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教育学学科性质定位直接关系到教育学理论建设和教育科学理论体系的构建,因此它一直是教育理论界研究、关注和争论的焦点。笔者从历史、逻辑、教育科学理论整体结构和教育实践需要等角度对“教育学”进行阐述,初步揭示出“教育学”的规范、实践之价值本性  相似文献   

构建中国特色的教育学自主知识体系,是当前教育理论界和实践界共同关心的课题。将此课题推向深入,需要厘清教育学与其他学科、中国教育学与外国教育学、教育理论与教育实践三方面关系,在源头上进行前提性省察和反思,即正确理解教育的科学化,合理看待中国教育学,科学对待教育理论与实践。  相似文献   

教育学学科问题的可能性解释   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育学是研究和实践如何培养人的学科,教育学想要履行教育学科本身的理论和实践使命,就必然跨越学科之间的疆界,同时需要建立教育学的立场。教育学自身理论领域的界限来自于其所要研究和培养的对象,集中体现了个人与公共之间的关系。教育学要把不同的学习个体的发展作为首要研究任务。教育学研究建立在每个个体发展的基础之上,存在于对社会与文化情境的理解之中;理论概念与经验研究相结合是教育学研究范式的内在机制;教育作为实践精神是理想和现实的统一体。由此,教育学成为一种把握世界的特殊方式。  相似文献   

教育政策失真的假象与真相   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在教育学的发展历程中,我们曾对“理论与实践的整合”问题用心良苦,因为太多事实表明,理论界煞费苦心研究出的教育理论脱离真正的教育教学实践,二者缺乏必要的“联结”纵然,与教育实践完全脱离的教育理论和与教育理论完全脱离的教育实践,并不一定实际存在,但是二者经久不息的持续“战  相似文献   

教育学研究存在着本体神话与科学神话,教育学者因而苦恼于教育学科性质的界定以及教育实践中隐藏的教育规律的探寻。随着对追寻确定性信念的质疑,教育学研究的固有价值取向日益凸显出与实践的疏离。教育学作为一门“实践之学”.其真正价值在于解释实践而非指导实践。解释力是评价教育学研究的基本价值尺度,而多样性的解释也隐含了不同的价值立场.需要包括教师、教育行政人员、教育学者在内的实践者根据实践逻辑作出相应的价值选择。  相似文献   

教育学的性质和研究取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析教育科学理论与实践理论之间的逻辑鸿沟,尝试回答国际教育理论界不断讨论的建构教育科学理论的可能性和如何使教育实践理论有效地指导实践并有一定科学依据的问题。通过对教育学性质的考察,旨在澄清我国教育学界有关教育学的模糊观念。  相似文献   

论赫尔巴特教育学的方法论特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赫尔巴特的教育学是建立在他的心理学基础之上的,他一生的主要工作就是致力于“统觉”这一概念在教育上的运用。他试图在“目的——过程——方法”这一思维模式下构建起具有三维结构性质的教育学理论;他的教育学是一种以“目的”为逻辑起点的教育学,由“基础理论”、“教学论”、“训育论”和“学校管理论”四部分构成。赫尔巴特建构了一个被后人竞相模仿和因袭的完整的理论教育学体系,为教育学找到了科学基础,试图将教育学研究置于较严格的科学条件和实践基础上。在方法论意义上,我国教育理论界从赫尔巴特的教育学中可以获得两方面的启示:研究教育必须整合多种研究方法,借鉴其他学科的优势来解决教育中的问题;教育研究者的自身素质是决定其个人在教育研究这条道路上走多远的基本条件。  相似文献   

按照教育研究者与教育实践者的关系,教育学可以划分为"一体式"教育学"平等式"教育学与"人-物式"教育学三种类型。在"一体式"教育学中,教育研究者与教育实践者的角色是统一的,教育理论主要来源于个体的实践经验;在"平等式"教育学中,教育研究者与教育实践者是平等的,教育理论主要来源于两者在平等关系下的互动;而"人-物式"教育学主要是教育研究者的舞台,教育实践者外在于理论的生成。  相似文献   

程亮 《今日教育》2006,(11S):44-45
郑金洲,华东师范大学教育学系教授。先后就读干河北师范大学和华东师范大学,师从瞿葆奎先生研修教育学。多年来,一直倾心干教育学原理和领导教育学的研究,并取得了诸多颇有学术影响和实践价值的研究成果,主要著有《教育文化学》《教育通论》《中国教育学百年》《教育碎思》《教师如何做研究》等,编有《中小学教育科研指导丛书》《新课程课堂教学探索系列》《中国教育研究新进展》等。他谦谦为人、孜孜治学的风尚,深得教育理论界和实践界同仁的尊重和欢迎。兹述其为学心得,与同道分享。  相似文献   

民间教育学是指流传于民间,人们在长期的教育活动中所创造、传承和享用的教育思想和教育行为,是存在于民间的教育文化,对人类的教育起着实际的指导作用。重视民间教育学研究,对于传承民间教育文化、丰富教育学知识、沟通教育理论与教育实践、促进教育发展都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

无论从学科之间交叉融合的趋势来看,还是从教育领域的公共性特征来看,教育领域都无法拒绝不同学科对其进行探讨、研究,由此,对教育现象进行研究形成了两种不同的意向:其他学科研究者为解决教育领域中的相关问题而对教育现象进行研究、探讨的“教育的立场”;教育学专业研究者力图通过研究,提高教育学理论水平,建立、完善教育学的学科体系,并运用教育学理论,指导教育实践的“教育学的学科立场”。对教育领域中的教育现象进行研究,这两种立场可以并行不悖,并有可能相互促进各自的研究、探讨。  相似文献   

论中国教育学学派创生的意义及其基本路径   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
中国教育学学派概念的提出,显现了民族性和本土化意识,因此拥有两种独立性的意义:独立于相关学派和独立于西方教育学学派。中国教育学学派创生的基本路径包括建构性创生和渐进性创生、移植性创生和内源性创生、理论型创生与实践型创生。学习与训练的制度、研究的制度和交流沟通的制度是中国教育学学派创生的制度支持,而宽容意识与批评意识、独立意识与整合意识、现实意识与学术意识则应成为中国教育研究者的基本意识。  相似文献   

中国教育学研究的问题与改进路向   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
社会转型以及教育实践与教育理论的发展都要求教育学研究者重新审视教育学自身所面临的问题。这些问题主要表现为:做纯粹的概念研究;漠视实践问题,缺乏实践意识;用外来的理论去诠释中国实践;用既定的理论程式去说明、“规范”实践。之所以出现这些问题,既有教育学理论发展历史的原因,也有教育学研究者成长经历及社会分工等方面的原因。教育学研究要走出困境,需要聚焦教育实践,即关注实践、参与实践、批判实践、改进实践。  相似文献   

在教育学一百多年的发展中,教育学者们一直在为教育学的科学化和规范化而求索。在大多数情况下,教育活动是人们在比较、鉴别、协调、平衡的基础上进行价值选择的结果,因此,教育学不应追求那种现实中一般并不存在的假设的东西,而应揭示貌似自然的事实背后的利益关系以及由此而产生的一系列价值选择活动。这种价值选择有多种价值取向,为此,教育学注定会成为一个边界不断扩大的专门化的多学科研究领域。实际上,多学科的话语已经体现了教育学知识体系正在向开放的和多元的方向发展的趋势。在这一发展过程中,公共教育政策正成为研究者关注的重要对象,并由此产生了一系列新的学术领域和研究课题。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a qualitative research project carried out in a UK Pupil Referral Unit during the 2000/01 academic year. It describes and analyses the strategies adopted by a small group of Behaviour Support Service teachers in order to achieve their everyday occupational goals. It is argued that despite their commitment to the reintegration of excluded pupils into mainstream schools, the pedagogic practices adopted by these teachers served to contribute to an amplification, rather than a moderation, of pupil disaffection and misbehaviour. Teachers' perceptions and understandings about the nature and aims of lesson content varied whilst concerns and preoccupations about classroom control remained constant. Within the context of ongoing government debates in the UK surrounding ‘social exclusion’ and, more specifically, educational exclusion, these findings call for a widening of the research agenda in these areas to include more detailed investigations of occupational circumstance and practitioner needs within non‐traditional school settings.  相似文献   

There are increasing calls within the educational research community to undertake more randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Whilst educational researchers turned away from using the RCT in the last 30 years, health care researchers have adopted the method with vigour. However, there have been many methodological innovations of the RCT, developed by health services researchers, in recent years. Many of these innovations are directly applicable to educational research. In this paper we describe some of the important aspects of trial methodology that educational researchers ought to consider when they design and undertake trials. Specifically, we describe the importance of systematic reviews, the need for a trial protocol, sample size requirements, outcome measures, concealment of the randomisation process from the investigators, intention to treat analysis, and the metric--numbers needed to teach (NNT). Addition ally, we argue that there are considerable similarities between health and education allowing the use of RCT methodological innovations to be directly utilised in educational research.  相似文献   

In 2002 Parlo Singh outlined Bernstein’s theory of the pedagogic device, elaborating the potential in Bernstein’s complex theoretical framework for empirical research. In particular, Singh suggests that Bernstein’s concepts provide the means of making explicit the macro and micro structuring of knowledge into pedagogic communication. More recently, Power has noted that use of Bernstein’s ideas remains relatively unrepresented in the literature. This paper makes a case for the use of Bernstein’s ideas as a particularly rich resource for educational researchers. It provides illustrations of a number of concepts as part of a methodological procedure in a research project examining the approaches to curriculum and pedagogy of six secondary school music teachers within the dialectic of western art music and popular music. Through utilisation of Bernstein’s concepts of knowledge discourses, recontextualisation, and regionalisation, the study is able to identify, describe, and shed light on a key problem for music education and education generally: developing the pedagogical means for the utilisation of informal knowledge as a pedagogic resource within the secondary school curriculum. In turn, the music context suggests a number of extensions to Bernstein’s concepts.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Jacques Rancière remains neglected within educational debates. In this paper I examine the potential of his philosophies for enacting critical interventions in relation to contemporary (higher) educational concerns. Rancière argues against the progressive temporality of pedagogic relations and provides an alternative thesis that equality is a point of departure for social and pedagogic encounters. He also emphasises the importance of aesthetics and the ‘distribution of the sensible’ as a mechanism for understanding who is un/able to be seen, speak and produce knowledge. These arguments are examined through an analysis of two research-based art installations: Sociologists Talking (2008, 2009) and The Idea of a University (2010). I consider the potential for ‘alternative’ forms of knowledge production and communication to enact different pedagogic methods and re/distribute the sensory spaces in which research and teaching take place.  相似文献   

Hayward  Clarissa 《The Urban Review》1999,31(4):331-357
Drawing on participant-observation research conducted in one core urban and one affluent suburban public school, the author argues that critical educational theorists should devote more attention to differential structural constraints on pedagogic choice. Teachers at the urban North End Community School make pedagogic choices that reinforce social hierarchies. They do so, in part, in order to enable their students to manage a series of risks and dangers associated with concentrated urban poverty. The evidence presented suggests that changing the role power plays in urban public schooling requires changing not only the choices individual teachers make, but also educational and other institutional constraints on pedagogic practice.  相似文献   

Undergraduate students are often expected to be participants in academic research. However, decisions relating to student participation in research are typically based on speculation or educator assumptions rather than a solid research base. We conducted three studies to investigate student experiences of research participation. These included online surveys (Study 1), semi-structured interviews (Study 2), and analysis of reflective essays (Study 3). A range of pedagogic and ethical issues were considered including motivation to participate, distress, and the educational value of participation. Findings suggest that the experience provides students with important opportunities to learn about research methodology and ethical issues which inform their own research practice. Further, students cite additional non-academic benefits of research participation such as self-discovery and networking opportunities. Negative experiences typically consisted of nervousness prior to the first laboratory study or boredom, though for some students (e.g. those uncomfortable in social situations) engagement in research may lead to anxiety. We conclude that participation in research has pedagogic value to students, and educators should promote those elements of the research experience (e.g. critiquing studies, networking with researchers) that are most beneficial. However, researchers and educators should also actively work to reduce apprehension and minimise potential distress.  相似文献   

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