策维护流浪儿童的合法权益。然而流浪儿童正当权益的维护随着社会的发展仍面临着更多的问题。本文从维护流浪儿童正当权益的角度,分析了流浪在城市中的那些无家可归的未成年人的特点,并通过对他们权益现状满足现状的阐述,发现在权益维护中存在的问题,进一步提出了对应的解决措施,便于更好的维护流浪未成年人的合法权益。  相似文献   

留守儿童初级社会化中家庭功能弱化问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农村“留守儿童”由于父母双方或一方外出务工,他们的初级社会化过程中出现了家庭的教育、情感和保护功能弱化问题。为使“留守儿童”更好地实现初级社会化,家长应强化家庭教育意识,学校应充分发挥教育优势,社会要给予更多的关爱。  相似文献   

留守儿童是我国社会发展转型时期所出现的一个新的社会群体,在他们的家庭中父母双方或一方是缺失的。在留守中,这些儿童会出现各种心理和行为问题,从某种程度上,给社会造成一些消极影响,所以他们的发展问题已引起世人的广泛关注。从现有的研究资料看,人们大多是将目光放在留守学龄儿童的教育问题,本文主要是从学前儿童的社会化这一视角看家庭教育弱化对农村留守学前儿童初级社会化的影响。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童社会化缺失研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“留守儿童“是我国社会转型时期的一个特殊群体。他们的父母双方或一方外出打工,使他们的生活、学习受到严重影响,造成了他们社会化的缺失,使他们的正常社会化受到阻碍。本文从社会化的三个重要环境——家庭、学校、社会,来分析农村留守儿童社会化缺失的现象,并对如何补救留守儿童社会化缺失,提出一些对策建议。  相似文献   

宽严相济不仅是指导刑事司法的政策,也应当是指导整个犯罪预防与治理工作的政策。处理未成年人犯罪要讲究"宽",主要是指惩罚的量应当相对轻;处理未成年人犯罪要追求"严",应当是指对未成年人犯罪要采取严密防范的策略,而非严厉打击。为此,警察应当提前介入学校欺凌现象、家庭暴力现象、不良少年群体,同时改革收容教养制度,大力发展工读学校教育,并将收容教育制度重塑为工读学校的强制入学教育制度。在处理过程中,要注重恢复性司法的运用。  相似文献   

Several authors have suggested that there is a strong association between specific learning disabilities and aggression, antisocial behavior, and juvenile delinquency. Claims that learning disabilities cause aggressive behavior and delinquency are increasingly common in the popular press, and a variety of theories concerning this purported causal relationship have been proposed. This research is flawed by a lack of specificity in the definition of learning disabilities, with studies often examining heterogeneous groups of children with learning problems. The present review examines the relationship between specific reading disabilities (the most frequently diagnosed learning disability) and aggressive behavior. The data suggest that there is not enough evidence to conclude that reading disability causes aggressive or delinquent behavior, although limited evidence does suggest that reading disability may worsen preexisting aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

This article presents factors that place girls at risk of delinquency and offending as well as the patterns in juvenile delinquency trends for females in Singapore. The authors also describe Singapore's overall structure of services for young offenders and the current status of alternative education programmes for young women engaged in delinquent behaviours and at‐risk teenage girls. The unique features of a Singapore girls' home are then highlighted. Finally, implications for juvenile educational programming are considered.  相似文献   

新疆青少年犯罪的特点与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毒品犯罪、危害国家安全罪凸显,宗教极端犯罪案件增加,女性犯罪、流浪儿童犯罪突出。因此,应在综合治理方针指导下,采取夯实经济基础、重视学校预防教育、强化家庭教育及净化社会不良文化等措施,预防和控制新疆青少年犯罪。  相似文献   

The article re-examined Lane's (1980) conclusion that there is no clear learning disabilities/juvenile delinquency relationship, in light of the research published primarily since 1980. Reviewing prevalence data and hypotheses related to a learning disabilities/juvenile delinquency connection, the paper surveyed recent studies exploring similarities in characteristics between LD and JD youth, delinquent behaviors in both groups, and research related to remediation of learning disabilities and incidence of delinquent behavior.  相似文献   

家庭暴力和青少年犯罪作为共存于家庭和社会的两大问题,二者之间存在着密切的联系。家庭暴力是导致青少年犯罪的一个重要原因。就家庭暴力对青少年犯罪的影响进行深入的分析,并提出了一些防控措施来预防和减少青少年犯罪。  相似文献   

The juvenile justice system established in Scotland in 1971, in which lay volunteers play a central part, provides a framework for making decisions about children in need of care and protection as well as those who have committed delinquent acts. Although cases of child abuse and neglect have come increasingly to the attention of children's hearings in recent years, they nevertheless constitute a small fraction of a workload dominated by cases of delinquency and truancy. A recent Scotland-wide study of the hearings system therefore gave only limited attention to the processing of abuse and neglect referrals. As a step towards rectifying this imbalance, a separate enquiry was carried out in 1981, when 43 such hearings were systematically observed and the participating panel members interviewed. Examination of these results indicates a heavy dependence on social workers' recommendations, a reluctance to open up sensitive areas for discussion, even though these may be of central importance, and an apparent lack of curiosity about the arrangements made for children removed from their homes, and the implications of these. In general, it is concluded that the anxiety generated by child abuse and neglect has prevented panel members from recognizing the distinctive features of their role in the decision-making process and has led them to fall back on an inappropriate model of practice derived from delinquency hearings. An alternative model is outlined.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data from a 7-year prospective study was examined to investigate whether the presence of learning disabilities (LD) increases a youth's risk of becoming a juvenile delinquent. The sample included 515 students enrolled in the fifth grade in the fall of 1985, 51 (9.9%) of whom were youth with LD. Self-report data on delinquent activity were collected in the spring of 1993. Official court records were obtained for the years 1985 through 1992. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were performed using a block of three demographic variables (gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status) as predictors in the first step and including LD status in a second step. Seven separate analyses were performed, using different measures of delinquency as criterion variables. In no case did LD status account for a significant portion of unique variance in the delinquency variables when the demographic variables were controlled for. The results of this study did not confirm the presence of a direct relationship between LD and delinquency and suggest that the finding of a direct relationship in other studies may have been due to confounding of the LD status with age, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

攻击行为是儿童发展过程中表现出来的一种社会行为。分析儿童攻击行为的发展模式、特点及影响因素,从根本上防止和矫正儿童的攻击行为,有利于促进儿童社会性的健康发展。  相似文献   

近年来少年犯罪不断低龄化,理论和实践上提出了降低刑事责任年龄和完善非刑处遇措施两种应对方案。但降低刑事责任年龄有违未成年司法改革的轻缓化政策指向,非刑处遇体系的立法构建远水难解近渴,现实而紧迫的应对措施应当是实现非刑处遇的司法化。  相似文献   

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